Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Grapes For Harvesting

Alex and Vince have a ripe grape vine so if anyone likes making wine in the village, they have a vine full of ripe black grapes going spare if anyone wants to harvest them for a perfect "chateau Bielby" - perhaps in return for a wee tot of the finished produce! Please let Alex know if interested.

Alex asked me to mention this just over a week ago so I hope that the grapes are still ok! I've just been in touch with Alex and you will need to hurry if you want to harvest them as they have reached their best and are on the turn!

Bus Timetable

Possible Timetable – Comments?
Monday to Saturday

Days:  M-F            Mondays to Fridays                                    Sat            Saturdays                  WS            Wednesdays and Saturdays                  
TuTh            Tuesdays and Thursdays                  W            Wednesdays

Operators:            EYMS            East Yorkshire Motor Services                                              TDYK            Transdev York

We have made a number of changes following our meeting at Seaton Ross at the end of September and these are summarised below:
  1. The early morning service is the current service, but we are currently discussing with City of York Council about the provision of the Monday to Friday 0635 Pocklington to York journey. The meeting’s aspiration to have a later arrival time in York will be part of our discussion.
  2. The journey operates on Wednesdays & Saturdays and has been re-timed to leave Pocklington at 0930 (bus pass request).
  3. The journey operates on Tuesdays & Thursdays and is re-timed to leave Pocklington at 1230. The journey is extended to York to give an afternoon service into York, for people to return on the 1740 X36 service. This will give 3hours and 46mins in York.
  4. The journey operates Tuesdays & Thursdays, but is otherwise unchanged.
  5. The journey operates on Wednesdays. We have tried to give as much time in York as possible, but the bus needs to be back at Woldgate College for 1525. Travelling in on the 0930 from Pocklington will give 2hours and 56mins in York.
  6. The journey is retimed from 1440 to 1450, but is otherwise unchanged.
  7. This journey is unchanged. 
If you have any comments please send them to Paul by 8th November. Thanks.

Minutes Of Parish Meeting 21st October 2013

Minutes of the Bielby Parish Meeting held on Monday 21st October 2013
At the College Arms, Bielby
(by kind permission of Jean and Mike McDougall)

1.      Apologies for absence

Graham & Julie Tew, Christine Coe, Sara Ridsdale, John Los. There were 20 people present.

2.      Minutes of the last meeting

3.      Matters arising from the last minutes

We would like to extend our thanks to Rachael Reed for the great job she has done over the last 5 years as the Parish Secretary and welcome Sam Preston who has taken over from Rachael.

4.               Planning applications and outcomes

Applications were read out.

a     Errection of a garage at Gale Carr Farm - approved
b     Errection of a wind turbine at Gale Carr Farm – approved
c     Errection of a dwelling at Land North of Sandiacre, Mill Lane - awaiting decision

d     Wind turbine application at Land South of Rytham Gates, Seaton Ross – awaiting decision
e     Application of certificate of Lawful Development at Fragaria Main St – awaiting decision
f     Application for certificate of Lawful Development at Oak Bridge Farm –
      Certificate to be issued

Sam was also sent information regarding a Proposed single wind turbine at Skylark Farm, Blamire Lane, Everingham

5.      Purchase of a tent and storage bags

This year Bielby Village Festival purchased, using Festival Funds, a new tent (the stage tent) – Ian Simpson proposed that the village buy the tent from the festival thereby making it available for the village to use all year round instead of just for the festival. The cost of the tent was £687.85.

It was also suggested by Ian that the village bought some proper storage bags for the tent poles as the cardboard boxes that the poles came in get easily damaged. The storage bags are £6.99 each
, with 10 being required, making the potential purchase total £69.90.

Paul Kerry seconded the proposal and the meeting agreed.

The proceeds from the sale of the tent will then be given to Marie Curie (as with the other festival proceeds) for care in the local community.

6.      Village Facility Update

A questionnaire was circulated earlier in the year to find out whether the village wanted a meeting facility. The results from the questionnaire were a resounding no. Thank you to all of the people who filled in the questionnaire and also to the committee and Chris Emptage for their work involved.

7.                              Increase in Village Meetings

The chairman suggested that it might be a good idea to increase, per year, the number of meetings that we hold. There are times when he needs to make decisions on matters arising outside meeting times. It was also suggested that it would allow the community to be more informed on planning applications.

The meeting agreed and Val Nolton suggested that instead of holding a normal meeting and the AGM on the same evening in April that we instead split these 2 up and have the meetings as follows:

End January             Bielby Parish Meeting
End April             Bielby Parish meeting AGM
End September            Bielby Parish Meeting

Richard Coe seconded.

As a result of the planning application feedback it was suggested that all planning applications be put on to the Bielby Blog from now on.

8.                              Road Update

The chairman attended another meeting regarding the state of our roads. Nigel Layton (Director of Environment and Neighborhood Services at ERYC) also attended along with our MP. The results of a HGV survey have concluded that there is an even distribution of heavy goods vehicles with 98% of them going to and from local businesses.

The tender for the Recycling contract was reviewed in early October and we will know in January whether or not the Composting Site at Melbourne has another 10 year term.

Re traffic calming measures - recently two speeding indicators have been positioned in the village – the results may allow us to get a grant for flashing 30 MPH signs at both ends of the village. We await the research outcome.

9.                              Bus Update

East Yorkshire Bus service has confirmed that the subsidy is not covering costs, though they want to continue to run the service they may need to reschedule destinations and times to maximize use.

10.                          Meeting with the Police Commissioner

Members of Melbourne Parish have asked their council to seek an open meeting with the Police Commissioner Matthew Grove. We and other local parishes have been invited to come along to the meeting.

One or two people expressed an interest so Sam will contact Melbourne Parish to register our interest and then advise on the proposed date for the meeting.

11.                          Plaque for the tree planted in Spring

Val Nolton proposed that the tree planted on Gale Carr Lane to Commemorate the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee should have a plaque. Richard Coe, very kindly, agreed to organize this. There were no objections and Jenny Ward seconded.

12.                          Carol Singing

Date set for 22nd December to follow after the church service at approximately 5pm.

It was agreed that the Special Care Baby Unit in York should be the chosen charity again this year.

13.                          A.O.B.

a: Emergency Planning
East Riding Council has come up with a much simpler format and template to allow Parishes to draw up their own Emergency Plan.

It was agreed that for such a small, close community it wasn’t necessary at present.

b: Bielby Beck

Neil Readman has noticed that the foliage on the beck bank has started to get quite high again and had proposed that we need to annually maintain things.

There have been significant budget cuts within the Environment Agency which in turn will affect any future maintenance on Bielby Beck. Neil has been advised that we should contact the Internal Drainage Board to ask that they adopt the Beck with a view to them assisting with routine maintenance.

Neil also proposed that, this year, we keep the bank in good order and that he should be able to use up to £1000 of parish funds to do this. Should additional funds be required Neil shall consult again with the Parish.

There were no objections and Peter Youngseconded.

c: Meeting Venues

Jean and Mike have been extremely kind in allowing us to use the pub as a meeting place for the Bielby Parish Meetings but it was agreed that we should start using the church in future. We would like to thank Jean and Mike for their very kind hospitality over the years.

d: Parish Precept
It was proposed by Stephen Ridsdale and seconded by Richard Coe that the Precept should remain the same as last year – the meeting agreed.

e: Village Christmas Walk

Richard Coe agreed to organize the post Christmas walk on Sunday 29th December. Departing Margaret Wilkinson’s House at 10.30 to The Melbourne Arms.

f: Night Out

Ian Simpson has booked Anna Shannon (singer/ songwriter) to perform on Saturday 16th November at 7.30pm at the church. She will be singing two 45 minute sets, tickets are £10 each, include refreshments, and are available from Ian. Money raised will go to Cruse Bereavement Care.

g: Village Crockery & Cutlery

Val Nolton proposed that we should buy some dinner plates, soup bowls and cutlery for the village to use at various events which could be made available for the villagers to hire. A budget of £250/ £300 was agreed and seconded by Neil Readman. Val to organise purchase of said items.

h: Village Christmas Meal

The date for the village Christmas meal is Sunday 15th December at Mr Chu’s, Hayton; 7pm start. Banquet meal (vegetarian option available), £20 per head. If you would like to go please let Paul Kerry know by 16th November.

As there was no other business the meeting closed at 8.45pm.

Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Harvest Festival Well Attended

It was lovely to see so many at the harvest festival.

Thanks to all those who helped to organise the service and to the children who did art work and took part in the service. Well done Lucy, Tilly, Alicia, Rose, Matthew, Beatrice, Lilia, Hettie, Lara, Jamie, Isabel and  Thomas.

Special thanks to Matthew who did a bible reading and Lilia who read a harvest prayer.
Thanks to Pete and Val for hosting a harvest lunch after the service to raise funds for the church.

Photos and Results Of The Friendly Cricket Match With Everingham

There was a friendly cricket match between Bielby and Everingham on Sunday 21st July at Bubwith. 

 The Team!

 Stephen in bat!
Players and spectators all had a great time.

Beatrice cheering on the team!

 Thomas exhausted by the excitement!

Everingham 102 for 9 wickets.

Everingham bowled a few overs each and well done to all.

Bielby 103 for 7 wickets.

Zac Los 27 not out.
Neil Readman 18 not out.
Rory Stephenson 13 not out.

A successful cricket season, winning 3 out of 4 matches, so well done Bielby Cricket team and we look forward to the 2014 cricket season!

Thanks to all the support over the season as well.

Sunday, 27 October 2013

Bielby Village Christmas Meal

The Bielby Village Christmas Meal will this year be at Mr Chus Chinese Restaurant at The Plough Inn at Hayton on Sunday 15th December 2013 at 7pm. If you wish to get there from 6ish for pre dinner drinks and chat then that's great.

Everyone welcome, the more the merrier!

The meal will be a 3 course banquet which includes a starter, second course and main meal. A vegetarian option is available. £20 per person. You can check out Mr Chu's website for a sample banquet menu.

There is a separate dance floor for anyone who has the energy to dance the night way after a Chinese banquet!

Confirmation and payment to Paul Kerry by Saturday 16th November. Cash only please as cheques will not be accepted. To Paul Kerry at Bowcroft Cottage, tel 318811.

There are limited places so please book early.

We look forward to seeing you there.

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Anna Shannon Concert 16th November At St Giles Church

Bielby Autumn Music Festival Season starts!

On Saturday November 16th, Anna Shannon will be performing some of her songs in a concert at Bielby Church at 7.30pm ( 2 X 45 minute sets with a short break for refreshments).

Some of you may have heard of Anna, she is based in Scarborough and has not only won competitions with her songs, but has performed at major venues throughout the UK.

Check her website on

Tickets will be on sale shortly, priced at £10. (There will be a limit of 50 tickets only)

Proceeds of this concert will go to CRUSE ( local charity for bereavement counselling).

To book a ticket, email Ian Simpson on (because ticket numbers are limited, I will need payment beforehand to secure a ticket!)

I will send you all a reminder in a few weeks!

But remember to put the date in your diary!

Bielby Music Festival 2013 A Huge Success

Bielby Music Festival "The Picnic" as most of you are aware the festival was a huge success, and we were able to give Marie Curie Cancer Care a cheque for £650. Other donations include £200 from The Gait Inn Millington, £200 from Richard Longthorne, Howden, £50 from Mr Habbershaw, Bielby, and not forgetting "At your Convenience" rented us our loos at half price! The Marie Curie Fundraising committee also made a few hundred pounds on teas, guess the Teddy's name and the barbeque! Our outgoings were higher this year, due to the increased cost of the bands, stage lighting, PA hire and engineer costs, and so on, but overall we covered our costs and made a decent donation to Marie Curie Cancer Care. So thank you to all involved, (especially Jed and Stacey for loan of their field, and the intrepid tent erection team. Ian & Richard

Photos of the Jubilee Tree Planting

The jubilee tree planting took place on Sunday 3rd March 2013. The tree was planted down Gale Carr Lane.

Geoff did the honours and planted the tree.

There was a small turn out of villagers to mark the occasion.

Thanks once again to Paul K for all his hard work in organising this and getting the area ready for the tree planting, he worked very hard and has made the area look very nice.

We are hoping to put a plaque near the tree so anyone walking the public footpath will know that this tree was planted to commemorate the Queen's diamond jubilee.

Monday, 7 October 2013

Notes From Roads Meeting 12th August 2013

Notes of a Roads meeting held on 12 August 2013 at Seaton Ross Village Hall.

Nigel Leighton talked us through the HGV survey done by the ERYC in our area. It found that there was a fairly even distribution of HGVs using the routes in the area and 98% of the vehicles were delivering to or attending farms or businesses in the area ie. travelling the routes for access, which can be worked out from how long the journeys took. Number plate recognition was used. EYRC does not want to divert traffic to create another problem in another village.

Highways want to improve the roads where most local HGVs go. Their budget is £6-700,000 to do the rest of Ash Lane which will take about 10 weeks. There will be further phases to Rythamgate and Scamland. There will be some work in Everingham using the Ash Lane planings eg. c10 passing places including the Thorpe le Street road. Thorpe le Street should not be made too good or more lorries will use it and there is no money for a major upgrade there.

The tenders for recycling?? will be made in early October with contracts for 10 years. They will know in January 2014 whether Kemps has the contract again and can then talk with them about vehicle movements. Kemps is only a small proportion of the HGVs so even if they don’t get the contract again the roads still need doing.

Greg Knight asked 2 questions: (1) Was best environmental practice included as part of the tender requirement – Nigel explained that this could not be included. (2) If the road is widened then lorries will speed and should there be speed controls eg. flashing lights. This can be done in conjunction with the parish councils. In fact it is usually the locals who speed.

Nigel than asked if there were further concerns about roads in the area and the following were raised
1. Signage off the A1079 will be reviewed to discourage non-local HGVs. HGV signs on the A1079 at Bielby and Thorpe-le-Street will be re-sited.
2. The survey can be done again when Ash Lane is completed to see if any HGV movements are affected, though surveys are not cheap.
3. Nigel will send out more details from the existing survey.
4. John asked about safety issues in Everingham. Nigel agreed to put speeding indicators on the road to see what speeds are and whether there is a problem. In fact he will do this in all the villages. John Harland will work out where to put them and confirm this with us before going ahead.
5. Speed reactive signs are done in partnership with the parish councils. Melbourne has recently had two erected. Money can be borrowed from the Public Works Loans Board for the signs. The Parish Grant will not fund them. The signs are £3000 each.
6. Thornton to Allerthorpe Common road – passing places are a problem and there are no signs. The Forestry Commission needs to look at roadside parking and passing so EYRC will contact them.
7. John Scott-Whiteley reported that Hargreaves drove better after he talked with their manager. It was suggested that parish councils wrote to companies asking for improvements and if nothing was done to ask their MP to write on House of Commons paper.
8. A1079 drainage is poor near the Montessori School
9. Southfield Lane Seaton Ross is cracking in places, there are large holes at side of road and the lettering has worn off the Passing place notices.
10. Melbourne – the signage is in the wrong place for the B1228 and lorries overshoot.
11. Problem of overhanging hedges hiding road signs
12. Cross roads at Ash Lane and B1228 – for some reason traffic goes straight on instead of stopping at the Give Way sign and there have been a number of serious accidents. Can any improvements be made to signage?

Parish Meeting 21st October 2013

Bielby Parish Meeting 21st October 2013

 Just to let you know that the BIELBY PARISH MEETING will take place on Monday 21st October 2013.

 All resident electors of Bielby Parish are invited to attend the meeting to be held on the above date at 7.30pm at the College Arms (by kind permission of Jean and Mike McDougall).

The agenda is as follows;
1. Apologies for absence
2. Minutes of the last meeting held on Monday 29th April 2013
3. Matters arising from the minutes
4. Planning applications and outcomes since the last meeting
5. Purchase of a tent and storage bags
6. Village facility update
7. Increase in meetings
8. Road update
9. Bus update
10. Meeting with Police Commissioner
11. Plaque for the tree planted last autumn
12. Carol Singing
13. A.O.B.

If you wish to discuss any of these issues then we look forward to seeing you at the meeting.

Duck Race Sunday 20th October

 Duck Race Sunday 20th October 11am at Mill Bridge, down Mill Lane.

Ducks £2 each from Richard and Christine 318314.

Prizes: Langlands Voucher, Wine, Boots Gift Set, Butchers Voucher, Box & Children's Book.

Another lovely family event, we look forward to seeing you all there.

Wanted Home for Horse

We are currently looking for a new home for our horse; does anyone in the village have or know of grazing and a stable that we could rent out?

Brandy is currently recovering from an injury, so we would like to move him closer to home so we can keep an eye on him. Brandy is a 14.2, 14yr old bay gelding.

Although he is friendly towards humans, he can be quite dominant towards other horses, therefore would need to be separated from other horses and ponies.

If you can help us out please contact Helen and Shauna on 01759318762 or email

Thank you everyone! Helen Tucker

Calendar For Christmas In Aid Of Church Funds

Susan Smith is putting together a calendar of village scenes and events for sale at Christmas in aid of church funds. While she has some scenes of Bielby she would like pictures of village events to include in it. If you have any recent pictures of events like the produce show, the music festival, the Duck race that you would be willing to share, please could you email them as JPEGs to Thanks in advance. Susan Smith and St Giles’s, PCC.