Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Bielby Music Festival A Great Success

Many thanks to all the volunteers who helped set up before and clean up afterwards, this was undoubtedly our best festival yet and it looks like we have raised more than £1000 for Marie Curie Cancer Care.

We will let you know the exact amount when all the bills have been paid.

A big thank you to Jed and Stacey for allowing us to use their field for the festival.

Ian and Richard.

Sunday, 25 August 2013

Tony Is Running Great North Run For Charity

On September 15th I am running the Great North run on behalf of the Variety Childrens Charity.

This is a fantastic charity which does a tremendous amount of work for sick, disabled and disadvantaged children and is famous for Sunshine coaches. They also provide wheelchairs, specialised equipment and run innovative, exciting events for the children to enhance their lives.

The Great North run is one of the most challenging half marathons and is a distance I have never run in my life, so to say I am nervous/concerned is an understatement!!! My picture is post the Balmoral 10k with my sons Sam and Josh, along with my brother Chris who is also doing this run. It took me several days to recover and that was only just over 6 miles!

I appreciate any amount you can give, by following the link below, to support the Variety charity and my efforts to survive the Great North Run.



Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Market Weighton Canal & River Foulness Action Plan Meeting

Sam has been sent info re encouraging community involvement in the development of a practical action plan for the Market Weighton Canal and River Foulness.

A meeting was held on 26th June and the notes are as follows. A further meeting will take place on Thursday, 29 August, 6.00 pm at Gilberdyke War Memorial Hall to identify the initial priorities within the action plan, review funding opportunities for those priorities and set up a project steering group. To enable catering requirements to be confirmed could you please let Sam know, by Tuesday, 27 August, if you would like to attend the meeting.
Market Weighton Canal & River Foulness Action Plan Meeting 26th June 2013. 18.00 – 20.00, Holme-On-Spalding-Moor Village Hall. Action Notes.

1. Welcome and Introductions. GS welcomed attendees and invited everyone to introduce themselves. The apologies listed above were noted.

2. Reintroduction of the Market Weighton Canal & River Foulness Action Plan (the Action Plan). GS reintroduced the Action Plan. GS emphasised that the Market Weighton Canal and the River Foulness have been treated as two linked, but separate, entities within the Action Plan. GS highlighted the necessity of maintaining the drainage function of the Market Weighton Canal. MB noted surprise at anglers not being represented within the meeting. Maps were distributed and it was noted that legends on the maps were indicative only.

3. Funding Options. RA introduced herself and distributed a hand out of funding options (please see attached). RA explained the various funding sources which have been matched to the five themes identified within the Action Plan. RA clarified the role of the external funding team as a facilitator; as such they do not have the capacity to write funding bids. However they are able to act as a critical friend and support groups in the process of funding applications. RA and GS noted that it would be best to first identify a clear vision and then to seek funding opportunities and community engagement once the focus is clarified.

4. Identification of Priorities. GS invited each member of the group to identify their priority in turn around the table. GS and JC summarised the discussion as: o A need to engage landowners, once a vision and priorities have been defined; o A desire for connectivity and the reinstating of footpaths; o A need to have all the relevant parish councils engaged.

5. Next Meeting. Thursday 29th August, 6pm-8pm at Gilberdyke Village Hall.

Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Volunteers Needed For Bielby Music Festival Set Up

Bielby Music festival. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED!

Please would anyone wishing to help put up the tents on the festival field turn up at Ivy House at 10.00am Saturday morning. We will need about 8 to 10 people.

Also make a note, because we will be taking the tents down on Monday morning at 10.00am and litter picking the field, and will need a similar, if not more, number of people.

Using volunteers means we can maximise the money we give to our chosen charity, this year being Marie Curie Cancer Care. So your volunteering is a donation in kind to this worthy cause.

A reminder to people coming to the festival to come promptly to hear Barton Community Brass Band play at 3pm.

We have invested in a new tent for the stage this year and have bought some lights, so we are hoping to attract a large crowd to try and offset this investment, bring your friends!

Also to bring warm clothes for the evening!

Ian Simpson and Richard Coe.

Monday, 5 August 2013

Produce Show Entry Form 2013

24th Bielby Produce Show will be held on Saturday 10th August 2013
Entry Form


ADDRESS ……………………………………...……………………………………………………

AGE (Children Only) …………………………

Alongside each class in which you are entering put the number of exhibits you will enter.
If you are entering two cucumbers, your form will say:
5) 1 Cucumber             2
If you are entering one lot of sweet peas, your form will say:
23) 6 Sweet Peas            1
Please hand in your form to Janet at her house on Friday 9th August between 6 O’Clock  and 8 O’Clock in the evening.

 VEGETABLES (Trophy donated by Mr & Mrs P Thomas)
1) 5 Radish                     No. of Exhibits =………

2) 1 Cabbage                     No. of Exhibits =………

3) 1 Cauliflower                No. of Exhibits =………

4) 3 Tomatoes                No. of Exhibits =………

5) 1 Cucumber                No. of Exhibits =………

6) 4 Carrots with Tops            No. of Exhibits =………

7) 8 Raspberries on a Small Plate        No. of Exhibits =………

8) 1 Longest Stick of Rhubarb with Leaf    No. of Exhibits =………

9) 5 Pods of Peas                No. of Exhibits =………

10) 5 Pods of Broad Beans            No. of Exhibits =………

11) 3 Red Beet With Tops            No. of Exhibits =………

12) 3 Potatoes                No. of Exhibits =………

13) 1 Lettuce                    No. of Exhibits =………

14) 5 Runner Beans                No. of Exhibits =………

15) 3 Onions Grown from Seed        No. of Exhibits =………

16) 3 Onions Grown from Sets        No. of Exhibits =………

17) 5 French/Dwarf Beans            No. of Exhibits =………

18) Any Vegetable  or Fruit  not listed    No. of Exhibits =………

 FLOWERS (Trophy donated by Mr & Mrs H Ridsdale)

19) 4 Cornflowers                    No. of Exhibits =………

20) 1 Rose                        No. of Exhibits =………

21) 1 Sunflower in Vase                No. of Exhibits =………

22)  6 Sweet Peas                    No. of Exhibits =………

23) 4 Pansies                        No. of Exhibits =………

24) Best Scented Rose                No. of Exhibits =………

25) Vase of Mixed Garden Flowers        No. of Exhibits =………

26) 1 House Plant (Flower)                No. of Exhibits =………

27) 3 Dahlias                        No. of Exhibits =………

28) 1 Tallest Thistle                    No. of Exhibits =………

FLOWER ARRANGEMENT (Trophy donated by John & Barbara Peel)

29) Arrangement using a Recycled Container     No. of Exhibits =………

30) Ladies Buttonhole                No. of Exhibits =………

31) Arrangement using Only Foliage            No. of Exhibits =………

32) Flowers in an Unusual Container        No. of Exhibits =………

33) A Small Table Arrangement using a Candle    No. of Exhibits =………

34) A Harvest Arrangement        No. of Exhibits =………

COOKERY (Trophy donated by Mr J. R. Hall)

35) 3 Jam Tarts                    No. of Exhibits =………  
36)  Bread Loaf                    No. of Exhibits =………

37) 3 Biscuits                        No. of Exhibits =………

38) 3 Cheese Scones                    No. of Exhibits =………
39) Saucer Apple Pie                No. of Exhibits =………
40) 3 Pieces of Flapjack                No. of Exhibits =………

41) 3 Butterfly Buns                    No. of Exhibits =………  
42) Fruit Loaf                    No. of Exhibits =………

43) 3 Fruit Scones                    No. of Exhibits =………  
44) Victoria Sandwich  (Filled)            No. of Exhibits =………

PRODUCE (Trophy donated by Mr & Mrs J Layton)

45) Jar of Raspberry Jam                No. of Exhibits =………
46) Jar of Strawberry Jam                No. of Exhibits =………

47) Jar of any other Jam                No. of Exhibits =………

48) Jar of Lemon Curd                No. of Exhibits =………

49) Jar of Chutney                No. of Exhibits =………

50) Jar of Pickles—Any Variety        No. of Exhibits =………
51) 6 Eggs                    No. of Exhibits =………

ARTS & CRAFTS (Trophy donated by Mr & Mrs N Jaques)

52) Embroidery/Tapestry Article        No. of Exhibits =………

53) Home Made Garment            No. of Exhibits =………

54) Painting/Picture    No. of Exhibits =………

55) Hand Knitted Item    No. of Exhibits =………

56) Garden In  A Tray    No. of Exhibits =………

57) Object Made from Wood        No. of Exhibits =………

58) Any Other Hand Made Object       No. of Exhibits =………

PHOTOGRAPHY (Trophy donated by Mr & Mrs G Jones)

59) Photography-Landscape*        No. of Exhibits =………

60) Photography-Farming Life*        No. of Exhibits =………

61) Photography-Flowers or Nature*    No. of Exhibits =………

62) Photography-Family Fun*        No. of Exhibits =………

63) Photography-Weather*     No. of Exhibits =………

64) Photography-Bielby Scene*        No. of Exhibits =………

*Photographs to be taken by Exhibitor.   

CHILDREN’S CLASSES (Trophy donated by Helen Todd  for the Best Entry)

5 and Under Age Group

65) Decorated Egg                 No. of Exhibits =………

66) A Coloured Picture            No. of Exhibits =………

67) A Face On A Plate             No. of Exhibits =………

6—12 Age Group

68) A Coloured Picture             No. of Exhibits =………

69) Animal made from a Vegetable     No. of Exhibits =………

70) Handicraft or Model             No. of Exhibits =………

71) Photograph                 No. of Exhibits =………

Please note 12 to 16 year olds can now enter the adult categories.

Please hand in your form to Janet's at her house on Friday 9th August between 6 O’Clock and 8 O’Clock in the evening.

All you have to do is bring your exhibits and entry monies on the Saturday Morning.
The Stewards will be ready with your exhibit labels.

Each Exhibitor needs his/her own entry form. More forms are available from Sara. Feel free to print of this list if you misplace your entry form. If you misplace your form, or cannot enter in advance, you can still enter on the day.

Just bring your entries and potato plant and bucket to St Giles’ Church on Saturday 10th August from 9.30—11.00am (Prompt).

The organisers will do the rest.


We look forward to seeing you and your exhibits at the 24th Annual Bielby Produce Show.

 The committee also wanted to let you know that there will be a few other activities going on during the afternoon.

  • Guess The Weight Of The Cake
  • A Quiz
  • Raffle
  • Cake & Book Stall
We look forward to seeing your produce show entries and bucket of spuds!

Community Theatre Project Pocklington

Tony at Vixen 101 has sent the following info.


People in Pocklington and surrounding areas are being invited to be part of a special festival in September with activities cropping up at numerous different venues across the town.

The Little Festival Of Everything, or #LittleFest for short, is a free festival of performance. It is part of a new, Arts Council-backed project being organised by York Theatre Royal in conjunction with local residents and venues in East and North Yorkshire.

On Our Turf is a two-year long project about bringing people together, working and imagining together, and about how people animate towns and communities.

The first event, #LittleFest on Saturday 14th and Sunday 15th September, will be full of performance, storytelling, comedy, theatre, photography, music, treasure hunts, time machines, knitting, choirs, buskers, markets, film, bands, crafts, arts, food, drinks and adventures. Activities will crop up in cafes, restaurants, shops, doorways, alleyways, market squares, fish & chip shops, hairdressers, tea shops, pubs, car parks, churches, on windows and pavements, from 11am. The Sunday afternoon of the festival will be vintage-themed to fit in with the Friends of Pocklington Arts Centre’s Vintage Fair on West Green. Pocklington is taking part of this initiative along with Selby, Easingwold, York and Helmsley.

Alex Wright from the York Theatre Royal says: “There are superb people in each of these towns working to organise, programme, structure and create the festivals. There are superb artists from near and far churning their imaginations so we can play with the products. There a superb businesses, spaces, places and people in each town who will host all the performances. But we need more superb people.”

One of the volunteers, Janet Farmer from the Pocklington Arts Centre, says: “We need people to come and be a key part in the beginning of something very special. They will be required to usher, to point people in the right direction, to give out maps and leaflets, to help set things up and take things down. Residents have been meeting weekly to discuss the artistes to be invited to #LittleFest. It’s fascinating because it is different, bringing theatre and performance into the community.”

The #LittleFest event precedes a specially-produced drama production which is being planned in Pocklington in February.

For further information on #LittleFest, please email or contact the Pocklington Arts Centre.

Volunteers Needed For Produce Show Preparation

The 24th Bielby Produce Show will be held on Saturday 10th August 2013.

We are looking for volunteers to help put up the marquees in the church grounds on Thursday 8th August from 6pm.

We may also need some helpers on the Friday to put the tables into place and the cloths on the tables ready for the exhibits. We have a plan of the layout from last year so hopefully this is not too difficult a job!

Also Friday evening we may need help putting up the signing in & teas and coffee marquee if we haven't got it put up on the Thursday evening.

Let us know if you can help on the Thursday or Friday. Committee members include Richard and Christine, Janet, Graham, Peter Y, Jenny S. Alex, Mel and me (Sara). Thanks in advance.

Bucket Of Spuds Competition Info

The Bucket O' Spuds competition will be judged on Bielby Produce Show day (Saturday 10th August 2013).

Please bring your potato plant, soil and bucket down to the show between 9.30am and 11am.

You may cut the tops off the plant to make it easier for bringing down to the show.

Do not dig up your potatoes prior to bringing them down to the show, the show organisers will dig up your potatoes and dispose of the soil so they can weigh your spuds!

Please label your bucket with your full name and bring a carrier bag for your potatoes.

The bucket will be kept by the show for next year’s competition but you will be able to take your bag of spuds home to enjoy the fruits of your labour!

There will be a 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize for the greatest weight of potatoes.

Prize money is as follows:
1st Prize £20
2nd Prize £10
3rd Prize £5

We look forward to seeing your potatoes on the day and we hope that you have enjoyed growing your spuds! Good luck everyone!

Village Facility Questionnaire Results

Thanks to everyone for taking the time to fill out the questionnaires re the village facility.

Here are the results:
(Click on the photo to enlarge. If you are reading this via email but you can't see the photo in the email then click through to the website and you can hopefully see it there. Fingers crossed it works second time round!)

As you can see the majority did not want a village facility so we will be respecting the views of the majority and not continuing to pursue the idea of a village facility.

Thursday, 1 August 2013

Stoneleigh Open Afternoon Great Success

Stoneleigh staff and residents would just like to thank everyone who supported the open afternoon last Saturday.

They have currently raised £600 for their chosen charities from admission, tombola, cake and plant stall etc.

It was a lovely afternoon and the weather was kind. Bolt the Spaniel from the Hearing Dogs was a great hit.

Thanks again to all who supported the event.

Just to say that there are still some plants for sale so if anyone is interested then call round to Stoneleigh and have a look at the plants for sale.

Minutes Of Last Flood Liaison Meeting

Here are the minutes of the last Flood Liaison meeting.

31 MAY 2013

            The meeting was held at County Hall, Beverley.

89        INTRODUCTION - The Chairman welcomed delegates to the meeting and emphasised the need to keep to timescale in order to allow representatives with questions the opportunity to ask them.

90        CATCHMENT BASED APPROACH TO LOCAL FLOOD RISK MANAGEMENT - An explanation was given to the Council’s catchment based approach to Local Flood Risk Management and its significance.  A catchment area was a watershed or river basin which was defined by terminal discharge points and was a discrete geographical area.  Within the East Riding area there were 15 catchment areas such as Hornsea Mere which was bounded on the northwest and south by ridges and dispersed water through a controlled structure into the North Sea.  There were also much more complex catchment arrangements such as those in the Hull and Haltemprice area where water from the east Wolds flowed into the City of Hull and discharged via a sewer into the estuary.  As a result of the topography it was necessary for manned intervention in the form of pumping to assist this process.

            The catchment methodology had been adopted as it was compatible with environmental legislation, was used in statutory reporting requirements, was compatible with farming practices and water company investment plans and was used within local emergency flood plans.  It was also useful as a mechanism for monitoring pollution and its control.

            It also mirrored the approach adopted nationally and supported the production of local flood risk management strategies which were a legal requirement.  This documentation would be developed from the 15 catchment based models and would inform the Local Flood Risk Investment Plan.

91         RIVER HULL ADVISORY GROUP - The River Hull Valley comprised 600 square miles and included the artificial catchment of Holderness Drain.  There was a population of approximately 360,000 people in this area of which 100,000 were at some degree of flood risk.  Over the years the River Hull had been canalised or dyked.  In places the land was below sea level.  In 2004 the Government issued its guidelines on making space for water however this had not addressed rural areas.  The river strategy had been produced by the Environment Agency in order to create a mechanism for determining investment and had been based on computer modelling utilising river flooding data however this output had been challenged as it was considered the output results were erroneous.  This was based on the belief that the assumptions used in the modelling exercise were incorrect as they may have neglected other sources of flooding.

            As a result the Environment Agency had agreed to suspend the adoption of the Plan and an Advisory Group had been set up to look at the issue further.  This Group included representation from MPs, councillors and professional officers, the Environment Agency and an internal drainage board and was also looking to involve community groups.  The Group would advise the Project Board which was made up of representatives from professional bodies such as internal drainage boards and local authorities to assist in the production of an evidence based investment plan.

            All local, national and regional processes would feed into this work with a caveat that it would not divert from wider strategic issues.  Overall the process had brought immense strength in the way the partners had worked together and remained committed to joint progress.

·        It was confirmed that there was heavy officer input at this stage and work was ongoing with officers from both East Riding and Hull City Councils.  Officers from both authorities were leading on various projects and there was perceived to be no division of interest and that schemes were interlinked.  At this stage no real consideration had been given to funding matters in terms of future funding allocations but it was recognised that it was crucial that the two authorities continued to work together as water was boundary ignorant.

·        The prominent benefit of much of this work was for the East Riding area but it was recognised that this would impact beneficially on Hull.  The key schemes from a Hull perspective were those at Cottingham and Willerby areas.

·        It was confirmed that as part of the work real flood events were considered.  Prior to 2007 the Council did not have the technology to fully support assessments however since that point this had improved and now there was a good level of verification available.  In terms of a model this would be used elsewhere if appropriate.

·        The Environment Agency was keen to be involved to find a jointly agreed decision in terms of the River Hull Valley Strategy.  The concern was not about administrative boundaries but flooding and the modelling work being undertaken was aimed at demonstrating the reality.

·        It was confirmed that survey and assessment work undertaken and academic studies were considered as part of this process.

·        Internal drainage boards would be fully represented on the Advisory Group and have a significant role to play in this work.

92        INSURANCE RETURNS - The Council had circulated 6,500 insurance surveys in an effort to seek information from those members of the public who had been affected by flooding and the impact this had on their ability to renew or obtain house insurance.  The return rate had been 29% which was considered a good response.  Overall 85% of respondees had experienced some difficulty in obtaining or renewing insurance.  Of these 22% had changed insurers whilst 78% had not or had been unable to obtain an alternative.  In 58% of cases costs had increased.  The survey had also indicated that respondees supported measures that would improve flood mitigation particularly if funding was available to support this.  The Council had also written to the Minister about the issue.  It had also been noted that the discussion between the Government and the Association of British Insurers had been extended.  Further assessment work would be undertaken of the survey responses and a report would be submitted to The Cabinet for its consideration and potentially further correspondence would be entered into with the Minister.

·        It was confirmed that Leven had been consulted as part of this exercise and there had been a good response.

·        It was confirmed that a letter had been circulated on 30 May 2013 regarding Cherry Burton flood alleviation works which could be used by residents as proof of such works having been implemented when seeking insurance however there was no guarantee that an insurance company would take any notice of this.

·        At this stage, no work had been undertaken to determine whether the unavailability of house insurance was having an impact on the housing market and impeding the ability of those wishing to move.

93        UPDATE ON LOCAL FLOOD RISK MANAGEMENT PLAN - Within the 20 year plan the following investment needs had been identified:-

            Inland Flooding           £129m             186 Projects

            Coastal Flooding         £9m                 12 Projects

            Tidal Flooding                         £300m             Multi Schemes

            There was a need to obtain quality evidence to support schemes in attempts to obtain funding.  This information would be available via the 15 catchment flood risk management plans as well as the Humber Strategy.  The partnership approach to funding was recognised as important.  The development of a wider, more comprehensive approach would also achieve a better understanding of flood issues.  It was also imperative that links were made with private elements in order to widen the approach and attempt to lever in further funding.

·        Concern was voiced from a parish representative about what was felt to be misleading media information circulated by the Environment Agency relating to funding for schemes.

·        A number of submitted bids had now been completed.  In terms of funding £450,000 had been obtained for smaller schemes whilst there had been £14m awarded for larger proposed works as well as an indicative sum of £5.5m of European funding.


(i)         Goole 2011 - The report had been published in January 2012 regarding the intense rainfall experienced during this event.  This had realised 15 recommendations however some of these issues had been clouded by subsequent flooding in 2012.  The majority of recommendations had been implemented but the proposal for a scheme to reduce flooding at Millennium Way had been unrealised owing to a lack of funding.  Hydraulic surveys were being undertaken.

(ii)        Pocklington - The report had been published in February 2013 and had identified the cause of flooding as being too much rain for a culvert to adequately cope with.  Five recommendations had been submitted to riparian owners whilst work was ongoing in identifying the case for future investment.  The Environment Agency had completed its investigations and was in the process of submitting funding bids as part of this work.

(iii)       Swinefleet - The drainage system had been overwhelmed as a result of weed growth.  The Internal Drainage Board had completed its clearing work as well as assessing the equipment in place and the condition of dykes.  There had been a feasibility study undertaken to look at the possibility of separating highways drainage from the system but the indications were this would not be practicable.  Minor improvement works had been completed and the implementation of monitoring equipment was also being considered. 

(iv)       Burton Fleming - The Gypsey Race had overflowed causing widespread flooding.  The water levels had only recently returned to normal allowing inspection of culverts.  The report had been completed and identified exceptionally high ground water levels as being the main flood source.  Hydraulic analysis had been undertaken as well as check for restrictions on flows.  On the outcome of this work it was intended that borehole monitoring would provide a means of assessing groundwater levels.

(v)        Kelleythorpe - The Gipsey Race had overflowed causing widespread flooding.  The Council had worked with riparian owners to address a number of issues.  Investigations had shown that a section of the Race at the Showground was culverted and this had been the source of much of the problem as well as vegetation growth.  These issues had been raised with the riparian owners. 

(vi)       Kilham - Flooding in this area had been caused by high groundwater levels and investigations were ongoing.  To date this had recognised that there were various restrictions within culverts and that there was significant clearing required.  The responsibility for this work rested with riparian owners.

(vii)      Goole 2012 - The drainage in this area was controlled by pumps at Carr Lane.  The report into the flooding would be published once the Council had completed its investigation.  Yorkshire Water had invested further money into the station.

·        There was a view expressed from the floor by a town councillor that the 2011 and 2012 flooding were linked by the failure at Carr Lane.  It was also suggested that an indication had been given to residents that a solution had been identified but to date nothing had materialised.  The town councillor also felt that the problem appeared to be exacerbated by further building on flood land which was storing up problems for the future. 

·        In response Yorkshire Water advised that Atlee Drive was a low lying area in Goole.  Studies had been undertaken to understand the weak points within the system.  This evidence based work had to be undertaken in order to unlock further funding and identify a solution.  This work had to be completed as it could also potentially identify wider issues which also needed to be addressed.  The Carr Lane pumping station was now at phase two of its work programme.  The current pumping arrangements would stay in situ and work was now ongoing to move temporary equipment underground within the next six to eight months.  There would be as a result capacity for extra pumping and increased capacity as part of the later staged work. 

·        It was confirmed that the Council had a team whose role was to ensure that riparian owners were aware of and undertook their responsibilities in relation to maintenance works.  Although the Council had yet to resort to Court action it had issued a number of notices.  The drawback was that in many cases there was difficulty in identifying ownership and even having established this it was often difficult to persuade riparian owners to undertake the work required and therefore the process could be protracted.

·        Although Howden had not been identified as a priority arising from the flooding in Goole in 2012 the issue was being addressed and meetings were being scheduled with the Town Council.

95        ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - The Agency had identified its maintenance programme on an area by area basis.  This work ranged from grass cutting to wracking and culvert inspections.  The grass cutting was undertaken so that flood defences could be inspected to ensure their viability as protection measures.  The schedule of work commenced in May and continued into November.  From the information available it was not possible to identify specific cutting schedules or when teams would be allocated to an area to undertake this work.  Information however could be made available and there was some flexibility within the schedules to allow discussion on what was considered appropriate.

·        Although dredging of water courses was considered a highly emotive issue the Agency was happy to hold discussions on this to establish whether such a course of action was necessary.

·        Stone Creek had been dredged by the Internal Drainage Board and this had seen a drop in water levels by a metre.  This offer to dredge had taken a year to agree with the Agency but was considered more beneficial than the Agency’s reed cutting exercise which allowed silt to build up.

·        It was important to continue dialogue to ensure maintenance was undertaken however the Agency’s maintenance budget was an area that was being heavily hit in terms of cuts.  Accordingly efforts had been taken to achieve maximum benefit from the funding available particularly through coordination and cooperation with other agencies that had water management responsibilities.

96        UPDATE ON TELEMETRY, MONITORING AND RESILIENCE - The first monitors had been introduced by the Council in 2009 which were aimed at highlighting potential problems.  Since that point the amount of monitoring equipment dispersed around the East Riding had increased as had its sophistication.  In 2007 it had been recognised that there was a lack of information and therefore since that point early warning gauges had been installed.  This programme was continuing which involved the identification of suitable sites.  This introduction of sophisticated monitoring equipment had however realised other issues particularly poor mobile reception within parts of the East Riding and therefore the Council had worked with manufacturers to bring about an improvement in this.  The upgraded equipment was now being introduced into all monitoring systems.  Further developments included the introduction of radar level censors at 46 sites.  The data emanating from these would be used to verify the various hydraulic models that were being built for the catchment areas and which would make modelling more reliable.  This spread of monitoring sites across the East Riding allowed the Council to be more proactive in preparing its responses as well as sharing its experiences with other agencies.  More recently six mobile pumps had been acquired which were based at depots across the East Riding.  This was part of the Council’s continuing work to improve resilience within the area.

·        Discussions were ongoing with the Environment Agency about its monitoring of groundwater levels for drinking water purposes and whether these arrangements could be utilised to monitor groundwater levels generally.

97        YORKSHIRE WATER UPDATE - The modelling work as a result of flooding in Goole was progressing.  At Kilham CCTV checks had been undertaken of the culverting and the foul sewer cleaned.  The condition of piping had been good but the system had been overwhelmed by the amount of groundwater within it.  As part of this investigation a number of random pipe connections had been highlighted and Yorkshire Water was currently looking at how these could be dealt with as they resulted in more groundwater accessing culverts however capping them was not an option until the impact of such work was identified.

            On the back of these investigations there had also been information exchange with the Council to identify issues and develop plans for those areas.  This took into account the opportunity of getting the best possible value for money for investment whilst avoiding duplication with other agencies.  This included looking at joint schemes which may not be considered a priority but could resolve future problems. 

            Water companies worked in five year cycles.  Work had commenced on identifying priorities for the next cycle.  This would result in the development of a business plan which would be considered by customer forums following which the final draft would be submitted to OFWAT for comment and final agreement. 

·        It was confirmed that a multi-agency meeting was being organised by Howden Town Council.

·        It was reported that the brick built flood wall at Canal Side West, Market Weighton Canal, Newport had subsided and that the highway had dropped as well.  A request was made for the inclusion of information indicating where works had been identified and were programmed to commence.

·        Canal Side East, Market Weighton Canal, Newport it was reported that an element of the bank had been cut through to allow drainage of the road but there was concern that once the canal filled, flooding would then ensue.

·        The repair of Collinsons Lane culvert had been well received as had works to the highway.

·        There was an indication from the floor that the latest insurance proposals would result in a cost levy for everyone on top of the base insurance.  The approach to be adopted was being considered at national level, whilst the presentation at the meeting had related to the results of a local survey.

·        It was confirmed that the Council was aware of some difficulties being experienced with the out of hours contact numbers and steps had been taken to improve arrangements.

Council Application Form For Grants For Projects

Paul is in possession of an application form for grants from the council. If anybody has any projects they would like to be considered for a grant let him know and we can see if we are eligible to apply.

Thanks. Paul

State of Roads Meeting 12th August

Paul is attending a further meeting about the state of our roads on the 12th August. If anybody has any issues, please let Paul know so he can take them to the meeting. If anybody wishes to accompany Paul to the meeting he would welcome the company. It starts at 09-30 at Seaton Ross village hall.
Greg Knight MP may also be in attendance, so now is your chance to get your issues across to a higher level.