Monday, 2 July 2018

Pocklington Canal

Dear Bielby Parish Council,

A notice for the parish.

You will be aware of the recent works taking place along the canal, taking place as part of two projects currently in progress on the Pocklington Canal. I would like to give you an update on the progress of the two projects.

As part of the ‘A Gem in the Landscape’ project (Led by Canal & River Trust with Heritage Lottery Fund support) dredging and tree works have taken place over winter 2017/18. This included the dredging of a channel along the centre of the canal between Melbourne Arm and Walbut Lock, as well as thinning of trees along the eastern half of the canal (mainly between Coates Bridge and Canal Head). The large spend (capital) works have now been completed, and there will be no more large scale one-off habitat works this coming winter. We will be installing new visitor signs on the canal at certain points with information about the history and wildlife of the canal.

This ‘Gem’ project also includes an extensive events programme, which you can view here: The Main Event for 2018 is the Bicentenary Festival, which will take place on 28th and 29th July 2018.

The ‘Bicentenary Restoration Appeal’ project (led by Pocklington Canal Amenity Society with public donations and legacy grant support) is nearly complete. Recently PCAS have restored Walbut Lock. This, coupled with the restoration of Thornton Lock and the HLF funded dredging, will allow boats to travel along the canal to Bielby Arm. This will be the new Head of Navigation for the canal. Boats will be able to turn around in the ‘junction’ between the canal and the Arm – boats will not be encourage to travel along the Arm itself, and there are no plans to dredge/cut this.

You will likely be aware that PCAS have started fundraising for the restoration of Sandhill Lock. This is part of a long term vision (over 10 or 15 years) to see the canal restored for use by boats up to Canal Head. This vision forms a new Restoration Strategy for the canal, which has been approved by the Pocklington Canal Liaison Group (which includes CRT, PCAS, NE, ERYC, EA, YDAA, English Heritage).

Both of the projects described above are being run in partnership between CRT and PCAS – whilst there are different lead organisations, both include the Liaison Group.  The lead organisation is responsible for the delivery of each project.

In addition, to coincide with the Bicentenary Festival (part of the ‘Gem’ project), PCAS are organising a Boat Rally at Melbourne Arm between 27th – 29th July.

Sent by Lizzie Canal & River Trust and Paul from Pocklington Canal Amenity Society

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