Tuesday, 6 May 2014



Established 1988

Open Garden at Ellerker House
Thank you so much for all your support and help with teas, coffees, making cakes, washing up. Everyone did an amazing job and was kept very busy indeed. We were blessed with the weather and had over 600 visitors.

Flower festival at Harswell church  13th to 15th June
 With  the flowers supplied by Gill Hodgson
 Arranged by Helen Marsden and her friends from Hazel Hall’s class.
 Preview evening on Friday 13th June with wine and savouries - tickets £10 from Val Featherby or Jean Brookhouse
 Church open 11am to 5pm Saturday and Sunday 14th and 15th June with tea and cakes served.
 Any offers of cakes or help to serve on those days will be gratefully accepted
 Val Featherby  Tel 01430 860309   tom@twandnfeatherby.orangehome.co.uk

Everingham oil club
The closing date for the May delivery is Wednesday 28th May all orders as normal by e mail to phil.cartwright1@btinternet.com The next delivery will not be until mid September.
New members living in the circulation area of this newsletter always welcome.

Village Hall.
Thank you to John Scott Whitely for obtaining a donation from Hargreaves, which will go towards the new windows.
Inn Nights
Saturday, 24th May
Saturday, 21st June & if the weather forecast is for a warm barmy mid-summer solstice + BBQ

AGM Tuesday, 13th May. 7pm. Committee meeting will follow the AGM.

World cup in Brazil.
The following matches will be shown on the big screen in the Village Hall.
Thursday, 19th June. England v Uruguay. KO 20.00 Doors and bar open 19.00. Entrance £1 per person.
Tuesday 24th June. England v Costa Rica. KO 17.00. Doors and bar open 16.00. Entrance £1 per person.
 Unfortunately England’s other matches are in the middle of the night!
Hopefully England will progress further into the competition and we will show any matches that we can. Watch the ‘A’ board.
So, get on your shirts, wave those flags, bring your friends and let’s cheer on our team in Brazil.
On a similar theme, I will be starting a World Cup sweepstake. To pick a team out of the hat costs £5. Only you and I will know which team you have picked until the start of the tournament or I have sold all 32 teams. At the time of going to press, there are some great teams in the draw! (and some not so good ones). The winner will receive £50, the runner up £30 and VH funds £80. Please see Sally Wilkinson ( tel 872415) or call at Common Farm. Term: Strictly cash and no refunds!

Church Clock
Good News. One clock face is back up and looking fantastic. The other face will be back in the next few weeks
And thank you to all who provided cakes, flowers, and assistance for the Teas on Easter  Saturday at Ellerker House
The afternoon was frantic but successful with funds going to the maintenance of St Everilda’s Church
Thank you Roz for asking us to do this.

Jean’s Bring & Buy Plant Sale and Teas.
Saturday, 17th May 12 – 4.30 at the Village Hall.
In aid of St Everilda’s Church ( C of E)
Please take your plants to Village Hall after Thursday, (15th).

Church Services for May
4th May                       MP                               09.15                          Everingham
11th May                     HC                               10.45                          HOSM
18th May                     HC                               09.15                          Everingham
25th May                     HC                               09.15                          Harswell
Every Wednesday   HC                               09.30                          Old School HOSM

If you are interested in old cars....
Chris and Jane Berridge have invited friends from various car clubs to Southfield Farm on Saturday 10 May, and you are very welcome to come along and have a close look at a small selection of vehicles covering a century of motoring. There will be refreshments and a barbecue in aid of St Everilda's church, so if you would like to call in any time between 10.30 and 2.30, please could you let us know you are coming, in order that we can plan the catering.
Our contact details are jane_berridge@yahoo.co.uk or telephone 861156. 
Next issue of newsletter.
Please send submissions to everinghamnews@hotmail.co.uk or put them in our white enamel post box on our drive at The Old Priory by 24th May.

The newsletter this month has been sponsored by Angela & Gilbert Richardson

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