Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Bielby Royal Wedding Celebrations Help Wanted

The Bielby Royal Wedding Celebrations are taking shape and the invites have been dropping through your post boxes!

If you can help with organising the event then your help would be appreciated.

Things that we need for the event include:

Garden chairs
A working portaloo - we now have a portaloo kindly lent to us by Peter T.
Decorations to make the grain store look like a wedding venue!
Red, white or blue cloth to hang in barn.
Union Jack Flags and anything with a union jack on it, to hang in the barn.
Flowers for church - Rachael R has kindly offered to put some flowers in the church.
Felt tips and wax crayons for children.
Piece of carpet/picnic blankets for children to sit on.

If anyone has any of the above things that they can lend us for the celebrations that would be brilliant, just drop me a line or give us a call.

We may take this opportunity to try to raise some money for the village, maybe towards a portable toilet for occasions such as this or when the marquee is being used, so if you have anything you would like to donate as a prize or can suggest something fun that we could do to make abit of money and entertain us whilst we have our wedding picnic then I'd love to hear your ideas.

Suggestions so far include:

Bring a royal wedding guest scarecrow competition.
Royal quiz or royal picture quiz.

Help will be needed closer to the event to get our "glamorous" grain store to look something like a wedding venue, so if you are able to help tidy and decorate the barn in the week running up to the wedding then just let me know by calling Sara on 318286.

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