Today (Friday) myself and my fellow Wolds Weighton Councillor, Paul West met with ERYC Bridge Engineers to discuss the planned works for Hagg Bridge.
We are happy to confirm that whilst the original contractor went bust, the company who bought their assets, including the warranty for the Hagg Bridge works has agreed to fund the work.
The decision was made to resurface the whole bridge, rather than just the pothole area, because on close inspection the majority of the tarmac surface is poor. This is thought to be because when it was laid the temperature of the tarmac was too cold, so has not stuck to the concrete surface underneath.
The very good news and great relief for us is that there does not seem to be an issue with the concrete underneath. The issue seems only to be with the tarmac.
The work is projected to take 19 days because extra care needs to be taken not to damage the concrete under the tarmac. However, we hope this is an over estimate and it may be able to reduced.
East Riding Engineers will be on site every day during the pouring of the new surface so that there are no mistakes made by the contractor.
We will continue to monitor the situation closely and will do all we can to make sure the works go to plan and try and get the 19 day time frame down.
We also raised issues about traffic and the division routes. So now clear diversion signs will be put in place well advanced of the local area to make sure drivers know the bridge will be closed and which roads to use instead. This will include signage to limit the use of Thornton as a cut through which we know was an issue last time the bridge was closed.
The Council will also be liaising with Yorkshire Water and Northern Power to prevent any clashes of road closures (unless there are emergencies which can’t be helped).
Residents can also sign up to an email update which the council will be commencing next Wednesday. You can do this here:
Best wishes,
Councillor Leo Hammond
Wolds Weighton Ward
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