Minutes of the Bielby Parish Meeting held on Monday 27th April 2015
At St Giles Chruch, Bielby
- Apologies for Absence: Sara Ridsdale, Stephen Ridsdale, John Peel
- Minutes of the last meeting held on Monday 27th January 2015 were read and adopted as a true and correct record. Proposed by Richard Coe, seconded by Gabrielle Rose.
- Matters Arising – We wrote to the Parish Council following the last meeting to ask about the possible chance of getting a disabled access for the church. We received a response from John Peel (Church Warden) which was read out and can been seen attached. This is an agenda item that will be on the Church AGM and John will come back to us once the outcome is decided at next meeeting.Letter re Disabled access - link 1 and link 2
Replacement plaque for the memorial at the site where the fighter plane came down during the war has been ordered and should be with us soon. Richard Coe will keep us informed of progress.
Richard also confirmed that he now has the plaque for the tree planted to commemorate the Diamond Jubilee and will order a post for it to be mounted on. - Planning Applications and Outcomes since the last meeting
Applications received since the last meeting were read out
Erection of a two storey extension to the rear and creation of a new access at North and South Cottage – Approved 10 April 2015
Erection of two storey extensions to front and side, external alterations and installation of roof light at rear – Merton Grange, Hayton Road. - Village Bench
The new village bench has now been put in place at the end of the village. A big thank you to Peter Nolton for his help making the bench weather proof and for making and fitting the brackets to prevent the bench from being stolen. - Bus Shelter Rota
It was agreed that the ‘Bus Shelter Rota’ should be on the agenda every April so that we can review the list of helpers to make sure everyone is still happy to continue to keep the bus shelter clean and litter free. The new bus shelter rota is attached and will be placed on the village notice board.Bus Shelter Rota April 2015
May 2015 Susan Smith
June 2015 Jan Emptage
July 2015 Chris Emptage
August 2015 Gabrielle & Caroline Rose
September 2015 Neil & Janet Readman
October 2015 Richard & Christine Coe
November 2015 Sam & Mark Preston
December 2015 Paul Ward
January 2016 John Los
February 2015 Val & Peter Noltan
March 2016 Paul Ward
April 2016 Graham Tew - Beck
It was agreed that the Beck looks very well and a big thank you to Neil Readman for his continued endeavors in beck maintenance. Costs for last year were down by £100 compared to the previous year so it was agreed that things would continue as they are and that Neil will continue maintenance as it is required.
Proposed by – Sam Preston
Seconded by – Val Nolton
- Village Blog
A big thanks to Sara for her continued great work with the village blog. Sara confirmed that she is happy to continue keeping the village up to date with news and current issues and it was proposed that the village continues to pay Sara £60 per year to help towards admin costs. Proposed by Val Nolton, seconded by Margaret Wilkinson. - Village Defibrillator
Jan Emptage has seen in the East Riding News that defibrillators can now be acquired for rural areas and proposed that we looked into acquiring one for Bielby. Gabrielle is to look into how we can acquire one and what potential costs are involved. - AOB
a) Dog Dirt
Concerns were raised about the high level of dog muck around the beck.
It was agreed that we should look at getting some larger signs and ask Sara to mention it on the blog to encourage people to clean up after their pets.
b) Public Footpath
Gordon Layton spoke to Sam earlier in the week to bring up the problem of a damaged Public Footpath sign on his land that causes walkers to go the wrong way.Sam to speak with Paul Kerry to report the broken sign.
c) This year’s music festival will be on 30th August in the same field as last year. Tickets will be £12.50 prior to the event and £15 on the door.
d) John Los proposed that we have a village Christmas tree this year, potentially in the church yard. It was agreed that this was a great idea and it should be brought up again in the October meeting so that the relevant permissions could be obtained.
c) This year’s music festival will be on 30th August in the same field as last year. Tickets will be £12.50 prior to the event and £15 on the door.
d) John Los proposed that we have a village Christmas tree this year, potentially in the church yard. It was agreed that this was a great idea and it should be brought up again in the October meeting so that the relevant permissions could be obtained.
As there was no other business the meeting closed at 8.16pm
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