Thursday, 8 June 2023

 It has come to my attention that a proposed new roundabout onto the A1079 from The Balk is to be built as a result of a planning condition imposed on Gladman developments who have aquired permission for 300 or so houses on the Balk, Pocklington. The new roandabout is to be sited further East along the A1079 and an extension to the Balk, creating a dead end access to the Yorkway See outline plan I found here.

It seems a golden opportunity has been missed to include the road from Bielby onto the A1079 (Carr Lane) to be connected to this new roundabout, similar to the one at Allerthorpe and Hodsow Lane.

I wrote to Leo Hammond about this asking why it had been missed, his response was as follows;

"I can understand the point of view you are putting forward, and I think if this situation was a planned capital scheme of the Council, like both the Shiptonthorpe and Allerthorpe Roundabouts were, then what you are suggesting would probably be done - to create a roundabout which also helps improve the connection of villages like Bielby to the A1079. However, this scheme is not such a scheme.
To understand what has happened with this, it is key to realise that the development for these 300 new homes on the Balk which this new roundabout is a condition of was opposed and turned down by East Riding of Yorkshire Council on the grounds it was overdevelopment (in short). Our decision was sadly, overturned by the National Planning Inspectorate who has now granted planning permission (outline at this stage) for the new houses on the Balk, with the condition for the new roundabout to connect the Balk to the A1079.

Therefore, this roundabout is not a separate scheme, it is part of a planning development, and therefore, can only relate to the effects of said development. This is because it is the developer of said development who is funding it, and in planning policy you can only ask developers to fund things which directly come as an effect of their development.

So, it is only possible for East Riding to make the developer build a roundabout which alleviates the additional traffic caused by their development. We do not have the power to ask the developer to anything more. I hope that makes sense?

There is also the added complication of space. The roundabout is being proposed to be built towards Hayton with a new road connecting it to the Balk and the existing Balk Junction being closed. This is because there is limited space to build an appropriate roundabout at the site of the existing junction. It is also complicated to try and build one were the Carr Lane junction is because to do so, you would need to build over two existing businesses."

I am just putting this on the Blog to inform residents of the impending roundabout and its implications for road safety and access for Residents of Bielby, Everingham and Seaton Ross and further afield who use the junction on a regular basis.

Graham Tew
Secretary to Bielby Parish meeting.

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