Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Quiz Reminder

Just a note to remind everyone that on Thursday 1st December there will be a quiz held at the College Arms.

See you all there.

Monday, 28 November 2011

Update On Heavy Traffic Through Village

Paul has received an email from the council with regards to the routing of heavy vehicles which are visiting Kemps Farm, near Melbourne.
I can confirm the Councils recycling officers have been consulted on and have considered the suggestion of routing the vehicles to and from the site via Ash Lane, B1228 and onto the A163, or continuing southwards along the B1228 to Howden to join the motorway.
Although both of the above route suggestions avoid the villages of Bielby, Allerthorpe and Everingham, both options would still route heavy traffic through Holme on Spalding Moor and Howden and would also add a substantial number of miles onto each lorry journey.
Both Holme on Spalding Moor and Howden already have a number of heavy traffic movements so additional extra traffic in both places would not be welcome.
As we know the site owner has already made voluntary arrangements concerning which routes the vehicles take to reach Kemps Farm.
The Councils position is therefore that it is preferable for the routes the Kemp recycling vehicles take to reach the site remain as they currently are.
The Council are aware that the presence of large vehicles in communities is not ideal, however it is felt that the current arrangement is a reasonable compromise given the options open to us and the fact that heavy traffic movements are being shared out.
Regarding the road surface in Bielby - the Councils area highway maintenance officers have been asked to look at the road condition and will make appropriate repairs where needed.
I am sorry that I cannot give you a more positive feedback in terms of re routing the vehicles and fully appreciate this will not be the response you will have wanted and hope that I have satisfactorily set out the Councils position.

Friday, 25 November 2011

Children's Church Service Preparing For Christmas Sunday 4th December 2011

Some families have said they would like to see some services geared toward the young children.

This is very understandable, so, on Sunday 4th December at 10.30 am, the wardens will lead a brief, informal service, ''Preparing For Christmas''.

The children can hear one or two short stories and then help assemble the crib (it's only small and light!) for the Carol Service.

We shall also sing two or three simple carols familiar to children.

We look forward to welcoming some willing little helpers!

Monday, 21 November 2011

Produce Show Winners 2011

I know it may seem a long time ago but I just wanted to announce the Winners of the 22nd Bielby Produce Show which took place on Saturday 23rd July 2011.

The committee would like to thank all the villagers who submitted entries for the show, helped to organise and set up the event, the judges, the church and all those villagers, friends and families who came along in the afternoon to view the exhibits.

The Produce Show Winners 2011

Vegetables - Geoff Coe

Flowers - Julie Kerry

Flower Arrangement - Graham Tew

Cookery - Val Nolton

Produce - Jan Spivey

Arts & Crafts - Elizabeth Jones

Children's Classes

5 and Under - Matthew Quigley

6 - 11 Year Old - Alicia Reed

12 - 16 Year Old - Katherine Jones

Millenium Cup For Best Entry In A Section - Elizabeth Jones

Cup For Best Entry In A Children's Class - Katherine Jones

Well done to all the winners.

This year we had a Guess The Weight Of The Cake, (thanks go to Diane Craven for baking the cake) which looked delicious but unfortunately I didn't get to taste as I didn't guess the weight correctly!!

The Name the TV Programme & Name The Sweets quizzes got our thinking caps on whilst we enjoyed a cuppa and scone!

Thanks to all those who contributed a raffle prize and to you for buying a ticket!

We hope you enjoyed browsing the book stall and we hope you managed to buy a cake on the cake stall, thanks to all those who donated books or made a cake, the church fund appreciates the support.

We hope you all enjoyed the Produce Show, thanks again to everyone involved and to the church for letting us hold the event there.

We look forward to seeing you all at the 23rd Bielby Produce Show next year!

Saturday, 19 November 2011

Duck Race Was A Great Family Event

Sunday 30th October saw the duck race take place down Mill Lane. The weather was very kind as the sun shone and the rain stayed away!

The 120 little yellow ducks entertained a large crowd of family and friends who turned out to cheer on their duck.

There was great excitement as children and adults alike raced across the bridge to see which numbered duck would emerge from under the bridge first, hoping their duck wouldn't get distracted by the duck weed at the sides of the beck and which one would reach Richard C and Matt S first.

6 races took place and prizes includes a Christmas hamper, Veg box, Chylde's Play voucher, Swimming lessons, a voucher for a Haircut & Christmas Cake, so well done to all the winners.

The hearty cup of soup was most welcome to keep the Autumnal chills away.

The event raised £238 for the church.

Thanks to all those who organised the event, selling the duck numbers, making soup, clearing beck so the ducks could race under the bridge and setting the ducks off and collecting them all up.

A great event and we will look forward to the next one.

(Please note - if you feature in one of the photos and you don't wish to have your photo on the website then please let me know and I will remove the photograph.)

Monday, 14 November 2011

Millie's Charity Coffee Morning - The Outcome

Millie's Charity Coffee Morning... the outcome

Thank you to everyone for attending my coffee morning. It was a great success and we all managed to raise a brilliant £212!!! So a huge thank you to everyone. Millie

Thursday, 10 November 2011

Monthly Charity Car Wash

Katherine Jones is doing a car wash to raise money for Charity Expedition.
It's on the first Sunday of every month at 11am - 4pm at Walbut Dene. It's £4 a car and all profit goes towards funds for my expedition to Marrakesh in Morocco where I'm going to be contributing to the Asni Honey Project which is a charity that helps to support the local communities in Morocco and aims to improve the quality of life there. There will be refreshments available.
Thank you :) Katherine Jones

Saturday, 5 November 2011

Summary Of Parish Meeting on 17th October 2011

Here is a brief summary for those of you who couldn't attend the parish meeting on Monday 17th October 2011.
  • Update about Beck clearance - drainage board will be returning to do more maintenance work between Market Bridge and approximately 500m downstream of the Mill. Thanks must go to Neil Readman for organising the Beck clearance work.
  • Planning applications that have been applied for, granted and declined were discussed. Planning applications are usually displayed on village notice board.
  • Bonfire/Fireworks - not to take place this year, but will be reviewed annually. Money normally spent on fireworks will be held in reserve in case money is needed to complete Beck clearance which is being done to help guard against another flood.
  • Carol Singing will take place at 6pm on Sunday 18th December 2011.
  • Parish Plan - lottery grant had restrictions for use but the questionnaires didn't highlight any significant areas to spend money on so money was returned.
  • Waste Management Lorries - it had been noted that more lorries have been coming through the village, there were concerns about this due to suitability of road, damage to road, damage to nearby housing which may be affected as the movement of lorries can cause houses to shake and plaster to come off. Communication has been made with council and the waste management company. It is hoped that the lorries will share the journeys, taking different routes so that not all lorries are coming through Bielby.
  • Buses - Discussion about the withdrawal of buses in the morning to be replaced by a Pullman service. Issue regarding cost of running this bus, the village has been asked to make a contribution to the cost of having the Pullman bus. It was felt that we should pledge a contribution along with other villages along the route.
  • Queen's Diamond Jubilee - A committee has been set up to organise the Jubilee celebrations, if people have suggestions or want to get involved then they can contact Sara Ridsdale, Val Nolton, Paul Ward or the Tews.
The village would like to thank Val Nolton, Rachael Reed, Paul Ward (new chairman) & Neil Readman (previous chairman) for the hard work they put into running the Parish meetings both on the night and during the year. A lot of hard work goes on, so thank you.

Thanks to Jean & Mike for letting us host the meeting at the pub.

The next parish meeting will take place in April 2012.

Friday, 4 November 2011

Carol Singing 2011

Here's a date for your diaries, so that you can get your singing voices ready in time for the annual carol singing, which will take place on Sunday 18th December 2011.

The carol singers will all meet at 6pm outside Hollycroft Court.

Money raised will be donated to Marie Curie.