Minutes of the Bielby Parish Meeting held on
Monday 26th October 2015 at St. Giles’s Church, Bielby.
- Apologies for absence: Sara Ridsdale. There were 15 people present.
- Minutes of the last meeting held on 27th April 2015 were read and adopted as a true and correct record. Proposed by Richard Coe, seconded by Margaret Wilkinson.
- Matters arising from the minutes:
- Church Accessibility. We received a letter from churchwarden, John Peel. The PCC has considered the potential for disabled access to the church and is taking advice from the architect who has been appointed to carry out the quinquennial inspection (a legally required exercise).
- Commemorative plaques. These have been organised by Richard Coe, for the Diamond Jubilee and the Remembrance Memorial.
- Financial Position for the period 1 April 2015 to 15 October 2015 was given by Val Nolton. Receipts £2130.44, Payments £494.66. A copy of the accounts is attached. View the link. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1P5DEqM5L8YYmFCSG42OVE5MWhudDJXdzI2REp4OVA4QUpF/view?usp=sharing
- Planning applications and outcomes since last meeting were read out:
Merton Grange application has been approved.
Harnish House application received and has been approved.
Allerthorpe Park application has been refused.
The ERYC Planning Department will cease sending paper plans of planning applications to parish clerks. In future, access to plans and planning applications will be accessible via Public Access on the ERYC website.
- Defibrillator.
Gabrielle Rose spoke to the Ambulance Service and obtained details of costs, maintenance, training and publicity and these were read out by Paul Ward. Copy attached. View the link. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1P5DEqM5L8YOER0VWlTYXZwd01YY3FLbVpPYk1HNThHRUJV/view?usp=sharing
The Community Partnerships coordinator, Brad Webster, advised that funding was still available for the initial purchase cost and that the Parish Meeting would have to adopt an Equalities Policy, a Health and Safety Policy and also have a Community Emergency Plan in place. The policy documents were made available to the meeting and Graham Tew and John Peel both took the opportunity to read them. The responsibilities placed on the Parish as a result of adopting the policies were noted.
A donation from the village would also help the funding bid.
Dale Greenaway, Managing Director of Stoneleigh Residential Home has agreed to have the unit installed at the Care Home. The meeting discussed where the unit should be installed within the Home and all agreed with Neil Readman’s suggestions that the best location, to allow for urgent access, would be within the porch rather than in the property itself as long as a power supply is available. The meeting discussed how and when the unit would be operated and Julie Tew reassured us that it was safe and easy to operate.
Neil Readman proposed and Graham Tew seconded that a bid for funding for the CPAD defibrillator be submitted to the Local Grant Fund.
Graham Tew proposed and John Peel seconded that the Equality Policy and the Health and Safety Policy be adopted.
Neil Readman proposed and Graham Tew seconded that the Parish donate £300 towards the purchase of the CPAD defibrillator.
- Beck update. Neil Readman reported that the beck was flowing well as a result of the continued maintenance. He asked the meeting that the contractor should be allowed to continue to carry out appropriate maintenance, with the permission of the landowners. Costs would be charged accordingly.
Proposed by Neil Readman and seconded by Caroline Rose.
Neil was thanked for his hard work with Beck.
- Rural Health Checks. Paul Ward talked about this new NHS project being piloted in East Yorkshire. The Health Bus will visit villages in rural areas to offer health checks that may provide an early indication of certain conditions. Paul will make enquiries about the requirement for a minimum number of people to attend and put the information on the Blog.
- Youth social action partners provides opportunities for young people to be involved in community works such as gardening, church maintenance, painting/decorating. Please contact Paul Ward with any ideas.
- Village Christmas Meal has been booked for Sunday 13th December, at Mr. Chu’s in Hayton at a cost of £20 per person. Please book your place with Paul Kerry, more details to go on the Blog.
- Village Christmas tree. The meeting discussed location, decoration, costs and safety of having a tree in the church grounds and also possibly decorating the church. Battery operated lights are available so no need for a power supply to be available. Paul Ward made a request for volunteers to organize and help. Paul to speak with John Los who made the original suggestion for a tree. Relevant permissions are to be obtained via the churchwardens. It was suggested that £500 be spent on tree lights and a tree this year. John Peel proposed and Neil Readman seconded.
- Carol singing. The meeting agreed the date of Wednesday 16th December for the village carol singing event with donations received going to the Yorkshire Air Ambulance. £270 was raised last year for Wolds Wonders. Meet at Richard and Christine Coe’s, start time will be on the Blog.
- Remembrance Sunday. We will meet at the church on 8th November at 10.30 am then walk to the memorial site for the 2 minute silence at 11am. Unfortunately there will be no fly past this year.
- Any other business
- Wolds Weighton Ward Liaison Group is a new forum set up by our ward councillors. Representatives from local parishes are invited to attend the inaugural meeting on 28th January 2016. Paul Ward to attend.
- Rural Services Network has circulated details of funding opportunities to support the creation and growth of rural businesses in tourism. Please contact Paul Ward for more information.
- Funds may be available for local communities as a result of the wind turbine erected at Skylark Farm, Everingham. Paul Ward has made some inquiries with ADAS UK Ltd part of the group involved at the planning stage of the scheme. On completion of the scheme, £2500 per annum was to be gifted to a Local Community Trust by the group however the project was self funded by the landowner so this money may not now be available. ADAS said they would ask the landowner to contact Paul with any information. Margaret Wilkinson suggested that direct contact be made with the farmer but Neil Readman was not hopeful that any monies would be forthcoming.
- The Red Cross has appealed for donations to help fund a Fire and Emergency Support vehicle for Yorkshire. £36000 was the cost of a new vehicle and donations could be made to purchase specific items. The meeting did not want to make a donation.
- Paul Kerry agreed to organize the Village Christmas Walk with the date to be announced on the Blog.
- The meeting thanked Sam Preston for her work as Parish Clerk.
- Margaret Wilkinson asked if the Precept was to be reviewed. Val said that the paperwork had not yet been received so she proposed that it should remain the same unless we can apply for more. Seconded by Margaret Wilkinson.
- The meeting discussed the poor condition of the roads in and around the village.
- Neil Readman commented on the severe dip across the width of the road, near the center for the Hearing Dogs for Deaf People, which could cause an accident as some vehicles swerve to avoid it. Neil agreed to contact the Highways Agency.
- Susan Richardson asked if warning signs could be improved (possibly a priority sign) on the approach to the bridge on Carr Lane. Gabrielle agreed to look in to this.
- The village notice board was in need of improvement and Richard Coe agreed to carry out the repairs.
- Fireworks. Could a request go on the Blog that if anyone is setting off fireworks that they let neighbours with pets and animals know in advance.
- Dog fouling is still a problem. Paul had put up signs in the village. Some had been removed. The Council’s Dog Warden is willing to visit but unless an offence is seen no action can be taken. Paul Kerry had been in a village that had a dispenser with free Poo Bags. Used bags have been seen hung up in trees. Paul Ward was happy to contact the Dog Warden for the bags but there were no volunteers to manage it in the future.
- Gabrielle Rose suggested that in future the agendas for Parish Meetings be sent out by email instead of being hand delivered. Paul agreed that this would save time and printing costs. He noted that 100 or so agendas are delivered for each meeting, 15 people had attended this meeting. Jenny Ward suggested that the next agenda be hand delivered with a note that future notices would be by email. Val said that people new to the village should also be included. Gabrielle would still send agendas to anyone without email. The meeting agreed.
As there was no other business the meeting closed at 8.40pm
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