At the last village meeting we said we would do a village walk on Monday 3rd Jan. We will be doing a lovely walk from Market Weighton. We will meet at Neil Readman's at 10am or if you prefer you can be at the car park opposite the statue in Market Weighton for 10-15am. See you there.
Monday, 27 December 2021
Tuesday, 21 December 2021
Burglaries In the area
Police Report - On 17th December four burglaries were reported, three in Shiptonthorpe and one in South Cliffe. Offenders gained entry to properties through a front door, and by damaging locks or smashing windows on rear patio doors. Untidy searches were conducted and items stolen included cash, jewellery and clothes. Please remind everyone to be extra vigilant and to report any suspicious people or vehicles to the Police on the non emergency number 101 or 999 in an emergency or if a crime is occurring.
Friday, 17 December 2021
Parish News......
- Police newsletters
- Financial help
- Rights of way
- Positive Activity Grant (PAG)
- Bird Flu update
Bielby Charity Donations In Lieu of Carol Singing
STATUS UPDATE, 16 DECEMBER 2021 - 2021 Bielby Charity Donations (in lieu of carol singing).
Since launching the 2021 Annual Bielby Charity Donations on the 6th December, we have raised £140 so far as of 16th December 2021 (£70 of online bank transfers, £50 cheque and £20 in cash donations).
All money raised this year will be donated to Yorkshire Air Ambulance.
Last year, 2020, Bielby Parish raised £345; £318.81 in 2019 and £223.29 in 2018.
December 2021 Bielby Carol Singing
Hi everybody, I hope you are all keeping safe and well.
Due to the ongoing situation with the Covid-19 pandemic, it was agreed at the last parish meeting to again cancel the door-to-door carol singing around the village (Bielby Parish Meeting Minutes, Item 12).
- This is unfortunate as the carol singing is a great event that raises money for local charities.
We would still like to raise money for charity this year and show some typical Bielby generosity by asking everyone to make donations in lieu of the usual door-to-door carol singing collection.
All money raised this year will be donated to Yorkshire Air Ambulance as agreed at the last parish meeting (Bielby Parish Meeting Minutes, Item 12).
Donations can be made by either:
(a.) Online bank transfer to Bielby Parish Meeting Account, Account number: 83103228, Sort code: 60-16-35, stating: “2021 Carol Singing” as the “Reference” or “Message to Payee”; or,
(b.) Cash or cheque made payable to Bielby Parish Meeting Account in a sealed envelope, clearly mark the envelope “2021 Carol Singing” and deliver to either Paul Ward at The Byre, Graham Tew at Corner Farm, or Ian Ross at Firgrove House.
- Any cash donations can be made anonymously if preferred.
- Groups of neighbours, friends or families may prefer to arrange to contribute to a single ‘pot’ between them and donate the combined amount from one representative of the group.
A weekly report will be issued stating the running total raised, and the accounts can be inspected upon request.
Last year, the total donations were £345; in 2019: £318.81, and in 2018: £223.29.
Thanks in advance to everyone for their donations which support these local charities.
Best regards, …
Paul Ward, Chair, Bielby Parish Meeting
Christmas Day Service At Bielby
Christmas Day Service at St Giles, Bielby - Spoken Service only
Sunday, 12 December 2021
Carol Service Cancelled
CANCELLED: St Giles, Bielby Carol Service, Friday 17th December
Saturday, 11 December 2021
Happy Christmas Message
We would like to wish all in Bielby village a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Jenny & Paul Ward
Donation will be given in lieu of Christmas cards to the Yorkshire Air Ambulance.
Tuesday, 7 December 2021
Free trees...
Free Trees;
We received an offer of free trees for public spaces or even private landowners offering public access
Monday, 6 December 2021
December 2021 Bielby Carol Singing
Hi everybody, I hope you are all keeping safe
and well.
Due to the ongoing situation with the Covid-19
pandemic, it was agreed at the last parish meeting to again cancel the
door-to-door carol singing around the village (Bielby Parish Meeting Minutes,
Item 12).
- This is unfortunate as the carol singing is a
great event that raises money for local charities.
We would still like to raise money for charity
this year and show some typical Bielby generosity by asking everyone to make
donations in lieu of the usual door-to-door carol singing collection.
All money raised this year will be donated to Yorkshire
Air Ambulance as agreed at the last parish meeting (Bielby Parish Meeting
Minutes, Item 12).
Donations can be made by either:
(a.) Online bank transfer to Bielby Parish
Meeting Account, Account number: 83103228, Sort code: 60-16-35, stating: “2021 Carol Singing” as the “Reference” or “Message to Payee”; or,
(b.) Cash or cheque made payable to Bielby
Parish Meeting Account in a sealed envelope, clearly mark the envelope “2021 Carol Singing” and deliver to either Paul Ward at The Byre, Graham Tew at
Corner Farm, or Ian Ross at Firgrove House.
- Any cash donations can be made anonymously if
- Groups of neighbours, friends or families may
prefer to arrange to contribute to a single ‘pot’ between them and donate the
combined amount from one representative of the group.
A weekly report will be issued stating the
running total raised, and the accounts can be inspected upon request.
Previous years donations were £345; in
2019: £318.81, and in 2018: £223.29.
Thanks in advance to everyone for their
donations which support these local charities.
Best regards, …
Paul Ward, Chair, Bielby Parish Meeting
Sunday, 5 December 2021
Christmas At St Giles Church
Friday, 12 November 2021
Tuesday, 2 November 2021
Village Christmas Meal 2021
Reminder to book your place on the Bielby Village Christmas Lunch. We have 31 going so far.
Thursday, 28 October 2021
Village update 28/10/21
Remembrance Sunday, 14th November Addendum;
It seems the information at the parish meeting was incorrect, the vicar is to carry out a short service on Sunday 14th at 10.50 am in St Giles Church, Bielby and then at the memorial outside for 11.00. Then, for those who wish to, a walk up to the memorial for the bomber crew along the canal to lay a wreath. Apologies for the error in the meeting minutes.
Financial help for vulnerable and households in need - ERYC
The East Riding Council have published a help for households who have suffered and continue to do so since the COVID pandemic. There is a document they have sent to all local councils on a link here.
Also, an online calculator to see if anyone can apply
Police Newsletters;
The latest Police newsletters are available for Pocklington here and Market Weighton here.
Also police liason meeting notes here
Sunday, 24 October 2021
Parish Meeting Minutes 18/10/2021
Minutes of the Bielby Parish Meeting
Monday 18th October 2021
at 7.30 pm at
St. Giles’s Church, Bielby, by courtesy of the church council.
Present: Chairman – Paul Ward (PW), Treasurer –
Ian Ross (IR), Secretary – Graham Tew (GT),
1. Apologies for absence from Jean Johnson, John Peel, Christine Coe.
2. Minutes of last meeting held on May 24th 2021 were read out (GT) and adopted as true and correct record. Proposed by Richard Coe, seconded Nadia Ross, no dissenters.
3. Matters arising from the minutes: No issue raised that were not addressed later in the agenda.
4. Financial Matters:
4.1. Mid-year financial update; IR read out his report to which the meeting had copies available and were available via the blog prior. We are awaiting the second half of the grant monies for the community recovery grant.
4.2. 2022-23 ERYC Precept – proposal and approval; IR discussed the precept and its present situation, recommended no increase in the precept, proposed Seve Ridsdale, seconded Richard Coe, no dissenters.
4.3. 2022-23 Bielby Budget – proposal and approval; IR described the significant amendments to the budget as commentary to the provided spreadsheet, including an allowance of £1,200 for the platinum Jubilee celebration and £500 for a community event. Also, an allowance of £569 for Beck clearance as a contingency if the Environment Agency do not uphold their commitment to take this on themselves.
Richard Coe mentioned that the Bus shelter roof will need recovering, estimated cost £300, Also the bench to the Eastern leg of the Canal towards Pocklington on the south side is in need of replacement or repair and a figure of £200 was proposed.
IR to include an allowance in the budget for these two additional items. On this basis the proposal to accept the budget was raised by Richard Coe and seconded by Neil Readman. Amended and approved Budget attached, via link here.
4.4 ERNLLCA membership renewal was approved.
(IR Left at this point)
5. Grant update: Work has been done to remove the small hedge and repave the area opposite the church. The work was well received by the meeting and work by PW and Richard and Matt Coe was commended.
6. Parish Land and Rents: The topic of a way forward with resolving where the plots of land are that are owned by the Parish, it was raised by Steve Ridsdale that the parish had not gone about the increase in the correct way in the past, there is a procedure for this which involves notices and demonstration current yields etc. It was agreed that invoices be presented in the same way as before but with the sad passing of Mark Preston of Gale Carr Farm, his estate will deal with the rent invoice as it is still in productive use.
With regard to the title of the lands it is hoped that the sale of the farm will throw up some documents or maps of where the lands are and it was discussed that these lands may be integrated into the sale. This to be discussed at future meetings. Steve Ridsdale was to send PW the contact details of Cundalls who are the Agents for the sale of Gale Carr Farm.
7. Planning applications and outcomes since last meeting. Were read out:
· Wesley House – New windows, doors and detached Garage –ERYC Granted July 2021
· Burgundenau – Outline for new dwelling - Appealed by applicant in May 2021
Appeal dismissed July 2021
· Ivy House a 2 storey and single storey extensions ERYC Approved Sept 2021
· Church Town Cottage single storey extension Applied Oct 2021 Open for comment
No comment by the meeting on any of the above.
8. Bielby beck update: Neil Readman and PW had met the new officer for the Environment Agency (EA) and they were both pleased with the proactive manner. Work had been done to the banks to the east of Thornton Lane to prevent collapse and also repairs to the East of the Canal where some had already occurred.
PW, IR and Neil Readman to monitor the EA in their ongoing commitment to carry out and fund the works where required. Steve Ridsdale commended PW for his tenacity in getting the EA to attend and the meeting agreed.
9. Platinum Jubilee: Nadia Ross gave an update on progress of the committee comprising Val Nolton,Tony Britton, Alex Quigley Sara Ridsdale and herself. A venue has been kindly offered by the Ridsdales and accepted. Ideas for entertainment have been proffered to encourage families to enjoy the day. It was agreed to hold an event on the Saturday into the evening. There will be a bank holiday on the Thursday and Friday before. Ideas include Hog Roast, Music by any volunteers or local band, if anyone in the village has ideas please get in touch with the group.
10. Bielby in bloom: It was agreed the village is blooming as we add further planters and winter planting due to the efforts of the bloomers! Thanks were given.
11. Remembrance service: There being no Vicar or warden available for a service in the church, it was agreed that those wishing to commemorate the fallen can gather at the bomber memorial along the west arm of the canal at 11.00 am on the 14th November. Richard Coe will play some music suitable for the occasion.
12. Carol singing: It was agreed that due to the ongoing COVID situation there would be no carol singing again this year, if people wish to donate, please do so for Yorkshire Air Ambulance who attended Mark Preston earlier in the year.
13. Christmas meal: Sunday 19th December, menus already distributed to those wishing to take part. Anyone who has not paid, please contact Nadia.
14. Christmas walk: An informal gathering to blow those Christmas cobwebs away is set for 3rd January, the Bank Holiday Monday. Neil Readman will propose a walk and let people know via the blog. Previous years have been either from the village or local villages such as Millington.
15. Picnic Area: Sue Richardson proposed that a new bench and seating be placed over the Mill Bridge on the grass under or near the chestnut tree. It was pointed out that there will likely still be a concrete plinth there where a previous bench seat had been placed by the parish some years ago.
PW advised Sue to contact Jon and Beatrice Loss out of courtesy to tell them the village has proposed this. Sue said she would like to donate the bench and seating in commemoration of her mother setting up the now closed Post office in the village many years ago.
Steve Ridsdale pointed out that the EA may have a view on this as there are restrictions on how close certain fixtures can be to a watercourse. PW will write to the EA to seek advice.
Proposed Sue Richardson seconded Richard Coe, no dissenters.
16. Village History board: Julie Tew proposed a village and church information board, similar in style to those along the canal to give visitors, walkers and resting cyclists some information on both the village, with its connection to Merton College, Oxford and the church with its rich history, now that the new bench affords a better view for them. A budget of £1000 was agreed.
Proposed Julie Tew, seconded Ian Simpson
AOB; Paul Ward gave notice that he will not be standing for re-election at the next AGM, after ten years of service the village thanked him for his sterling work. He asked therefore, for any volunteers to step forward and if anyone has any questions regarding the job, which he assured us, is a light burden, to contact him.
The meeting closed at 8.45 pm.
Thursday, 14 October 2021
All Bielby residents welcome.
Agenda Items are;
1. Apologies for absence.
4.1. Mid-year financial update
4.2. 2022-23 ERYC Precept – proposal and approval
4.3. 2022-23 Bielby Budget – proposal and approval
4.4 ERNLLCA membership
8. Bielby beck update.
9. Platinum Jubilee.
10. Bielby in bloom.
Ian has provided a set of documents to look at prior to his report at the meeting as following item links;
- Includes recommendation that the ERYC Precept for
2022-2023 should remain at £1,965 – Needs to be proposed and approved at the
- The budget needs to be approved prior to demanding the
ERYC Precept in January 2022 and prior to the financial year commencing 1 April
- The attached is just a preliminary draft seeking
suggestions and proposals from attendees at the meeting.
- Also a breakdown of the expenditure for the new bench area renovation works here
Wednesday, 6 October 2021
Seated Area Refreshed & Tidied Up
We have completed tidying up the area opposite the church so we have a lovely space for anyone to relax and hopefully brighten the village up.
Thanks to Richard & Matt Coe for clearing the area and laying the flagstones and thanks to East Riding Council for providing the grant funding to do this.
Thank you and the team for all your hard work, the space looks lovely and we look forward to relaxing in the space.
Tuesday, 5 October 2021
Miscellaneous News
- Communications with ERYC
East Riding council are seeking consultation on how they communicate with residents.
It seeks to understand how we wish to receive communication to and from them. Ironically, it is primarily a digital questionnaire so if you wish to comment or offer any views or advice have a look at their leaflet and see the link on there. Link to leaflet
The consultation questionnaire is available on the council’s website and customers can also request a paper copy, which they can pick up from one of the council’s customer service centres or libraries throughout the region.
Paper copies of it can also be requested by calling (01482) 393939.
- Be a Local Hero
ERYC are seeking distributors of LFT kits within their local communities;
We are asking for your support in keeping our communities safe this autumn, particularly now many of us are returning to local leisure and social activities, back at school or returning to the workplace.
We need trusted community voices and groups within the East Riding to further promote the use of rapid Lateral Flow Tests (LFTs) to all of our residents, young and old, especially those that may not access tests easily otherwise.
Be a local Hero....
If you would be willing to become a distributor or collection point for LFT kits for home use in your area, please get in touch with our team:
If anyone does become a hero, let me know ( and I'll put a notice on the bus stop noticeboard and onto the blog too.
Bielby Parish
The next parish
meeting will be on
Monday, October
18th 2021 at 7.30pm
at St. Giles’s
Church, Bielby,
by courtesy of
the church council.
Everyone one is
If you have any
items for the agenda, please send them as soon as possible to
Paul at or
Graham at
2. Minutes of last meeting held on May 5th 2021.
3. Matters arising from the minutes.
4. Financial position.
5. Planning applications and outcomes since last meeting.
6. Bielby beck update.
7. Platinum Jubilee.
8. Bielby in bloom.
9. Remembrance service.
10. Carol singing.
11. Christmas meal.
12. Christmas walk.
Sunday, 3 October 2021
Harvest Festival 15th October 2021
Harvest Festival
This year Bielby Church is holding its Harvest Festival jointly with Everingham. (Bielby is in fact part of Everingham parish).
So, our Harvest Festival will be on Friday 15th October, 18.30, in St Everilda's, Everingham.
Donations of non-perishable food (eg in tins and packets) will be taken after the service to our local Food Bank.
All such donations will be very gratefully received. They can be left in Bielby church on Saturday 9th October between 10 am and 12 noon.
Thank you in advance for all contributions to the Food Bank.
Bielby PCC
Thursday, 30 September 2021
Jubilee Celebration Save The Date
Wednesday, 29 September 2021
Village Christmas Meal Menu
Please see the menu below for the Village Christmas Meal on Sunday 19th December 2021 at the Oaks.
If you would like to come please email your names/numbers (adult/children) and meal choices to Nadia on Nadia will then let you know how to pay. Thank you.
- Warming French Onion soup with cheese croutons (v)
- Traditional Prawn Cocktail, Marie Rose and leaves
- Duck Liver Pâté, Cherry Sauce, Homemade Spiced Cranberry & Orange Toast
- Fresh Fruit Platter with Raspberry Sorbet (vegan)
- Roast Breast of Turkey served traditionally with Festive Trimmings
- Roast Sirloin of British Beef, Yorkshire Pudding and Roasted Potatoes
- Fillet of Salmon with a Tomato and Red Pepper Velouté & Crushed New Potatoes
- Camembert & Cranberry Tart served with Dressed Leaves & Roasted Potatoes (v)
- Mushroom Pasta with Chilli and Coconut and Dressed Leaves (vegan)
- Homemade Christmas Pudding & Brandy Sauce
- Homemade Biscoff Cheesecake, Butterscotch Sauce and Whipped Cream
- Homemade Cherry & Almond Tart served with Cherry Ice Cream
- Vegan Chocolate & Pecan Brownies served with Ice Cream
For children under the age of 10:
Starters: Soup or melon
Mains: Smaller portions of the Turkey or roast beef dinners
Desserts: chocolate brownie and ice cream or just ice cream.
Price £12.50 for three courses, £11 for two courses.
Monday, 27 September 2021
Friday, 24 September 2021
Village Christmas Lunch - Save the Date
Dare I say Christmas is fast approaching and I am sure many of us welcome the chance to get out and see people as things are opening up.
Nadia is organising the Village Christmas Lunch this year, so if you would like to come please save the date Sunday 19th December at the Oaks.
If you would like to contact, Nadia if you are interested in going, with number of adults and children.
At a later date we will post the menu and price on here so you can select your meal choices and we'll put a date to confirm numbers and how to pay.
Looking forward to it already.
Tuesday, 21 September 2021
Good News Missing Cat Back
Thankfully Susan's cat Toulouse is now back.
Thanks to everyone who checked their out buildings and showed their concern.
Everingham Events Dates For Diary
There is a coffee morning this THURSDAY 23rd SEPTEMBER 10-12 all welcome - check out the new pavilion in place for outdoor seating !!
Friday, 17 September 2021
Seaton Ross News September 2021
Here is the link to view the Seaton Ross Times for September 2021.
Monday, 30 August 2021
Police Newsletters and Band recruitment
Please find links to the August Police newsletters for Pocklington and Market Weighton areas
The Police are also recruiting for new members of the Police Band if anyone is interested, see their recruitment poster here
Union Flag
A concerned citizen wrote to me recently, and worth noting;
Union Flag
It is heartwarming to see so many people flying the union
flag at their homes or business premises.
However, in a short drive from Market Weighton to Bielby,
there are four examples of the union flag being displayed upside down.
(Presumably, the upside down display of the flag is
unintentional rather than a distress signal or an intended insult to the
Great to see the flag flying, but it would be even better
if the flag is displayed correctly.
The thick white band at the flag pole or hanging end should be at the top
Thanks Ian Ross for the astute observations --------------------------------------------------
Wednesday, 25 August 2021
St Giles's Day Wednesday 1st September
St Giles's Day Wednesday 1st September
Now that most COVID restrictions have been lifted, there will be a St Giles's Day Festival Communion on Wednesday 1st September at 7.30 pm, followed by refreshments.
The day is also the seventh anniversary of Stephen's licensing as our Rector. (How time flies!)
Looking forward to seeing folks again if they can make it.
Wednesday, 28 July 2021
Police Newsletter, planning application and the New Countryside code
- Latest Police Newsletters available on these links for Market Weighton and Pocklington.
- Planning Application for 2 storey and single storey extension at Ivy House, details can be seen and comments made via the link here.
- Countryside Code refresh; As we know, covid lock downs have seen an increase in the number of visitors to the countryside and to our public rights of way network.
- Overall, this has been a positive thing and essential for our community’s health and wellbeing however it has also brought some challenges, such as trespass, dogs out of control and littering.
- You may have seen the refreshed Countryside Code being promoted since its launch in April and it may be a good time to promote the Code in the run up to the school holidays and increased visitor numbers.
- Here is a link to a brief summary of the Code, and here a link to more detailed government website for users and landowners
Thursday, 22 July 2021
Funeral Details
the East Riding Crematorium on Monday 26th July at 3:30pm.
Wednesday, 14 July 2021
Grant Obtained to Tidy up Seating Area Opposite Church
Hi all,
We applied for and have been successful in obtaining a grant from the Do It for East Yorkshire Community Grant to tidy up the area opposite the church (see photos).
We will take the hedge down, replace the flagstones, put in a new bench and some flower boxes and generally tidy the area up and make a nice place for anybody to have a sit down. As soon as we receive some of the grant we will get started on the work.
Parish Correspondance
- If you, like me, suffer poor mobile signal, the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS), are
currently researching the impact of mobile coverage in rural areas. This is
part of their Shared Rural Network programme which aims to increase mobile
network coverage across the UK to 95%. Now, theywant to find out how this
programme can help you in your daily life.
They particularly want to hear from you if you live or work in rural UK! You can participate via this link:
Or email to request to complete the survey over the telephone.
You can also contact Laura Hensel at the email address above if you have any questions about this research. - Planning, The planning inspectorate has dismissed the appeal regarding Outline - Erection of a dwelling APP/E2001/W/21/3271346 at Land South West Of Burgundenau Beech Tree Farm, Main Street, Bielby, YO42 4JW. details can be found at search for reference 21/00023/REFUSE.
Friday, 9 July 2021
Blog Emails
Hi Everyone,
Just to let you know that the blog emails that have always been sent by Google feedburner are stopping. Google will no longer be offering this service and are switching off the emails sometime in July.
We have transferred emails over to a new system called which is free and sends emails with the blog posts on.
That is why you may have noticed that you are currently getting emails from Google and
You may need to confirm the emails and we also have a sign up button on the village website if you find that you have not been getting emails from or you have changed your email since you last signed up or you were never signed up in the first place.
Please let me know if you encounter any issues at ridsdalesara
Thank you.
Wednesday, 7 July 2021
Queens Platinum Jubilee
The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Central Weekend 2022
To celebrate this special event the Parish Meeting are calling for volunteers of anyone who may want to help organise or offer resources, venue or creative ideas know of your interest in forming an action group/committee, contact either the secretary, Graham Tew ( or the chair, Paul Ward (
There are several opportunities, such as the beacon network, the big lunch, a street party or whatever we think would be a suitable way for us to come together and celebrate this amazing achievement.
The communication reads;
In 2022, Her Majesty The Queen will become the first British Monarch to celebrate a Platinum Jubilee, seventy years of service, having acceded to the throne on 6th February 1952 when Her Majesty was 25 years old.
An extended bank holiday, from Thursday 2nd to Sunday 5th June, will provide an opportunity for communities and people throughout the United Kingdom to come together to celebrate the historic milestone. Across the four days the celebrations will include public events and community activities, as well as national moments of reflections on The Queen’s 70 years of service.
Thursday 2nd June
- The Queen’s Birthday Parade (Trooping the Colour)
- Platinum Jubilee Beacons: The United Kingdom’s long tradition of celebrating Royal Jubilees, Weddings and Coronations with the lighting of beacons will be continued to mark the Platinum Jubilee. Beacons will be lit throughout the United Kingdom, Channel Islands, Isle of Man and UK Overseas Territories. (resources for building beacons are available from parish secretary) and at
- For the first time, beacons will also be lit in each of the capital cities of the Commonwealth countries to celebrate The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.
Friday 3rd June
- Service of Thanksgiving: A Service of Thanksgiving for The Queen’s reign will be held at St Paul’s Cathedral. Further events will be announced in due course.
Saturday 4th June
- The Derby at Epsom Downs: Her Majesty The Queen will attend the Derby at Epsom Downs.
- Platinum Party at the Palace: The BBC will stage and broadcast a special live concert from Buckingham Palace.
Sunday 5th June
- The Big Jubilee Lunch: Every year since the idea began in 2009 The Big Lunch has encouraged communities to celebrate their connections and get to know each other a little bit better, coming together in a spirit of fun and friendship. In 2022 The Big Lunch will bring the Jubilee celebrations into the heart of every community.
- People are invited to share friendship, food and fun with neighbours as part of the Platinum Jubilee celebrations. A Big Jubilee Lunch can be big or small - street party or picnic, tea and cake or a garden barbeque. The Big Lunch provides tips and ideas for hosting an event.
Further announcements:
Later this month details of a special Jubilee emblem competition, in conjunction with the Victoria and Albert Museum, the Design Museum and the Royal College of Arts, will be released. The winning entry will become the official emblem for the celebrations next year.
More information on the details of the central weekend and other celebratory events across the UK and around the Commonwealth will be made in the months to come.
YORswitch Energy club
The next round of YORSwitch opens for registrations on 3 August - and the round runs until 23 November 2021 for switching.
So if your current provider scheme runs out in that period, its an opportunity to switch and benefit from ERYC's bulk buying power. To register for the latest YORSwitch auction, click the image or visit or, alternatively, call 01482 393939.
Police and Crime Plan Consultation
18 June 2021
Dear colleagues
Police and Crime Plan consultation
This week I formally started the process of developing the new statutory Police and Crime Plan for the Humber, which will cover the period 2021-2024.
This is an important document that will not only set out the police and crime objectives for the Humber and the policing that the Chief Constable of Humberside Police is to provide, but also how statutory and non-statutory organisations across the area will work together to deliver safer communities and support the victims and witnesses of crime and antisocial behaviour.
I want to ensure that the plan is developed and delivered in the spirit of collaboration, with input from organisations and residents from across the area. I therefore wanted to make you aware of this work to ensure you have the opportunity to comment on issues in your local areas and to ask for your help in raising awareness with your residents.
I have launched a public survey, which will run until Sunday 11 July, to gather people’s views and experiences from across the area. The more people who complete it the better the information will be, so if you could help me to raise awareness of it (such as through social media or any residents’ newsletters you may have coming up) that would be greatly appreciated. I will of course publish the results. The link to the survey is:
If there are any local issues or priorities you would like to raise with me as part of the process, please do email me at
Thank you in advance for any support you can give and I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely
Jonathan Evison
Tuesday, 6 July 2021
Everingham Village Newsletter For July
Seaton Ross Village News July
Colour Printer Available
Jan Emptage has a HP 2600 laser colour printer that she no longer uses and would be happy to give it away to anyone who would find a use for it. It works fine but will need one new colour cartridge to get it printing. It is quite heavy but Chris would be happy to deliver it to anyone in the village.
Tuesday, 29 June 2021
Cleaner Wanted
Saturday, 26 June 2021
100 Club Subscription Price
Friends of St Giles Bielby 100 Club
Payment can be made directly to the St Giles PCC’s bank account. Please do then email me ( with your contact details:
Account name: Bielby Parochial Church Council of St Giles
Account number: 83093931
Sort code: 60-16-35
Payment reference: your name
Alternatively, please post payment with contact details through our letterbox (Old School House - white house next to Church).
Any queries, please email me (Steve Smith) at
The PCC very much appreciates the support from the village, without which the upkeep of St Giles Church would be very difficult.
Best wishes,
Steve Smith
Friends of St Giles Bielby 100 Club Subscription For 2021/2022
Friends of St Giles Bielby 100 Club
Account name: Bielby Parochial Church Council of St Giles
Account number: 83093931
Sort code: 60-16-35
Payment reference: your name
Alternatively, please post payment with contact details through our letterbox (Old School House - white house next to Church).