Tuesday, 14 March 2017

Public Inquiry 14-16 March 2017 – Allerthorpe Caravan Park Appeal

Allerthorpe residents say ‘NO’ to huge Caravan Park
Local developer appeals East Riding Council’s double refusal to approve the creation of a 150-unit static caravan park on the site of their former Golf Course in the parish of Allerthorpe, York.
Local developer Mr. Jonathan Atkinson of Turnwalk Ltd in partnership with Park Leisure 2000 initially applied for a 225 Caravan Park on his former Golf Club site in Allerthorpe in 2013 This application was refused.
The Parish Council and the majority of residents of Allerthorpe village persuaded the Planning Committee of East Riding of Yorkshire Council to refuse this first Caravan application even though the Council’s officers had recommended approval. A similar, but smaller application for 150 units was presented on 10 March 2016 once again drawing huge opposition from the Parish Council and from the majority of the village residents. The Council’s Planning Committee again, unanimously refused this second application.
In its decision notice the Council stated that ’the size and scale’ of the development were inappropriate for its proposed location and contravened a number of the National and Local Planning Policies.
Subsequently, Turnwalk Ltd (Mr Jonathan Atkinson) and Park Leisure 2000 responded by lodging an appeal which will be heard on 14 - 16 March 2017 at a Public Inquiry to be held at the East Riding of Yorkshire Council offices in County Hall, Beverley.
The Parish Council supported by a majority of village residents has registered as a major objector at the Public Inquiry and will be staunchly opposing this Appeal alongside the East Riding Council’s own Planning Policy Team.
The Parish Council has instructed Freddie Humphreys QC, of Kings Chambers Manchester to represent them along with specialist Planning Consultant Mr. Killian Gallagher of Gallagher Planning Consultants
together with a team of Allerthorpe village residents and Ward Councillors to support their case - saying ‘NO’ to this proposed development.
Considerable sums have been raised by local residents to ensure they have the best legal counsel and advisors to fight their case.
Local village residents feel passionately that a development of this scope and scale would be ‘alien’ to its setting and have a materially destructive and irreversible impact on the community-centred lifestyle that is intrinsic to the tranquillity of this part of the Yorkshire Wolds. Moreover, it would not constitute sustainable development as required in guidelines to the Government’s National Planning Policy Framework.
The proposal to site 150 caravans on the doorstep of a Conservation village of only 68 dwellings will more than double the size of the current community and would mean the loss of almost 50% of the designated Green Space in the area.
Residents of Allerthorpe have consistently opposed the development since its conception. At the East Riding of Yorkshire Council Planning Committee hearing in 2016, 68 letters of objection were submitted, the elected Councillors wholeheartedly endorsed the concerns of the local residents and unanimously rejected the application; the Councillors listened and the concerns and wishes of local residents prevailed.
It is widely acknowledged and accepted that this type, size and scale of caravan site development is best situated in coastal locations where the local infrastructure, roads, economy and amenities can better sustain it.
Councillor Ken Macleod, Chair of Allerthorpe Parish Council said, “The strength of the village residents opposition is a clear demonstration of their feelings regarding this proposal and they have been willing to dig deep into their pockets to oppose it. Allerthorpe has always been a strong community and this proposal has only served to strengthen the villagers’ resolve to fight against insensitive development. Rarely does a community express their opposition to a planning proposal in such an organised and resolute manner. That they have chosen to do so in this way speaks not only for their concerns for the future of their own
community but also for the future implications of an approval of this size and scale for every other village community within the East Riding.
If passed, this proposal would result in an irreversible change to this beautiful part of the East Riding and establish a destructive principle that would threaten many of the communities in and around the tranquil setting of the Wolds.’
We would like to invite like-minded residents of other villages to demonstrate their support for our stance by attending the Public Inquiry on 14-16 March 2017.”
For Further enquiries contact:
Clerk to the Parish Council Jayne Summerbell Tel: 07710-037228 email: clerk.allerthorpe_pc@btinternet.com
Chairman of the Parish Council Ken Macleod Tel: 01759-306994 email: kfm.allerthorpe_pc@btinternet.com

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