What a great turn out at the Annual Bielby Duck Race on Sunday 26th October. Despite a windy morning, lots of villagers made it out to see the ducks racing up the Beck! We even had to sell the ducks twice as so many of you wanted a duck.
Thanks to all those who attended, helped on the day, sold the ducks and donated prizes.
The winners were:
Race 1 - Colin Smith - Duck Number 65 - Prize a Garden Set
Jim & Pam Laird - Duck Number 65 - Prize a Bottle of Wine
Race 2 - Susan Smith - Duck Number 26 - Prize Tea For Two
Race 3 - Margaret Wilkinson - Duck Number 67 - Prize a Box Of Vegetables
Race 4 - Geoff Coe - Duck Number 39 - Prize Children's Books and Games
Race 5 - Shirley Smith - Duck Number 87 - Prize Chocolates and Wine
Race 6 - John Knight - Duck Number 147 - Prize Bake Off
Race 7 - David Todd - Duck Number 48 - Halloween Bonus Race
Well done to all the winners.
Tuesday, 28 October 2014
Pruning Fruit Trees
Chris and Jan wondered if anyone had any experience in pruning fruit tree and
would be willing to come and offer some advice and prune some of their
fruit trees, they are happy to pay. Contact Chris and Jan at Longfield House
Monday, 27 October 2014
Remembrance Day Service
Remembrance Day Service Sunday 9th November 2014 at St Giles Church 10.15am followed by a memorial service alongside the canal and afterwards a 1914 2 course lunch at Hollycroft Court, £3 per person.
RSVP by 2nd November for lunch. Ring 318314 or 318811.
RSVP by 2nd November for lunch. Ring 318314 or 318811.
Christmas Meal Sunday 14th December 2014
Christmas Meal - Sunday 14th December 2014 at Mr Chus at 7pm.
Another great opportunity for villagers to get together and to get into the Christmas spirit.
The meal is once again at The Plough, Hayton, Mr Chus Chinese Restaurant and is on Sunday 14th December 2014 at 7pm.
It is a banquet meal with vegetarian options.
Again there are 40 places available and there will be music later on for those who wish to dance.
£20 per person. Cash only please.
The closing date for booking in and payment is 30th November to Paul at Bowcroft Cottage 318811.
Another great opportunity for villagers to get together and to get into the Christmas spirit.
The meal is once again at The Plough, Hayton, Mr Chus Chinese Restaurant and is on Sunday 14th December 2014 at 7pm.
It is a banquet meal with vegetarian options.
Again there are 40 places available and there will be music later on for those who wish to dance.
£20 per person. Cash only please.
The closing date for booking in and payment is 30th November to Paul at Bowcroft Cottage 318811.
Be Aware!
Alex has passed this email on from Pocklington Police Station.
Please be aware that there has been a spate of break ins with sheds, garages, homes and vehicles all being targeted in our area in the last week or so. Please remind everyone to be extra vigilant and to ensure that all property is locked and secure at all times.
Please be aware that there has been a spate of break ins with sheds, garages, homes and vehicles all being targeted in our area in the last week or so. Please remind everyone to be extra vigilant and to ensure that all property is locked and secure at all times.
Wednesday, 22 October 2014
Minutes Of Bielby Parish Meeting Held Monday 20th October 2014
Minutes of the Bielby Parish Meeting held on Monday 20th October
At St Giles Chruch, Bielby
1. Apologies for absence
Sandra Johnson, Alan Pilling, John Peel, Christine Coe. There were 17 people present.
2. Minutes of the last meeting held on Monday 28th
as a true record. Proposed Richard Coe, seconded by Paul Kerry
3. Matters arising from the last minutes there were no matters arising
4. Metal Bin (bus shelter) Chris Emptage wrote to Paul Ward asking for a new metal bin to replace the existing small plastic bin in the bus shelter. The new bin would make things easier with both filling and emptying.Purchase of new bin proposed by Chris Emptage and seconded by Val Nolton. Paul to revert to Chris so that Chris can purchase new bin.
5. Village Bench - Paul decided that getting 3 quotes for a new bench, as per the last minutes, would be a time consuming exercise that would not be resolved for at least 2 more meetings and therefore opted to purchase a new bench. The bench cost £398 and the wood has been inscribed with ‘Donated by the residents of Bielby 2014’. Richard and Paul will organise the siting and fixing of the new bench.
6. Broadband - Following the comments from the last meeting Paul wrote to Mr Pattison of BT regarding the upgrading of the Melbourne Exchange. Mr Pattison replied informing us that Bielby (or the Melbourne Exchange) would not be in the rollout for the broadband upgrade as it was not commercially viable to do so, Paul urged that anyone with strong views on this subject should write to BT or our local MP.
7. Carol Singing our village Carol Singing evening has been organized for Monday 22nd December. Meeting at Hollycroft Court (Richard and Christine’s house) at 6.30 and this year’s charity is to be Wolds Wonder’s. A charity which offers a weekly drama group for people with special needs. Proposed by Mark Smith, seconded by Neil Readman.
8. Christmas Dinner this year’s Christmas meal is booked for Sunday 14th Mr Chu’s in Hayton. The price is £20 per person, which is the same as last year, and needs to be booked with Paul Kerry, and paid for in cash, by 30th November.
9. Fracking at the last meeting it was agreed that Paul would write to the Council to find out what length of notice and planning procedures are in place if an application was received for a fracking site. ERYC have replied and enclosed a leaflet called “Fracking UK Shale Planning Permissions and Communities” which is available from April 2014 were read and adopted www.gov.ik/decc should anyone wish to download it as should answer all your questions.
10. Remembrance Sunday as we have no vicar available on 9th agreed that we should still go ahead with a service. Richard Coe is to circulate a flyer detailing plans for the service, the fly past and, since it is 100 years since WWI, a meal afterwards.At present the plan on 7th walk to the memorial and hopefully a fly past followed by a meal, typical of the time.Val Nolton has organized, with the British Legion a wreath and a cross, (one for the church and one for the memorial) and it was proposed by Neil Readman that the village make a £200 donation to the Poppy Appeal which was seconded by Bernard Smith. Further information regarding plans for Remembrance Sunday to follow very soon.
11. AOB
Finance Report
We have paid out for grass cutting, the new bench, the meetings in the church and the storage boxes for the pots and crockery. Income includes £1512 for the precept, £609 for the parish paths and £150 very kindly donated from Bielby Poor Laws Charitable Organisation towards the new village bench.
We have £3646 in the bank not including the rents which have all been collected and are due to be paid in.
Bielby Beck
The beck seems to be flowing well and Neil would like to thank everyone who has been involved in keeping it this way for their hard work. It is, however, looking a little messy again and Neil has organized a contractor to give it a tidy up. Work will include both bank sides being trimmed and also some sludging (cleaning of the bed of the watercourse) work to be carried out if it is required. Neil has asked if this work could be undertaken before the duck race but there is a chance, due to other work commitments, that this may not be possible.
Produce Show - Richard Coe would like to thank everyone for their help with the
Produce Show again this year. There was a really good turn out again especially in the baking category!
Christmas Walk
The proposed date for the Christmas Walk this year is Sunday 28th meeting place is at the top of Mill Lane (outside Margaret’s) at 10.30am. The route will be on a potential pub route, probably Melbourne again via another route. It was suggested that we should let the Melbourne Arms know of our impending arrival so
so that they might be able to cater for a soup and sandwich type meal with more ease than last year. If you require more information please ask Paul Kerry who will be organizing the walk.
Village Marquees
Bernard and Shirley Smith would like to thank the village for the use of the marquees for Mark’s birthday and thank all those who came to assist with erecting them. Mr & Mrs Smith said that had not previously known about the tents and that finding out about them was from a chance conversation with Richard Coe. Val Noltan thought it would be advisable to put a note on the blog reminding/ informing villagers that the tents, crockery and cutlery were available for use by any members of the village should they so wish. Sam to ask Sara to put this information on the village blog.
Planning Applications and Outcomes since the last meeting
Applications were read out:
Errection of a two storey extension to the rear and side of Gale Cottage – Approved
Application for amendments to the Errection of a dwelling with attached outbuilding following demolition of existing cottages at Manor Farm Cottage
There was no other business and the meeting closed at 8.20pm.
At St Giles Chruch, Bielby
1. Apologies for absence
Sandra Johnson, Alan Pilling, John Peel, Christine Coe. There were 17 people present.
2. Minutes of the last meeting held on Monday 28th
as a true record. Proposed Richard Coe, seconded by Paul Kerry
3. Matters arising from the last minutes there were no matters arising
4. Metal Bin (bus shelter) Chris Emptage wrote to Paul Ward asking for a new metal bin to replace the existing small plastic bin in the bus shelter. The new bin would make things easier with both filling and emptying.Purchase of new bin proposed by Chris Emptage and seconded by Val Nolton. Paul to revert to Chris so that Chris can purchase new bin.
5. Village Bench - Paul decided that getting 3 quotes for a new bench, as per the last minutes, would be a time consuming exercise that would not be resolved for at least 2 more meetings and therefore opted to purchase a new bench. The bench cost £398 and the wood has been inscribed with ‘Donated by the residents of Bielby 2014’. Richard and Paul will organise the siting and fixing of the new bench.
6. Broadband - Following the comments from the last meeting Paul wrote to Mr Pattison of BT regarding the upgrading of the Melbourne Exchange. Mr Pattison replied informing us that Bielby (or the Melbourne Exchange) would not be in the rollout for the broadband upgrade as it was not commercially viable to do so, Paul urged that anyone with strong views on this subject should write to BT or our local MP.
7. Carol Singing our village Carol Singing evening has been organized for Monday 22nd December. Meeting at Hollycroft Court (Richard and Christine’s house) at 6.30 and this year’s charity is to be Wolds Wonder’s. A charity which offers a weekly drama group for people with special needs. Proposed by Mark Smith, seconded by Neil Readman.
8. Christmas Dinner this year’s Christmas meal is booked for Sunday 14th Mr Chu’s in Hayton. The price is £20 per person, which is the same as last year, and needs to be booked with Paul Kerry, and paid for in cash, by 30th November.
9. Fracking at the last meeting it was agreed that Paul would write to the Council to find out what length of notice and planning procedures are in place if an application was received for a fracking site. ERYC have replied and enclosed a leaflet called “Fracking UK Shale Planning Permissions and Communities” which is available from April 2014 were read and adopted www.gov.ik/decc should anyone wish to download it as should answer all your questions.
10. Remembrance Sunday as we have no vicar available on 9th agreed that we should still go ahead with a service. Richard Coe is to circulate a flyer detailing plans for the service, the fly past and, since it is 100 years since WWI, a meal afterwards.At present the plan on 7th walk to the memorial and hopefully a fly past followed by a meal, typical of the time.Val Nolton has organized, with the British Legion a wreath and a cross, (one for the church and one for the memorial) and it was proposed by Neil Readman that the village make a £200 donation to the Poppy Appeal which was seconded by Bernard Smith. Further information regarding plans for Remembrance Sunday to follow very soon.
11. AOB
Finance Report
We have paid out for grass cutting, the new bench, the meetings in the church and the storage boxes for the pots and crockery. Income includes £1512 for the precept, £609 for the parish paths and £150 very kindly donated from Bielby Poor Laws Charitable Organisation towards the new village bench.
We have £3646 in the bank not including the rents which have all been collected and are due to be paid in.
Bielby Beck
The beck seems to be flowing well and Neil would like to thank everyone who has been involved in keeping it this way for their hard work. It is, however, looking a little messy again and Neil has organized a contractor to give it a tidy up. Work will include both bank sides being trimmed and also some sludging (cleaning of the bed of the watercourse) work to be carried out if it is required. Neil has asked if this work could be undertaken before the duck race but there is a chance, due to other work commitments, that this may not be possible.
Produce Show - Richard Coe would like to thank everyone for their help with the
Produce Show again this year. There was a really good turn out again especially in the baking category!
Christmas Walk
The proposed date for the Christmas Walk this year is Sunday 28th meeting place is at the top of Mill Lane (outside Margaret’s) at 10.30am. The route will be on a potential pub route, probably Melbourne again via another route. It was suggested that we should let the Melbourne Arms know of our impending arrival so
so that they might be able to cater for a soup and sandwich type meal with more ease than last year. If you require more information please ask Paul Kerry who will be organizing the walk.
Village Marquees
Bernard and Shirley Smith would like to thank the village for the use of the marquees for Mark’s birthday and thank all those who came to assist with erecting them. Mr & Mrs Smith said that had not previously known about the tents and that finding out about them was from a chance conversation with Richard Coe. Val Noltan thought it would be advisable to put a note on the blog reminding/ informing villagers that the tents, crockery and cutlery were available for use by any members of the village should they so wish. Sam to ask Sara to put this information on the village blog.
Planning Applications and Outcomes since the last meeting
Applications were read out:
Errection of a two storey extension to the rear and side of Gale Cottage – Approved
Application for amendments to the Errection of a dwelling with attached outbuilding following demolition of existing cottages at Manor Farm Cottage
There was no other business and the meeting closed at 8.20pm.
Use of Village Tent, Crockery & Cutlery Reminder
Here's a quick a reminder or for those who don't know, the village tents/ crockery/ cutlery (Cutlery & Crockery for 50 place settings) are available for use by any villagers should they so wish. (This is for free but on a replace if broken arrangement.)
Broadband East Riding Project 2014
The Parish has been sent this so Paul has asked me to put it on the website.
This email is being sent to all Parish Councils in the East Riding of Yorkshire to provide an update on the delivery of the 'Broadband East Riding' project. We would kindly ask Parish Clerks to please bring this email and the most recent press release (copied below) to the attention of your parish council(s) for their information.The first three phases of the superfast broadband project have already been announced and are in progress - the roll-out has begun to go 'live' and so far around 12,000 properties across the East Riding can access faster fibre-based broadband.Details of the further phases will be announced in the coming months once the project plans are complete. The project will run until December 2015.For further information on the project roll-out (including location maps of the phases announced to date, and details of the accompanying business support programme to help businesses take advantage of the new technology) please visit http://www.broadband.eastriding.gov.uk/. Best regards,
Steve Howdle
Rural Development Officer (Office days: Wednesday - Friday)
East Riding of Yorkshire Council
Directorate of Planning & Economic RegenerationRural Policy & Partnerships TeamCounty Hall
HU17 9BA
Tel: 01482 391696'Broadband East Riding' press release - October 2014 - please see belowRawcliffe Amongst First to go Superfast as Part of Broadband East Riding Rollout Press ReleaseResidents and businesses in Rawcliffe, Goole, Snaith and Howdenshire are amongst the first in the East Riding to benefit from access to superfast fibre broadband.As part of the Broadband East Riding programme a launch event was held in Rawcliffe to celebrate the high-speed technology “going live”.In total around 12,000 properties across the East Riding can access faster based fibre broadband. Approximately 8,500 of these are in the Goole, Howden, Rawcliffe and Snaith areas. Residents and businesses should contact their service provider to find out if superfast broadband is available to order.The first three phases of the Broadband East Riding Programme have already been announced and details of further phases will be announced in the coming months.Broadband East Riding will make superfast fibre broadband speeds of more than 24Mbps available to more than 42,000 homes and businesses in the East Riding of Yorkshire by December 2015. In addition, the project aims to ensure the whole area will have access to broadband speeds of 2Mbps or more. This target also takes into account the commercial roll-out of fibre broadband by the private sector in the area.This is exciting news for those living, working and learning in East Riding, as the boost to broadband speeds will bring new opportunities to home life, businesses and schools. Improved access will also bring social benefits to rural communities, supporting them to grow and thrive.Councillor Jonathan Owen, deputy leader of East Riding of Yorkshire Council and cabinet portfolio holder for transformation and strategic partnerships, said: “The launch of the first cabinet related to the Broadband East Riding project is an important milestone and an excellent example of the public and private sector working together for the benefit of residents and customers.“Both ourselves and BT are working in partnership to ensure our local communities benefit from high-speed broadband, which is essential is this digital age as technology develops and more and more business and social connections are made online.“It is brilliant that areas of Goole, Howden, Rawcliffe and Snaith are able to access the very best broadband services and that these benefits will be eventually enjoyed by the whole region.”BT is contributing £4 million towards the programme which, together with grants from BDUK of £5.57m, the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) of £4.4m and East Riding of Yorkshire Council, will see a total investment of around £14m by December 2015.Bill Murphy, BT’s managing director of next generation access, said: “Every day the number of services delivered to us online, whether designed to entertain, educate or meet our daily needs, is growing. Already, many digital services require a reliable high-speed broadband connection to work most effectively. As content and applications get more sophisticated superfast broadband will become ever more essential. That’s why I would urge anyone who now has access to fibre to get online superfast.“Fibre is also essential for business. In order to compete effectively in this world of technology, you need to be able to move, act and do business quickly and effectively. Faster broadband breaks down the barriers to doing business in the digital world like online trading, which helps to empower those small businesses to find new markets, sell new products, try new models and compete on an equal footing with larger businesses.”The new fibre broadband network will be open to all communications providers on an equivalent basis. Households and businesses will therefore benefit from a highly-competitive market, bringing greater choice and affordable prices from a wide range of service providers.Faster speeds will boost the competitiveness of local businesses, helping them to find new customers and operate more efficiently.Councillor Jane Evison, cabinet portfolio holder for economy, investment and inequalities, said: “For business, it means quick and easy downloads, shorter upload times to get large documents and data to customers and suppliers and time and cost savings by enabling video conferencing and remote working.“To help businesses take advantage of all of the benefits that this new technology will bring, East Riding of Yorkshire Council is running a free business support programme, funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). This programme will demonstrate the benefits of high-speed internet with targeted support and information to help businesses turn faster broadband speeds into business growth.“The business support that is available includes the guidance of a dedicated business adviser, providing one-to-one advice, external IT system diagnostic reports, providing an action plan to take forward, and various workshops covering a range of topics devised to help businesses get the most out of being connected and to stimulate growth.”Support is targeted primarily at eligible businesses, as defined by ERDF criteria.John Skidmore, director of corporate strategy and commissioning at East Riding of Yorkshire Council, said: “At home, superfast broadband will enable people to run multiple bandwidth-hungry applications at the same time making gaming, watching BBC i-Player, using Skype to keep in touch with friends and family anywhere in the world, or downloading films and music much quicker and free from ‘buffering’ or screen freeze.“Many communities inside the project area will benefit from a host of new learning and development opportunities for local people as well as easier access to local authority and health services.”For up to date information on available business support and the roll-out, visit
Monday, 6 October 2014
Bielby Annual Duck Race Sunday 26th October 2014
Bielby Annual Duck Race
The Duck Race will take place on Sunday 26th October starting at 11.00 a.m. prompt at the Mill Bridge. Ducks are available in advance from Richard and Christine on 318314 or Pete & Val on 318399 and are £2.00 each. There will be 6 races, various prizes and refreshments available. All proceeds to St Giles Church. Please come along and join in the fun!
The Duck Race will take place on Sunday 26th October starting at 11.00 a.m. prompt at the Mill Bridge. Ducks are available in advance from Richard and Christine on 318314 or Pete & Val on 318399 and are £2.00 each. There will be 6 races, various prizes and refreshments available. All proceeds to St Giles Church. Please come along and join in the fun!
Friday, 3 October 2014
Two Pure Bred Cuckoo Maran Cockerels Free To Good Home
We have two pure bred Cuckoo Maran Cockerels available free to a good
home or homes. These are surplus to our requirements and were hatched at
the beginning of the Summer. I got the eggs from one of the oldest and
most successful breeders in Kent. For those of you who do not know these
are a large old breed and the hens lay very dark brown speckled eggs.
Please phone 01759 318588 or email woodfleet@btinternet.com for any further details
Joan Huxley
Joan Huxley
Wednesday, 1 October 2014
Everingham Newsletter October 2014
Harvest Lunch Village
Hall 19th October
Tickets available
from Hilary 860093 or Jean 860226
and celebrate Harvest Home with us at The Village
Hall October 19th 12.00 noon onwards. The will be a
buffet lunch with seasonal puddings. Bar with a
Barrel of British Beer
And generally a good time for the village to celebrate the
end of summer
Tickets £10 for adults
£5 for under 11 and
free for under 5’s
Please reserve tickets by Oct 12th at the latest
Thank You
There will also be a Family Service in St Everilda’s
Church at 9.15
All are welcome and please bring your harvest fare
Church Services for October
5th Oct HC 09.15 Everingham
12th Oct HC 10.45 HOSM
19th Oct Harvest Festival 09.15 Everingham
26th Oct HC 09.15 Harswell
Every Wednesday HC 09.30 Old
School HOSM
Morning Prayer every Monday Morning approx 08.30. Please check Church notice board for actual times as this varies.
Remembrance Sunday
There will be a service of remembrance on Sunday November 9th
at 10.30am starting at the Church
Inn Nights at the
Village Hall.
Saturday, 11th October
Saturday, 22nd November
Saturday, 20th December
Bonfire Night at the Village Hall. Saturday, 1st November.
VH and bar open 6.30
Fireworks at 7pm
Food available –bangers(!) and a roll
Price – same as last year – donation in the bucket.
VH committee
Christmas Shopping Event for Candlelighters Childrens
Cancer Charity
How time flies, it's that time again! I
am pleased to be planning our third annual Christmas Shopping evening on
Wednesday, 12th November 2014 at 7pm. Come along to the Village Hall for a
lovely evening of shopping and socialising.
Lots of gorgeous gifts from Grandad's
Shed, Ericalili Jewellery, Haven Beauty, Vintage Friends Candles, Phoenix Cards
and many more.
Raffle, Auction, Bar, Refreshments.
Tickets £5.00 to include your first
glass of wine or soft drink.
Please contact Kerstin Cooper 07979
666468 or kerstincooper@icloud.com
Missing table
There is one red table missing from the Village Hall. If you
know of its whereabouts, please let Tricia know &/put it back in the
Village Hall.
VH committee
Piano and Violin lessons
I am a Suzuki trained pianist and
violinist who teaches in Everingham. If you are interested in learning to play
either instrument, then contact Lotte Marsh at The New Rectory, or email lottemarsh@hotmail.co.uk, or
call 01430 861954.
Two late August Sunday matches rounded off the Everingham
cricket season. On the 24th
the Everingham Lions took on the Everingham Tigers in the annual family fun
match at Melbourne. The sun shone for
us and a good time was had by all.
Trevor Woods captained the Lions and led them to a comfortable victory
over Roger Marsh’s Tigers. Top scorers
for the Lions were Sam Marsh, Nigel Elliot and Trevor Woods, though Lara Wilson
and Tricia Coole were looking strong and were both Not Out as the innings
closed on 93. For the Tigers Sammy
Wilson and Roger Marsh led the charge, ably assisted by Ashley Woods and Daniel
Elliot, but could only reach 70. The
scorebook does not record bowling details, but there was some. And it was very good. So was the cake during the tea break.
A week later, at the same ground, the regular Everingham
team took on Bielby in the annual end of season ‘friendly’. Again the sun shone for us. Captain Tom Featherby, returning to the
team after a couple of seasons away, led by example, putting on 31 runs before
retiring. Dan Elliot’s useful 21
included a spectacular 6 straight down the ground. Louis Los, Charlie Marsh and
Wayne Litherland also had a good knock, but our final total was only 96. Bielby’s innings began slowly, and for a
while it looked as though we might peg them back enough to snatch a win. Having dismissed the opening batsmen,
however, Britton and Ross began to find the boundary rather too often, and the
target of 97 was reached in the 18th over for only three
wickets. A narrow loss, but an exciting
game, and a good time was had by all.
Special mention should go to Dan Litherland who produced
some spectacular bowling, taking all three wickets (one caught and
bowled). Excellent bowling too from
Toby Stephenson, Trevor Woods, Dan Elliot, Louis Los and Wayne Litherland. We look forward to next season now. We have a strong team potentially, and maybe
next year we can win some silverware.
It has been a long time……..
Dog walking and pet sitting service in Everingham.
Does your dog need a walk when you are late home from work?
Do you need a reliable person to feed your cat, budgie or fish whilst you are
on holiday? Look no further – I am available 4pm – 8pm on weekdays and free
most weekends. £2 per dog for a half hour walk. Pet sitting £1 a day. Contact Amy on 01430 861842
Antique Furniture Restoring
Retired man, recently moved with his wife from Devon to
Everingham and loving the area, has 45 years experience restoring antique
furniture and would like to restart teaching his popular one-to-one or
two-to-one classes here.
Anyone who is interested in repairing their own good
quality furniture under his tuition, please bring items to his workshop for a
chat about what needs to be done before deciding if you’d like to go ahead.
Please ring Bob or Di on 01430 626482 for more details or to
make arrangements.
Di and Bob
Marie Curie Cancer Care UK
Wilkinson, Vicki Kress and Clara Challoner Walker sincerely thank everyone who
has supported their fundraising for Marie Curie Cancer Care UK, particularly
their kind sponsors, Paul and Lisa Eade, Pocklington, Smoke BBQ, Sheffield
and The Wolds Advertiser. Thanks also to everyone who attended the Sri
Lankan Supper evening.
On 24th October at 7.30 pm, Louise, Vicki and
Clara are hosting an 'Adore of Brigg' fashion evening at Woodland
Grange with a beautiful range of ladies clothes and accessories, modelled by
several whom you will recognise!
The ticket price of £5 includes a welcome glass of
fizz and snacks. In addition to the fashions, there will be a bar,
jewellery, a raffle and a craft stall.
Please contact Louise or Clara (details
below) for tickets or call in and see Vicki at Grandad's Shed in
Louise and Vicki
The Yorkshire Rose Patisserie - Lydia Ward
I'm starting up my own business making cakes, cupcakes and
desserts for all occasions, from novelty cakes to home baked desserts. All
freshly made and designed to individual specification. I cater for allergies
and dietary requirements.
Any enquiries contact Lydia Ward, mobile - 07922034094 or
home phone - 01430 861724 or email me at theyorkshirerose@outlook.com
Everingham oil club
If you live in the circulation area of this newsletter and would like to
be included in the oil club then please email phil.cartwright1@btinternet.
You will then receive an email when the next delivery is due. If you require
oil at that time then you will be advised of the chosen supplier for that
month, you should then make contact directly with the supplier to arrange
payment. Our normal delivery months are January, March, May, September &
November. From time to time interim deliveries may be arranged, however we
suggest that to get the best prices we should try and concentrate on these
planned dates.
Mike, Jan & Phil.
Church Yard Flower Meadow
We have now cut the flower meadow ready
for next year----- the hay, if anyone would like it, is ready for collection,
all you need is a rake and a means to transport it. Any that is not
collected by 8th October 2014 will be disposed of.
History of Gin in England. Friday 10 October 2014
FAIRFAX HOUSE, YORK. 7pm Cost £20 (York
Civic Trust and Friends of Fairfax House £18) includes gin tasting and nibbles.
Next issue of newsletter.
Please send submissions to everinghamnews@hotmail.co.uk or put them in
our white enamel post box on our drive at The Old Priory by 27thOctober.
Lydia Ward has sponsored the newsletter this month.
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