Sunday, 31 May 2015

Wolds Weighton Area Police Update for June 2015

Wolds Weighton Update for June 2015    

1. Priority  
Issue: - Youths Causing Annoyance High Street, Market Weighton (Evenings):

The High Street and immediate town centre area of Market Weighton, including the Memorial Playing Fields, Scotts Croft and Londesborough Road, will continue to be targeted by patrols on an evening throughout June with a view to ensuring the reduction of the potential for problems.  Consideration will continue to be given to use of £90 fixed penalty notices for disorder, alcohol seizure and joint work with our partners at East Riding of Yorkshire Council to secure Acceptable Behaviour Contracts where appropriate. There is unlikely to be any discretion shown to offenders.

2. Meetings
Police “Drop In” Surgery at Market Weighton Library with Police Community Support Officer Terry Cundiff:
PCSO Cundiff will be available on the following dates: 12th June and 10th July (10:30am-11:30am). Please come along to discuss any issues you have in your area.

Police “Drop In” Surgery at the Methodist Church, Town Street, Shiptonthorpe with Police Community Support Officer Terry Cundiff:
PCSO Cundiff will be available on the 4th June and 9th July from 10:30am to 11:30am.  Please come along to discuss any issues you have in your area.

Police “Drop In” Surgery at Wetwang Village Hall Coffee Morning with Police Community Support Officer Laura Hudson:
PCSO Hudson has arranged a surgery from 10:00am to 12noon at the above location on the 9th June. Please come along and discuss any issues you may have in your area.

Police “Drop In” Surgery at Market Weighton Methodist Church with Police Community Support Officer Laura Hudson:
PCSO Hudson has arranged a surgery from 11:00am to 12:00noon at the above location on the 10th June. Please come along and discuss any issues you may have in your area.

3. Crimes in your area
  • Two miniature Shetland ponies were stolen from a barn.
  • Entry was gained into a secure nursery site and a small tractor was stolen.
  • Whilst the owners were out in the garden unknown person/s have entered the property and jewellery stolen
  • A quad bike was stolen from farm.
  • Whilst the owner was upstairs an unknown person has entered the property and stolen a camera lens from the kitchen table.
  • A trailer was stolen from a barn.
  • A car was broken into in Millington Wood and access gained into the boot where 3 weekend bags containing clothes, shoes and valuables were stolen.
  • Entry was gained into a property and cash, items and 2 cycles were stolen.
  • A patio door was damaged but no entry was gained into the property.

4. News and Appeals

At Humberside Police more than one in four calls received on the 999 system are inappropriate, either because they simply are not emergencies requiring immediate police assistance or they are not police matters at all. 
People opt for 999 because they have no credit left on their phones or because they wrongly assume they will get dealt with more speedily if they ring 999 rather than 101.
Now, call takers are taking a stand and rather than simply sending a police officer to every incident, they will re-direct people to the most appropriate route.
And the public are being urged to “click before you call” and instead of ringing the police, unless it’s a real emergency, visit the website. Over the coming weeks a number of messages will be sent via our force Twitter (@Humberbeat) and Facebook Page using the #tag:  #ClickB4Ucall to highlight the different areas of information which are available on the website.
The recently launched new force website offers a wealth of information and is available to the public at the click of a button with details about everything from neighbourhood teams, police meetings and crime prevention advice through to the ability to report a minor crime online, complain or simply say thank you.

People who are not in urgent need of the police are being encouraged to first visit the website and see whether the answer they are looking for is there.

Cleaner & Gardener Wanted

I am looking for cleaner to work 3-5 hours per week (preferably on Tuesday mornings). £8/ hour. I live at Blackburn House. My sister (who lives just outside Melbourne) is also looking for someone for a couple of hours (same rate). So, potentially there is a day's work or it could be split. Please contact Nam Prakash on 07966673037.
I am also needing a gardener over the growing season to keep things tidy - negotiable hours but possibly, again 3-5 hours/ week. Contact, as above.

Friday, 29 May 2015

Everingham Newsletter June 2015

Here is the link to see the Everingham Newsletter for June.

June 2015 Pocklington Town Bulletin

Pocklington Provincial Update for June 2015.
1.    Priority
Issue: Pocklington Town Centre area (Evenings):

Throughout June, we are to continue our High Visibility patrols of the Pocklington Town Centre area to deter potential anti-social behaviour. These patrols include regular checks on peripheral areas at Pocklington Infants’ School, Maxwell Road (periodic reports of criminal damage and youths causing annoyance), Broadmanor Play Park (periodic reports of anti-social behaviour on an evening), Waterloo Lane (reports of low level anti-social behaviour and criminal damage), All Saints Church yard (reports of periodic anti-social behaviour), and Union Street (reports of criminal damage).

 In addition, recent complaints of youths causing annoyance with vehicles on the Station Road car park will result in this location being targeted and consideration made of offences under Section 59 of the Police Act, which can result in vehicles being used to cause harassment, alarm or distress being seized. 

Criminal offenders will be challenged robustly, arrested or reported for summons. Penalty Notices for Disorder or warning letters may be used in appropriate cases however, those who offend should expect to be arrested and dealt with if their anti social behaviour amounts to criminal offending.  The exercise of discretion should not be expected.

2    Priority
Issue: Youths causing damage / annoyance with Vehicles, Stamford Bridge (Evenings):

Following reports of anti-social behaviour by groups of youths congregating with vehicles in the vicinity of the Viking Road car park on an evening, Patrols will be regularly checking this location during June.  Consideration will be given to the issue of £90 Penalty Notices for Disorder and arrest where appropriate, in addition to lower level offenders being dealt with under the FAIRWAY process jointly with East Riding of Yorkshire Council. It is unlikely that any discretion will be shown.  Drivers using their cars to cause alarm or distress will be considered for warnings and possible seizure of their vehicles under Section 59 of the Police Reform Act.  

3.    Priority
Issue: Youths Causing Annoyance, area of Sherbuttgate, Pocklington (Evenings):

Officers will continue to patrol the area regularly throughout June.

4. Meetings

Market Patrol, Pocklington Market Place, Pocklington
PCSO Matschke will be patrolling the Market and will be available from 10:00am to 12 noon on Tuesday 2nd June to discuss community issues and offer crime prevention advice.

Police “Drop In surgery” at Lob Lane Sheltered Housing Coffee Morning, Stamford Bridge:
PCSO Gareth Ludlow has arranged a Drop In Surgery from 09:30 -11:00 at the above location to discuss community issues and offer crime prevention advice on the 26th June 2015.

Street Patrol –Wilberfoss
PCSO Gareth Ludlow will be patrolling around Wilberfoss from 8:30am to 9:30am on the 13th July.

5. Crimes in your area
  • Front and rear number plates were stolen from a vehicle parked on a driveway.
  • Entry was gained into a secure farm workshop and various tools were stolen.
  • A front door of a property has been damaged by a sharp instrument.
  • Glass from the passenger side wing mirror was stolen from a vehicle.
  • A garage door was damaged but entry wasn’t gained.
  • A window at Pocklington C of E Infant School was damaged by a golf ball.
  • A side wing mirror was broken off a vehicle parked outside the owner’s property.
  • A secure bike locked to a pole was stolen after the lock was forced off.
  • A passenger front window of a vehicle was smashed by unknown means whilst parked in a public car park.
  • A car parked in Millington Wood was broken into and access gained into the boot and 3 weekend bags containing clothes, shoes and valuables were stolen.
  • Various items were stolen from a local club.
  • There was an attempted burglary of a property; the patio doors were damaged as a result but access wasn’t gained.
  • A picnic table at the cricket club was vandalised.
  • A seesaw in Victoria Park was snapped off its spring and damaged.
  • A UPVC front door was damaged as a result of an unknown person/s kicking it.

6. News and Appeals
At Humberside Police more than one in four calls received on the 999 system are inappropriate, either because they simply are not emergencies requiring immediate police assistance or they are not police matters at all. 
People opt for 999 because they have no credit left on their phones or because they wrongly assume they will get dealt with more speedily if they ring 999 rather than 101.
Now, call takers are taking a stand and rather than simply sending a police officer to every incident, they will re-direct people to the most appropriate route.
And the public are being urged to “click before you call” and instead of ringing the police, unless it’s a real emergency, visit the website. Over the coming weeks a number of messages will be sent via our force Twitter (@Humberbeat) and Facebook Page using the #tag:  #ClickB4Ucall to highlight the different areas of information which are available on the website.
The recently launched new force website offers a wealth of information and is available to the public at the click of a button with details about everything from neighbourhood teams, police meetings and crime prevention advice through to the ability to report a minor crime online, complain or simply say thank you.
People who are not in urgent need of the police are being encouraged to first visit the website and see whether the answer they are looking for is there.

Crime Prevention Meeting

Paul has let me know that there is a Crime Prevention Meeting to be held on Tuesday 28th July 2015 - Council Offices, George St, Pocklington - 7.30pm

If there is anything you would like them to discuss, can you let me know via the contact form, thanks.

Thursday, 28 May 2015

Village Cricket Report

Sadly our first game against Barmby Moor turned into a total mismatch against a much bigger village full of cricketers.

Bielby 46 for 9, Neil Readman 15 not out. Good solid effort from debutant Rob Childs. Barmby Moor 47 for 1. Excellent catch by Edward Simpson.

As a result we have resigned from this year's competition and hope that the organising committee will come up with a change in the current ruling and allow the smaller villages to combine with a neighbouring parish to help them to enter a team in the future.

Wednesday, 20 May 2015

Minster Rail Campaign

Minster Rail Campaign
The Minsters Rail Campaign is promoting the reopening of the direct Hull-Beverley-York “Minsters” rail line as a modern railway fit for the 21st century.

This will be on the agenda at the next Parish Meeting and a Briefing Document is attached here

Pocklington Canal Consultation Events and Survey.

Pocklington Canal Consultation Events and Survey.

The Canal and River Trust would like to hear from you.

The next event is this weekend in Melbourne and the link to the survey is

More details and other event dates are on the attached leaflet, here

Summary of the dates:

Pocklington Canal - Community Consultation Dates
The Canal River Trust and partners are developing a Heritage Lottery Funded project to protect habitats, interpret the canal and offer opportunities to get involved in activities. 
We'd love to hear your views at one of the events below:

24th May - PCAS BiCentenary Fete, Melbourne 
6th & 7th June - Canal Head 
25th & 26th July - PCAS Boat Rally, Melbourne 
8th August - Pocklington Summer Fair
Or, you can complete an online survey:

Big Lunch Extras

The Eden Project to provide training and support for community volunteers.
Big Lunch Extras is for individuals in the UK wishing to start a community initiative or take existing projects to the next level. 

The next all expenses paid training session runs from 17th to 20th July at The Eden Project in Cornwall.

Details attached here

Help For Grassroots Groups

Help for Grassroots Groups

Grassroots Giving aims to support local communities by helping grassroots groups and organisations that are passionate about making life better for others to continue to grow.
Grants of £500 are available for projects that create empowering opportunities and make life better for local communities. Priority will be given to projects which get very little support elsewhere.

Local grassroots groups, such as community allotments, social groups for older people, and groups running activities for young people, from across the UK may apply. Groups should have an annual net profit of less than £10,000.

The deadline for applications is 31 July 2015.
Link to guidelines:

Application forms are available to complete online at the Society's website.  Skipton Building Society

Skipton Building Society - Grassroots Giving

Summer Programme For 16 & 17 Year Olds With National Citizen Service

A summer programme for 16 and 17 year olds with the National Citizen Service, East Riding.
ERVAS are running a fantastic new summer programme, which involves four weeks of activities taking place between 27th of July and 21st of August (Monday - Friday).  

Press Release – National Citizen Service, East Riding
East Riding Voluntary Action Services (ERVAS) is delighted to announce that it will be delivering the National Citizen Service (NCS) in the East Riding of Yorkshire for 16 and 17 year olds, along with our partners Tigers Trust and Hymers College.
ERVAS are running a fantastic new summer programme, which involves four weeks of activities taking place between 27th of July and 21st of August (Monday - Friday). The even better news is that all of the below is still only £50!
The new four week programme is as follows:
• Week 1: 27th July - A four night stay in a Youth Hostel in Howarth. The young people will participate in a five day programme of outdoor activities, designed to develop confidence, leadership skills, problem solving, which we are sure they will find both challenging and exciting.
• Week 2: 3rd August – A four night fun  packed  residential  at  The  Lawn’s  University  Halls,   Cottingham. The programme of activities will consist of a mixture of informative, character building,  and  fun  activities,  aimed  at  supporting  young  people’s  development  and  teaching   them skills to prepare them for their future.
• Week 3: 10th August - During this week, young people will plan a social action project, choosing a topic which interests their group, such as homelessness, anti-bullying, environmental issues or maybe something completely different!
• Week 4: 17th August - This is the week that young people put their social action plan into practice.
If you would like to find out more about NCS, please visit the following website:
NCS is a nationally recognized programme and helps young people with future education, training and employment applications, including university.
ERVAS will also be running more NCS activity weeks in the future, so please let us know if you would like further information about any of our NCS programmes by emailing

Be Aware Of Telephone Fraud Scam

Pocklington Neighbourhood Policing Team would again like to make residents aware of a telephone fraud scam. Please see info below.
People are urged not to fall foul of police telephone scam

Police are urging elderly and the wider public not to transfer funds to criminals involved in a bogus police officer scam.

Over the past few months Humberside Police have received a large number of calls from elderly residents reporting being called by an unknown person pretending to be a police officer.

During the call the offender suggests the people called have been the victims of fraud and to contact their banks (providing them with a number to call).

When they call the bank (using the provided number) they are asked for their card details and personal data.

The victim then receives a further call from the bogus police officer suggesting they transfer their money to a police security account.

Fortunately the majority of people have become suspicious and called Humberside Police; however numerous people have transferred large sums of money.

Police would never ask members of the public to transfer or hand over money as the victim of fraud.

Following the incidents police are urging members of the public to:
  • Never give out bank or personal details to strangers over the phone;
  • Never withdraw money and give it to a stranger or transfer funds to an unknown accounts.
Anyone who thinks they may have received a call along these lines should report it to police on the non-emergency number 101.

Tuesday, 19 May 2015

Seaon Ross Playing Fields News - Fun Fridays

Seaton Ross Playing Fields News - Fun Fridays!
On a Friday evening between 5pm-7pm during summer we are making all the equipment that we have recently purchased available for everyone to use (weather permitting!).  
There will be all the new play equipment and then all the sports equipment (e.g. rounders, cricket and football) as we are arranging for the big field to be cut fortnightly during the summer.  
This is an informal and unsupervised event for children of all ages and their parents but it should be an excellent opportunity to meet up and have some fun with all the new equipment during the summer months.  
This will all start on Friday 5th June 2015.  
Further details are available from but everyone is welcome.

Monday, 18 May 2015

East Riding Voluntary Action Services

Do you have an idea for a Community Project that needs some volunteers?

East Riding Voluntary Action Services (ERVAS) has recently been appointed as a Local Delivery Provider for National Citizen Service (NCS) within the East Riding, where young people (16 and 17 year old) will take part in a social action project to benefit their local community.
The attached leaflet gives more information, see link here.

Please contact Gabrielle with your ideas –

Thursday, 14 May 2015

First Cricket Match Of Season 22nd May 2015

We are playing our first match in this year's Canon Hedley Trophy on Friday 22nd May at Bubwith, with a  6.30pm  start.

This year's opponents are Barmby Moor, please come and support us as we are a small parish taking on much larger villages.

Anyone reading this who hasn't been asked to play and fancies a game, please contact Neil Readman (01759 318801). The only rule of the competition is that you must live within the parish boundary to qualify.

Environment Agency Maintenance Programme

"I am not too sure how many of you are interested in this information but thought I would share it with you".


Please click on the link to see a map as referred to by the Environment Agency at the Flood Liaison Group on 28th March 2015  relating to it's maintenance works.

Everingham Newsletter May 2015

Here is the link to see the Everingham Newsletter for May.

West Wolds Radio


Bielby residents interested in supporting the area’s new community radio station are invited to the next drop-in events taking place at Pocklington Arts Centre.

West Wolds Radio will start broadcasting in the summer serving Pocklington and district, and the station will be operated by volunteers. Already, healthy numbers of local people have made contact with the team behind the plans, eager to tackle different jobs from presenting to helping on technical issues.

West Wolds Radio will broadcast daily on FM, online and via mobiles to a population of 11,000 people across this part of East Yorkshire, with a mix of news, music, features, sport, theatre, creative writing and  specialist shows.

Manager Stuart Cocker says: “People have heard about us from Facebook, reading about the station in the press or from other local people. We’re busy converting studios in Market Street to become our headquarters so the progress is very exciting and we’re keen to come out with our programmes to places like Bielby when we are on the air.”

The next coffee mornings at the Arts Centre will be on Saturday 16th May, 10am-12.30pm on 20th June or 11th July, all from 10am. Admission is free and it provides the opportunity for people to drop in to talk to the directors on a one-to-one basis about any aspect of West Wolds Radio.  Further information is available at, like us on Facebook or on Twitter @westwoldsradio.

Tuesday, 5 May 2015

Dates For Your Diary August 2015

Here are two dates for your diary for August.

Produce Show - Saturday 1st August 2015 at St Giles' Church.

Music Festival - This year’s music festival will be on 30th August in the same field as last year. Tickets will be £12.50 prior to the event and £15 on the door.

Minutes Of Bielby Parish Meeting April 2015

Minutes of the Bielby Parish Meeting held on Monday 27th April 2015
At St Giles Chruch, Bielby

  1. Apologies for Absence: Sara Ridsdale, Stephen Ridsdale, John Peel
  2. Minutes of the last meeting held on Monday 27th January 2015 were read and adopted as a true and correct record. Proposed by Richard Coe, seconded by Gabrielle Rose.
  3. Matters Arising – We wrote to the Parish Council following the last meeting to ask about the possible chance of getting a disabled access for the church. We received a response from John Peel (Church Warden) which was read out and can been seen attached. This is an agenda item that will be on the Church AGM and John will come back to us once the outcome is decided at next meeeting.
    Letter re Disabled access - link 1 and link 2
    Replacement plaque for the memorial at the site where the fighter plane came down during the war has been ordered and should be with us soon. Richard Coe will keep us informed of progress.

    Richard also confirmed that he now has the plaque for the tree planted to commemorate the Diamond Jubilee and will order a post for it to be mounted on.
  4. Planning Applications and Outcomes since the last meeting

    Applications received since the last meeting were read out
    Erection of a two storey extension to the rear and creation of a new access at North and South Cottage – Approved 10 April 2015

    Erection of two storey extensions to front and side, external alterations and installation of roof light at rear – Merton Grange, Hayton Road.
  5. Village Bench

    The new village bench has now been put in place at the end of the village. A big thank you to Peter Nolton for his help making the bench weather proof and for making and fitting the brackets to prevent the bench from being stolen.
  6. Bus Shelter Rota

    It was agreed that the ‘Bus Shelter Rota’ should be on the agenda every April so that we can review the list of helpers to make sure everyone is still happy to continue to keep the bus shelter clean and litter free. The new bus shelter rota is attached and will be placed on the village notice board.
    Bus Shelter Rota April 2015

    May 2015 Susan Smith

    June 2015 Jan Emptage

    July 2015 Chris Emptage

    August 2015 Gabrielle & Caroline Rose

    September 2015 Neil & Janet Readman

    October 2015 Richard & Christine Coe

    November 2015 Sam & Mark Preston

    December 2015 Paul Ward

    January 2016 John Los

    February 2015 Val & Peter Noltan

    March 2016 Paul Ward

    April 2016 Graham Tew

  7. Beck

    It was agreed that the Beck looks very well and a big thank you to Neil Readman for his continued endeavors in beck maintenance. Costs for last year were down by £100 compared to the previous year so it was agreed that things would continue as they are and that Neil will continue maintenance as it is required.

    Proposed by – Sam Preston
    Seconded by – Val Nolton
  1. Village Blog

    A big thanks to Sara for her continued great work with the village blog. Sara confirmed that she is happy to continue keeping the village up to date with news and current issues and it was proposed that the village continues to pay Sara £60 per year to help towards admin costs. Proposed by Val Nolton, seconded by Margaret Wilkinson.
  2. Village Defibrillator

    Jan Emptage has seen in the East Riding News that defibrillators can now be acquired for rural areas and proposed that we looked into acquiring one for Bielby. Gabrielle is to look into how we can acquire one and what potential costs are involved.
  3. AOB

    a)    Dog Dirt
    Concerns were raised about the high level of dog muck around the beck.

    It was agreed that we should look at getting some larger signs and ask Sara to mention it on the blog to encourage people to clean up after their pets.

    b) Public Footpath
Gordon Layton spoke to Sam earlier in the week to bring up the problem of a damaged Public Footpath sign on his land that causes walkers to go the wrong way.Sam to speak with Paul Kerry to report the broken sign.

c) This year’s music festival will be on 30th August in the same field as last year. Tickets will be £12.50 prior to the event and £15 on the door.

d) John Los proposed that we have a village Christmas tree this year, potentially in the church yard. It was agreed that this was a great idea and it should be brought up again in the October meeting so that the relevant permissions could be obtained.

As there was no other business the meeting closed at 8.16pm