Monday, 3 February 2014

E Petition Amend the National Planning Policy Framework

As parish clerk Sam has received an email regarding housing development proposal and planning in rural areas and has asked me to put this epetition on the website for those interested in this.
Dear Clerk,
You will no doubt be familiar with the rapidly growing number of opportunistic housing development proposals being submitted in many rural communities throughout the country. You will also be aware of the enormous difficulty in resisting inappropriate planning applications without a core strategy in place or an identified 5 year supply of developable land. Even if applications are refused by the Local Planning Authority, there is a likelihood that they will be allowed at appeal as a result of the presumption of sustainable development. As you may know the MP for Stratford on Avon, Mr Nadhim Zahawi, has spoken out strongly against the damage being done to rural communities. The Daily Telegraph of 9th January reported him as saying that loopholes in the guidelines are allowing developers to “undermine the Government’s good intentions to deliver bottom-up planning and much needed housing” and that the “physical harm” being inflicted on the countryside could become “the defining legacy of this Government”. Unfortunately, whilst Mr Zahawi has a great deal support for his opinions, both regionally and at Westminster, the Government is not listening and seems determined to press ahead with its current policy despite the widespread irreversible damage that will ensue. We believe that Mr Zahawi’s stance should be given public support and that with three simple amendments to the planning policy the Government’s objective of building more homes can be achieved without the creation of a damaging legacy. With this in mind we have lodged an e-petition on the No 10 website and are inviting you and your councillors to support it. Here is the link

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