The villagers were asked if they had any questions regarding flood issues.
Stephen submitted a question;
There are approximately 1,300 new houses proposed to be built in Pocklington over the coming years. The surface water from this proposed development will be drained into the Bielby Beck which is already at capacity in times of high rainfall, causing flooding to houses in the village and along the course of the beck. Will this issue be considered by the East Riding of Yorkshire Council when it is making its plans for future development in Pocklington? Stephen Ridsdale - Bielby Parish Council.The answer is below;
The Council has taken into account information about flooding in Pocklington through the preparation of a Strategic Flood Risk Assessment and other sources, such as the River Derwent Catchment Flood Management Plan, June 07 flooding records, etc, All of this information is being used in assessing the suitability of different sites for accommodating new development. Parish / Town Councils and other landowners / bodies with an interest in such land will be contacted shortly to ensure that the 'evidence' (including flood risk where this is relevant) is factually correct. Following on from this validation of information, the Council will be consulting on these sites through the Site Allocations Development Plan Document. This consultation will be done in the normal manner and will allow all those with an interest in this matter to respond. Also, the Core Strategy contains a policy which requires developers to take measures to manage surface water on-site (through Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems where practical), to ensure that the run off rate on greenfield sites is like for like, and on brownfield sites, development must achieve a 30% reduction. In both instances, a climate change allowance is required (i.e. to offset future increases in rainfall). You can view the latest version of this policy by looking at the Core Strategy Further Consultation document on the Council's Forward Planning web page.
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