Thursday, 4 May 2017

Minutes From Parish Meeting April 2017

Minutes of the Bielby Parish AGM

Monday 24th April 2017, St. Giles’s Church, Bielby.

Chairman - Paul Ward, Treasurer - Val Nolton, Secretary - Gabrielle Rose.
8 residents.

  1. Apologies for absence: John Peel, Christine Coe, Julie Tew, Debbie Britton, Caroline Rose

  1. Minutes from the last meeting held on Monday 25th April 2016 were read out and and adopted as a true and correct record. Proposed by Neil Readman and seconded by Richard Coe.

  1. There were no matters arising.

  1. Reports:
    1. Chairman’s Report. Paul reported on the year’s events. A copy is attached. Paul and the Parish offer their condolences to Julie Kerry on the very sad loss of Paul.
    2. Treasurer’s Report. Val produced the accounts for the year ending 31st March 2017. A copy is attached. Donations raised from Carol Singing amounted to £220. The two charities nominated to each receive £110 were the York Hospital Special Baby Care Unit
and the Anthony Nolan Trust.
      1. approval of the Annual Governance Statement 2016/17
      2. approval of the Accounting Statement 2016/17
Approval of the accounts were proposed by Margaret Wilkinson and seconded by Ian Ross.
Val informed the meeting that having been Treasurer for ten years that she would continue for one final year.
    1. St Giles Church. John Peel was unable to attend the meeting so the Churchwarden’s report was read out by Paul. A copy is attached. Contributions of help and support were acknowledged and appreciated.  There is nothing further to report with regard to disabled access but John is hopeful of progress this year. There is a new noticeboard outside, and the eighteenth-century brick floor has been revealed in the sanctuary.
    2. Parish Paths. This item was discussed in the Ordinary meeting following the AGM.
    3. Bielby Produce Show. Richard Coe thanked everyone who attended and exhibited and hoped that children would be encouraged to get involved this year. No date has been set yet for this year.

  1. Election of Officers for 2017: Chairman – Paul Ward, Treasurer – Val Nolton, Secretary – Gabrielle Rose. All proposed by Neil Readman and seconded by Margaret Wilkinson.

  1. Any Other Business.

There was no other business and the meeting closed at 7.55pm

Here is the link to the reports

Minutes of the Bielby Parish Meeting

Monday 24th April 2017, St. Giles’s Church, Bielby.

Chairman - Paul Ward, Treasurer - Val Nolton, Secretary - Gabrielle Rose.
8 residents.

  1. Apologies for absence: John Peel, Christine Coe, Julie Tew, Debbie Britton, Caroline Rose.

  1. Minutes of last meeting held on 24th October 2016 were read out and adopted as a true and correct record. Proposed by Jenny Ward, seconded by Graham Tew.

  1. There were no matters arising.

  1. Planning applications and outcomes since last meeting were read out:
Hollycroft Court.  Application approved.
Footpath No. 1 near Mill Lane. Diversion approved.
Sunnyside Cottage. Application for 2 storey and 1 storey extension to side and front, a timber building and a dropped kerb. Approved.

  1. ERNLLCA (East Riding and North Lincolnshire Local Councils Association) membership renewal.
There were no objections to continuing with membership of this organisation.

  1. Beck Update. Neil reported that the beck continues to flow well although there has been no significant rainfall to cause any issues. He is happy with the current contractor and advised that maintenance should continue to ensure that the beck remains in good order. Following Derek Chaplin’s concerns at the last meeting Paul had contacted the Environment Agency who have no issues with the banksides. Neil commented that the recent E.A. repairs near the swing bridge have been damaged by heavy rain.

  1. Defibrillator. The unit has been installed in the Phone Box. A missing part has been ordered and the unit needs to be registered. Alex Quigley is trained on using Defibrillators. Yorkshire Ambulance Service provide group training sessions. Access to the cabinet is gained by a key code given to the caller during the 999 call. The meeting discussed whether this code should be available to the village.

  1. Local paths partnership review. The administration and financing of path maintenance is changing and from this year the Highways Agency will be carrying out the work of cutting the Parish Paths so the Parish Paths Grant is being withdrawn. Margaret Wilkinson commented that a path was veering onto the adjacent field and questioned if the H. A. knew where the actual path was. Richard Coe commented that there are plans available to show the routes.

  1. Underwriting the cost of running the Music Festival. Ian Simspon was unable to attend the meeting so Paul read his proposal that the Parish should underwrite the cost of any losses and hold a contingency fund for the Music Festival. Ian and Richard Coe organise the event and have used their own money in the past for the up front costs, such as insurance and artists booking fees. Richard said that the Music Festival had always been successful with the profits going to charity but costs are rising and profits are therefore not as high they were. Insuring the event was costly and he asked if it could be covered under the Parish policy. Neil Readman said that special events are always charged extra and cancellation insurance is expensive but he would look in to it. The Festival is going to be a biennial event from this year. The meeting agreed that, in the event of a loss, these would be borne by the Parish (and not by the organisers) up to a maximum of £500 per event. Proposed by Neil Readman and seconded by Tony Britton.

  1. Bielby in Bloom. A small committee had been formed and 4 planters had been purchased for approximately £700. Paul had been in touch with ERYC who said that a license is necessary to place planters on the verge and for safety reasons they would have to agree to the location. Public liability insurance is required. Paul is dealing with both of these issues. The council gives away compost in May and bulbs in November. Residents are encouraged to get involved and the Parish will fund reasonable costs up to a certain limit.

  1. Bus Stop Shelter Rota. Everyone at the meeting who is on the rota agreed to continue for this year. Gabrielle will contact the volunteers who were not at the meeting.  

  1. Provision of a computer for the Parish Secretary. Gabrielle asked if a laptop could be purchased from Parish funds in order that Parish business can be carried out on a dedicated and secure system. Correspondence is now mostly done via email with links to websites, so there is a possibility of ‘Ransomware’ or some other virus infecting the computer. It would therefore be sensible to keep Parish information on a separate system to personal information. A maximum of £500 would cover the purchase cost with annual fees for MS Office software and security updates in the region of £80. The meeting agreed. Proposed by Val Nolton and seconded by Graham Tew.

  1. Any other business.
  1. Precept – Call for Evidence Survey. The Government is revisiting a proposal that would require Councils to carry out a referendum if precept increases rise beyond 5%. Local Government are asking for parishes to complete a survey giving information about their precept. 2010 was the last time the Parish increased its precept. The meeting briefly discussed this issue, noting that the cost of a referendum would be more than the funds raised from the precept increase. Paul will complete the survey.
  2. The College Arms. Paul has received a letter from the ERYC saying that the pub does not meet the criteria for nomination as a community asset. This contradicts a previous recommendation so Paul is looking into this.
  3. Paths. Neil Readman has suggested that the remaining pile of chippings at the bridge on Mill Lane should be spread over the paths.  The meeting discussed whether or not a more substantial path could be constructed. Issues raised included legality and cost. A working party was organised to spread the chippings on Saturday morning.  
  4. Bielby Blog. Thank you to Sara Ridsdale for keeping everyone posted via the village blog.

There was no other business and the meeting closed at 8.55pm

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