Friday 27 September 2024

Village News - not much


The current East Riding Local Plan was adopted in 2016 and has since been undergoing a process of review and update. The Local Plan Update was submitted for independent examination in March 2023 and has been subject to several hearing sessions in 2023 and 2024. Following these, the Inspector has recommended a number of ‘Main’ Modifications required to make the plan sound and has now requested public consultation on these proposed changes.

The consultation is taking place between now and 11.59pm on Monday 21st October 2024.

The consultation documents and further information, including on how to respond, can be found at:

Yorkshire Wolds Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty

Natural England are opening a consultation on the designation of the Wolds as an AONB.

2 drop in events closest to us;

as well as other sites (see web page for more venues and dates etc)

Village Meeting Agenda Items

I am putting a call out for Agenda Items for the next meeting, so get your thinking caps on for items to discuss. No Date set yet, but likely to be end October Early November. email me at or drop a note in at Corner Farm House.

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