Thursday, 10 December 2015

Planning Application For Industrial Anaerobic Digester Unit Near Harswell

This has come from Everingham and Harswell Parish Council.

To All Parishioners

The parish council has been made aware of a planning application just across the boundary of the parish near Harswell. It is for an industrial anaerobic digester unit to process waste materials into biogas and fertiliser. The location is Park Farm, Market Weighton Road and the planned industrial unit is adjacent to the bridleway/old railway line.

The application can be found on the East Riding of Yorkshire Council's (ERYC) online planning portal by following the link below:

However you may need to register to view the documents, in which case you can then use the simple search facility and enter the application number as follows:   15/02993/STPLF

The plans were submitted in September and very few local residents were made aware of them. The residents of Holme on Spalding Moor held an emergency meeting last week with both local and parish councillors in attendance to discuss the plans.

Any comments about the development need to be submitted to ERYC ASAP. They are intending for the plans to go to the planning committee meeting next week on Thursday December 17th so comments need to be received prior to this date. You can voice your opinion either online via the planning website or in writing to the planning officer in charge, Mr. Matthew Sunman.

The development is on an existing farm which has a challenging entrance on a bend of the A614. It is very difficult for HGVs to enter and exit the driveway without encroaching on the opposite side of the road. There seems to be confusion as to the number of lorries anticipated on a daily basis but it could be as high as 35 lorries both in and out of the plant. The intention is for the facility to handle 50000 tons of waste product a year including food waste, fish waste and animal waste. It will be operational 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

The applicant claims that the entire unit will be sealed and there will be no odour emanating from it. However it would be prudent for residents to carry out an internet search into other facilities nationwide that were constructed along this basis. There are many local communities, both adjacent and some distance away from the anaerobic digesters, who are now suffering the effects of a constant stench from these apparently odourless facilities.

I would urge all parishioners, particularly those residents in Harswell, to seriously consider the impact this unit may have on their day to day life. If you feel strongly that this industrial development is unsuitably located within the local farmland then let your feelings be known to ERYC. The number of complaints from the now aware HoSM residents has increased dramatically within the past 24 hours alone.

Map link -

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