Minutes of the Bielby Parish Meeting held on Monday 27th
January 2014
At St Giles Chruch, Bielby
- Apologies for absence
Neil Readman, Janet Readman, Christine Coe, Sara Ridsdale
- Minutes of the last meeting
- Matters arising from the last minutes
There is a Flood Liason Group meeting at County Hall in Beverley on 30th May at 10am if any volunteers would like to go please see Paul or Sam who will book a place for you.
- Cleaning the Beck & update
15th February is the agreed date for help with maintenance of the beck. All volunteers are welcome on the date. More information will be posted on the blog nearer the time. Please Note Beck Clearing Now In March Date To Be Arranged.
Following the last meeting, as requested, Sam has written to the Internal Drainage Board asking if they will adopt it with a view to maintenance and we are awaiting a response.
- Plaque Update
Richard Coe has, very kindly, got things organized for the plaque all he needs now is the exact wording for it which was agreed as follows:
“In 2012 the people of Bielby planted this oak tree to commemorate the Diamond Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth 2nd”
- Britain In Bloom
Bielby has received information regarding joining Britain in Bloom and have been invited (if we would like) to attend an initial meeting at Immingham Civic Centre on 20th Feb to meet representatives from other villages and towns who have competed already and get a good overview of what the competition would entail. Anyone interested in leading this project please see Sam or Paul who will organise a place at the meeting for you.
- Broadband
In January we put a note on the blog regarding the signing of an e-petition protesting against the slow speed of broadband in rural areas. We would like to encourage residents to sign the petition.
Chris Emptage has written to the CEO of BT and Mr Patterson’s department have informed Chris that not only do BT need to pull fibre optic cables through the Melbourne exchange but they also need to give the exchange itself a complete refit. At the present time, because of lack of interest from local residents, there is no reason to justify this expenditure.
Therefore if any residents feel strongly enough to write to our local MP Greg Knight and/or David Cameron and/ or Gavin Patterson CEO of BT it would be in the joint interest of the whole community.
- Use of Church for Meetings
The church committee met and approved the use of the Church for the parish meetings in January.
Paul wrote to the council to ask permission and this was duly approved.
Bielby Parish Meeting is therefore now allowed 3 meetings per annum at a cost of £30 per meeting.
- Carol Singing
Thank you to all those who took part in the carol singing. We raised £130 which has been sent to the Special Care Baby Unit at York District Hospital, we have, in turn, received a letter thanking the village for their kind support.
- Speed Survey Results
The results from the speed strips placed in the village last year have been received by Paul.
Over the 7 day period a total of 5557 vehicles crossed the first location (close to Rose Garth Cottage) which equates to 794 vehicles per day. The number of potential offenders per day that were travelling at 35 mph and over was 201 which was 25.3% of total traffic.
For the same 7 day period a total of 4075 vehicles crossed the second location (close to Beech View) and the number of potential of offenders per day that were travelling at 35 mph and over was 37 which equated to 6.4% of total traffic.
This data shows that the number of vehicles that were speeding is not high enough to warrant Police speed enforcement or intervention by the Road Safety Team. The village can opt to install their own traffic calming measures in the form of a sign that lights up when approached by a speeding vehicle but this would cost about £3000 per sign.
Finance Report from Val
It was agreed in the last meeting that we should use some of the money in the village account to purchase items for the village residents to use, should they wish.
£758.91 Tents and storage bags (From Bielby Music Festival)
£550.00 For plates/ cups/ bowls/ cutlery
£200.00 For our contribution to the Bus service
£810.00 Towards the clearing of the beck
We have £2394 in the bank and the precept was confirmed at just below the 2013 precept at £1500.
A suggestion was brought forward that we might try to save some money for large expenditures (i.e. traffic signs) but there was also concern that if we were seen to be holding a large amount of cash that it might affect the level of the precept in future years.
In 2010 we drew up a Bus Shelter Rota, we had 12 volunteers who kindly offered to adopt a month and ensure that the Bus Shelter was kept tidy. Sam will be contacting those on the rota to make sure they are happy to continue with this arrangement.
Planning Applications
There have been no further planning applications in the village since the last meeting.
Since our area has been issued with a license allowing fracking concern was voiced over its potential impact on the community and the local environment. It was agreed that Paul would write to our MP, Greg Knight, to ask for more information and put across our thoughts about the benefits outweighing the much publicized negatives.
Broken Street Light
The street light at the end of Gale Carr Lane appears to be broken Stephen Ridsdale has offered to contact the council to remedy the situation.
There was no other business and the meeting closed at 8.35pm.
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