Friday, 29 May 2015

June 2015 Pocklington Town Bulletin

Pocklington Provincial Update for June 2015.
1.    Priority
Issue: Pocklington Town Centre area (Evenings):

Throughout June, we are to continue our High Visibility patrols of the Pocklington Town Centre area to deter potential anti-social behaviour. These patrols include regular checks on peripheral areas at Pocklington Infants’ School, Maxwell Road (periodic reports of criminal damage and youths causing annoyance), Broadmanor Play Park (periodic reports of anti-social behaviour on an evening), Waterloo Lane (reports of low level anti-social behaviour and criminal damage), All Saints Church yard (reports of periodic anti-social behaviour), and Union Street (reports of criminal damage).

 In addition, recent complaints of youths causing annoyance with vehicles on the Station Road car park will result in this location being targeted and consideration made of offences under Section 59 of the Police Act, which can result in vehicles being used to cause harassment, alarm or distress being seized. 

Criminal offenders will be challenged robustly, arrested or reported for summons. Penalty Notices for Disorder or warning letters may be used in appropriate cases however, those who offend should expect to be arrested and dealt with if their anti social behaviour amounts to criminal offending.  The exercise of discretion should not be expected.

2    Priority
Issue: Youths causing damage / annoyance with Vehicles, Stamford Bridge (Evenings):

Following reports of anti-social behaviour by groups of youths congregating with vehicles in the vicinity of the Viking Road car park on an evening, Patrols will be regularly checking this location during June.  Consideration will be given to the issue of £90 Penalty Notices for Disorder and arrest where appropriate, in addition to lower level offenders being dealt with under the FAIRWAY process jointly with East Riding of Yorkshire Council. It is unlikely that any discretion will be shown.  Drivers using their cars to cause alarm or distress will be considered for warnings and possible seizure of their vehicles under Section 59 of the Police Reform Act.  

3.    Priority
Issue: Youths Causing Annoyance, area of Sherbuttgate, Pocklington (Evenings):

Officers will continue to patrol the area regularly throughout June.

4. Meetings

Market Patrol, Pocklington Market Place, Pocklington
PCSO Matschke will be patrolling the Market and will be available from 10:00am to 12 noon on Tuesday 2nd June to discuss community issues and offer crime prevention advice.

Police “Drop In surgery” at Lob Lane Sheltered Housing Coffee Morning, Stamford Bridge:
PCSO Gareth Ludlow has arranged a Drop In Surgery from 09:30 -11:00 at the above location to discuss community issues and offer crime prevention advice on the 26th June 2015.

Street Patrol –Wilberfoss
PCSO Gareth Ludlow will be patrolling around Wilberfoss from 8:30am to 9:30am on the 13th July.

5. Crimes in your area
  • Front and rear number plates were stolen from a vehicle parked on a driveway.
  • Entry was gained into a secure farm workshop and various tools were stolen.
  • A front door of a property has been damaged by a sharp instrument.
  • Glass from the passenger side wing mirror was stolen from a vehicle.
  • A garage door was damaged but entry wasn’t gained.
  • A window at Pocklington C of E Infant School was damaged by a golf ball.
  • A side wing mirror was broken off a vehicle parked outside the owner’s property.
  • A secure bike locked to a pole was stolen after the lock was forced off.
  • A passenger front window of a vehicle was smashed by unknown means whilst parked in a public car park.
  • A car parked in Millington Wood was broken into and access gained into the boot and 3 weekend bags containing clothes, shoes and valuables were stolen.
  • Various items were stolen from a local club.
  • There was an attempted burglary of a property; the patio doors were damaged as a result but access wasn’t gained.
  • A picnic table at the cricket club was vandalised.
  • A seesaw in Victoria Park was snapped off its spring and damaged.
  • A UPVC front door was damaged as a result of an unknown person/s kicking it.

6. News and Appeals
At Humberside Police more than one in four calls received on the 999 system are inappropriate, either because they simply are not emergencies requiring immediate police assistance or they are not police matters at all. 
People opt for 999 because they have no credit left on their phones or because they wrongly assume they will get dealt with more speedily if they ring 999 rather than 101.
Now, call takers are taking a stand and rather than simply sending a police officer to every incident, they will re-direct people to the most appropriate route.
And the public are being urged to “click before you call” and instead of ringing the police, unless it’s a real emergency, visit the website. Over the coming weeks a number of messages will be sent via our force Twitter (@Humberbeat) and Facebook Page using the #tag:  #ClickB4Ucall to highlight the different areas of information which are available on the website.
The recently launched new force website offers a wealth of information and is available to the public at the click of a button with details about everything from neighbourhood teams, police meetings and crime prevention advice through to the ability to report a minor crime online, complain or simply say thank you.
People who are not in urgent need of the police are being encouraged to first visit the website and see whether the answer they are looking for is there.

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