Monday, 2 May 2016

Minutes Of Parish Meeting 25th April 2016

Minutes of the Bielby Parish AGM

Monday 25th April 2016 at St. Giles’s Church, Bielby.

Present: Chairman - Paul Ward, Treasurer - Val Nolton, Secretary - Gabrielle Rose
15 Bielby residents.

1. Apologies for absence: Paul Kerry, Jean Johnson, Sandra Johnson, Alan Pilling, Mary Milner.

2. Minutes from the last AGM held on Monday 27th April 2015 were read out and adopted as a true and correct record. Proposed by Graham Tew, seconded by Caroline Rose.
3. There were no matters arising from the minutes.

4. Reports:

a. Chairman’s Report. Paul reported on the events of the previous year. Chairman’s Report

b. Treasurer’s Report. Val reported on the finances of the previous year. There was no increase in rents last year and so the meeting agreed to an increase this year of 5%. The village purchased a defibrillator and are awaiting reimbursement of £1270 from ERYC. Treasurer’s

i. The meeting approved the Annual Governance Statement 2015/16.

ii. The meeting approved the Accounting Statement 2015/16.

c. St Giles Church. John Peel read the Churchwarden’s report highlighting the support given by the village to church events during previous year. John also sadly reported the passing of Father Stuart Bamforth, remembering the hard work and compassion he brought to our community.
d. Parish Paths. On behalf of Paul Kerry, Val reported that Paul had applied for the usual grant and would continue to carry out the administrative side of looking after the parish paths.Matthew Coe had agreed to cut and manage the parish paths.

e. Bielby Produce Show. Richard Coe thanked everyone who was involved last year. The date for this year is provisionally set for Saturday 30th July. Confirmation and more information will be posted on the Blog.
5. Election of Officers for 2016:

Chairman: Paul Ward was re-elected. Proposed by Richard Coe, seconded by John Peel.

Treasurer: Val Nolton was re-elected. Proposed by Graham Tew, seconded by Julie Tew.

Secretary: Gabrielle Rose was re-elected. Proposed by Val Nolton, seconded by Caroline Rose.

6. There was no other business, the meeting closed at 8.05pm

Minutes of the Bielby Parish Meeting

Monday 25th April 2016 at St. Giles’s Church, Bielby.

Present: Chairman - Paul Ward, Treasurer - Val Nolton -Secretary, Gabrielle Rose,15 Bielby residents

1. Apologies for absence. Paul Kerry, Jean Johnson, Sandra Johnson, Alan Pilling, Mary Milner.

2. Minutes of last meeting held on 26th October 2015 were read out and adopted as a true and correct
record. Proposed by Sara Ridsdale, seconded by Caroline Rose.

3. There were no matters arising from the minutes.

4. Planning applications and outcomes since the last meeting.

Beech Tree Farm, Tree pruning. Application received and granted.

Allerthorpe Park, 150 Caravans/Lodges. Application received.

Hayton and Burnby, Neighbour Plan. Application received.

Willow Lodge, 2 storey extension and other alterations. Application received and approved.

Land south west of The Bungalow, retention of general purpose building. Application received.

5. ERNLLCA (East Riding and North Lincolnshire Local Councils Association) membership renewal.

This year the cost of renewing our membership is £64.26. The meeting agreed that membership should be renewed.

6. ERYC Proposal for Public Spaces Protection Orders in Bielby.

Paul informed the meeting that the purpose of the order for Bielby concerns Dog Fouling. The proposal document was posted on the blog [on 10/4/16]. There was a brief discussion about how to make people aware of the Order and how the village would be notified. Paul agreed to make further enquires.

7. Queen’s 90th Birthday Celebrations: Commemorative Medal, Commemorative Keepsakes.

We had been contacted by two organisations who are selling commemorative items to celebrate Queen Elizabeth’s 90th birthday. Tower Mint are producing a medal (a sample coin was passed around the meeting) and Insignia Ltd have mugs, bookmarks and coins. Minimum order quantity limits were imposed by both organisations. The meeting declined to place orders for these items.

8. Bus Shelter Rota.

The new rota for 2016-2017 is attached. Most of those on last year’s list were at the meeting and were happy to continue. Gabrielle agreed to contact the people who weren’t at the meeting to see if they are happy to continue.

9. Defibrillator.

The village has received the defibrillator. Unfortunately, it is not possible to install it in the planned location in the porch at Stoneleigh. The large cabinet that the defibrillator has to be stored in would cause access problems for the care home. It is not possible to attach it to any part of the church.

The meeting discussed various other sites such as the BT phone box, the bus shelter and using special brackets for a lamp post. Installing the equipment in the village is problematic as a dedicated and permanent electricity supply is required.
Dale is willing to install it on an outside wall at the care home however it won’t necessarily be immediately visible. It was noted that Everingham Village Hall has placed signs to indicate the location of their defibrillator.
Neil Readman proposed and Val Nolton seconded, and the meeting agreed, that the care home is the best location. Paul will speak to Dale Greenaway.

10. Beck update.

The adverse weather this winter has put the beck under pressure but the works carried out last year have ensured that the beck has flowed and coped well with the amount of rainfall so far. Paul thanked Neil Readman for his work this year.

11. Rural health checks update.

The Health van was due to come to the village in April. Paul said he would chase this up.

12. Village Blog.

Sara Ridsdale was thanked for her time and work in keeping us all informed about the village and local events via the Village Blog. The meeting agreed to pay Sara £60.

13. Fracking.

Paul Ward began by summarizing the stages that the drilling companies go through before planning permission is applied for and read out a reply he had received from our M.P. Greg Knight. [N.B.Both previously posted on the Blog on 2/3/16 and 31/3/16].

Suzanne Rushton provided the meeting with information and feedback from meetings and research undertaken recently. As a Health Educator, Suzanne has a particular concern regarding the impact of fracking on the health of people close to drilling sites. Her research into this has included attending public meetings and meeting with residents who live close to and have been affected by the Rathlin fracking site at West Newton, East Yorkshire. She has been told about numerous health problems and Public Health England have admitted that there is no strategy to monitor the health effects of fracking. Other concerns raised include damage to land and property resulting from seismic testing prior to drilling. [N.B. – the above is only a brief outline as Suzanne has agreed to write up her notes which will be uploaded onto the Blog].

Ian Ross spoke about how safe the drilling industry was due to the regulations imposed.

There was further discussion and Ian suggested that another meeting should be arranged dedicated to this subject.

14. Any other business.

Neil Readman raised a concern with regard to the possibility of Bielby flooding again as a result of further development in Pocklington. He handed out copies of a document requesting support with a Flood Alleviation Scheme in Pocklington. Neil asked for completed forms to be returned to him at Ambleside by 6th May. [N.B. The document was posted on the Blog on 28/4/16].

Ian Ross raised the issue of policing and crime and the information given to the public in the form of Police Updates. He said that the Wolds Weighton Police Update was needed as well as the Pocklington Provincial Police Update. Gabrielle said she would forward these for uploading to the Blog.

Ian expressed his concern over recent policing results given in the Updates. The lack of prosecutions for a spate of burglaries in nearby villages was disappointing. He asked what efforts were being made to resolve the crimes. Paul Ward commented that his father had been in the police and that they rely on help and information from the public. Paul attends regular meetings with the Crime Prevention Panel and agreed to raise this at the next meeting.

There was no further business and the meeting closed at 9.15pm

Chairmans Report 2015/16 - April 2016
Remembrance Sunday: As usual the village remembered all those who fought for their country with a service and walk to the canal.
Carol singing: Once again the village was very supportive financially and thanks to those who came out to enjoy. The money raised went to the Yorkshire Air Ambulance.
Bielby Produce Show: Again a great event, well supported with some wonderful entries. Thanks to the committee for organising this event.
Music festival: Yet another successful, well attended and enjoyable day. Thanks to the committee for the work they do and all who help prepare before and after the event.
Broadband: It seems like the efforts of Chris Emptage and Susan Smith have paid off as we should be getting an upgrade to our broadband this year.
Bielby beck: The beck is looking good and thanks to Neil Readman for his management of this.
Xmas dinner: We had a wonderful Xmas dinner again, and great to see how well attended it was. Thanks to Paul Kerry for organising this, and everybody is wishing Paul a speedy recovery.
Defibrillator: The village now has a defibrillator, but it still needs a permanent home. To discuss at the meeting.
Meetings: The Chair has represented Bielby on a number of meetings throughout the year.
Thanks: The Chair would like to thank all those who organise events and other work around the village.
I would like to make a personal thanks to Val and Gabrielle for looking after me throughout the year and let’s have another happy and successful year.
Paul Ward 25 th April 2016

Link to Treasurer's report

Link To Church Report

(Link to the minutes of Parish Meeting

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