Are there any budding gardeners out there willing to take the
lead on a project of this nature, or at least find out how we go about
it for our area? It seems a nice thing to do and something everybody can
get involved in.
20th February, Immingham Civic Centre
This is our major biennial event, which is open to all recently-new and potential new entrants and other interested parties.
will be a short presentation ‘from the front’ about what Bloom is all
about and how it brings benefits to entrants, but this is mainly a
workshop event, where you will get the
opportunity to talk to experienced entrants about their views on Bloom,
meet senior judges and discuss what they hope to see ‘on the day’.
permitting, there will be short tours of a ‘Bloom route’, done in small
groups led by senior judges, giving you the chance to see through the
judges eyes. Bring suitable clothing!!! It is February, after all.
If the weather is genuinely poor then the session with the judges will take place inside as a round table workshop instead.
will also be an update on the National Bloom developments, with new
initiatives such as the BID category explained in more detail. Final
details will also be available about National Themes for 2014, and
advice on how you can get involved.
will, of course, be opportunities to meet with other ‘Bloomers’ and to
talk to some of our important sponsors, who will bring with them some of
the products that are so helpful in brightening up our communities
cost is £6 per person, to cover the cost of refreshments and a
light lunch. To ensure your place/s, please return your completed
reservation form (see attached or download a form from the website) http://www. by Thursday February 6th to EMiB Secretary Irene Bates
2014 East Midlands in Bloom
To be held at Immingham Civic Centre, Pelham Road, Immingham,
North East Lincolnshire, DN40 1QF on Thursday 20th February. Registration
from 10.00 am for 10.30 am start. There is a free car park next to the
venue. To reserve your place/s please complete and return this form NO LATER THAN Thursday 6th February
Send to: Irene Bates, EMIB Secretary, 64 Chaddesden Park Road, Derby DE21 6HD
or by e-mail to:
I wish to reserve: …………….. places @ £6 per person (to include refreshments and a light lunch)
Name/s of delegate/s: (please include any work roles)
1. ………………………………………………………………………………
3. ………………………………………………………………………………
4. ………………………………………………………………………………
Please continue on reverse of slip if more places are required
Contact Address …………………………………………………………………...……
e-mail address: ………………………………………………………………......
I enclose a cheque (made payable to East Midlands in Bloom) for £ ………………………………………………
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