Thursday, 22 June 2023

Coronation Gift Presentation At the Church Sunday 25th June at 10.30am

Just a quick reminder about the Commemorative Coronation Gift Presentation to the village children on Sunday 25th June at 10.30am at the church.

If you have yet to RSVP please can you let me know one way or another so we know which children can attend and we know numbers for sweet treats afterwards. 

Just email Sara via


Looking forward to seeing you all.

For those children who can't make it we will pop round with the coronation gift some time next week.

Thursday, 15 June 2023

Bielby 100 Club Winners 2022 -2023

Here are the winners of 2022/2023 100 Club

A big thank you to everyone for supporting the 100 club.

The following is a list of the winners:

July 2022 Jane & Richard Dacre 1st (ticket 70) £20
July 2022  Mr &Mrs Zolotta 2nd (ticket 71) £10
August 2022 Julie Tew 1st  (ticket 20) £20
August 2022 Nicky Spedding 2nd (ticket 58) £10
September 2022 Mrs Stannage 1st (ticket 42) £20
September 2022 Mr and Mrs Ward 2nd (ticket 21) £10
October 2022 Gareth Jones 1st (ticket 64) £20
October 2022 Glynis Walsh 2nd  (ticket 7) £10
November 2022 May Dove 1st (ticket 56) £20
November 2022 Melanie Marshall 2nd  (ticket 28)£10
December 2022  Elizabeth Thompson 1st (ticket 80) £50
December 2022 Rachel Matthews 2nd  (ticket 26) £50
January 2023 Colin Baker 1st  (ticket 11) £20
January 2023 Sandra Johnson 2nd  (ticket 55)£10
February 2023 Mr and Mrs Laird 1st (ticket 85) £20
February 2023 Ian Simpson 2nd   (ticket 4) £10
March 2023 Sandra Johnson 1st (ticket 55) £20
March 2023 Peter Shaw 2nd  (ticket 14)£10
April 2023 Jon and Bettie Los 1st  (ticket 74) £20
April 2023  Ian Simpson 2nd (ticket 4)£10
May 2023 Nam Prakash Kaur 1st (ticket 63) £20
May 2023 Richard Coe 2nd (ticket 48)£10
June 2023 Elizabeth Shaw 1st (ticket 13) £20
June 2023  Mr & Mrs Zolotta 2nd  (ticket 71) £10

Thank you all for your support.

Tuesday, 13 June 2023

PAC Paddington Concert

 We received a flier for the upcoming event at Pocklington Arts Centre and Bridlington Spa;

Coronation Commemorative Gift For Village Children

We would like to invite the village children/teenagers and their families to the church on Sunday 25th June at 10.30am to present them with a coronation mug kindly gifted to them by the church and parish of Bielby.

If you can make it please come along at 10.30am and we will have squash and buns for the children/teens and a cuppa for the adults after the presentation so we can have a little catch up afterwards either inside the church or outside if it's a warm day.

We hope you can make it, please let us know if you can come along. Thanks.

If you can't make that date we will pop round with the coronation gift.

Best wishes

Sara and the coronation/ church committee

Monday, 12 June 2023

Cricket Match Thursday 15th June 2023

Following our comprehensive win over our neighbours Everingham & Seaton Ross, we are now playing Bishop Wilton on Thursday 15th June at Pocklington Cricket Club on the pitch next to the Sports centre. 6.30pm start. All supporters welcome. Thanks Neil.

Thursday, 8 June 2023

Bielby Parish Meeting Minutes.

Minutes of Bielby Parish Meeting AGM

Held on Monday 15th May 2023 at 7.30 pm at Coffee and Coe courtesy of Richard and Christine Coe.

1. Apologies for absence. 

From Francis and David Tyas, Bronwyn Martin, Dot and Rob Zottola, Alan Pilling and

Sandra Johnson, Margaret Wilkinson, Pete Nolton.

2. Minutes from the last AGM held on Monday 11th April 2022.

Were read and approved as a true record

3. Matters arising from the minutes.


4. Reports:

a. Chairman’s Report.

The Chair commented on the resurgence of village activities following the COVID

pandemic and its restrictions and looked forward to the next few events and to

welcoming the new residents into the village.

b. Treasurer’s Report.

Elizabeth Thompson described some minor budget issues, Bielby in bloom is one

such item. Also Bus shelter repairs. See Ordinary meeting minutes.

See account and budget link below.

c. St Giles Church.

John Peel thanked the village for the support over the last year as well as

subscribers to the 100 club, which gives a monthly prize to lucky ticket holders

with additional prizes at Christmas. Call Steve Smith on 318459 if you wish to

join for £13 a year and support the Church too.

John also appealed to younger volunteers to organise the annual duck race

held at the Mill Bridge. A great opportunity for younger people (i.e under 60!) to

wade in the beck and catch ducks.

See written report link below.

5. Election of Officers for 2023-2024: Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer.

All 3 incumbent positions agreed to remain in their place, and there being no

other candidates;

Chris Emptage as Chir was proposed by Neil Readman seconded Richard Coe

Graham Tew as Secretary prop Chris Emptage, sec John Peel.

Elizabeth Thompson as treasurer Prop Jim Whitwell, sec Julie Tew.

All duly elected.

Meeting closed at 7.50pm

Budget and Account

Church Report

Minutes of Bielby Parish Meeting 

Monday 15th May 2023 started at 7.50pm

held at Coffee and Coe

By kind permission of Richard and Christine Coe


  1. Apologies for absence.

As AGM minutes

  1. Minutes of last meeting held on 31st October 2022.

Were read and approved as a true record

  1. Matters arising from the minutes.

Neil readman commented thatthe highways jobs had not been done, Cllr Leo

Hammond took note and would chase up Highways.

Drains had been looked at by ERYC but LH commented that the gulley cleaning

is ERYC’s remit but the drains beyond that are Yorkshire waters and the system

is a combined system taking foul and surface water to the same destination and

therefore the issues with flooding are more about capacity than blockage. LH

would push ERYC to pursue Yorks water for a long term solution. The more

pressure villagers put on ERYC and Yorkshire water by way of complaint the

sooner a solution will be found.


And Yorkshire Water Helpline 0345 1 24 24 22

  1. Planning applications and outcomes since last meeting.

4a     Location: Firgrove House

Granted - Proposal: Removal of Condition 4 (over night sleeping

accommodation) and variation of Condition 8 (approved plans) of

planning permission granted for -Erection of outbuilding to include

domestic garaging and residential annex ancillary to the main dwelling

      4b  Location, Common Farm Galecarr Lane, 

Pending - Proposal: Erection of an agricultural building for the storage of


  1. Bielby in Bloom and Budget for planting

It was agreed to increase the budget to £500 for plants and to use more

perennial planting, particularly in the border at the bench opposite the church.

Elizabeth Thompson asked for volunteers for the watering rota or for people

with planters and tubs near their house to water in very hot dry periods,

as carrying watering cans down the village is hard work!

  1. Village Show

To be held on Saturday August 19th at the gardens of Stoneleigh, courtesy of

Dale Greenaway. Having assessed the tents they seemed to be in fair condition,

Ian Simpson will repair one of the covers to the village tent. The other,

“Hodgsons “ Tent is still OK, overall we need about £100’s worth of spares which

Graham Tew will source prop Helen Wilton, sec Jane Dacre. Graham also got a

quote for a new cover of £533.33 plus VAT for a hardwearing version PVC Elite

cover if required. 

  1. Music festival

To be on Sunday 27th at the gardens of Stoneleigh, courtesy of Dale Greenaway

Chris Emptage asked what the Picnic Festival was asking the village to

underwrite in the event of a loss, Ian Simpson estimated costs as follows £400

for Toilet hire, £300 insurance, £180 for generator hire, they are also looking at

sponsorship from local business’. Ian Simpson said the lineup of acts is growing,

with confirmed so far;

Barton Community Brass Band

Vintage Belles

Shifty Pig

Mighty Moth

Pink Cadillac

Red Sky Eukelele band.

Asked for people to buy tickets early as confirmed numbers helps book bands

and for organisers to understand site requirements, also numbers are limited.

Available on Eventbrite site 

  1. ERNLLCA membership 2024

Membership approved for following year prop John Peel, sec Chris Emptage

  1. Budget and Precept yr 2023/24

  • Elizabeth Thompson read through the budget asked that the Bielby in bloom budget be increased to accommodate the additional planters and borders we have in the village now, and it was approved that this be increased to £500 per year.

  • Chris Emptage had obtained a quote for repairs to the bus shelter from Sharpes in Melbourne of £250, it was agreed that to obtain 2 further quotes for a job of this size would be very difficult, so the meeting approved the expenditure.

  • Following the coronation party, it was agreed that any surplus of funds be used to buy Dawn and Gary at Beech Tree a thank you gift for the hire of the Disco which was a great addition to the day.

  • It was agreed to keep the Precept for 2024-25 the same as this and the previous 5 years as there are no foreseen large expenses following the EA and ERYC taking over the beck clearing and grass cutting respectively. Prop Richard Coe sec Chris Emptage.

  • Neil Readman asked if the combined Cricket team of Bielby and Hayton in the Canon Hedley League be granted £100 for cricket ground rental as neither village has a cricket ground of their own, prop Paul Ward, sec Glynis Walsh.

  1. Bielby Beck update.

Neil Readman confirmed work had been carried out to keep the beck clear and paid

for by the Environment Agency, Looking Healthy too.

  1. Speed limit in village.

Leo Hammond commented again on the 3 options available, however the local

community speed watch group no longer need to carry out a speed survey before being

set up, so the way is open to a group being trained, Cllr Hammond has contact details

of the person in the Police traffic department to contact. Is there someone who would

like to take the lead on this? Previous minutes indicated 5 people interested, we need

one more.

It was asked if the speed indicator sensor signs were a viable option, Clly Hammond

said they have a time limited effect, but are available to hire from ERYC around

£500/month. Graham Tew to research purchase of signs.

  1. Litter Pickers

LH informed the meeting of a scheme run by ERYC every March where litter picker

devices are loaned to anyone who wants to litter pick and leave pink bags for the council

to pick up, contact or see the web page here  If anyone wants the village to buy them a litter picker, contact

the Meeting Secretary maximum 4 so 1st come 1st served.

  1. Information board for the public bench area

John Peel presented a draft of the information and photos he has researched for the

information board and contacted the Pocklington Historical society to verify a few points

who also put him in contact with a local print company who can carry out the graphic

design and set-out as well as a contact for the support and lectern too which he thinks

will be within our original budget. If no-one objected with a week of Johns proposals,

then he and Julie Tew are to go ahead and get the board made up.

  1. Mill Lane – picnic bench.

The meeting was happy for Susan Richardson to go ahead and place a picnic bench by

the beck, but it is noted that it is not within the Parish and also that the village takes no

responsibility for its placement or upkeep, a plaque with a general note in remembrance

of past villagers was thought acceptable. Thank you Susan.

  1. Village Land

Movement on the consolidation of village land is postponed.

  1. Do it for East Yorks Fund.

Funds are available still but no other schemes or projects were forthcoming.

  1. Storage of Village crockery.

Val and Pete Nolton are still storing the village crockery, thank you so much. No-one in

the village seems to have storage space, but Jim and Rachel Whitwell, who have

recently moved into the village say they would do so when they have finished their

refurbishment in around a years time. Appeal to the village for anyone who can help in

the meantime. The crockery comes out once or twice a year for show or functions and is

available to anyone who wants to borrow it. I think 50 place settings.

  1. Bus Shelter Rota

Julie Tew volunteered to go on the rota to help anyone having to do two months in

the year, see current rota below. Thanks to all the volunteers in keeping the

village clean and tidy.

  1. Tree planting to approach roads

GT was approached by Bronwen Martin to see if the village was interested in plantingtrees on the approach roads into the village. Woodlands trust donate trees’ to groups

and charities for planting. The village has discussed them before but there was push

back from landowners in the past who would have trouble flailing their hedges and

verges. Neil Readman was concerned about root damage to the roads as well as the

inconvenience in either hedge maintenance or verge cutting. GT has enquired with

planning dept at ERYC what the procedure and policy is for the planting of trees along

roads and will report back.

Graham Tew

Secretary to Bielby Parish Meeting



Elizabeth Thompson


Val and Pete Nolton


Paul Ward


Graham Tew


Tony Britton


Jan Emptage


Chris Emptage


Margaret Wilkinson


Janet and/or Neil Readman


Debbie Britton


John Peel


Julie Tew

Please Empty and replace Bin Liner

Sweep up litter and leaves etc from inside and around the shelter

Remove out of date or inappropriate notices

Check for any damage or wear and tear and report to Secretary.

Thanks for your help in keeping the village clean and Tidy, it helps a lot 🙂