Friday, 28 February 2014

Temporary Road Closure Marketbridge Lane In May

The East Riding of Yorkshire Council intend not less than seven days from the date of this Notice to make an order the effect of which will be to prohibit any vehicle from proceeding along Marketbridge Lane, Bielby, commencing 12th May 2014.

The closure is necessary to facilitate high voltage cabling work to be carried out in a manner consistent with ensuring the safety of the public.  The Order will be valid for 18 months but it is anticipated that works will be completed within 5 weeks. 

There will be no alternative diversion route. Access to properties affected by the closure and pedestrian access will be maintained at all times.

Further information can be obtained from the Area Highways Office 0845 6001666 ref: AW

Dated this 1st day of May 2014.


Susan Smith has kindly made enquiries about superfast broadband in our area. The email below explains what is happening. I would urge anybody who is interested to go on to the website and express their interest in obtaining this. The more people that do this the better chance we have of getting it. It literally takes 2 minutes of your time, so TAKE ACTION NOW.
Many thanks
Dear Susan, The plans for the first phase of the programme are now on our website. As further phases are planned and confirmed by BT the Council will make further announcements on a rolling basis. We do not as yet hold a final implementation plan for the whole County. Following the above activity the Council intends to publish roll out plans on a phased basis. This will likely include mapping and location based information. The information will be published on our broadband website as soon as it is available. With regard to Bielby, from looking at the map on the above website ( most of the area looks like it is eligible for investment under our programme by December 2015. This is not guarantee that investment will be made but at least you are in the right area. The areas marked in blue are unfortunately not eligible for investment as an infrastructure provider told us that they intend to invest there as part of their commercial programme. This then prevents us from using public funds to intervene in those areas. I would recommend that you contact local service providers to find out what their plans are. I am unable to confirm which provider has plans for the blue areas as non-disclosure agreements were signed with all parties who responded to our consultation last year. However, there are only a couple of infrastructure providers in our area so they should not be difficult to track down. If you have any further questions please let us know. Kind regards, Jonathan Hall Broadband East Riding East Riding of Yorkshire Council Email:

Everingham Newsletter March 2014


Established 1988

First and foremost--
 Thank you, Carole for your hard work doing the newsletter, from us all.
Open garden for ngs at Ellerker House on Saturday, 19th April. 12-5.

Entry fee -£4. Children free.   
Anyone welcome, bring the family and friends
  • Treasure &/egg hunt for the children.
  • Teas and delicious home made cakes available
  • Rare plant sale - several different plant stalls selling a wide variety of unusual plants

Open Garden Teas

St Everilda's Church will be providing teas for Ellerker House Open Garden day. This is one date only (April 19th) and proceeds' will be for the continued upkeep of the Church.

If you are able to bake a cake or perhaps are available to lend a hand for an hour on the day, please do contact Hilary ( Church Warden) on 860093   Thank you

Village Hall committee meeting.
Tuesday, 11th March. 7pm. Venue tbc, dependent on how cold the VH will be.

The upkeep of the Village Hall costs about £2000 per year. Please give the committee your ideas for fund raising and contacts who you think would be prepared to help with the maintenance.

The hire charges:- £17.50 per hour October31st - 31st March.
      £15 per hour 1st April - 31st October.
If you would to hire the Village Hall, please phone Tricia Coole on 861453 or text her on 07067388034.

Football World Cup. Brazil, 2014.
Due to the time difference, not all England's games will be shown on the big screen in the Village Hal. Hopefully we will be able to show the following matches.
Thursday, 19th June at 20.00
Tuesday, 24th June at17.00
Then depending how they perform ----
Friday, 4th July at 21.00

Dates for your diary.
Saturday, 5th July & Sunday, 6th July
Screening Wimbledon finals and Tour de France. Let's paint Everingham yellow!

Inn at the Village Hall.
Saturday, 22nd March
Saturday, 19th April
Saturday, 24th May
Saturday, 21st June & if the weather forecast is for a warm barmy mid-summer solstice + BBQ
Saturday, 9th August
Saturday, 18th September
Saturday, 22nd November
Saturday, 20th December

More dates for your diary

Church Spring Clean   12th April  10.000am

Ellerker House Open Garden Teas 19th April (see above)

Jeans Plant Sale     17th May Village Hall 2.00pm

St Everilda's Fete    July 13th Village Hall 2.00pm

Harvest Lunch    October 19th Village Hall 12.00 noon


Church Services for March

2nd March  MP   09.15   Everingham
9th March   HC    10.45   HOSM
16th March  HC   09.15   Everingham
23rd March  HC   09.15   Harswell
30th March  FS    09.15   Bielby
(Mothering Sunday)
Every Wednesday   HC   09.30   Old School HOSM

Everingham oil club
We have a delivery for later in March all orders to be in by Wednesday 19th anyone in Everingham or in local villages is welcome to join for your information on our last delivery in January we got a price of 51.75 pence per ltr plus vat .
If anyone would like to join our list phone 01430861194 or 07881555249 Mike News from the past

Mollie Layton has a scrapbook in which she glued news of Everingham and of the Wilkinson family events.

Next issue of newsletter.
Please send submissions to or put them in our white enamel post box on our drive at The Old Priory.  Helen

The newsletter this month has been sponsored by John and Janice Ambrose of Thorpe le Street ( they gave enough for 2 months)

Monday, 24 February 2014


At the last parish meeting Paul said he would write to our MP to ask him for information regarding fracking. Paul has received a reply and he will bring the letter to the next parish meeting as he will put this on the agenda for the next meeting.

Egg Collection Box Stolen

Unfortunately last Thursday night - 20th February, somebody stole the egg box we use to sell eggs from outside our house. Presumably they were after the (empty) money box that was screwed down inside it, They removed the whole thing by levering it off the small table that it was fastened to. So as always take care with your possessions as there are always people willing to take any opportunity at the expense of others.

Stuart and Suzanne, Hollycroft Farm

Sunday, 16 February 2014

Minutes Of January 2014 Parish Meeting

Minutes of the Bielby Parish Meeting held on Monday 27th January 2014
At St Giles Chruch, Bielby

  1. Apologies for absence

    Neil Readman, Janet Readman, Christine Coe, Sara Ridsdale
  2. Minutes of the last meeting
  3. Matters arising from the last minutes

    There is a Flood Liason Group meeting at County Hall in Beverley on 30th May at 10am if any volunteers would like to go please see Paul or Sam who will book a place for you.
  4. Cleaning the Beck & update

    15th February is the agreed date for help with maintenance of the beck. All volunteers are welcome on the date. More information will be posted on the blog nearer the time. Please Note Beck Clearing Now In March Date To Be Arranged.

    Following the last meeting, as requested, Sam has written to the Internal Drainage Board asking if they will adopt it with a view to maintenance and we are awaiting a response.
  5. Plaque Update

    Richard Coe has, very kindly, got things organized for the plaque all he needs now is the exact wording for it which was agreed as follows:

    “In 2012 the people of Bielby planted this oak tree to commemorate the Diamond Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth 2nd
  6. Britain In Bloom

    Bielby has received information regarding joining Britain in Bloom and have been invited (if we would like) to attend an initial meeting at Immingham Civic Centre on 20th Feb to meet representatives from other villages and towns who have competed already and get a good overview of what the competition would entail. Anyone interested in leading this project please see Sam or Paul who will organise a place at the meeting for you.
  7. Broadband

    In January we put a note on the blog regarding the signing of an e-petition protesting against the slow speed of broadband in rural areas. We would like to encourage residents to sign the petition.
    Chris Emptage has written to the CEO of BT and Mr Patterson’s department have informed Chris that not only do BT need to pull fibre optic cables through the Melbourne exchange but they also need to give the exchange itself a complete refit. At the present time, because of lack of interest from local residents, there is no reason to justify this expenditure.

    Therefore if any residents feel strongly enough to write to our local MP Greg Knight and/or David Cameron  and/ or Gavin Patterson CEO of BT it would be in the joint interest of the whole community.
  8. Use of Church for Meetings

    The church committee met and approved the use of the Church for the parish meetings in January.

    Paul wrote to the council to ask permission and this was duly approved.

    Bielby Parish Meeting is therefore now allowed 3 meetings per annum at a cost of £30 per meeting.
  9. Carol Singing

    Thank you to all those who took part in the carol singing. We raised £130 which has been sent to the Special Care Baby Unit at York District Hospital, we have, in turn, received a letter thanking the village for their kind support.
  10. Speed Survey Results

    The results from the speed strips placed in the village last year have been received by Paul. 

    Over the 7 day period a total of 5557 vehicles crossed the first location (close to Rose Garth Cottage) which equates to 794 vehicles per day. The number of potential offenders per day that were travelling at 35 mph and over was 201 which was 25.3% of total traffic.

    For the same 7 day period a total of 4075 vehicles crossed the second location (close to Beech View) and the number of potential of offenders per day that were travelling at 35 mph and over was 37 which equated to 6.4% of total traffic.

    This data shows that the number of vehicles that were speeding is not high enough to warrant Police speed enforcement or intervention by the Road Safety Team. The village can opt to install their own traffic calming measures in the form of a sign that lights up when approached by a speeding vehicle but this would cost about £3000 per sign.
  11. AOB

    Finance Report from Val
    It was agreed in the last meeting that we should use some of the money in the village account to purchase items for the village residents to use, should they wish.

    £758.91 Tents and storage bags (From Bielby Music Festival)
    £550.00 For plates/ cups/ bowls/ cutlery
    £200.00  For our contribution to the Bus service
    £810.00  Towards the clearing of the beck

    We have £2394 in the bank and the precept was confirmed at just below the 2013 precept at £1500.

    A suggestion was brought forward that we might try to save some money for large expenditures (i.e. traffic signs) but there was also concern that if we were seen to be holding a large amount of cash that it might affect the level of the precept in future years.
Bus Shelter Rota

In 2010 we drew up a Bus Shelter Rota, we had 12 volunteers who kindly offered to adopt a month and ensure that the Bus Shelter was kept tidy. Sam will be contacting those on the rota to make sure they are happy to continue with this arrangement.

Planning Applications

There have been no further planning applications in the village since the last meeting.


Since our area has been issued with a license allowing fracking concern was voiced over its potential impact on the community and the local environment. It was agreed that Paul would write to our MP, Greg Knight, to ask for more information and put across our thoughts about the benefits outweighing the much publicized negatives.

Broken Street Light

The street light at the end of Gale Carr Lane appears to be broken Stephen Ridsdale has offered to contact the council to remedy the situation.

There was no other business and the meeting closed at 8.35pm.



There’s a special night of comedy on Saturday 22nd February at Elvington Village Hall as resident Andy Owen aims to bring entertainment to the heart of the village.
Master of Ceremonies Rob Riley introduces acts such as Steve Royle and Alex Boardman for an evening of laughter.
Vixen 101 has two pairs of tickets to give away. Simply tell us the venue for this great night. Email your answer with full contact details to by Thursday 20th February at 9pm and we will draw the winning names. Please only enter if you can go on the Saturday.


Tony Barker
Vixen 101
Community radio for the Western Wolds

Thursday, 13 February 2014

Looking To Borrow A Vista Computer To Access Family Photos

Alex and Vince have a problem with their computer and the Vista operating has been completely wiped out and it means all of their family photos, still stored via vista on their spare hard drive, cannot be accessed.

Does anyone have an old PC or laptop with the Vista operating system still on it that they could borrow to try to rescue all their photos. Here's hoping Alex at North & South Cottage 01759 319353.

Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Beck Clearing Postponed

The beck clearing scheduled for Saturday 15th February has been postponed.

Recent high rainfall (and further rain forecast towards the weekend) has made the fields too wet to access and clearing work too dangerous to carry out due to high water levels.

Thanks to everyone who volunteered to help.

The good news is that, due to our efforts, the beck has been flowing freely in recent weeks under a spell of prolonged wet weather.

We will try and arrange a new date in March to do the works.

Saturday, 8 February 2014

Bielby Music Festival 2014 & Money Raised From 2013

Just to let you all know that Bielby Music Festival is Sunday 24th August 2014, so keep it free.

Hope to see you all there!

Ian has emailed with the final total raised from 2013 music festival.
This is an excerpt of a letter from Val, Marie Curie Cancer Care treasurer at Pocklington Branch.
"Thank-you for your cheque which we received yesterday and have banked to day

Here is the breakdown of monies banked:
£320.00  B.B.Q
£113.00  CAFE

£220.54  Sales of unsold Meat and bread
£650.00 chq. from I Simpson (cash on door)
£687.85  "         "           "  (cash on door)
£285.00 Donations and cheques on the day
£36.00   Name the Teddy
£33.00  Face Painting
£ 2345.39
£405.00 - Less meat and bread cost

£1940.39 OUR FINAL TOTAL for Marie Curie Cancer Care
 Thank-you again for raising this amount of money."

Open Garden Ellerker House Saturday 19th April

Open garden for ngs at Ellerker House, Everingham on Saturday, 19th April. 12-5.

Entry fee -£4. Children free.

Anyone welcome, bring the family and friends
• Treasure &/egg hunt for the children.
• Teas and delicious home made cakes available
• Rare plant sale - several different plant stalls selling a wide variety of unusual plants.

Monday, 3 February 2014

E Petition Amend the National Planning Policy Framework

As parish clerk Sam has received an email regarding housing development proposal and planning in rural areas and has asked me to put this epetition on the website for those interested in this.
Dear Clerk,
You will no doubt be familiar with the rapidly growing number of opportunistic housing development proposals being submitted in many rural communities throughout the country. You will also be aware of the enormous difficulty in resisting inappropriate planning applications without a core strategy in place or an identified 5 year supply of developable land. Even if applications are refused by the Local Planning Authority, there is a likelihood that they will be allowed at appeal as a result of the presumption of sustainable development. As you may know the MP for Stratford on Avon, Mr Nadhim Zahawi, has spoken out strongly against the damage being done to rural communities. The Daily Telegraph of 9th January reported him as saying that loopholes in the guidelines are allowing developers to “undermine the Government’s good intentions to deliver bottom-up planning and much needed housing” and that the “physical harm” being inflicted on the countryside could become “the defining legacy of this Government”. Unfortunately, whilst Mr Zahawi has a great deal support for his opinions, both regionally and at Westminster, the Government is not listening and seems determined to press ahead with its current policy despite the widespread irreversible damage that will ensue. We believe that Mr Zahawi’s stance should be given public support and that with three simple amendments to the planning policy the Government’s objective of building more homes can be achieved without the creation of a damaging legacy. With this in mind we have lodged an e-petition on the No 10 website and are inviting you and your councillors to support it. Here is the link

Footpath Closure In May & June

Sam has been asked to put a notice up on the village notice board stating that some of the footpath down the canal side will be closed between 15th May to 4th June whilst power line refurbishment is being undertaken. They enclosed a map of the closure area which is on the notice board for all to have a look at.