Saturday, 24 October 2015

Email Scam

The following was reported to the Community and Crime Reduction Resilience Officer for East Riding Council today by an East Riding  NHW Coordinator.

An email was sent regarding a 'Notice to appear in Court' There is a date (in this case 28th October) on the email for appearance and an instruction to open the attachment.

The return email address is

If you receive this email do not open the attachment, do not reply and report it on 101

First Aid Training

First Aid Training.
I received an enquiry from AJ First Aid Trainers who provide training as detailed below, if anyone is interested please contact Gabrielle or Paul.

We are a micro First Aid Training business who are in a position to offer a range of first aid qualifications at a subsided cost for the benefit of the community.  Ideally we are looking at offering a 1 or 2 day Paediatric First Aid course; we are able to offer a range of courses including:
3 Day Emergency First Aid at Work
Emergency First Aid at Work (6hrs)

Food Safety
Health & Safety
As we have a level of flexibility so we are able to deliver these courses during the day, weekends and evenings, in venues of the customer's choice.  We have had some initial interest from your Parish and would like to progress with finding a suitable venue and appropriate times/dates to deliver a course. Can you please assist in this request of finding a suitable venue?

Thursday, 22 October 2015

Keeping Safe At Halloween

This email has come from the police regarding keeping safe on Halloween.

We have now reached that time of year again when fancy dress costumes make an appearance and children get excited about going out trick or treating.
However not everyone wishes to be disturbed during Halloween so please find attached a copy of the “Sorry no trick or treat” poster which can be printed off and displayed in your window.

This will let those people who are out and about taking part in the festivities, know that you do not wish to be disturbed.
Also will you be taking your child/children out trick or treating or going out to a Bonfire Event?
If so, we would also like to offer the following crime prevention advice. By following this simple advice you could prevent yourself from becoming a victim of crime.
Don’t make your home a target for a burglar. An opportunist thief will know that people will be out and about leaving their homes empty. Make it look like you have somebody at home, ensure that all windows and doors are locked, leave some lights on and NEVER leave valuables on display.
If you are driving, then make sure that you don't leave anything on display when you leave your vehicle. A thief will be looking for more than just sweets and chocolate on Halloween.
Lastly, make sure your children are safe and be aware that there will be a number of people out and about between the peak hours of 1600hrs and 2000hrs and remind them of the following safety points:
  • Only go to houses where they or their friends know the residents.
  • Don’t talk to Strangers or enter any houses.
  • Don’t knock on doors where there is a sign saying no trick or treat here.
  • Take a torch and always stay in areas that are well lit.
  • Stay with friends in a group and or with an adult.
  • Be careful crossing the road

Medieval Weekend Beverley 23rd to 25th October

Medieval Weekend  "Beverley-Agincourt 600”

We have a fantastic Medieval weekend  "Beverley-Agincourt 600" from  Fri
23rd  to Sun 25th  October (The 600th Anniversary of the Battle of
Agincourt) at Beverley Minster, St Marys Church and the Guildhall at various
times as detailed on the flyer.
The weekend will consist of living history, with re-enactors telling the
stories of the middle ages and Beverley's unique connection to the Battle of

Hull and East Yorkshire Villagers at War Remembrance Weekend

Hull and East Yorkshire Villagers at War.

We have another fantastic World War One event called "Hull and East Yorkshire Villagers at War" that will be on Sat 7th and Sun 8th November (Remembrance Weekend) at North Ferriby Village Hall between 10am and 3pm.
Their will be more artefacts and more soldiers life stories than ever before and we will also be touching on World War Two and the Boer War.

Sunday, 18 October 2015

Bielby Annual Duck Race Sunday 25th October 2015

Bielby Annual Duck Race

The Duck Race will take place on Sunday 25th October starting at 11.00 a.m. prompt at the Mill Bridge. Ducks are available in advance from Pete & Val on 318399 and are £2.00 each. There will be races with various prizes and refreshments available. All proceeds to St Giles Church. Please come along and join in the fun!

Wednesday, 14 October 2015

Crime Prevention Leaflets, Libraries Public Consultation & October Edition of the E. R. Parish News

Libraries Public Consultation.
The East Riding of Yorkshire Council are holding a public consultation between 29th September and 21st December. You can complete an online questionnaire at Hard copies are available at Libraries, Leisure Centres, Customer Service Centres and Children’s Centres.
Here are links to some Crime Prevention Leaflets we have been sent.

Here is the link to the October Edition of the East Riding Parish News.


Debbie Britton's Private Counselling Practice

With increasing numbers of people suffering in silence with depression, anxiety and many other difficulties in life do you know someone who might find talking therapy helpful? After several years working with adults and young people for NHS and voluntary counselling services I am now working as a private counsellor.

Please feel free to pass on my details if there is someone you may know who might benefit from counselling.
Debbie Britton

Funding Available For Youth Projects

Funding available for Youth Projects 
from the East Riding of Yorkshire Council

Do you have concerns about young people in your community and the lack of things for them to do?
Want to receive up to £5,000 to help create / develop youth provision in your community providing young people with some positive diversionary activity?
If the answers are YES then the Youth & Family Support (YFS) service of East Riding of Yorkshire Council would like to invite East Riding Town & Parish Council’s to an event in November to introduce you to our initiatives to help create and develop new youth provision across the East Riding. We currently have four successful project running at Howden, Snaith & Cowick, Gilberdyke and Newport Town & Parish Councils in which we help create and then support the youth provision with Town or Parish Council hosting the youth workers.We offer start up funding, assistance with the recruitment & selection of youth workers, help with gathering the views and wishes of young people to shape the new provision,  access to training, access to a our free equipment loan scheme, support from our community & partnerships officer and  guidance on safeguarding and health & safety issues.
In addition, we would like to make you aware of our Youth Action Board funding from the Dewhirst Charitable Trust  which can provide up to an additional £5,000 to your project as long as the bid is created and developed entirely by young people in your community.
 Interested in attending an event in November 2015?Then to register your interest please contact me at:
Telephone : 01482 392804 or Email:

Bogus Callers

Please be aware that we have had a report of a male (the only description we have of the suspect is that he was white, medium build with black hair)
attending a property in Howden claiming to be a police officer working in CID , the male then asked  the home owner to check his wallet as he believed that cash had been stolen from the victims address.  The elderly victim then checked his wallet and put it down.  The suspect then reached inside and stole it.

As a result of the above incident her are some guidance notes relating to bogus callers . 

Also a  secure garden shed in Seaton Ross has been broken into and an electric lawn mower stolen.

Please remain vigilant and report anything suspicious to the Police on 101 or 999 if its an emergency.

Beware of Bogus Callers and Telephone Scams!

Bogus callers

Most people who come to your door may be genuine callers, but sometimes, you can't be sure and so you need to "think security" before opening your door to them!

Bogus callers can be very persuasive people: they very often prey on the elderly or vulnerable. They can claim to be from the local authority, health services, gas, electric or water companies, or simply claim to be trades people calling to carry out repairs. Sometimes they can even pretend to be from the police!

So we all need to beware!

Here's some simple advice when somebody knocks on your door or rings your doorbell:

- Look to see who it is outside before opening up.

- Fit a chain on your door so you can open your door to talk to people with the chain engaged.

- Always lock your doors. Sometimes bogus officials work in pairs, and whilst you're distracted at the front door, another may be coming through your back door!

- Check the caller's identity before you let them in. If in doubt shut the door and call the company or organisation they represent. Remember to use the phone book, not the number on their identity card! If the person is genuine, they'll understand and wait.

- If still in doubt, ask the caller to leave and tell them to write and make an appointment so that someone else can be with you.

If in doubt, don't let them in!

In addition to bogus callers, "cold callers" are another problem, particularly in the spring and summer months when people turn up unannounced asking if you want your trees pruning, your guttering mending/cleaning or your drive tarmaccing. Whilst some do operate legitimately, others take advantage, do shoddy work and then charge exorbitant amounts in payment. If payment is refused they can become intimidating.   The simple solution is to say “No Thanks".

Telephone / Cold Call Scams

These ‘cold call’ scams typically involve fraudsters deceiving victims into believing they are speaking to a police officer, a member of bank staff, or a representative of another trusted organisation, such as a computer company in order to steal money. 

Always be on your guard if you receive a cold call and are asked for any of the following:

  • Personal or financial information, eg full name, date of birth, address, passwords, bank details, security numbers etc.
  • You are asked to transfer or withdraw money.
  • You are asked to hand over your credit / debit card or cash to someone eg a courier who will call and collect it.

The bank or the police will never tell you to take such actions or ask you for financial information.  If you are asked to do any of these things, someone is trying to con you!!.  If in doubt, call back the organisation on a number you trust, but do it on another phone or leave it at least five minutes before you make the call. This is important because criminals are able to keep the line open for two minutes after you put down the phone, which means you could end up inadvertently talking to the criminal or their accomplice again.

There are many different scams, some of which are listed below:

  • “We believe there is a fault on your computer but we can fix this now if you give us your card details to make a payment” – say no thank you and put the telephone down. Do not engage in further conversation as these people can be very persuasive and before you know it they will have access to your computer and can freeze it!  Whatever happens do not give out your bank or any personal details. 

  • “We are ringing on behalf of the bank and believe that someone is trying to access your bank account, so we will create you a new account now over the phone and then if you give me your current bank details I will transfer your money over into your new account immediately.” Do not give out any information, inform the caller that you will go to your own bank to speak to someone face to face and put the phone down.

For other hints and tips log onto the website, which lists an A – Z of different fraud types as well as tips on how to protect yourself from fraud.

Burglaries Be Aware

Please be aware of the following thefts/burglaries that have occurred in the past few days:

A secure silver Nissan Navara was stolen from a county lane near Bolton Lane and Belthorpe Lane near Bishop Wilton.

Entry was gained in a secure property in Stonebridge Drive, Wilberfoss  and car keys and a wallet were taken , this resulted  in a blue Ford Ranger and a black Volvo V50 being stolen.

Entry was gained into a bungalow in Seaton Ross via a bedroom window, nothing was taken as its believed that the suspects were disturbed as the home owners were in at the time

Please remain vigilant and report anything suspicious to the Police on 101 or 999 if its an emergency.

Friday, 9 October 2015

Agenda Items For Parish Meeting 26th October 2015

Bielby Parish Meeting

The next meeting will take place on
Monday, 26th October 2015 at 7.30 pm at St. Giles’s Church, Bielby, by courtesy of the church council.

All resident electors are invited to attend the meeting.


  1. Apologies for absence
  2. Minutes of last meeting held on 27th April 2015
  3. Matters arising from the minutes
  4. Planning applications and outcomes since last meeting
  5. Defibrillator
  6. Beck update          
  7. Rural health checks        
  8. Youth social action partners      
  9. Xmas dinner    
  10. Xmas tree     
  11. Carol singing
  12. Remembrance service
  13. Any other business

Farm Fresh Turkeys

Farm Fresh Turkeys.

Orders now being taken for Christmas.

Gale Carr Farm, Bielby.

Please contact Sam or Mark on or 318682/ 07843 383557

Monday, 5 October 2015

Hen Missing

It's Angela who lives at No4. Wood close cottages, yesterday (Sunday) one of my newly rescued battery hens decided to escape into Mr Laytons field adjacent to my back garden. It was getting dusky and she clearly knows no danger, I did try to catch her without success. I am going to look for her when the sun comes up (mon morning) and at 6pm when I get in from work. I am home all day Tuesday.

If you happen to see a scruffy, skinny looking ginger chicken, out on the back fields and you manage to catch her, please could you put her over the back fence with the rest, don't attempt to come into the back garden as Stephen (a large aggressive Cockerel) will attack and he will cause cuts, lumps and bruises. You could push open the side garden gate and quickly put her in but make sure you close it quickly.

I shall leave a pet carrier with some food to entice her on the back fence with a note. Hopefully she may come home on her own

My biggest worry is pet dogs on the back field near Mr. Laytons barn, foxes don't seem to be a problem.

If you see the Layton family please could you let them know that one of Angela's chickens is loose in their field.

Any help is appreciated.

Kind Regards


Saturday, 3 October 2015

Thursday, 1 October 2015

Harvest Festival Donations

 Harvest At St Giles' Sunday 4th October 10am Family Service

This year food donations will be going to:

Non-Perishables: York Food Bank (for latest call for items see York Food bank’s website or their mobile app


Perishables: Stoneleigh