Saturday, 5 November 2011

Summary Of Parish Meeting on 17th October 2011

Here is a brief summary for those of you who couldn't attend the parish meeting on Monday 17th October 2011.
  • Update about Beck clearance - drainage board will be returning to do more maintenance work between Market Bridge and approximately 500m downstream of the Mill. Thanks must go to Neil Readman for organising the Beck clearance work.
  • Planning applications that have been applied for, granted and declined were discussed. Planning applications are usually displayed on village notice board.
  • Bonfire/Fireworks - not to take place this year, but will be reviewed annually. Money normally spent on fireworks will be held in reserve in case money is needed to complete Beck clearance which is being done to help guard against another flood.
  • Carol Singing will take place at 6pm on Sunday 18th December 2011.
  • Parish Plan - lottery grant had restrictions for use but the questionnaires didn't highlight any significant areas to spend money on so money was returned.
  • Waste Management Lorries - it had been noted that more lorries have been coming through the village, there were concerns about this due to suitability of road, damage to road, damage to nearby housing which may be affected as the movement of lorries can cause houses to shake and plaster to come off. Communication has been made with council and the waste management company. It is hoped that the lorries will share the journeys, taking different routes so that not all lorries are coming through Bielby.
  • Buses - Discussion about the withdrawal of buses in the morning to be replaced by a Pullman service. Issue regarding cost of running this bus, the village has been asked to make a contribution to the cost of having the Pullman bus. It was felt that we should pledge a contribution along with other villages along the route.
  • Queen's Diamond Jubilee - A committee has been set up to organise the Jubilee celebrations, if people have suggestions or want to get involved then they can contact Sara Ridsdale, Val Nolton, Paul Ward or the Tews.
The village would like to thank Val Nolton, Rachael Reed, Paul Ward (new chairman) & Neil Readman (previous chairman) for the hard work they put into running the Parish meetings both on the night and during the year. A lot of hard work goes on, so thank you.

Thanks to Jean & Mike for letting us host the meeting at the pub.

The next parish meeting will take place in April 2012.

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