Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Bielby Oil Syndicate

Bielby Oil Syndicate 

Did you know that there is an oil syndicate in the village?

It has been running for a few years now – a group of us order our oil together and are able to get better prices as a result. At the moment around 20 households in the village regularly benefit from the syndicate, but it is open to everyone, doesn’t cost you anything, and is all organised via e-mail so it is really straightforward (as long as you check your e-mail regularly!)

How it works 

When someone needs a top up they e-mail me (ideally with at least a week’s notice before delivery is needed). I then e-mail the rest of the group to see if anyone else would like a top up, and if so how many litres. Once I have a list of names and quantities required I ring around all the suppliers and ask for a price for the total volume to be delivered to Bielby, which might be say 7,000 litres. The suppliers are keen to secure our order of lots of deliveries within one village as it is very cost efficient for them, instead of driving around from village to village to deliver 500 litres here and there, hence we are offered a very competitive price. There are two suppliers in particular who are very keen to win the syndicate orders. We then go with the supplier who offers us the best price on the day, and I give them a list of who will be ordering and litres required. I then email the people who wanted deliveries with details of the price, who to call to place their order, and the day the oil will be delivered. All you then need to do is ring up and pay for your order as you normally would, quoting Bielby Oil Syndicate.

It’s as simple as that. We just benefit from ordering in bulk, and we always get a better price than you would pay if you were ordering for one drop off on your own. All I do is co-ordinate things so that we can all save a bit of money.

So if you would like to join us, just email me at lisa.hoggarth@hotmail.com and I will add you to the oil syndicate distribution list.

I look forward to hearing from you!

Lisa (Firgrove Lodge)

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