Friday, 28 February 2014


Susan Smith has kindly made enquiries about superfast broadband in our area. The email below explains what is happening. I would urge anybody who is interested to go on to the website and express their interest in obtaining this. The more people that do this the better chance we have of getting it. It literally takes 2 minutes of your time, so TAKE ACTION NOW.
Many thanks
Dear Susan, The plans for the first phase of the programme are now on our website. As further phases are planned and confirmed by BT the Council will make further announcements on a rolling basis. We do not as yet hold a final implementation plan for the whole County. Following the above activity the Council intends to publish roll out plans on a phased basis. This will likely include mapping and location based information. The information will be published on our broadband website as soon as it is available. With regard to Bielby, from looking at the map on the above website ( most of the area looks like it is eligible for investment under our programme by December 2015. This is not guarantee that investment will be made but at least you are in the right area. The areas marked in blue are unfortunately not eligible for investment as an infrastructure provider told us that they intend to invest there as part of their commercial programme. This then prevents us from using public funds to intervene in those areas. I would recommend that you contact local service providers to find out what their plans are. I am unable to confirm which provider has plans for the blue areas as non-disclosure agreements were signed with all parties who responded to our consultation last year. However, there are only a couple of infrastructure providers in our area so they should not be difficult to track down. If you have any further questions please let us know. Kind regards, Jonathan Hall Broadband East Riding East Riding of Yorkshire Council Email:

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