Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Bus Timetable

Possible Timetable – Comments?
Monday to Saturday

Days:  M-F            Mondays to Fridays                                    Sat            Saturdays                  WS            Wednesdays and Saturdays                  
TuTh            Tuesdays and Thursdays                  W            Wednesdays

Operators:            EYMS            East Yorkshire Motor Services                                              TDYK            Transdev York

We have made a number of changes following our meeting at Seaton Ross at the end of September and these are summarised below:
  1. The early morning service is the current service, but we are currently discussing with City of York Council about the provision of the Monday to Friday 0635 Pocklington to York journey. The meeting’s aspiration to have a later arrival time in York will be part of our discussion.
  2. The journey operates on Wednesdays & Saturdays and has been re-timed to leave Pocklington at 0930 (bus pass request).
  3. The journey operates on Tuesdays & Thursdays and is re-timed to leave Pocklington at 1230. The journey is extended to York to give an afternoon service into York, for people to return on the 1740 X36 service. This will give 3hours and 46mins in York.
  4. The journey operates Tuesdays & Thursdays, but is otherwise unchanged.
  5. The journey operates on Wednesdays. We have tried to give as much time in York as possible, but the bus needs to be back at Woldgate College for 1525. Travelling in on the 0930 from Pocklington will give 2hours and 56mins in York.
  6. The journey is retimed from 1440 to 1450, but is otherwise unchanged.
  7. This journey is unchanged. 
If you have any comments please send them to Paul by 8th November. Thanks.

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