Everingham News February 2015
Happy Jack by John Godber - To be performed by The Library Theatre Company, Saturday 21 February in Everingham village hall. Doors & bar open 7pm performance starts at 7.30pm. Tickets, £5, available from Sally Wilkinson. Tel: 01430 872415.
Jazz Brunch 29 March join us in the village hall for live music, tasty brunch, the Sunday papers and the bar will be open. All ages welcome. Don’t forget 29 March, more details to follow. Hope to see you there, Louise, Vicki & Clara. All proceeds to Marie Curie Cancer Care
Everingham oil club
Delivery dates for the year are January , March, May, September and November. All residents of the area covered by the circulation of this newsletter are welcome to join. January saw the oil club purchase over 22,000 litres at a price of 32.2p per litre, irrespective of the amount of oil ordered and all at 6% below the best of the online prices. We make no charge for membership, if anyone would like more details of the benefits please email either phil.cartwright1@btinternet or mikejan@onodo.co.uk . The more members we have the better our powers of negotiation.
Everingham and Harswell Parish Council
Minutes of the meeting held on 14 January 2015
in the village hall, Everingham.
1. Present were Councillors Tom Featherby (TF) (Chairman), Patricia Coole (PC), Bryn James (BJ), Edward Pettifer (EP) and Alison Thompson (AT). Clerk to the Council Anthony Stocking (AS).
2. Matters arising:
2.1 No further information is available about the feared wind farm development.
2.2 Councillors will monitor conditions along Thorpe le Street Road. Residents should make any complaints they have directly to ERYC.
2.3 The purchase of the telephone box is delayed pending completion of discussions between BT and ERYC. It seems it is the ideal location for a defibrillator.
2.4 AS will make a further request of Northern Powergrid for the removal of the redundant wooden power pole on Thorpe le Street Road.
2.5 ERYC will change four lamp brackets during this fiscal year. The changes are necessary because of safety fears. This work increases the precept over the next three years by 15%.
2.6 A decision on the purchase of a defibrillator was not possible
3. Finance:
3.1 The bank balance is £2722.53 and is according to the budget.
3.2 The Band D billing figure will be £37.54, an increase of £5.01 or 15.41% compared to 2014/15. See minute 2.5.
3.3 The Village Hall committee will be invoiced £208.96 for grass cutting by ERYC.
3.4 Councillors approved payment of £882.55 and £1003.02 to ERYC for grass cutting and electrical services and £195 to Everingham Village Hall for hall usage.
4. Planning:
5. Principal correspondence
6. Business:
6.1 Pocklington’s University of the Third Age (U3A) propose to plant trees within the village to mark its tenth anniversary. Councillors proposed a number of sites within the village and TF and other Councillors will contact U3A.
7. Items for inclusion on agenda of next meeting:
7.1 A proposal to install a defibrillator in Everingham.
7.2 A discussion to control the speed of HGVs and motorists through the villages.
8. Date of next meeting:
8.1 The next meeting will be in the Village Hall at 19h30 on 11 March 2015. Electors can submit questions, comments or items for discussion at the meeting by
contacting the Clerk within 14 days of the meeting.
Issued 24 January 2015.
By Anthony Stocking,
Clerk to the Council.
39 The Meadows, Leven. East Riding of Yorkshire. HU17 5LX.
01964 542043 : anthony.stocking@btinternet.com.
Brian Almond
Brian Almond died peacefully on 10 January aged 76. A funeral service was held at St Everildas in Everingham. Many of you will remember Brian who lived in the village for many years, latterly at Garden Cottages.
Open Gardens Teas at Ellerker House 19th April
The PCC of St Everilda’s Church are providing the teas for the Open Garden Day at Ellerker House The date is April 19th ( Sunday) times 10.00am to 4,00pm. There will be several specialist plant stalls on the day and of course the wonderful gardens to walk around. Offers of a cake (not cupcakes) and or help for an hour on the day will be gratefully accepted. Please let Hilary (860093) know if you are able to help with a cake or an hour on
the day. Funds from the teas will go towards the continuing upkeep of St Everilda’s Church Further details next month.
Church services for February
1 Feb - HC 09:15 Everingham
8 Feb -HC 10:45 Holme on Spalding Moor
15 Feb -HC 09:15 Everingham
22 Feb -HC 10:45 Harswell
Every Wednesday -HC 09:30 The Old School HOSM
1 March -HC 09:15 Everingham
1 March - Confirmation service with the Bishop of Selby 10.45 Holme on Spalding Moor
Quiz night
Pete and Pete have been persuaded to return to the village hall on 10 April to run a themed Quiz Night - if you have been before, you know what a great night out this will be! If not, grab a couple of friends, or even come along on your own and make some new friends -tickets cost £10, and will include a hot home-made supper. The bar will be open and all proceeds will go to the village hall and Everingham Conservation Group. To reserve your place, contact Roz on 861465, Helen on 860222 or Jane on 861156.
Village hall diary
14 February - Inn night
21 February - Theatre evening, Happy Jack by John Godber (see front page)
10 April - Quiz night from “Pete & Pete” this time the theme is “Titanic”
Resumé of the village hall committee meeting on Thursday 8 January 2015
• After many hours of form filling by Nigel, Mike & Phil the village hall have been awarded a grant from WREN to make and fit all the windows at the village hall.
• A new thermostat has been fitted to one of the ovens.
• It was suggested and agreed that the village hall give £50 to Nick Fraser, head gardener at Nunnington Hall (which opens for the National Trust) for the gardens. This is to acknowledge the several very good Christmas trees and the gazebos given to Everingham by Nunnington Hall.
For sale
Drive gates, 2 x 5ft five bar gates complete with hinges and all furniture. Cost new over £300 plus furniture. Tanalised softwood, can be viewed at Cornerways, (I’ll remove the nameplate!) £150.00 ONO. Can deliver. Tel: 861524/email: ali.beever@gmail.com
Dog kennel, local craftsman made, suitable for medium/large dog. Can be viewed at Cornerways. Open to offers, can deliver. Tel: 861524/email: ali.beever@gmail.com
Don’t forget if you would like this newsletter delivered by email please let us know your contact details and we’ll add you to the email list and you’ll get the electronic newsletter earlier. The closing date for the March newsletter is 24 February. Thank you.
This month’s newsletter kindly sponsored by Patrick & Louise Wilkinson of Woodland Grange.
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