Tuesday, 29 June 2021

Cleaner Wanted

Cleaner Wanted. Beatrice is wanting a cleaner for 3 hours on a Friday to clean their Holiday Cottage.
If you know anyone please let Beatrice know via email beatriceaugusta@yahoo.co.uk
Thank you. 

Saturday, 26 June 2021

100 Club Subscription Price

 Friends of St Giles Bielby 100 Club

My apologies for not specifying the price of a subscription to the 100 Club which is £13.

Steve Smith

Here are the details from the previous post if you wish to renew or take out a subscription. Thank you. 
Payment can be made directly to the St Giles PCC’s bank account.  Please do then email me (slselliott803@gmail.com) with your contact details:
Account name: Bielby Parochial Church Council of St Giles
Account number: 83093931
Sort code: 60-16-35
Payment reference: your name
Alternatively, please post payment with contact details through our letterbox (Old School House - white house next to Church).
Any queries, please email me (Steve Smith) at slselliott803@gmail.com
The PCC very much appreciates the support from the village, without which the upkeep of St Giles Church would be very difficult.
Best wishes,
Steve Smith

Friends of St Giles Bielby 100 Club Subscription For 2021/2022

 Friends of St Giles Bielby 100 Club

Following my previous post, I'd like to thank all those that have renewed their 100 club subscriptions.  We are, however, well short on last year's donations and would be grateful for any further renewals or new subscriptions.

Payment can be made directly to the St Giles PCC’s bank account.  Please do then email me (slselliott803@gmail.com) with your contact details:
Account name: Bielby Parochial Church Council of St Giles
Account number: 83093931
Sort code: 60-16-35
Payment reference: your name
Price of Subscription is £13.

Alternatively, please post payment with contact details through our letterbox (Old School House - white house next to Church).
Any queries, please email me (Steve Smith) at slselliott803@gmail.com

The PCC very much appreciates the support from the village, without which the upkeep of St Giles Church would be very difficult.

Best wishes,

Steve Smith
Treasurer, Bielby PCC

01759 318459

Friday, 25 June 2021

100 Club Winners 2019/2020

 Sorry this is late. Here are the winners of 2019/2020 100 Club

A big thank you to everyone for supporting the 100 club.

The following is a list of the winners:

July 2019 Sue & Steve Smith 1st (ticket 13)
July 2019  Carrie Busfield 2nd (ticket 38) 
August 2019 Mr Newbould 1st  (ticket 23) 
August 2019 P&J Ward 2nd (ticket 67) 
September 2019  Mr & Mrs Dove 1st (ticket 17) 
September 2019 Mary Milner 2nd (ticket 45) 
October 2019 Gabrielle Rose 1st (ticket 24) 
October 2019 Mary Milner 2nd  (ticket 45) 
November 2019 Val & Pete Nolton 1st (ticket 46) 
November 2019 Mrs Richardson 2nd  (ticket 80)
December 2019  Mr & Mrs Matthews 1st (ticket 50) 
December 2019 Glynis Walsh 2nd  (ticket 4) 
January 2020 Francis Tyas 1st  (ticket 35) 
January 2020 Moira Busfield 2nd  (ticket 37)
February 2020 Nan Preston 1st (ticket 71) 
February 2020 Judith Simpson 2nd   (ticket 6) 
March 2020 Lionel Martin 1st (ticket 16) 
March 2020 Mrs Dettmar 2nd  (ticket 75)
April 2020 Barbara Peel 1st  (ticket 3)
April 2020  Richard Coe 2nd (ticket 8)
May 2020 Mary Craven 1st (ticket 63)
May 2020 Mary Milner 2nd (ticket 47)
June 2020 Mr & Mrs Geeke 1st (ticket 69)
June 2020  Mr & Mrs Thomas 2nd  (ticket 65)

85 tickets sold £1105
Expenses £35.
£430 Prizes
£640 Donations raised for the church.
Thank you all for your support.

Sunday, 20 June 2021

East Riding of Yorkshire Community Tree Planting Fund For Private & Public Landowners

East Riding of Yorkshire Community Tree Planting Fund that has just been launched.  This grant programme is for the purposes of delivering new tree planting activity and is open to private and public landowners across the East Riding of Yorkshire.  

I am pleased to let you know that we are now welcoming applications for funding through this programme for 2021, for the purposes of creating new areas of native woodland, planting new clusters of native trees, or establishing new individual native standard trees.  There are no restrictions on who can apply to the fund for a grant, and it is envisaged that applications will be received from a range of individuals and groups such as private and public landowners, farmers and land managers, community groups, businesses, community organisations, charities, Town & Parish Councils, schools and faith groups.


Applications to the fund should be made through the online FlexiGrant system, and this is available at https://eastridingofyorkshirecouncil.flexigrant.com/ where potential applicants are able to register and find all of the tree planting funds we currently have available, including the new East Riding of Yorkshire Community Tree Planting Fund.

For your interest, I enclose a Guidance Note supporting this fund which sets out the broad principles by which it is intended to make funding awards.  This Guidance Note is intended to steer applicants towards bringing forward the types of proposals that will be eligible through this fund, and these can be rural or urban in nature, and must demonstrate clear benefits to the East Riding of Yorkshire.  The deadline for the submission of applications for funding this year will be 31st August 2021 and a small grant panel will convene to oversee the process of awarding grants to successful applicants.  We hope to make all decisions regarding funding by 30th September 2021.

Guidance Notes Link - 


Thursday, 10 June 2021

Village Planters

The Bielby planters replenished and looking lovely. 

Thanks to all those who helped with the planting. Cheers. Paul

Bielby Parish Meeting Annual Return and Exercise of Public Rights


Bielby Parish Meeting Annual Return and Exercise of Public Rights

Every year, Bielby Parish Meeting local authority finalises the accounts for the financial year ending 31st March, the accounts are then internally audited.

- The financial accounts for 2020-2021 and the budget for 2021-22 were presented and approved at the Annual General Meeting of Bielby Parish Meeting held on the 24th May 2021.

The financial statement from the accounts is incorporated into the regulatory Annual Governance and Accountability Return.

All electors in Bielby Parish have the right to inspect the financial accounts and the Annual Governance and Accountability Return (“AGAR”) of Bielby Parish Meeting.

- To satisfy this obligation, the AGAR (Annual Governance and Accountability Return) and the “Notice of Public Rights” are hereby published in the attached .pdf documents.

- Paper copy (‘hard-copy’) of the attached e-documents have been posted on the village notice board at the bus stop for review.

(Should anyone borrow the paper copy from the notice board for review, please return on the same day.)

- For 2021, the review period for these documents and all associated financial information is from 1st June until 14th July 2021, inclusive.   


Attached documents available here, and comprise:-


(1.) Notice of Public Rights (3 pages)


(2.) Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2020-2021 (7 pages), including:-

* Exemption Certificate – Signed by the Chairperson, approved at the AGM (Minutes Item 4(b)(iii)) and sent to the government external auditor as required.

* Annual Internal Audit Report – Signed by the local internal auditor.

* Annual Governance Statement – Signed by the Chairperson, approved at the AGM (Minutes Item 4(b)(i)).

* Accounting Statements - Signed by the Chairperson, approved at the AGM (Minutes Item 4(b)(ii)).

* Contact details


(3.) Bielby Parish 2021-2022 Budget, approved at the AGM, 24th May 2021 (Minutes Item 4(b)(iv)) (1 page).


(4.) Treasurer Report, 24th May 2021 (3 pages).


(5.) Bielby Parish 2020-2021 End-Year Accounts (9 pages), including:-

* 2020-2021 Account summary

* Account statement with comparison to last three years, signed by Chairperson and Treasurer.

* Bank reconciliation

* Income

* Expenditure

* Variance between 2020-2021 and the previous year, 2019-2020

* Tangible Asset List

* Vendors – Suppliers and recipients of charitable donations over the last five year period.

* 2019-2020 Account summary just for comparison.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -        

Wednesday, 9 June 2021

York Consortium of Drainage Boards

 The York Consortium of drainage boards have asked that we advertise and display the attached notice, you may be interested!

Public Rights Advert

Police Newsletters June 2021

 Latest newsletters from Humberside Police for our area are available on the links;

Pocklington Newsletter

Market Weighton Newsletter

Friday, 4 June 2021

Anti Fraud Awareness

Please click on the links for Anti Fraud Information and more Anti Fraud Information

Village Bench Looking Good

The village bench is looking good and here to be enjoyed.

Thanks to Paul for cleaning up the bench. 

(Please note this is not a new bench as I had previously stated incorrectly, sorry about that. It is the original bench that Paul has done a fab job cleaning up.)

Thursday, 3 June 2021

East Riding Local Plan Update

 The East Riding Council are opening up the proposed Local plan update for consultation from 28th May to 6th August 2021. Inviting comments from interested parties;

The Local Plan sets out planning policies for the area and is a key driver in determining planning applications and development opportunities in the East Riding. The current Local Plan was adopted in 2016. The council has reviewed this Plan and is now consulting on a draft update. This consultation is the second stage in reviewing the Local Plan. Responses to this consultation will be considered and will help to finalise a revised ‘pre-submission’ Local Plan that will be consulted on and then submitted to the Secretary of State for examination.

On Friday, 28 May 2021 the following documents will be published for a 10 week period of public consultation:

  • Draft Strategy Document Update - This includes the broad amount and location of development, for uses such as housing and employment, to be brought forward over the plan period to 2039. Additionally, policies relating to different issues such as protecting landscape character, minimising the risk of flooding and providing affordable housing are also addressed in this document.
  • Draft Allocations Document Update - sets out site specific policies for how residential, employment, retail and mixed use draft allocations should be developed in order to meet the targets of the Draft Strategy Document. Draft allocations include the re-allocation and de-allocation of existing adopted Local Plan sites along with new sites in some locations.
  • Draft Policies Map Update - a series of supporting Draft Policies Maps show the exact locations where development is proposed, as well as areas that should be protected from development.

A range of background and evidence base documents supporting the aims of the Draft Local Plan Update will also be published on Friday 28 May. These include:

  • Sustainability Appraisal
  • Draft Infrastructure Study
  • Draft Whole Plan Viability Assessment
  • Summary of Allocations by Settlement Document 

How to view the documents

All consultation documents are available to view on the council’s website at: www.eastriding.gov.uk/localplanupdate

How to comment on the documents

To comment on the consultation documents, please complete the online smart survey response form at: www.eastriding.gov.uk/localplanupdate. The form is easy to use and allows you to comment on as many or few consultation documents as you wish, save your response and continue at a later date and upload supporting attachments.

Alternatively, you can write a letter and send it to Forward Planning (AS67), County Hall, Cross Street, Beverley, East Riding of Yorkshire, HU17 9BA.

Please note, electronic responses are our preferred method of contact. Electronic responses can be processed more easily helping the Local Plan Update to progress more quickly.

Comments will be made publicly available on the council’s website in due course after the consultation period has ended (the council only redacts personal data in respect of email addresses, telephone numbers and signatures). To ensure we can log all responses and keep you informed of progress on the Local Plan, your details will be retained and used in accordance with our privacy notice.