Minutes of Bielby Parish Meeting
Held on Monday 23rd October 2023 at 7.30pm
held at Hollycroft Court “Coffee and Coe”
By kind permission of Richard and Christine Coe
Attendees; 22
Apologies for absence.
Received from Margaret WIlkinson and Jan Emptage
Minutes of last meeting held on 15th May 2023
Read and approved as a true record, prop Richard Coe sec Paul Ward
Matters arising from the minutes.
3.3 Village task force, Neil thinks all jobs done, Paul Ward said he had seen a gulley being excavated. Cllr Leo Hammond had sent an email to Highways and Yorks water to chase for a resolution after his previous email .
3.18 allied to the bus shelter, Richard Coe noted there are some metal trims projecting at the corners, Chris Emptage said he would contact Sharpes to remedy them.
Planning applications and outcomes since the last meeting.
2 planning notices were read out;
Hollycroft Farm YO42 4JW- Change of use from disused paddock for siting of 4 camping pods and associated landscaping (Revised Scheme of 22/01794/PLF) Granted Mon 10 Jul 2023
Common Farm Galecarr Lane YO42 4JT Erection of an agricultural building for the storage of straw - Granted 19th May 2023
Bielby in Bloom.
Val Nolton asked if we could plant more daffodils as the existing ones had been cut early by the council. Paul Ward said he would contact the person at ERYC who supplied the last bag.
Parish Precept.
Elizabeth said the account is looking healthy, with circa £6,000 with the biggest commitment in the near future being the village information board.
It was confirmed that the precept be kept at the same level as agreed in the previous meeting.
Bielby Beck update.
Neil said the beck clearing carried out by the usual contractor was only partially done under the remit of the Environment agency and he had asked the contractor to continue and asked the village to pay the additional, which was proposed by Neil, seconded by Steve Ridsdale.
Speed limit in village.
No movement as yet on setting up the speed awareness group, so names of volunteers were taken again;
Paul Ward
Margaret Wilkinson
Val Nolton
Pete Nolton
Jayne Dacre
Chris Emptage
Elizabeth Thompson
Paul Ward said he would move the group forward and initiate training.
Graham Tew had enquired of one company who supply solar powered flashing speed signs for the entry into the village. Costs were circa £2,500 (Elan City). Cllr Hammond commented that ERYC Highways would need to approve sighting and give permission, also that data he has suggests a speed awareness group has a longer lasting effect on driver behaviour.
Parish land
Chris Emptage said the discussion with the new owners of Gale Carr farm had come to nought, item to be deleted in future.
Information board for the public bench area.
Progress continues, John Peel has had confirmation on some outstanding items and is moving towards graphic design and manufacture.
Duck Race
Chris Emptage with his waders appears to be the only volunteer at present, however, with the beck in its current state of near flood, we discouraged him from holding the duck race on his own and agreed to wait for more clement conditions and to seek out more volunteers, Richard Coe has the necessary nets and poles to keep any strays in check. So it’s just admin, soup makers and willing families to get involved.
Carol Singing
Ian Simpson suggested that it is often a very cold night for the singers and some households were often bemused by a dozen or so carollers singing on their doorstep. He suggested a gather around a piano (keyboard) at a warmer location, Richard Coe suggested starting at Stoneleigh before retiring to Coffee and Coe for warm drinks and a carolling as a larger group. Date suggested Tuesday 12th December, meet at Coffee and Coe at around 7.00 pm before going to Stoneleigh and returning to Coffee and Coe.
Christmas meal.
Ian Simpson said there were 36 villagers attending, a few outstanding balances, asked for those outstanding to give him a cheque/transfer or cash please.
Memorial service and wreaths.
Val Nolton had bought 2 wreaths for the memorial at the church and also the memorial to the bomber crew along the canal towpath. Elizabeth asked for the receipts to reimburse.
Bus Timetable
John Peel gave a brief piece about the lack of bus services for Bielby and nearby villages. An early morning to York on a daily basis and a return in the evening/afternoon is the only daily service. Thena weekly service to and from Pocklington on a tuesday, he says hardly serves well for the villages or for Pocklington either if people who cannot drive due to illness, disability, cost or environmental concerns cannot easily get into our local towns. He also highlighted how business’ in the village would benefit from buses to and from Pocklington such as the Cafe, Caravan site, Pod and holiday lets.
Cllr Paul West (Transport Portfolio holder) spoke about the lack of competition creating high tender prices for routes that are then uneconomic to run. There is only 1 route in the area that runs at a profit, being the X46 that runs along the A1079, all other routes are subsidised by ERYC, creating a substantial drain on financial resources for the county. There are ideas like dial a ride or running parallel services along the A1079 for 1 every 3rd bus to divert through a few villages, but none are viable economically at the moment. If a few villages co=operated it may be possible to put pressure on ERYC or even fund a service ourselves.
A1079/Carr Lane roundabout
Margaret Wilkinson passed on her concern about there being no provision for access onto the proposed roundabout on the A1079/Balk from Pocklington. Cllr Hammond said the requirement from the developers for the 380 new houses was only for the additional traffic from their houses, not for any future growth of the town. That would only have required a single lane roundabout cost circa £3m. ERYC initially committed to fund the additional work for a 2 lane roundabout (another £3m) then declined then subsequently re-committed to upgrading the design. There are no additional funds to move or divert access from Bielby Carr Lane serving Bielby, Seaton Ross and Everingham. Cllr West thought the slowing of traffic from York to Hull at the new roundabout and not allowing exit from Carr lane would not back up that far and we can always turn left to get to Pocklington.
Dropped kerb near Stoneleigh.
Richard Coe asked if ERYC could provide a dropped kerb at either corner of the pavement at the end of Bursar lane (the lane between Stoneleigh and Bursar Lodge) as residents from Stoneleigh that are wheelchair users have to go along the road to get to a dropped kerb to get back onto the pavement if they are heading South from Stoneleigh and vice versa. Cllr Hammond would take this up with Highways on our behalf.
The meeting closed 20.55