Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Market Weighton Bulletin February 2015

Paul asked me to put this on the website from Humberside Police.
Wolds Weighton Update for February 2015    

1. Priority  
Issue: - Youths Causing Annoyance High Street, Market Weighton (Evenings):

The High Street and immediate town centre area of Market Weighton, including the Memorial Playing Fields, Scotts Croft and Londesborough Road, will continue to be targeted by patrols on an evening throughout February with a view to ensuring the reduction of the potential for problems.  Consideration will continue to be given to use of £90 fixed penalty notices for disorder, alcohol seizure and joint work with our partners at East Riding of Yorkshire Council to secure Acceptable Behaviour Contracts where appropriate. There is unlikely to be any discretion shown to offenders.

2. Priority
Issue: - There is only one priority this month.

3. Meetings
You are invited to attend any of the below meetings:

Police “Drop In” Surgery at Market Weighton Methodist Church with Police Community Support Officer Laura Hudson:
PCSO Hudson has arranged a surgery from 11:15am to 12:00noon at the above location on the 11th March.  Please come along and discuss any issues you may have in your area.

Police “Drop In” Surgery at Wetwang Village Hall Coffee Morning with Police Community Support Officer Laura Hudson:
PCSO Hudson has arranged a surgery from 11:00am to 12noon at the above location on the 10th March.  Please come along and discuss any issues you may have in your area.

4. Crimes in your area
  • A shed was broken into at Market Weighton allotments and various items were stolen.
  • A rear window of a car was smashed and a bag containing camera equipment was stolen.
  • A horse box was stolen from a yard.
  • A motor bike which was left on the roadside as it had run out of fuel was stolen before the owner got back to it.
  • A trampoline, slide and a cast iron bench were taken from a communal garden.
  • A battery connected to an electric fence was stolen.
  • A van was seen to approach several properties and remove items from gardens and driveways.
  • Six 8 week old Cross English rabbits were stolen from their hutch in a rear garden.
  • A motorcycle was stolen from an insecure rear garden.

5. News and Appeals

Over the past weeks an elderly resident in the East Riding has been duped by a man who is alleged to have systematically targeted her, telling her that she need jobs doing in her home, the 'workman' has then alleged to have charge excessive amounts of money for these very small jobs.

Police are investigating this crime but want to try and avoid this happening to anyone else.

Humberside Police are appealing for anyone who has an elderly relative or knows a vulnerable adult to make sure they are aware of this type of crime.


To deliberately bully or pressure an elderly or vulnerable person into buying an over-inflated service on their own door step is a crime.

The police call unregistered tradesmen who offer poor quality services at over inflated prices as “rogue traders” and are clamping down on this type of crime.

The majority of the bogus traders who have targeted East Riding victims are our older and vulnerable residents, and quiet often the victims feel ashamed or embarrassed that they were tricked into taking a service they did not need and fell for their ‘hard sale’.

Rogue Traders can often look respectful, but are deceitful, this is how so many people fall for their sales pitch. When an offer seems too good to be true it often is!

Generally speaking it is very rare these days for genuine traders to cold call, but if you do come across this there are certain rules they have to abide by:

  • They must give 7 days cancellation notice
  • Give a written quote
  • Have a contact telephone number and more importantly, a contact address.

No money should be exchanged prior to the work being carried out. If the trades person offers to take you to the bank, threatens, intimidates or is aggressive towards you, you should call the police immediately.

If you have contact with elderly residents either in your profession or in your personal life, please pass on the above information. Unfortunately these people pray on the elderly and vulnerable, taking hundreds, sometimes thousands of pounds off the elderly. It is unfair, fraudulent and against the law.

Police Drop In Surgery Dates

Market Patrol, Pocklington Market Place, Pocklington
PCSO Matschke will be patrolling the Market and will be available from 10:00am to 12 noon on Tuesday 24th February to discuss community issues and offer crime prevention advice.

Police “Drop In” Surgery at Market Weighton Methodist Church with Police Community Support Officer Laura Hudson:
PCSO Hudson has arranged a surgery from 11:15am to 12:00noon at the above location on the 11th March.  Please come along and discuss any issues you may have in your area.

Police “Drop In” Surgery at Wetwang Village Hall Coffee Morning with Police Community Support Officer Laura Hudson:
PCSO Hudson has arranged a surgery from 11:00am to 12noon at the above location on the 10th March.  Please come along and discuss any issues you may have in your area.

Minutes of Pocklington and Market Weighton Crime Prevention Panel

Minutes of the Pocklington and Market Weighton Crime Prevention Panel held on
Tuesday 13 January 2015 – 7.30pm

Present    John Brown         (JB)
        Ann Cox             (AC)
        Richard Pinder    (RP)
        Richard Bragg    (RB)
        Ann Wilson        (AW)
        Maureen Wilkinson (MW)
         Liz Rogers          (LR)
               Garth Newton     (GN)
                    Jane Matschke    (JM)
  1. Welcome and Apologies
JB welcomed everyone to the meeting and wished a Happy New Year to all.
Apologies were noted from Hilary Saynor, Tracy Rokahr, Angus Jennings (although not noted at the meeting an email was received to Ann which was not noted until later that evening)

  1. Minutes of the previous meeting (Nov 2014) were read and accepted as a true record.

  1. Matters Arising –
JB thanked JM and Tracy Rokahr for their attendance at Sainsburys 17 December. JM reported that the day had been a success and also informed the panel that the new volunteer at Pocklington Police Station, Peter Armstrong, is now trained in inputting data for Immobilise (Security Database).
  1. Police Report – JA informed the meeting of the following incidents within Pocklington/Wolds Weighton catchment that had occurred since our last meeting –

December –

3 x Shop Thefts Pocklington and Market Weighton Co Op
Theft of Unattended Motor Vehicle – Pocklington and Market Weighton
Theft of Quad bike
8 x Criminal Damage
2 x Vehicle Damage Seaton Ross
2 x Vehicle Damage Pocklington
Burglary Other – Shed and Garage, locked premises, expensive cycles stolen.
Theft Other – Dead vehicle batteries stolen from Warter.
Mobility Scooter Stolen from a front garden at Market Weighton
Farm Heaters stolen from a poultry farm – worth approx £2,000
4 x Burglary Dwellings, which included
2 x Hanoi Burglaries Market Weighton (this is when offenders steal vehicle  keys from inside the house, usually via letterbox and then steal vehicle)
1 x Kilnwick Percy
1 x Thornton
1 x Bugthorpe  
One Male from Doncaster area has been arrested re the latter 3 x burglaries and is currently on bail.
4 x Theft from Motor Vehicles
2 x occurred at Rugby Club Car Park on the 19th December, windows of vehicles smashed items stolen.  Items stolen included a Handbag that was ‘hidden’ under a coat, 1 x purse from vehicle glove box and £100 cash that was left in the centre well between front seats.
Arson – not endangering live.  This occurred in the outbuildings of the old St Williams school at Market Weighton.

January –

Theft from Motor Vehicle – Francis Scaife car park – mobile phone stolen.
JM then went on to explain that Operation Rapture is still ongoing.  This is the initiative that the PCSO’s run to try and educate the public re leaving valuables in vehicles etc.
3 x Criminal Damage to house windows
1 x Shop Theft
1 x Tractor stolen from Yapham Mill
1 x Theft of Horse box – Bishop Wilton
1 x Theft of motor vehicle – Wetwang
1 x Theft of Quad Bike
1 x Theft of motor bike.  This was a Harley Davison that ran out of petrol on the A166.  The owner left bike, went to get fuel upon return found the bike to have been stolen.

JB thanked JM for her work in obtaining all the incidents and also asked if the panel could assist in the Drop In Centres.  JM said we would be more than welcome – please see attached list of upcoming dates and if you can spare the time, please pop in and introduce yourselves.

GN pointed out that although JM gave us a extensive list of crimes, none of the above have, as yet, been reported on the Humberside Police website that he monitors.  He also expressed concern re lack of information the panel receives since PS Dave Dodsdale left which was February 2014.

  1. Financial Report  - No change.

  1. Humberside Policing Plan –
JB read out an email that the Town Clerk had received from Temporary Inspector Ryan Reed regarding ‘The Future of Humberside Police – One Team, Making a Difference’ outlining the changes that are scheduled to come into effect in April 2015 and how these would improve policing in the Pocklington/Market Weighton area.  In particular, the change of shift patterns for both Police Officers and PCSO’s will provide continuous support. GN said that it gave a positive message on the level of police presence in the area and reassurance on the future of Pocklington Police Station.  He was, however, concerned that there was no mention about the continuing issue of the ‘Monthly Parish/Town News Release’ or the reinstatement of the ‘Incidents of Note’, which were a regular feature when Sgts. Peter Rogers and Dave Dosdale were stationed at Pocklington.
“By circulating these minutes, we put on record our appreciation to Inspector Reed for his lengthy explanation of the positive changes to policing in our area of interest, but we are concerned that there is no mention of the level of support that will be provided to the community and, in particular, to partner organisations such as the Crime Prevention Panel and Neighbourhood Watch Groups, both of which depend on a regular flow of timely information on crimes and criminal activity”.

  1. Update re Manton Trophy – JB has emailed/wrote to Carol Fulstow (Head of Pocklington Infants School) last week but to date has had no reply.  He will ring on the 14th January 2014 and speak to Mrs Yates (Secretary) to ascertain if there is any change of a reply or meeting.
JM reported that she had heard Mrs Fulstow in leaving the school in February 2015 but nothing has been confirmed.  
JB will visit – therefore Update re Manton Trophy still on hold.

  1. Event dates – see drop in lists

  1. Any Other Business – No

  1. Date of Next Meeting    TUESDAY 24th MARCH 2015 7.30pm

Pocklington bulletin February 2015

Paul has asked me to put this bulletin from the Humberside Police on the website.

Pocklington Provincial Update for February 2015.

1.    Priority
Issue: Pocklington Town Centre area (Evenings):

Throughout February, we are to continue our High Visibility patrols of the Pocklington Town Centre area to deter potential anti-social behaviour. These patrols include regular checks on peripheral areas at Pocklington Infants’ School, Maxwell Road (periodic reports of criminal damage and youths causing annoyance), Broadmanor Play Park (periodic reports of anti-social behaviour on an evening), Waterloo Lane (reports of low level anti-social behaviour and criminal damage), All Saints Church yard (reports of periodic anti-social behaviour), and Union Street (reports of criminal damage).

 In addition, recent complaints of youths causing annoyance with vehicles on the Station Road car park will result in this location being targeted and consideration made of offences under Section 59 of the Police Act, which can result in vehicles being used to cause harassment, alarm or distress being seized. 

Criminal offenders will be challenged robustly, arrested or reported for summons. Penalty Notices for Disorder or warning letters may be used in appropriate cases however, those who offend should expect to be arrested and dealt with if their anti social behaviour amounts to criminal offending.  The exercise of discretion should not be expected.

2    Priority
Issue: Youths causing damage / annoyance with Vehicles, Stamford Bridge (Evenings):

Following reports of anti-social behaviour by groups of youths congregating with vehicles in the vicinity of the Viking Road car park on an evening, Patrols will be regularly checking this location during February.  Consideration will be given to the issue of £90 Penalty Notices for Disorder and arrest where appropriate, in addition to lower level offenders being dealt with under the FAIRWAY process jointly with East Riding of Yorkshire Council. It is unlikely that any discretion will be shown.  Drivers using their cars to cause alarm or distress will be considered for warnings and possible seizure of their vehicles under Section 59 of the Police Reform Act.  

3.    Priority
Issue: Youths Causing Annoyance, area of Sherbuttgate, Pocklington (Evenings):
Officers will continue to patrol the area regularly throughout February.

4.    Meetings
You are invited to attend any of the below meetings:

Police “Drop In surgery” at Lob Lane Sheltered Housing Coffee Morning, Stamford Bridge:
PCSO Gareth Ludlow has arranged a Drop In Surgery from 09:30 -11:30 at the above location to discuss community issues and offer crime prevention advice on the following dates:13th February and the 20th March.

Police “Drop In surgery” at the Francis Scaife Centre, Pocklington
PCSO Jane Matschke has arranged a Drop In Surgery at the above location to discuss community issues and offer crime prevention advice on the 23rd February from 09:30hrs to 12:00noon.

Market Patrol, Pocklington Market Place, Pocklington
PCSO Matschke will be patrolling the Market and will be available from 10:00am to 12 noon on Tuesday 24th February to discuss community issues and offer crime prevention advice.

5. Crimes in your area

  • A passenger side window of a car was smashed and a mobile phone taken from the passenger seat.
  • A car roof was damaged as a result of unknown person/s climbing onto it.
  • A handbag was stolen from an insecure car that was parked on the street.
  • A potato was thrown at a glazed window of a garage door causing damage.
  • A car had two of its tyres slashed and the full length of one side of it was also scratched.
  • Car keys were taken from a property which resulted in the owner’s car being stolen.

6. News and Appeals


Over the past weeks an elderly resident in the East Riding has been duped by a man who is alleged to have systematically targeted her, telling her that she need jobs doing in her home, the 'workman' has then alleged to have charge excessive amounts of money for these very small jobs.

Police are investigating this crime but want to try and avoid this happening to anyone else.

Humberside Police are appealing for anyone who has an elderly relative or knows a vulnerable adult to make sure they are aware of this type of crime.


To deliberately bully or pressure an elderly or vulnerable person into buying an over-inflated service on their own door step is a crime.

The police call unregistered tradesmen who offer poor quality services at over inflated prices as “rogue traders” and are clamping down on this type of crime.

The majority of the bogus traders who have targeted East Riding victims are our older and vulnerable residents, and quiet often the victims feel ashamed or embarrassed that they were tricked into taking a service they did not need and fell for their ‘hard sale’.

Rogue Traders can often look respectful, but are deceitful, this is how so many people fall for their sales pitch. When an offer seems too good to be true it often is!

Generally speaking it is very rare these days for genuine traders to cold call, but if you do come across this there are certain rules they have to abide by:

  • They must give 7 days cancellation notice
  • Give a written quote
  • Have a contact telephone number and more importantly, a contact address.

No money should be exchanged prior to the work being carried out. If the trades person offers to take you to the bank, threatens, intimidates or is aggressive towards you, you should call the police immediately.

If you have contact with elderly residents either in your profession or in your personal life, please pass on the above information. Unfortunately these people pray on the elderly and vulnerable, taking hundreds, sometimes thousands of pounds off the elderly. It is unfair, fraudulent and against the law.

Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Walking Dogs Near Livestock

Matt and Jenny would just like to remind everyone walking dogs near livestock to please keep the dogs on leads.

We have had numerous cases of sheep worrying over the last year. We understand this is never intentional but it is a criminal offence. Sheep worrying can lead to abortion in lamb ewes and other problems due to stress.

Thanks for your co-operation.

Matt & Jenny Smith

Emergency Road Closure Thorpe Le Street 23rd February

The East Riding of Yorkshire Council hereby give notice that during the following periods no person shall cause any vehicle to proceed along part of Thorpe le Street Road, Thorpe le Street, and Thorpe le Street Road, Everingham, for a period of up to 21 days.

23 February 2015

The emergency road closure is necessary to enable essential carriageway work to be carried out in a manner consistent with ensuring the safety of the public.

The alternative route available for traffic affected by the closure will be via Main Street, Southfield Lane, Bull Lane, Harswell Lane, A614  and A 1079.

The road will be closed to all traffic including emergency services but open to pedestrians.

Further information can be obtained from Highways Section Tel: 0845 6001666 CY

Dated this day 12th day of February 2015  

    Nigel Leighton

    Director of Environment and Neighbourhood Services

County Hall
East Riding of Yorkshire
HU17 9BA

Monday, 2 February 2015

Everingham News February 2015

Everingham News February 2015

Happy Jack by John Godber - To     be     performed     by     The     Library     Theatre     Company,     Saturday     21    February     in     Everingham     village     hall.     Doors     &     bar     open     7pm    performance     starts     at     7.30pm.     Tickets,     £5,     available     from     Sally    Wilkinson.    Tel:    01430    872415.

Jazz    Brunch        29    March        join    us    in    the    village    hall    for    live    music, tasty    brunch, the    Sunday    papers    and    the    bar    will    be    open.    All    ages    welcome.        Don’t    forget    29    March,   more    details    to    follow.    Hope    to    see    you    there,    Louise,    Vicki    &    Clara. All    proceeds    to    Marie    Curie    Cancer    Care

Everingham    oil    club

Delivery    dates     for     the    year    are January    ,    March,    May,    September    and    November. All    residents    of     the    area     covered     by     the     circulation     of     this     newsletter     are     welcome     to     join. January     saw     the     oil     club    purchase    over    22,000    litres    at    a    price    of    32.2p    per    litre,    irrespective    of    the    amount    of    oil    ordered    and    all    at    6%    below     the    best    of     the    online    prices. We    make    no    charge     for    membership, if    anyone    would    like     more     details     of     the     benefits     please     email     either     phil.cartwright1@btinternet or    mikejan@onodo.co.uk .    The    more    members    we    have    the    better    our    powers    of    negotiation.

Everingham    and    Harswell    Parish    Council

Minutes    of    the    meeting    held    on    14    January    2015

in    the    village    hall,    Everingham.

1. Present    were    Councillors    Tom    Featherby    (TF)    (Chairman),    Patricia    Coole    (PC),    Bryn    James    (BJ),    Edward    Pettifer    (EP)    and    Alison    Thompson    (AT).    Clerk    to    the    Council    Anthony    Stocking    (AS).

2. Matters    arising:

2.1 No    further    information    is    available    about    the    feared    wind    farm    development.   

2.2 Councillors    will    monitor    conditions    along    Thorpe    le    Street    Road.    Residents  should    make    any    complaints    they    have    directly    to    ERYC. 

2.3 The    purchase    of    the    telephone    box    is    delayed    pending    completion    of    discussions between    BT    and    ERYC.    It    seems    it    is    the    ideal    location    for    a    defibrillator.    

2.4 AS    will    make    a    further    request    of    Northern    Powergrid    for    the    removal    of    the redundant    wooden    power    pole    on    Thorpe    le    Street    Road.   

2.5 ERYC    will    change    four    lamp    brackets    during    this    fiscal    year.    The    changes    are  necessary    because    of    safety    fears.    This    work    increases    the    precept    over    the    next   three    years    by    15%.     

2.6 A    decision    on    the    purchase    of    a    defibrillator    was    not    possible

3. Finance:

3.1 The    bank    balance    is    £2722.53    and    is    according    to    the    budget.

3.2 The    Band    D    billing    figure    will    be    £37.54,    an    increase    of    £5.01    or    15.41%  compared    to    2014/15.    See    minute    2.5. 

3.3 The    Village    Hall    committee    will    be    invoiced    £208.96    for    grass    cutting    by    ERYC.

3.4 Councillors    approved    payment    of    £882.55    and    £1003.02    to    ERYC    for    grass    cutting  and    electrical    services    and    £195    to    Everingham    Village    Hall    for    hall    usage.  

4. Planning:

5. Principal    correspondence

6. Business:

6.1 Pocklington’s    University    of    the    Third    Age    (U3A)    propose    to    plant    trees    within    the   village    to    mark    its    tenth    anniversary.    Councillors    proposed    a    number    of    sites    within    the    village    and    TF    and    other    Councillors    will    contact    U3A.

7. Items    for    inclusion    on    agenda    of    next    meeting:

7.1 A    proposal    to    install    a    defibrillator    in    Everingham.

7.2 A    discussion    to    control    the    speed    of    HGVs    and    motorists    through    the    villages.   

8. Date    of    next    meeting:

8.1 The    next    meeting    will    be    in    the    Village    Hall    at    19h30    on    11    March    2015.    Electors    can    submit    questions,    comments or    items    for    discussion    at    the    meeting    by   

contacting    the    Clerk    within    14    days    of    the    meeting.

Issued    24    January    2015.

By    Anthony    Stocking,   

Clerk    to    the    Council.

39    The    Meadows,    Leven.    East    Riding    of    Yorkshire.    HU17    5LX.   

01964    542043    :    anthony.stocking@btinternet.com.

Brian    Almond

Brian     Almond     died     peacefully     on     10     January     aged     76.     A     funeral     service     was     held     at     St    Everildas     in     Everingham.     Many     of     you     will     remember        Brian     who     lived     in     the     village     for    many    years,    latterly    at    Garden    Cottages.

Open    Gardens    Teas    at    Ellerker    House    19th April   

The    PCC    of    St    Everilda’s    Church    are    providing    the    teas    for    the    Open    Garden    Day    at    Ellerker   House          The     date    is     April     19th (     Sunday)     times     10.00am     to     4,00pm.          There     will     be     several    specialist    plant    stalls    on    the    day    and    of    course    the    wonderful    gardens    to    walk    around.    Offers     of     a     cake     (not     cupcakes)     and     or     help     for     an     hour     on     the     day     will     be     gratefully    accepted.    Please    let    Hilary    (860093)    know    if    you    are    able    to    help    with    a    cake    or    an    hour    on   

the    day. Funds    from    the    teas    will    go    towards    the    continuing    upkeep of    St    Everilda’s    Church    Further    details    next    month.

Church    services    for    February

        1    Feb - HC 09:15 Everingham

        8    Feb -HC 10:45 Holme    on    Spalding    Moor

15    Feb -HC 09:15 Everingham

22    Feb -HC 10:45 Harswell

Every    Wednesday -HC 09:30 The    Old    School    HOSM

1 March -HC 09:15 Everingham

1 March  - Confirmation    service    with    the    Bishop    of    Selby 10.45 Holme    on    Spalding    Moor

Quiz    night

Pete    and    Pete    have    been    persuaded    to    return    to    the    village    hall    on    10    April    to    run    a    themed    Quiz    Night    - if     you     have     been     before,     you     know    what    a    great    night     out     this    will     be!     If    not,    grab     a     couple of     friends,     or     even     come     along     on     your     own     and     make     some     new     friends    -tickets     cost     £10,     and     will     include     a     hot     home-made     supper.     The     bar     will     be     open     and     all    proceeds     will     go     to     the     village     hall     and     Everingham     Conservation     Group.     To     reserve     your    place,    contact    Roz    on 861465,    Helen    on    860222    or    Jane    on    861156.

Village    hall diary

14    February - Inn    night

21    February - Theatre    evening,    Happy    Jack    by    John    Godber    (see    front    page)

10    April - Quiz    night    from    “Pete    &    Pete”    this    time    the    theme    is    “Titanic”

Resumé    of    the    village    hall    committee    meeting    on    Thursday    8    January    2015

• After    many    hours    of    form    filling    by    Nigel,    Mike    &    Phil    the    village    hall    have    been    awarded    a    grant    from    WREN    to    make    and    fit    all    the    windows    at    the    village    hall.

• A    new    thermostat    has    been    fitted    to    one    of    the    ovens.

• It     was     suggested     and     agreed     that     the     village     hall     give     £50     to     Nick     Fraser,     head    gardener    at    Nunnington    Hall     (which     opens     for     the    National     Trust)     for     the    gardens.    This    is    to    acknowledge    the    several    very    good    Christmas    trees    and    the    gazebos    given    to    Everingham    by    Nunnington    Hall.

For    sale

Drive    gates,    2    x    5ft    five    bar    gates    complete    with    hinges    and    all    furniture.    Cost    new    over    £300    plus     furniture.     Tanalised     softwood,     can     be     viewed     at     Cornerways,     (I’ll     remove     the    nameplate!)    £150.00    ONO.    Can    deliver.    Tel:    861524/email:    ali.beever@gmail.com

Dog     kennel,     local     craftsman     made,     suitable     for     medium/large     dog.     Can     be     viewed     at    Cornerways.    Open    to    offers,    can    deliver.    Tel:    861524/email:    ali.beever@gmail.com

Don’t     forget    if     you     would    like     this     newsletter     delivered     by     email     please    let     us     know     your    contact     details     and    we’ll     add     you     to     the     email    list     and     you’ll     get     the     electronic     newsletter    earlier. The    closing    date    for    the    March    newsletter    is    24 February.    Thank    you.

This    month’s    newsletter    kindly    sponsored    by    Patrick    &    Louise    Wilkinson    of    Woodland    Grange.