Wolds Weighton Update for February 2015
1. Priority
Issue: - Youths Causing Annoyance High Street, Market Weighton (Evenings):
The High Street and immediate town centre area of Market Weighton, including the Memorial Playing Fields, Scotts Croft and Londesborough Road, will continue to be targeted by patrols on an evening throughout February with a view to ensuring the reduction of the potential for problems. Consideration will continue to be given to use of £90 fixed penalty notices for disorder, alcohol seizure and joint work with our partners at East Riding of Yorkshire Council to secure Acceptable Behaviour Contracts where appropriate. There is unlikely to be any discretion shown to offenders.
2. Priority
Issue: - There is only one priority this month.
3. Meetings
You are invited to attend any of the below meetings:
Police “Drop In” Surgery at Market Weighton Methodist Church with Police Community Support Officer Laura Hudson:
PCSO Hudson has arranged a surgery from 11:15am to 12:00noon at the above location on the 11th March. Please come along and discuss any issues you may have in your area.
Police “Drop In” Surgery at Wetwang Village Hall Coffee Morning with Police Community Support Officer Laura Hudson:
PCSO Hudson has arranged a surgery from 11:00am to 12noon at the above location on the 10th March. Please come along and discuss any issues you may have in your area.
4. Crimes in your area
- A shed was broken into at Market Weighton allotments and various items were stolen.
- A rear window of a car was smashed and a bag containing camera equipment was stolen.
- A horse box was stolen from a yard.
- A motor bike which was left on the roadside as it had run out of fuel was stolen before the owner got back to it.
- A trampoline, slide and a cast iron bench were taken from a communal garden.
- A battery connected to an electric fence was stolen.
- A van was seen to approach several properties and remove items from gardens and driveways.
- Six 8 week old Cross English rabbits were stolen from their hutch in a rear garden.
- A motorcycle was stolen from an insecure rear garden.
5. News and Appeals
Over the past weeks an elderly resident in the East Riding has been duped by a man who is alleged to have systematically targeted her, telling her that she need jobs doing in her home, the 'workman' has then alleged to have charge excessive amounts of money for these very small jobs.
Police are investigating this crime but want to try and avoid this happening to anyone else.
Humberside Police are appealing for anyone who has an elderly relative or knows a vulnerable adult to make sure they are aware of this type of crime.
To deliberately bully or pressure an elderly or vulnerable person into buying an over-inflated service on their own door step is a crime.
The police call unregistered tradesmen who offer poor quality services at over inflated prices as “rogue traders” and are clamping down on this type of crime.
The majority of the bogus traders who have targeted East Riding victims are our older and vulnerable residents, and quiet often the victims feel ashamed or embarrassed that they were tricked into taking a service they did not need and fell for their ‘hard sale’.
Rogue Traders can often look respectful, but are deceitful, this is how so many people fall for their sales pitch. When an offer seems too good to be true it often is!
Generally speaking it is very rare these days for genuine traders to cold call, but if you do come across this there are certain rules they have to abide by:
- They must give 7 days cancellation notice
- Give a written quote
- Have a contact telephone number and more importantly, a contact address.
No money should be exchanged prior to the work being carried out. If the trades person offers to take you to the bank, threatens, intimidates or is aggressive towards you, you should call the police immediately.
If you have contact with elderly residents either in your profession or in your personal life, please pass on the above information. Unfortunately these people pray on the elderly and vulnerable, taking hundreds, sometimes thousands of pounds off the elderly. It is unfair, fraudulent and against the law.