Tuesday, 8 July 2014


 Susan has asked me to put this on the website.

After much protracted debate with the council, BT and the MP, Chris and Susan have managed to find out the following:
  1. We will not be getting fibre in the 2015 roll out.
  2. We have now been told that the mystery company that had expressed an interest in providing us with broadband and which was therefore preventing the council spending public funds on us, has now relinquished its interest.
  3. This means we revert back to being able to be considered for the council's roll out plan for completion in 2017.
  4. Chris is waiting for the microwave company Quickline to see if he can receive broadband and what the speeds and service is like.
  5. We are still concerned that this might not be a viable or affordable option for all the people in the village.
  6. If it does appear to be possible for some of the village to recieve it, we could see if this company would be willing to put a repeater closer to the village to increase its potential reach- at least this would provide a stop gap solution till 2017.
  7. We are clear that getting Bielby connected to the fibre network is the best solution for all of the village and we are continuing to press the council to include Bielby in the next roll out.

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