Minutes of the Bielby Parish AGM
Monday 23rd April 2018,
St. Giles’s Church, Bielby.
Present: Chairman - Paul Ward. Treasurer - Val Nolton. Secretary - Gabrielle Rose.
10 residents.
- Apologies for absence: Sara Ridsdale, Graham Tew.
- Minutes from the last meeting held on Monday 24th April 2017 were read out and adopted as a true and correct record. Proposed by Richard Coe and seconded by Ian Ross.
- Matters arising from the minutes.
There were no matters arising from the minutes.
- Reports:
- Chairman’s Report. See below. Paul thanked the organisers of the years events and the village for their support.
- Treasurer’s Report. See link https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1P5DEqM5L8YY2poUUptaHBheGhfTWxPRzlmTnloTzJpNXJj/view?usp=sharing. Val summarised the accounts for the year and advised that a rise in rents would be due. After 10 years as Treasurer Val is retiring.
- approval of the Annual Governance Statement 2017/18. There were no objections to approving this item.
- approval of the Accounting Statement 2017/18. There were no objections to approving this item.
- St Giles Church. Church warden John Peel gave his report. He thanked the village for their continued support for the church, by way of the 100 Club and the Coffee Morning between £350 and £400 had been raised. John said that the church is a communal facility here to help and support the village. Progress was being made regarding accessibility following talks with the architect Peter Pace. A ramp at the gate was possible, so drawings and a report would be submitted followed by a site meeting at the church by the PCC.
- Parish Paths. The ERYC now maintains the village paths. Margaret Wilkinson commented on the slow start and Paul said the the council could be contacted if this became a problem.
- Bielby Produce Show. Richard Coe said that due to other commitments this year the show may be postponed till the end of August.
- Election of Officers for 2018: Chairman. Paul Ward to continue.
Secretary. Gabrielle Rose to continue.
Treasurer. Ian Ross was proposed by Val Nolton and seconded by Neil Readman.
- Any Other Business.
Val Nolton was resigning this year after 10 years. Richard Coe and the meeting thanked Val and Paul presented her with a beautiful bouquet of flowers.
There was no other business and this meeting closed at 19.50.
Minutes of the Bielby Parish Meeting
Monday 23rd April 2018,
St. Giles’s Church, Bielby.
- Apologies for absence. Sara Ridsdale, Graham Tew.
- Minutes of last meeting held on 30th October 2017 were read out and adopted as a true and correct record. Proposed by Richard Coe and seconded by Margaret Wilkinson.
- Matters arising from the minutes.
There were no matters arising from the minutes.
- Planning applications and outcomes since last meeting.
Hearing Dogs for Deaf People – application for access ramp approved.
The Stores – Erection of single storey extension applied for.
- ERNLLCA (East Riding and North Lincolnshire Local Councils Association) membership renewal. Proposed by John Peel, seconded by Richard Coe.
- Beck Update given by Neil Readman. All okay and flowing well. The smell noted lasted autumn has been resolved. Margaret noticed that the beck was an odd colour this evening. Paul commented that any concerns about pollution/health and safety should be reported to the Waterways Authority.
- Defibrillator. Paul made regular checks and everything was okay.
- Bielby in Bloom. Paul hoped that there would be more planting this year and encouraged everyone to get involved. The meeting agreed to pay £150 for the purchase of plants which was the same amount as last year.
- Data Protection Bill. Paul informed the meeting that the EU General Data Protection Regulation comes into force in May and the Government requires that all organisations must employ a Data Protection Officer. Following much discussion, the meeting agreed to wait for further information from National/Local Government.
- ERYC Communication Review Panel – The Council have asked for a survey to be completed about how they communicate with residents. Paul asked for comments from the village.
- Parish Council Liaison Meeting. Paul asked for items for discussion to be submitted.
- Thanks to Sara for maintaining the Bielby Blog. The meeting agreed to pay £60 to maintain this useful and informative resource.
- Bus Stop Shelter Rota. It was noted that on several occasions the bin had not been emptied. Gabrielle had made enquiries with ERYC about the cost of buying and installing a bin which came to around £500 including VAT. The meeting agreed to continue with the rota and that monthly reminders should be emailed to each volunteer.
- ERYC Emergency Plan Exercise. Feedback from the recent exercise undertaken by the council raised the issue of how vulnerable residents could be helped in the event of a major emergency. The meeting discussed how/whether such residents should be contacted. Gabrielle agreed to contact the Council for further advise about this.
- 11th November 2018 – A Nations Tribute. The meeting discussed various ways in which the village could pay tribute. John Peel informed the meeting that memorials would be taking place during the day at St Giles. A candlelight vigil was suggested. The item will be discussed again at the October meeting.
- Any other business.
Richard Coe thanked Val Nolton our departing Treasurer for her work for the village. Paul also thanked Val and presented her with a beautiful bouquet.
There was no other business and this meeting closed at 20.37.
Chairmans Report 2017/18 - April 2018
Remembrance Sunday: We held a church service and followed by a walk to the memorial at the canal.
Carol singing: Once again the village was very supportive financially and thanks to those who came out to enjoy.
Bielby Produce Show: A great event as ever, well supported with some wonderful entries. Thanks to the committee for organising this event
Bielby beck: The beck is looking and thanks to Neil Readman for his management of this and in particular sorting out the damaged wall.
Xmas dinner: We had a wonderful Xmas dinner again with a massive thankyou to Jenny for organising this at short notice.
Music festival: A big thank you to Ian Simpson and Richard Coe for once again organising a fantastic event. Also thanks to Ian & Nadia for allowing us to use their field.
Bielby in Bloom: Thanks to the small group who volunteered to help brighten the village up with planting flowers at either end of the village and in the middle. Let’s hope we can build on this and make Bielby a pleasure to view and drive through.
Meetings: The Chair has represented Bielby on a number of meetings throughout the year.
Thanks: The Chair would like to thank all those who organise events and other work around the village. I would like to make a personal thanks to Val and Gabrielle for looking after me throughout the year and let’s have another happy and successful year.
Paul Ward 23rd April 2018
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