Wolds Weighton Update for June 2015
1. Priority
Issue: - Youths Causing Annoyance High Street, Market Weighton (Evenings):
The High Street and immediate town centre area of Market Weighton, including the Memorial Playing Fields, Scotts Croft and Londesborough Road, will continue to be targeted by patrols on an evening throughout June with a view to ensuring the reduction of the potential for problems. Consideration will continue to be given to use of £90 fixed penalty notices for disorder, alcohol seizure and joint work with our partners at East Riding of Yorkshire Council to secure Acceptable Behaviour Contracts where appropriate. There is unlikely to be any discretion shown to offenders.
2. Meetings
Police “Drop In” Surgery at Market Weighton Library with Police Community Support Officer Terry Cundiff:
PCSO Cundiff will be available on the following dates: 12th June and 10th July (10:30am-11:30am). Please come along to discuss any issues you have in your area.
Police “Drop In” Surgery at the Methodist Church, Town Street, Shiptonthorpe with Police Community Support Officer Terry Cundiff:
PCSO Cundiff will be available on the 4th June and 9th July from 10:30am to 11:30am. Please come along to discuss any issues you have in your area.
Police “Drop In” Surgery at Wetwang Village Hall Coffee Morning with Police Community Support Officer Laura Hudson:
PCSO Hudson has arranged a surgery from 10:00am to 12noon at the above location on the 9th June. Please come along and discuss any issues you may have in your area.
Police “Drop In” Surgery at Market Weighton Methodist Church with Police Community Support Officer Laura Hudson:
PCSO Hudson has arranged a surgery from 11:00am to 12:00noon at the above location on the 10th June. Please come along and discuss any issues you may have in your area.
3. Crimes in your area
- Two miniature Shetland ponies were stolen from a barn.
- Entry was gained into a secure nursery site and a small tractor was stolen.
- Whilst the owners were out in the garden unknown person/s have entered the property and jewellery stolen
- A quad bike was stolen from farm.
- Whilst the owner was upstairs an unknown person has entered the property and stolen a camera lens from the kitchen table.
- A trailer was stolen from a barn.
- A car was broken into in Millington Wood and access gained into the boot where 3 weekend bags containing clothes, shoes and valuables were stolen.
- Entry was gained into a property and cash, items and 2 cycles were stolen.
- A patio door was damaged but no entry was gained into the property.
4. News and Appeals
At Humberside Police more than one in four calls received on the 999 system are inappropriate, either because they simply are not emergencies requiring immediate police assistance or they are not police matters at all.
People opt for 999 because they have no credit left on their phones or because they wrongly assume they will get dealt with more speedily if they ring 999 rather than 101.
Now, call takers are taking a stand and rather than simply sending a police officer to every incident, they will re-direct people to the most appropriate route.
And the public are being urged to “click before you call” and instead of ringing the police, unless it’s a real emergency, visit the website. Over the coming weeks a number of messages will be sent via our force Twitter (@Humberbeat) and Facebook Page using the #tag: #ClickB4Ucall to highlight the different areas of information which are available on the website.
The recently launched new force website www.humberside.police.uk offers a wealth of information and is available to the public at the click of a button with details about everything from neighbourhood teams, police meetings and crime prevention advice through to the ability to report a minor crime online, complain or simply say thank you.
People who are not in urgent need of the police are being encouraged to first visit the website and see whether the answer they are looking for is there.