Tuesday, 1 November 2016

Minutes of the Bielby Parish Meeting Monday 24th October 2016

Minutes of the Bielby Parish Meeting
Monday 24th October 2016 at St. Giles’s Church, Bielby.

Present: Chairman - Paul Ward, Treasurer - Val Nolton, Secretary - Gabrielle Rose
                                12 Bielby Residents

  • Apologies for absence. Mary Milner, John Peel, Janet and Neil Readman, Caroline Rose, Sara Ridsdale.

  • Minutes of last meeting held on 25th April 2016 were read out and adopted as a true and correct record. Proposed by Richard Coe, seconded by Graham Tew

  • Matters arising from the minutes
Defibrillator: To be discussed at this meeting.
Dog Fouling: Nothing further to report.
Rural Health Checks: Visit to be arranged.

  • Financial Position. Rents had been increased. Precept, Paths Grant and Defibrillator Grant had been received. The bank balance is £3918.64 and Val said that the money does need to be spent.

  • Planning applications and outcomes since last meeting.
Allerthorpe Park.  Appeal submitted.
Hollycroft Court.  Application for 2 Holiday Lets, Tearoom, Car Park, Courtyard Garden.
Footpath No. 1 near Mill Lane. Consultation on a diversion to the path.

  • Defibrillator.
Although the meeting agreed to put the defibrillator at the care home Paul has adopted the phone box from BT for £1. He is waiting for the paperwork to confirm this then arrange to have the defibrillator fixed in. The meeting were content with this.

  • Beck update.
Neil has reported that the beck flows and copes well with the rain fall. Maintenance will continue to ensure the beck remains in good order.  John Los has carried out some works prior to the Duck Race.
Paul informed the meeting about the recently formed Hayton and Burnby Flood Group and read out the minutes from their latest meeting on 18th August.  Neil Readman had attended the inaugural meeting in July this year.
Various issues were raised i.e. problems resolved upstream of Bielby may then cause problems in the village, the spread of Himalayan Balsam, erosion of bank sides from rabbit holes. Derek Chaplin commented that the Environment Agency had been doing some work to the bank sides. Paul said he would make some enquiries with the E.A.

  • Council tax referendum.
Paul has received an email from ERNLLCA (East Riding and North Lincolnshire Local Council Association) highlighting their concerns about the Local Government Finance Settlement Technical  Consultation which includes a proposal that local parishes would be required to hold a local referendum if the proposed council tax increase exceeds a set threshold. The threshold being considered is a rise in precept of either 2% or £5 which ever is the higher. The link to the consultation paper is https://www.gov.uk/government/consultations/local-government-finance-settlement-2017-to-2018-technical-consultation

  • Pocklington canal.
Susan Smith had previously emailed Paul and spoke to the meeting this evening about the benefits to the village of the Pocklington Canal and how important it is to keep the canal and its surroundings well managed and maintained but not to the detriment of species preservation (as agreed by The Environment Agency and Canal and River Trust). Susan hoped that villagers and especially the children would get involved with the various groups that help protect this local amenity. There are several organisations involved with maintenance of the canal. The Environment Agency manages areas of the canal and banks that are designated as Sites of Special Scientific Interest and they are aware that reed beds are clogging up the canal and having an adverse effect on wildlife. Susan said that having an SSSI would prevent fracking and help with dog fouling issues. The Pocklington Canal Amenity Society have an ongoing restoration programme. The Canal and River Trust are holding a Drop in Information Event on Thursday 17th November at Melbourne Village Hall between 2.30pm and 7.00pm. (For more information about this event see the post on the Blog uploaded on Thursday 20th October or the flyer on the Noticeboard).

  • Triathlon events.
ERYC informed the Parish of a complaint they had received from a Bielby resident, Jenny Cushing, about the triathlon events and in particular the one that took place in September where part of the course was on Marketbridge Lane.  Jenny wasn’t able to attend the meeting to raise her concerns personally, they were summarized by Paul. Paul summarized the email response from the event organiser, Peter Mathieson. The meeting did not raise any issues or concerns about the triathlon events. Paul will reply to the organiser.

  • Remembrance Sunday.
There will be a church service on Sunday 13th November at 10.30 am followed by a walk to the memorial.

  • Christmas dinner.
Sunday 18th December 1pm-5.30pm at The Mill. John and Beatrice Los have very kindly offered to host this years Christmas meal at their home. The meeting discussed various options. Beatrice, Val, Julie and Suzanne have volunteered to organise the meal. Further details will be on the Blog. The meeting agreed that a raffle should be held at the meal with the proceeds being donated to a charity nominated by Paul and Julie Kerry.

  • Christmas tree.
The meeting discussed the various options, the church being the favourite location. John Los to look at the possibilities.

  • Carol singing.
Planned for Wednesday 21st December, meeting at Stoneleigh Care Home at 6pm. The meeting agreed that donations will go to the Special Care Baby Unit, York.

  • Any other business.
  • Path cutting -the meeting agreed that Paul Kerry should be paid out of village funds for the extra cuts he has done.  Matt Coe has agreed to continue cutting paths in the interim.
  • Britain in Bloom - as already mentioned the village needs to spend some money so Val and Paul suggested something similar to Britain in Bloom to brighten up the village. Individuals or a committee could coordinate displays with supplies paid for by the village. Planting around the village benches and at the village entrances were suggested. The meeting agreed. Paul would put a notice on the blog.
  • Annual Walk - arranged for Thursday 29th December, meeting at the corner of Mill Lane. Margaret Wilkinson to plan the route.
  • Road Repairs - the meeting discussed the poor quality of resurfacing that had been done recently. Excessive loose gravel, uneven surfacing, puddles left unfilled are all a danger to cyclists and motorcyclists. Paul will contact the Highways Agency about the surfacing but he urged residents to complain directly about the dip in Crudhall Lane as he has been told this is not serious and no repair works are planned.
  • A request for a notice to go on the Blog about considering our neighbours livestock and pets when planning to light noisy fireworks.
  • The College Arms – The possibility of registering the pub as a community asset was raised.  The meeting discussed concerns that the village should not lose this historic and valued resource. Paul agreed to speak to the owners about the discussion.

Chairman’s Request: In order to keep AOB items to a minimum could anyone wanting to raise an issue please let Paul or Gabrielle know in advance (so they can be added to the Agenda prior to the meeting).

There was no further business and the meeting closed at 9.15pm

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