Friday, 16 November 2012

Feedback On Bielby Road Issues

Paul has received the following email regarding the issues residents recently raised regarding the roads in the area.

Thank you for your recent email. I have looked at the issues in your email in conjunction with the Bielby Village Taskforce maintenance schedule as there is some overlap between them. 

Gale Carr Lane 

Although the lane is rough in places it does not contain any actionable defects as of yesterdays inspection. I propose to inspect the road again in the spring with a view to carrying out some localised patching works if required subject to funding being available. 


On yesterdays inspection I could not see any hedges that were causing am obstruction to the footpath and require cutting back. I did note though that one or two hedges did appear to have recently been cut. If you have specific addresses that you would like me to inspect please forward them on to me. 

Potholes Bielby to Hayton. 

Numerous tickets have been issued this financial year for potholes on this stretch of road. The most recent was a ticket for 8 x potholes with a completion date of 26 October. It could be that these are the potholes you referred to in your email. Unfortunately this stretch of road does seem susceptible to potholes so will continue to be monitored by this department. 

Culvert although there is evidence on the surface that the culvert has depressed slightly East Riding of Yorkshire Council bridges team have been out and inspected and believe it to be in a stable condition. This issue was first raised with Highway Maintenance back in March this year and has been monitored closely. The situation will continue to be monitored and should the need arise the culvert will be replaced as we recently did at Thorpe Le Street. 

 I hope this email is satisfactory with you but if you wish to discuss the contents of it further please don't hesitate to contact me. 

Highway Maintenance

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