Sunday, 27 December 2015

Christmas Village Walk

The Christmas village walk is on Monday 28th December, meeting 11am at Mill Lane.

Sunday, 20 December 2015

Thank You To Paul For Organising Village Meal

Thanks for organising the Village Christmas Meal Paul, everyone had a great time.

Onshore Oil & Gas Exploration

Paul has written to Mr Greg Knight MP asking him for his view and the fact we were told back in March 2014 that fracking was not planned at that time.

Please see the email below:

New Onshore Oil & Gas Exploration Licence
I am writing to you concerning the Government’s announcement today about the UK 14th Round for onshore oil and gas exploration licences. As you may be aware my company, Cuadrilla Resources, along with its business partner GDF SUEZ E&P UK Ltd (part of the ENGIE group), have been offered a number of licences to explore for shale gas in the area of North Yorkshire and East Riding outlined in these maps part of which is within your parish. 

Cuadrilla Resources is a British company which aims to lead best practice for unconventional hydrocarbon exploration in Europe.  We take our responsibilities with regards to safety, environmental protection and working with local communities very seriously
We are pleased to be offered these new exploration licences which are in addition to the licence areas that were announced in August 2015. The blocks we have been offered today have been subject to assessment under the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2010 in preparation for today’s announcement by the Government.
We welcome the potential for exploration in North Yorkshire and East Riding and the associated benefits of new jobs and economic growth we believe it will bring.  For the next year activity in this new licence area will largely centre on desktop studies and potentially acquiring some seismic data.  This will provide us with a detailed insight into the geology deep underneath the licence area and help in the assessment of locations for potential future exploration sites. 
Any future proposed exploration sites would be the subject of planning applications to the local authority, applications to the Environment Agency and HSE for regulatory approvals, an Environmental Impact Assessment where potential fracking is involved along with extensive public consultation and other community engagement.
On the matter of community benefit, the shale gas industry, through its representative body UK Onshore Oil & Gas (UKOOG) has agreed with Government to pay £100,000 to the community local to each exploration site where it has been granted full planning and regulatory permissions to hydraulically fracture an exploration well.
Our first priority will be to talk with the local communities and their elected representatives.  We would therefore welcome the opportunity to meet with you and discuss our plans in more detail.
We recognise that some members of the public will have concerns and we have a responsibility to communicate with the local community regularly and transparently about any proposed work and future operations and to reassure them that onshore exploration and fracking can and will be done safely, securely and in an environmentally responsible way.  A community helpline is already set up for people in Yorkshire who may have early questions about onshore oil and gas exploration.  The number is:  0800 1303 884.
 Yours sincerely
 Francis Egan
Cuadrilla Resources

Theft At Woodland Nurseries

From Lesley at Woodland Nurseries:

I have had some 'petty theft' from the nursery in the last few weeks. Three occasions taking total of
£15 cash, 2 gold Christmas pomander balls, a gold holly wreath, a bronze wreath, a box of Tesco Xmas cards, pair secateurs, pair of wire clippers. 
Please keep a look out and be alert.

Planning Application for Anaerobic Digester at Holme On Spalding Moor

The decision on the planning application for the Anaerobic Digester (AD) at Park Farm, Holme on Spalding Moor was deferred today at the planning committee meeting. 

This doesn't mean it will not go ahead but it gives local residents more time to investigate the proposal in more depth. Comments on the application will still be accepted.

Ron Pettifer - Clerk to Everingham and Harswell Parish Council

Community Policing - Update from Inspector Joanne Wood

Community Policing -  Update from Inspector Joanne Wood

Please read the attached document for information concerning our area.

East Riding of Yorkshire Clinical Commissioning Group - NHS Prescribing Survey

East Riding of Yorkshire Clinical Commissioning Group - NHS Prescribing Survey
"Like many NHS organisations across the country, we will struggle this year to keep within our annual prescribing budget of £55.9 million and we are predicting a £2 million overspend.  This is partly due to a recent national rise in the cost of prescription items to the NHS.  However, when compared with other parts of the country similar us, our overall spend on prescriptions is much higher than average.
We feel that making some relatively small changes to make savings on our prescribing budget over the next few months will free up funds to spend on other essential NHS services and we really need you to help us now so we can continue to help you in the future.  If you would like to find out more and help us by completing this survey, please visit our prescribing web page:"

Sunday, 13 December 2015

East Riding Parish News For December

ERYC Parish News
The December issue of the East Riding of Yorkshire Parish News can be viewed via the link.

Everingham Bar Night

Christmas Bar Night 19th December at Everingham

The Bar Night coincides with the final of Strictly Come Dancing which starts at 6.35pm

The bar will be open prior to the start and will be showing the final on the BIG SCREEN.

 All are welcome.

 Let's make a memorable start to Christmas this year.

Thursday, 10 December 2015

Planning Application

Planning Application.
Willow Lodge - Erection of two storey extension to front, porch to front, first floor extension to side, construction of dormers to rear and render to dwelling.
The reference is 15/03653/PLF
The latest date for comments to be submitted to ERYC is 23rd December 2015. 

The ERYC Planning department is going ‘electronic’ and so correspondence relating to planning applications will no longer be sent to parish clerks by post. Plans, documents and comments can be viewed on line via Public Access on the ERYC website. Your comments can also be submitted on line via the link below.

The link to take you to the planning search page is

The letter from ERYC will be on the notice board.   

News From East Riding Of Yorkshire Council

ERYC Connect to Support
Connect to Support is a website for adults in the East Riding who need support to live independently. 
Making Time for Winter
ERYC has produced a pamphlet 'with essential information to keep you warm and safe this winter.’ Some of the information is already on their website and has been printed in the Parish News and Your East Riding leaflets but this pamphlet brings it all together in one place. I will put some on the notice board but also have several spare so if you would like a copy please let me know – Gabrielle  318491.
ERYC Chairman’s Awards 2016
The Chairman's Awards are presented annually by the council to individuals, companies and organisations with the East Riding of Yorkshire in recognition of their achievements towards enhancing the area in which they work and live.
Anyone can forward nominations for the following categories:
  • Chairman's Built Heritage Award for Single, New Dwellings, Conversions and Minor Works 
  • Chairman's Built Heritage Awards for Commercial Development and Major Schemes 
  • Chairman's Business Award for Businesses with Under 50 Employees 
  • Chairman’s Business Award for Business with Over 51 Employees 
  • Chairman's Community Award for Groups 
  • Chairman's Community Awards for Individuals 
  • Chairman's Environment Award for Environmental Projects 
  • Chairman's Sport Award for Outstanding Team/Club of the Year 
  • Chairman's Sport Award for Talented Performer
 For more information go to

Planning Application For Industrial Anaerobic Digester Unit Near Harswell

This has come from Everingham and Harswell Parish Council.

To All Parishioners

The parish council has been made aware of a planning application just across the boundary of the parish near Harswell. It is for an industrial anaerobic digester unit to process waste materials into biogas and fertiliser. The location is Park Farm, Market Weighton Road and the planned industrial unit is adjacent to the bridleway/old railway line.

The application can be found on the East Riding of Yorkshire Council's (ERYC) online planning portal by following the link below:

However you may need to register to view the documents, in which case you can then use the simple search facility and enter the application number as follows:   15/02993/STPLF

The plans were submitted in September and very few local residents were made aware of them. The residents of Holme on Spalding Moor held an emergency meeting last week with both local and parish councillors in attendance to discuss the plans.

Any comments about the development need to be submitted to ERYC ASAP. They are intending for the plans to go to the planning committee meeting next week on Thursday December 17th so comments need to be received prior to this date. You can voice your opinion either online via the planning website or in writing to the planning officer in charge, Mr. Matthew Sunman.

The development is on an existing farm which has a challenging entrance on a bend of the A614. It is very difficult for HGVs to enter and exit the driveway without encroaching on the opposite side of the road. There seems to be confusion as to the number of lorries anticipated on a daily basis but it could be as high as 35 lorries both in and out of the plant. The intention is for the facility to handle 50000 tons of waste product a year including food waste, fish waste and animal waste. It will be operational 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

The applicant claims that the entire unit will be sealed and there will be no odour emanating from it. However it would be prudent for residents to carry out an internet search into other facilities nationwide that were constructed along this basis. There are many local communities, both adjacent and some distance away from the anaerobic digesters, who are now suffering the effects of a constant stench from these apparently odourless facilities.

I would urge all parishioners, particularly those residents in Harswell, to seriously consider the impact this unit may have on their day to day life. If you feel strongly that this industrial development is unsuitably located within the local farmland then let your feelings be known to ERYC. The number of complaints from the now aware HoSM residents has increased dramatically within the past 24 hours alone.

Map link -

Health Van Update

Paul has checked with the people who run the health van and the age range is between 40 & 74 and also people who are not under medication at the time. They are trying to capture people who do not see their doctor regularly.

They are prepared to come to Bielby in April on a date we choose. They require a venue that a large vehicle can turn round and a maximum of 6 people per visit, but if we get more people interested they will visit again. Could I ask if anybody is interested in having a health check please let me know and what day of the week is best for you. I would appreciate a reply ASAP as I have to let the health team know in the New Year. Thanks Paul. You can contact Paul by phone on 318077.

Here is a link to the public health van info -

Saturday, 5 December 2015

Christmas Party Cancelled

It is with regret that the Children's Christmas Party won't be going ahead on 20th Dec as planned. However the Carol Concert will still be on at St Giles' Church at 6.30pm. Many thanks. Beatrice.

Rural Health Van

Paul has sent this email - An action on me from the last Parish meeting was to look at the possibility of getting the rural health van to Bielby. They are prepared to come to Bielby in April on a date we choose. They require a venue that a large vehicle can turn round and a maximum of 6 people per visit, but if we get more people interested they will visit again. Could I ask if anybody is interested in having a health check please let me know and what day of the week is best for you. I would appreciate a reply ASAP as I have to let the health team know in the New Year. Thanks Paul. You can contact Paul by phone on 318077.
Please Note - Paul thinks there is an age limit for the health checks, possibly 45 to 75, Paul will check with the lady and get back to us.

Coffee Morning Thank You

Pete and Val Nolton would like to say a Big Thank you to their family, friends and villagers who helped and supported them at their coffee morning at Cherry Court on Saturday 28th November.

Pete and Val are delighted to report that they raised £500 for St. Leonard's Hospice and £265 for St Giles' Church, Bielby.

They had a wonderful morning and hope everyone enjoyed it as much as they did.

Once again, many thanks to everyone.

On behalf of the village I would also like to say well done to Pete and Val for organising a super coffee morning, thank you for all your hard work.

Monday, 30 November 2015

Christmas Village Meal Reminder

Just a quick reminder that payment for Christmas meal needs to be with Paul Kerry (Bowcroft Cottage - 318811) by Friday 4th December. Thank you.

Christmas Meal is on Sunday 13th December 2015 at Mr Chus Chinese Restaurant at 7pm. £20 per person. Cash only please.

Planning Application

Planning Application.
Allerthorpe Park Golf Club.
Change of use land for the siting of 150 lodges and static caravans (for holiday use only) with associated access, hard and soft landscaping, drainage and engineering works (Re-submission of 14/03238/STPLF)
The reference is 15/03678/STPLF
The latest date for comments to be submitted to ERYC is 17th December 2015. 

The ERYC Planning department is going ‘electronic’ and so correspondence relating to planning applications will no longer be sent to parish clerks by post. Plans, documents and comments can be viewed on line via Public Access on the ERYC website. Your comments can also be submitted on line via the link below.

The link to take you to the planning search page is

The letter from ERYC will be on the notice board.

Hayton & Burnby Parish Council - Neighbourhood Plan

Hayton & Burnby Parish Council - Neighbourhood Plan
Documents are attached relating to an application by Hayton & Burnby Parish Council to designate the parish area for the purposes of preparing a Neighbourhood Plan. 
A 4-week consultation period will start on Monday 23 November, concluding on Monday 21 December, and will seek views of residents and key stakeholders operating in the area. Following the close of the consultation period, the Council will need to determine the application (i.e. designate or refuse) within 4 weeks. The documents include a response form and  a copy of the parish council's application.

Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Children's Christmas Party

Dear All,

Beatrice just wanted to let you know about the BIELBY UNDER 10’s CHRISTMAS BASH she is hosting on Sunday 20th December 4.30-6pm at The Mill.

You and your little ones are invited to come to The Mill with a plate of delicious food to share (drinks will be provided) and a present for each of the children you are bringing, wrapped in either pink or blue-ish paper for Santa’s Grotto (no more than £5 per present please).

We will play some daft games, pass some parcels, share some food, visit Santa in the sitting room, dance wildly, light some paper lanterns to carry to the Carol Service at St Giles at 6.30 (if you are so inclined) and start the holidays in a proper Bielby fashion!!! 

For details, contributions and offerings please email: 01759-319432

RSVP Beatrice by Monday 7th December with which children are attending and how many adults!
Looking forward to seeing you all there.

East Riding of Yorkshire Council’s Overview and Scrutiny Committees

East Riding of Yorkshire Council’s Overview and Scrutiny Committees are keen to hear from parish and town councils and members of the public who would like to put forward a topic they would like the committees to scrutinise. 

There are five overview and scrutiny committees and they consider a wide variety of topics covered by the Council and its partners, including local NHS services, Humberside Police and Humberside Fire and Rescue Service. This year, topics they have looked at include school buildings and school funding, potholes, controlled parking zones, special expenses, Council assets, local drug trends, maternity services, cancer services, road safety and sheltered housing. 

The committees can produce recommendations and reports offering advice on policies, budgets and service delivery.  They focus on issues affecting residents and visitors to the East Riding and can also make recommendations to partner organisations. 

Please note that scrutiny committee is not a forum for receiving complaints and nor can it get involved in planning application matters.

If you would like to put forward a suggestion, please email or telephone 01482 393204 to talk to a member of the scrutiny team.  The deadline for submitting ideas is 8 January 2016.

East Riding of Yorkshire Council Annual Budget - Have Your Say

East Riding of Yorkshire Council Annual Budget - Have Your Say.

Town and Parish councils are being urged to complete an online survey which will go towards shaping the spending priorities of East Riding of Yorkshire Council.

As part of the budget process, the council must consider how it can reduce costs or deliver services in a different way and feedback from this survey will help the council prioritise funding for services.

The Government’s funding reductions in the public sector, including local authorities are set to continue until at least 2019/20.

Despite this, the council has made savings of £118million since 2010/11 although a further £76million of savings is required over the next four years.

Councillor Stephen Parnaby, OBE, leader of the council, said: “The council continues to receive significantly less Government funding per head of population than urban authorities, our neighbours in the Humber region and the average for similar authorities.

“We are facing some tough economic times ahead and the online survey is an important way for the public to let us know what they think and how they feel the council should prioritise its spending.

“The survey should take around 10 minutes of people’s time so I would urge people to take this opportunity to complete the survey and let us know their views.”

The survey can be found at and the closing date for all responses is Sunday, 6 December 2015.

ERYC 3-yearly review of winter services

ERYC 3-yearly review of winter services.

The Council is carrying out its 3-yearly review of winter services policy, and the winter services team is asking for your comments.  The review is due to be reported in July 2016. 
The treated network is in one of three types:
1.        Precautionary Network : treated when it is expected that ice will form.  It has been developed over a number of years and complies with current guidance.  Major network changes such as the new Beverley bypass have been added.
2.        Secondary Network : normally treated when ice or snow is likely to persist beyond midday.  It is treated once the Precautionary Network is clear and subject to the availability of resources.
3.        Most Heavily-Used Footways : treated when ice or snow is likely to be present beyond midday and subject to the availability of resources.

The network is defined using approved criteria and no major changes are anticipated, so the winter services team are not looking to make additions.  They are asking for comments about :
·        the service in general
·        potential service improvements to what they already do
·        views on how third parties can help when the weather becomes particularly bad. 

You can find details of how the winter services team deliver winter services on the website at - click on the link Road and footpath salting to see the treated network.

Please send any comments you have to Lester Burton by Friday, 18 December.  You can also post them to Lester Burton, East Riding of Yorkshire Council, Beverley Depot, Annie Reed Road, Beverley HU17 0LF

Friday, 20 November 2015

Neighbourhood Watch Group

Gabrielle wondered if anyone is interested in joining a Neighbourhood Watch Group. Anyone interested could contact Gabrielle by email

East Riding Parish News November 2015

Please click on the link to read the latest from The East Riding Parish News for November 2015.

Brand New BBC2 Programme Looking For Inventors, Makers, Engineers and Tinkerers!

Hi there,
I hope you don’t mind me emailing you. I am part of the casting team on a brand new BBC Two series called Britain’s Most Spectacular Backyard Builds, which is celebrating Britain’s most passionate inventors, makers, engineers and tinkerers.
We’re looking for a variety of people to take part. This is a programme for anybody who loves to make and create, whether that be an 8 year old science fanatic, or an 80 year old hobbyist inventor, we want to tap into the hidden talent of the country to find the most passionate and creative backyard builders.
Up and down the country, extraordinary things are being made, from back garden rollercoasters to homemade helicopters. They are built with passion and created with purpose and now BBC Two are delving into their world to document the most magnificent makers in the UK! This is a celebration of engineering, invention and innovation and this is a great opportunity for hobbyist inventors, engineers and makers across the country to take part in something fun.
Do you have a friend who is always tinkering away in their garden shed, developing and making unique creations?
Filming for the series will take place between January - March 2016 and those who take part will only be required for between 1 to 4 days.
For those who are interested, they can email the team on or visit the BBC website to download an application form
Many thanks for your help,

Monday, 16 November 2015

Update On High Speed Broadband

Chris Emptage has emailed with the following info.

"It has been confirmed that Bielby will be part of BT's phase 2 roll-out of High Speed Broadband. 
The roll-out will commence in June 2016 and, whilst there are no guarantees, it is expected that Bielby will be connected in the earlier part of the 12 month phase 2 project"

If I have any further updates I will let us know.

Thursday, 12 November 2015

Bielby Oil Syndicate.

A message from Nadia re the Bielby Oil Syndicate.
Can you please email Nadia with your email address if you wish to be on the Oil Syndicate list. With so many people leaving and newcomers moving to the village, it would be good to have an up to date list. With Christmas fast approaching, it may be prudent to put it an order for early December. Obviously we can negotiate a better price with a bigger order. Please email Nadia on
Thanks all

Tuesday, 10 November 2015

West Wolds Radio

People in Pocklington and surrounding villages can now have a preview of the sound of the area’s new radio station with the start of transmitter tests.

West Wolds Radio will broadcast on 103.1FM as well as online and via mobiles to 11,000 people across this part of East Yorkshire from Sunday 29th November at 10.31am.
Test transmissions began on Sunday 1st November,  broadcasting music from the 1950s to the present day as well as announcements about the station’s programmes and messages from local people.
Manager Stuart Cocker says: “This is the start of an exciting countdown to day one and to a full-time radio station from Pocklington Town Centre. Everyone can play a part in this by tuning in to the continuous music, sending in their what’s on information or their stories. We have some great plans for the launch including a competition, so please have a listen to something new on the radio.”
West Wolds Radio will also be part of the Pocklington Christmas Shopping Festival on Wednesday 2nd December, broadcasting live from the event and making announcements about the many activities on the night in the town centre. More details about this event will be released soon.
The station is one of around 250 community radio services around the UK, providing dedicated local broadcasting for a specific area, such as Pocklington and surrounding villages.  It will be funded by advertising, sponsorship, grants and fundraising, with all profits reinvested in the service.
West Wolds Radio was awarded a licence by the broadcasting regulator, Ofcom, to provide a radio service for the area in April 2014 and since then the station has been recruiting members, built studios in Pocklington Town Centre, set up a website and attended events such as the Pocklington Summer Fair, Fangfest, Barmby Moor Feast and Bielby Music Festival to promote the station brand.
The station’s website contains interviews recorded at various events, as well as news stories and an events guide.
More information about the station can be found at, or like us on or follow on Twitter @westwoldsradio.

Sunday, 8 November 2015

Scam Warning

Don’t fall foul of another bogus telephone scam
Police are warning home owners to be aware of bogus telephone callers purporting to be from a Police Magazine.  It is a scam. This scam has been reported from Barmby Moor..
Humberside Police are urging members of the public not to fall foul of a bogus caller scam after recent incidents where residents have be called to advertise in a police magazine.

If you receive a call from anyone saying they are selling advertising for a police magazine please do not fall for this – the police do not seek private advertisers and would never call you at home to sell advertising.
If you receive calls like this put the phone down, wait five minutes for the line to clear and then call Action Fraud on 0300 123 2040.
What should people do if they are called?
• Never give out bank or personal details to strangers
• Don’t hand over money or transfer funds to unknown accounts
• If called use another phone to ring the police to report the incident but do not use your own phone immediately as the offender may be on the line a short time after you have put your phone down.

Wednesday, 4 November 2015

Bielby Christmas Meal 13th December 2015

Christmas Meal - Sunday 13th December 2015 at Mr Chus Chinese Restaurant at 7pm.

Another great opportunity for villagers to get together and to get into the Christmas spirit.

The meal is once again at The Plough, Hayton, Mr Chus Chinese Restaurant and is on Sunday 13th December 2015 at 7pm.

It is a banquet meal with vegetarian options.

£20 per person. Cash only please.

The closing date for booking in and payment is Friday 4th December to Paul at Bowcroft Cottage 318811.

Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Contact Details For Blog Posts

I have received an email asking if it's at all possible to include a contact number or email address for people mentioned in blog posts when a response/contact is requested.

This would be useful as not everyone knows how to contact everyone in the village, however I haven't been putting the contact details of villagers in the blog posts unless the person who has sent me the information says it's ok as I don't want them left open to spam email or phone calls.

So I was wondering if in future anyone who sends me information they want on the blog that requires a response can they include the form of contact that they would prefer to be contacted by.

If in the meantime you want to contact someone in the village who is mentioned in a blog post and you are not sure how to contact them, then please feel free to contact me via the contact form on the village blog and I can then send details via email. Thanks for your help with this.

Kind regards

Sunday, 1 November 2015

Planning Applications

Planning Applications.
Two TPO planning applications have been received for tree pruning at Bergundenau and Beech Tree Farm.
The references are 15/03322/TPO and 15/03306/TPO.
The latest date for comments to be submitted to ERYC is 12 November 2015

The ERYC Planning department is going ‘electronic’ and so correspondence relating to planning applications will no longer be sent to parish clerks by post. Plans, documents and comments can be viewed on line via Public Access on the ERYC website. Your comments can also be submitted on line via the link below.

The link to take you to the planning search page is

Christmas Coffee Morning 28th November 2015

Christmas Coffee Morning

To be held on Saturday 28th November 2015 at 10am til 12 noon at Cherry Court, Bielby.

Hand-made Crafts & Gifts, Cakes, Raffle, Christmas Tombola, Santa's Secret Stockings, Christmas Carol Hamper and Christmas Boxes with a Difference!

Adults £1 includes refreshments. Children free.

Proceeds to St Leonard's Hospice, York and St Giles' Church, Bielby.

Everyone welcome.

Cake donations on the day would be appreciated.

Annual Duck Race 2015

What a great turn out at the Annual Bielby Duck Race on Sunday 25th October. A big thank you to all the help and support, another wonderful annual duck race raising £301.50 for St Giles' Church.

Lots of villagers made it out to see the ducks racing up the Beck!

Thanks to all those who attended, helped on the day, sold the ducks and donated prizes.

The winners were:

Race 1 - Samuel Preston - Duck Number 140 - Children's Books

Race 2 - Rachel Reed - Duck Number 126 - Feed the Birds

Race 3 - Neil Readman - Duck Number 50 - Box Of Vegetables

Race 4 - Caroline Rose - Duck Number 49 - Gardening Set

Race 5 - Janet Readman - Duck Number 65 - Bake Off

Race 6 - Dot Zottola - Duck Number 113 - Chocolates and Wine

Race 7 - Geoff Coe - Duck Number 145 - Box of Vegetables

Well done to all the winners.

Everingham Newsletter November 2015

Here is the link to view the Everingham Newsletter for November 2015.

Dates For The Diary November and December 2015

Dates for the Diary 

Remembrance Sunday. We will meet at the church on 8th November at 10.30 am then walk to the memorial site for the 2 minute silence at 11am. Unfortunately there will be no fly past this year.

Village Christmas Meal. has been booked for Sunday 13th December, at Mr. Chu’s in Hayton at a cost of £20 per person. Please book your place with Paul Kerry, more details to follow.

Carol singing. The meeting agreed the date of Wednesday 16th December for the village carol singing event with donations received going to the Yorkshire Air Ambulance. £270 was raised last year for Wolds Wonders. Meet at Richard and Christine Coe’s, start time will be on the Blog at a later date.

Christmas Walk. Paul Kerry is organizing the Village Christmas Walk with the date to be announced on the Blog at a later date.

Parish Meeting Minutes

Thanks to all those who attended the Parish Meeting on Monday and for the church the venue and parish committee members for all their hardwork both at the meeting and throughout the year.

Minutes of the Bielby Parish Meeting held on
Monday 26th October 2015 at St. Giles’s Church, Bielby.

  1. Apologies for absence: Sara Ridsdale. There were 15 people present.

  1. Minutes of the last meeting held on 27th April 2015 were read and adopted as a true and correct record. Proposed by Richard Coe, seconded by Margaret Wilkinson.
  2. Matters arising from the minutes:
      1. Church Accessibility. We received a letter from churchwarden, John Peel. The PCC has considered the potential for disabled access to the church and is taking advice from the architect who has been appointed to carry out the quinquennial inspection (a legally required exercise).

      1. Commemorative plaques. These have been organised by Richard Coe, for the Diamond Jubilee and the Remembrance Memorial.

  1. Financial Position for the period 1 April 2015 to 15 October 2015 was given by Val Nolton.  Receipts £2130.44, Payments  £494.66.  A copy of the accounts is attached. View the link.

  1. Planning applications and outcomes since last meeting were read out:
Merton Grange application has been approved.
Harnish House application received and has been approved.
Allerthorpe Park application has been refused.

The ERYC Planning Department will cease sending paper plans of planning applications to parish clerks. In future, access to plans and planning applications will be accessible via Public Access on the ERYC website.  

  1. Defibrillator.
Gabrielle Rose spoke to the Ambulance Service and obtained details of costs, maintenance, training and publicity and these were read out by Paul Ward.  Copy attached. View the link.

The Community Partnerships coordinator, Brad Webster, advised that funding was still available for the initial purchase cost and that the Parish Meeting would have to adopt an Equalities Policy, a Health and Safety Policy and also have a Community Emergency Plan in place. The policy documents were made available to the meeting and Graham Tew and John Peel both took the opportunity to read them. The responsibilities placed on the Parish as a result of adopting the policies were noted.

A donation from the village would also help the funding bid.

Dale Greenaway, Managing Director of Stoneleigh Residential Home has agreed to have the unit installed at the Care Home. The meeting discussed where the unit should be installed within the Home and all agreed with Neil Readman’s suggestions that the best location, to allow for urgent access, would be within the porch rather than in the property itself as long as a power supply is available. The meeting discussed how and when the unit would be operated and Julie Tew reassured us that it was safe and easy to operate.

Neil Readman proposed and Graham Tew seconded that a bid for funding for the CPAD defibrillator be submitted to the Local Grant Fund.

Graham Tew proposed and John Peel seconded that the Equality Policy and the Health and Safety Policy be adopted.

Neil Readman proposed and Graham Tew seconded that the Parish donate £300 towards the purchase of the CPAD defibrillator.

  1. Beck update. Neil Readman reported that the beck was flowing well as a result of the continued maintenance. He asked the meeting that the contractor should be allowed to continue to carry out appropriate maintenance, with the permission of the landowners. Costs would be charged accordingly.
Proposed by Neil Readman and seconded by Caroline Rose.
Neil was thanked for his hard work with Beck.

  1. Rural Health Checks. Paul Ward talked about this new NHS project being piloted in East Yorkshire.  The Health Bus will visit villages in rural areas to offer health checks that may provide an early indication of certain conditions. Paul will make enquiries about the requirement for a minimum number of people to attend and put the information on the Blog.

  1. Youth social action partners provides opportunities for young people to be involved in community works such as gardening, church maintenance, painting/decorating. Please contact Paul Ward with any ideas.

  1. Village Christmas Meal has been booked for Sunday 13th December, at Mr. Chu’s in Hayton at a cost of £20 per person. Please book your place with Paul Kerry, more details to go on the Blog.

  1. Village Christmas tree. The meeting discussed location, decoration, costs and safety of having a tree in the church grounds and also possibly decorating the church. Battery operated lights are available so no need for a power supply to be available. Paul Ward made a request for volunteers to organize and help. Paul to speak with John Los who made the original suggestion for a tree. Relevant permissions are to be obtained via the churchwardens. It was suggested that £500 be spent on tree lights and a tree this year. John Peel proposed and Neil Readman seconded.

  1. Carol singing. The meeting agreed the date of Wednesday 16th December for the village carol singing event with donations received going to the Yorkshire Air Ambulance. £270 was raised last year for Wolds Wonders. Meet at Richard and Christine Coe’s, start time will be on the Blog.

  1. Remembrance Sunday. We will meet at the church on 8th November at 10.30 am then walk to the memorial site for the 2 minute silence at 11am. Unfortunately there will be no fly past this year.

  1. Any other business
  1. Wolds Weighton Ward Liaison Group is a new forum set up by our ward councillors. Representatives from local parishes are invited to attend the inaugural meeting on 28th January 2016. Paul Ward to attend.
  2. Rural Services Network has circulated details of funding opportunities to support the creation and growth of rural businesses in tourism. Please contact Paul Ward for more information.
  3. Funds may be available for local communities as a result of the wind turbine erected at Skylark Farm, Everingham. Paul Ward has made some inquiries with ADAS UK Ltd part of the group involved at the planning stage of the scheme. On completion of the scheme, £2500 per annum was to be gifted to a Local Community Trust by the group however the project was self funded by the landowner so this money may not now be available. ADAS said they would ask the landowner to contact Paul with any information. Margaret Wilkinson suggested that direct contact be made with the farmer but Neil Readman was not hopeful that any monies would be forthcoming.
  4. The Red Cross has appealed for donations to help fund a Fire and Emergency Support vehicle for Yorkshire. £36000 was the cost of a new vehicle and donations could be made to purchase specific items. The meeting did not want to make a donation.
  5. Paul Kerry agreed to organize the Village Christmas Walk with the date to be announced on the Blog.
  6. The meeting thanked Sam Preston for her work as Parish Clerk.
  7. Margaret Wilkinson asked if the Precept was to be reviewed. Val said that the paperwork had not yet been received so she proposed that it should remain the same unless we can apply for more. Seconded by Margaret Wilkinson.
  8. The meeting discussed the poor condition of the roads in and around the village.
- Neil Readman commented on the severe dip across the width of the road, near the center for the Hearing Dogs for Deaf People, which could cause an accident as some vehicles swerve to avoid it.  Neil agreed to contact the Highways Agency.
- Susan Richardson asked if warning signs could be improved (possibly a priority sign) on the approach to the bridge on Carr Lane. Gabrielle agreed to look in to this.
  1. The village notice board was in need of improvement and Richard Coe agreed to carry out the repairs.
  2. Fireworks.  Could a request go on the Blog that if anyone is setting off fireworks that they let neighbours with pets and animals know in advance.
  3. Dog fouling is still a problem. Paul had put up signs in the village. Some had been removed. The Council’s Dog Warden is willing to visit but unless an offence is seen no action can be taken. Paul Kerry had been in a village that had a dispenser with free Poo Bags. Used bags have been seen hung up in trees. Paul Ward was happy to contact the Dog Warden for the bags but there were no volunteers to manage it in the future.
  4. Gabrielle Rose suggested that in future the agendas for Parish Meetings be sent out by email instead of being hand delivered.  Paul agreed that this would save time and printing costs. He noted that 100 or so agendas are delivered for each meeting, 15 people had attended this meeting. Jenny Ward suggested that the next agenda be hand delivered with a note that future notices would be by email. Val said that people new to the village should also be included. Gabrielle would still send agendas to anyone without email. The meeting agreed.

As there was no other business the meeting closed at 8.40pm