Minutes of the Bielby Parish Meeting held on Monday 20th October
At St Giles Chruch, Bielby
1. Apologies for absence
Sandra Johnson, Alan Pilling, John Peel, Christine Coe. There were 17 people present.
2. Minutes of the last meeting held on Monday 28th
as a true record. Proposed Richard Coe, seconded by Paul Kerry
3. Matters arising from the last minutes there were no matters arising
4. Metal Bin (bus shelter) Chris Emptage wrote to Paul Ward asking for a new metal bin to replace the existing small plastic bin in the bus shelter. The new bin would make things easier with both filling and emptying.Purchase of new bin proposed by Chris Emptage and seconded by Val Nolton. Paul to revert to Chris so that Chris can purchase new bin.
5. Village Bench - Paul decided that getting 3 quotes for a new bench, as per the last minutes, would be a time consuming exercise that would not be resolved for at least 2 more meetings and therefore opted to purchase a new bench. The bench cost £398 and the wood has been inscribed with ‘Donated by the residents of Bielby 2014’. Richard and Paul will organise the siting and fixing of the new bench.
6. Broadband - Following the comments from the last meeting Paul wrote to Mr Pattison of BT regarding the upgrading of the Melbourne Exchange. Mr Pattison replied informing us that Bielby (or the Melbourne Exchange) would not be in the rollout for the broadband upgrade as it was not commercially viable to do so, Paul urged that anyone with strong views on this subject should write to BT or our local MP.
7. Carol Singing our village Carol Singing evening has been organized for Monday 22nd December. Meeting at Hollycroft Court (Richard and Christine’s house) at 6.30 and this year’s charity is to be Wolds Wonder’s. A charity which offers a weekly drama group for people with special needs. Proposed by Mark Smith, seconded by Neil Readman.
8. Christmas Dinner this year’s Christmas meal is booked for Sunday 14th Mr Chu’s in Hayton. The price is £20 per person, which is the same as last year, and needs to be booked with Paul Kerry, and paid for in cash, by 30th November.
9. Fracking at the last meeting it was agreed that Paul would write to the Council to find out what length of notice and planning procedures are in place if an application was received for a fracking site. ERYC have replied and enclosed a leaflet called “Fracking UK Shale Planning Permissions and Communities” which is available from April 2014 were read and adopted www.gov.ik/decc should anyone wish to download it as should answer all your questions.
10. Remembrance Sunday as we have no vicar available on 9th agreed that we should still go ahead with a service. Richard Coe is to circulate a flyer detailing plans for the service, the fly past and, since it is 100 years since WWI, a meal afterwards.At present the plan on 7th walk to the memorial and hopefully a fly past followed by a meal, typical of the time.Val Nolton has organized, with the British Legion a wreath and a cross, (one for the church and one for the memorial) and it was proposed by Neil Readman that the village make a £200 donation to the Poppy Appeal which was seconded by Bernard Smith. Further information regarding plans for Remembrance Sunday to follow very soon.
11. AOB
Finance Report
We have paid out for grass cutting, the new bench, the meetings in the church and the storage boxes for the pots and crockery. Income includes £1512 for the precept, £609 for the parish paths and £150 very kindly donated from Bielby Poor Laws Charitable Organisation towards the new village bench.
We have £3646 in the bank not including the rents which have all been collected and are due to be paid in.
Bielby Beck
The beck seems to be flowing well and Neil would like to thank everyone who has been involved in keeping it this way for their hard work. It is, however, looking a little messy again and Neil has organized a contractor to give it a tidy up. Work will include both bank sides being trimmed and also some sludging (cleaning of the bed of the watercourse) work to be carried out if it is required. Neil has asked if this work could be undertaken before the duck race but there is a chance, due to other work commitments, that this may not be possible.
Produce Show - Richard Coe would like to thank everyone for their help with the
Produce Show again this year. There was a really good turn out again especially in the baking category!
Christmas Walk
The proposed date for the Christmas Walk this year is Sunday 28th meeting place is at the top of Mill Lane (outside Margaret’s) at 10.30am. The route will be on a potential pub route, probably Melbourne again via another route. It was suggested that we should let the Melbourne Arms know of our impending arrival so
so that they might be able to cater for a soup and sandwich type meal with more ease than last year. If you require more information please ask Paul Kerry who will be organizing the walk.
Village Marquees
Bernard and Shirley Smith would like to thank the village for the use of the marquees for Mark’s birthday and thank all those who came to assist with erecting them. Mr & Mrs Smith said that had not previously known about the tents and that finding out about them was from a chance conversation with Richard Coe. Val Noltan thought it would be advisable to put a note on the blog reminding/ informing villagers that the tents, crockery and cutlery were available for use by any members of the village should they so wish. Sam to ask Sara to put this information on the village blog.
Planning Applications and Outcomes since the last meeting
Applications were read out:
Errection of a two storey extension to the rear and side of Gale Cottage – Approved
Application for amendments to the Errection of a dwelling with attached outbuilding following demolition of existing cottages at Manor Farm Cottage
There was no other business and the meeting closed at 8.20pm.
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