Friday, 30 December 2011

Lost Keys

Our son Thomas lost the keys to his motor scooter and flat in Newcastle over Christmas, some time between 23rd and 27th December. The most likely area they might have been lost is between our house, Walbut Dene and the bridge at the end of Mill lane. If anyone has found any keys over the last few days could they please let us know.
Thanks for looking (I have, but haven't found them!)
Gareth Jones, tel 318578

Tuesday, 20 December 2011

Carol Singing A Success

A number of the villagers went carol singing last night to add some festive cheer to the village and collect money for Marie Curie Cancer Care. Paul asked me to say a big thank you to all those who supported the carol singers and to thank all the brilliant singers, and let them know we collected £184.88.

Merry Christmas

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Charity Car Wash Thank You

I just wanted to say thank you to everybody that came to have their cars washed on Sunday.

I made a massive £85 to contribute to my expedition to Morocco at Easter so thank you all very much.

Katherine Jones

Saturday, 3 December 2011

Quiz A Success

Janet and Neil would just like to thank all who supported the village quiz at the pub on Thursday.

The winners were the A's & B's
Second were HMS Twosome
Third place went to Sunnyside Up

£140 was raised to be split between The Produce Show and the Cricket Club fund.

Thanks also to Jean and Mike for providing supper.

Friday, 2 December 2011

Get Your Car Ready For Winter

Rachael has sent me a copy of the November edition of the Wold & Weighton Streetbeat Newsletter which had a useful article about getting your car ready for Winter.
Get Your Car Ready For Winter By Sergeant Peter Rogers

Pocklington and Wolds Weighton Neighbourhood Policing Team

Now that the dark nights are upon us, the regular appearance of vehicles with one only headlight working shows up how many people aren’t considering a few simple checks before setting out on journeys.

Bulbs blow on vehicles; it’s happened to all of us, but we do need to consider our safety when out on the roads, particularly at this time of year in the rural areas. And it’s not just headlamps that can catch us out. The cold and dirt of a winter’s day can put us at risk

So here are a few suggestions that should help:

- Make sure you check your lights before you set out. You might even consider carrying a spare light bulb or two.

- Make sure your window washer is full of water and screen wash. To run out of water in the dark on muddy roads is not a safe or pleasant experience.

- Check the tyres. Have they got a decent amount of tread on them and are they at the correct pressure? If in doubt, get them checked!

- Think about what you might need if you break down in the cold. Is there a blanket in the car?

- Consider having a mobile phone with you “just in case”.

- Always keep a good torch in your vehicle

- Have you some decent de-icer and a window scraper on board? If not, get some.

- Is there anti freeze in your radiator?

- Have you made sure that your headlamps are clean? It’s amazing how much light is lost if they’re covered in dirt, particularly on unlit roads.

- Are your registration plates clean?

- Do you drive with your fog lights or spotlights on when it’s not foggy? Well don’t! It is an offence and it is very distracting to other drivers in addition to being very inconsiderate!

Remember, you can be summonsed for defective lighting, registration or tyre offences, so do check your vehicle before you go out!

These are only a few simple ideas, but they will make the difference between being safe on our roads at night and putting yourself, your passengers and other road users at risk.

And day or night, if your car is iced up, make sure that the windows and windscreen are fully clear before beginning to drive. It’s very dangerous (and an offence) to try driving with a peep hole in your windscreen! That extra few minutes cleaning your windows could save your life, or someone else’s!

So, there we are: a few suggestions on being safe on the roads. Please consider them. They might save your life or somebody else’s! Drive carefully!

Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Quiz Reminder

Just a note to remind everyone that on Thursday 1st December there will be a quiz held at the College Arms.

See you all there.

Monday, 28 November 2011

Update On Heavy Traffic Through Village

Paul has received an email from the council with regards to the routing of heavy vehicles which are visiting Kemps Farm, near Melbourne.
I can confirm the Councils recycling officers have been consulted on and have considered the suggestion of routing the vehicles to and from the site via Ash Lane, B1228 and onto the A163, or continuing southwards along the B1228 to Howden to join the motorway.
Although both of the above route suggestions avoid the villages of Bielby, Allerthorpe and Everingham, both options would still route heavy traffic through Holme on Spalding Moor and Howden and would also add a substantial number of miles onto each lorry journey.
Both Holme on Spalding Moor and Howden already have a number of heavy traffic movements so additional extra traffic in both places would not be welcome.
As we know the site owner has already made voluntary arrangements concerning which routes the vehicles take to reach Kemps Farm.
The Councils position is therefore that it is preferable for the routes the Kemp recycling vehicles take to reach the site remain as they currently are.
The Council are aware that the presence of large vehicles in communities is not ideal, however it is felt that the current arrangement is a reasonable compromise given the options open to us and the fact that heavy traffic movements are being shared out.
Regarding the road surface in Bielby - the Councils area highway maintenance officers have been asked to look at the road condition and will make appropriate repairs where needed.
I am sorry that I cannot give you a more positive feedback in terms of re routing the vehicles and fully appreciate this will not be the response you will have wanted and hope that I have satisfactorily set out the Councils position.

Friday, 25 November 2011

Children's Church Service Preparing For Christmas Sunday 4th December 2011

Some families have said they would like to see some services geared toward the young children.

This is very understandable, so, on Sunday 4th December at 10.30 am, the wardens will lead a brief, informal service, ''Preparing For Christmas''.

The children can hear one or two short stories and then help assemble the crib (it's only small and light!) for the Carol Service.

We shall also sing two or three simple carols familiar to children.

We look forward to welcoming some willing little helpers!

Monday, 21 November 2011

Produce Show Winners 2011

I know it may seem a long time ago but I just wanted to announce the Winners of the 22nd Bielby Produce Show which took place on Saturday 23rd July 2011.

The committee would like to thank all the villagers who submitted entries for the show, helped to organise and set up the event, the judges, the church and all those villagers, friends and families who came along in the afternoon to view the exhibits.

The Produce Show Winners 2011

Vegetables - Geoff Coe

Flowers - Julie Kerry

Flower Arrangement - Graham Tew

Cookery - Val Nolton

Produce - Jan Spivey

Arts & Crafts - Elizabeth Jones

Children's Classes

5 and Under - Matthew Quigley

6 - 11 Year Old - Alicia Reed

12 - 16 Year Old - Katherine Jones

Millenium Cup For Best Entry In A Section - Elizabeth Jones

Cup For Best Entry In A Children's Class - Katherine Jones

Well done to all the winners.

This year we had a Guess The Weight Of The Cake, (thanks go to Diane Craven for baking the cake) which looked delicious but unfortunately I didn't get to taste as I didn't guess the weight correctly!!

The Name the TV Programme & Name The Sweets quizzes got our thinking caps on whilst we enjoyed a cuppa and scone!

Thanks to all those who contributed a raffle prize and to you for buying a ticket!

We hope you enjoyed browsing the book stall and we hope you managed to buy a cake on the cake stall, thanks to all those who donated books or made a cake, the church fund appreciates the support.

We hope you all enjoyed the Produce Show, thanks again to everyone involved and to the church for letting us hold the event there.

We look forward to seeing you all at the 23rd Bielby Produce Show next year!

Saturday, 19 November 2011

Duck Race Was A Great Family Event

Sunday 30th October saw the duck race take place down Mill Lane. The weather was very kind as the sun shone and the rain stayed away!

The 120 little yellow ducks entertained a large crowd of family and friends who turned out to cheer on their duck.

There was great excitement as children and adults alike raced across the bridge to see which numbered duck would emerge from under the bridge first, hoping their duck wouldn't get distracted by the duck weed at the sides of the beck and which one would reach Richard C and Matt S first.

6 races took place and prizes includes a Christmas hamper, Veg box, Chylde's Play voucher, Swimming lessons, a voucher for a Haircut & Christmas Cake, so well done to all the winners.

The hearty cup of soup was most welcome to keep the Autumnal chills away.

The event raised £238 for the church.

Thanks to all those who organised the event, selling the duck numbers, making soup, clearing beck so the ducks could race under the bridge and setting the ducks off and collecting them all up.

A great event and we will look forward to the next one.

(Please note - if you feature in one of the photos and you don't wish to have your photo on the website then please let me know and I will remove the photograph.)

Monday, 14 November 2011

Millie's Charity Coffee Morning - The Outcome

Millie's Charity Coffee Morning... the outcome

Thank you to everyone for attending my coffee morning. It was a great success and we all managed to raise a brilliant £212!!! So a huge thank you to everyone. Millie

Thursday, 10 November 2011

Monthly Charity Car Wash

Katherine Jones is doing a car wash to raise money for Charity Expedition.
It's on the first Sunday of every month at 11am - 4pm at Walbut Dene. It's £4 a car and all profit goes towards funds for my expedition to Marrakesh in Morocco where I'm going to be contributing to the Asni Honey Project which is a charity that helps to support the local communities in Morocco and aims to improve the quality of life there. There will be refreshments available.
Thank you :) Katherine Jones

Saturday, 5 November 2011

Summary Of Parish Meeting on 17th October 2011

Here is a brief summary for those of you who couldn't attend the parish meeting on Monday 17th October 2011.
  • Update about Beck clearance - drainage board will be returning to do more maintenance work between Market Bridge and approximately 500m downstream of the Mill. Thanks must go to Neil Readman for organising the Beck clearance work.
  • Planning applications that have been applied for, granted and declined were discussed. Planning applications are usually displayed on village notice board.
  • Bonfire/Fireworks - not to take place this year, but will be reviewed annually. Money normally spent on fireworks will be held in reserve in case money is needed to complete Beck clearance which is being done to help guard against another flood.
  • Carol Singing will take place at 6pm on Sunday 18th December 2011.
  • Parish Plan - lottery grant had restrictions for use but the questionnaires didn't highlight any significant areas to spend money on so money was returned.
  • Waste Management Lorries - it had been noted that more lorries have been coming through the village, there were concerns about this due to suitability of road, damage to road, damage to nearby housing which may be affected as the movement of lorries can cause houses to shake and plaster to come off. Communication has been made with council and the waste management company. It is hoped that the lorries will share the journeys, taking different routes so that not all lorries are coming through Bielby.
  • Buses - Discussion about the withdrawal of buses in the morning to be replaced by a Pullman service. Issue regarding cost of running this bus, the village has been asked to make a contribution to the cost of having the Pullman bus. It was felt that we should pledge a contribution along with other villages along the route.
  • Queen's Diamond Jubilee - A committee has been set up to organise the Jubilee celebrations, if people have suggestions or want to get involved then they can contact Sara Ridsdale, Val Nolton, Paul Ward or the Tews.
The village would like to thank Val Nolton, Rachael Reed, Paul Ward (new chairman) & Neil Readman (previous chairman) for the hard work they put into running the Parish meetings both on the night and during the year. A lot of hard work goes on, so thank you.

Thanks to Jean & Mike for letting us host the meeting at the pub.

The next parish meeting will take place in April 2012.

Friday, 4 November 2011

Carol Singing 2011

Here's a date for your diaries, so that you can get your singing voices ready in time for the annual carol singing, which will take place on Sunday 18th December 2011.

The carol singers will all meet at 6pm outside Hollycroft Court.

Money raised will be donated to Marie Curie.

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Toys To Give Away

Hi, I have been having a clear out and have lots of children's toys to give away to anyone who would like them - mostly games and jigsaws suitable for toddlers or a bit older, dressing up clothes - most are a bit tatty but in working order.

Also big box of Knex, Struxx dinosaur (not sure all the pieces are there but makes lots of other things with a bit of imagination) and a Gormiti base.

Please get in touch (or just call in) if you are interested.

07966673037. Nam Prakash (Rachael) at Blackburn House.

Monday, 24 October 2011

Pocktoberfest 2011

On 29th and 30th of October it's the 8th annual Pocktoberfest, held at Pocklington School Sports Hall (the old railway station).

Some of the Bielby boys are heading down there about 4.30 - 5pm on the Saturday for a few hours. So if anyone fancies meeting up then tickets are available from the Pocktoberfest website or from the Pocklington Arts Centre (Arts Centre openeing times).

Just use the comments section below to let us know if you are coming along and to see if we can share transport etc.

Sunday, 23 October 2011

Queen’s Diamond Jubilee 2012 Celebration Ideas

The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee will take place in June 2012.

The village would like to mark the occasion with a celebration, we would love to hear your ideas so that we can get organised.

Ideas that have been mentioned so far include:

Street Party down Mill Lane or Gale Carr Lane.
Picnic in the barn.
Hogroast or bring your own BBQ!
Children's fancy dress competition.

If you have some ideas for the Diamond Jubilee celebrations then please drop us a line in the contact form box by clicking on the contact form link. We look forward to hearing your suggestions.

Friday, 21 October 2011

Pumpkins For Sale

Get your halloween pumpkins now.

Large £2 and small £1 from Lilia and Hettie Smith at Mayfield Cottage.

What design will you carve in the pumpkin for halloween?

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Attempted Burglaries and Burglary

It has been brought to my attention that in the last few weeks there have been a couple of attempted burglaries and a burglary where items were taken.

I just wanted to make people aware of this and to think about their home security.

Remember to check that your doors and windows are secure before you leave your home to go out.

If you have a house alarm, does it work?

If you are going away make sure that your house is secure, do you need to cancel the milk or papers etc, do you have someone checking your property whilst you are away? Will the lights be coming on and going off at timed intervals whilst you are away?

If you use social networking sites (such as facebook, twitter, bebo or myspace, etc) think carefully about what you are posting as your status or tweeting to your friends and followers. Maybe wait till you are back from your a day trip or holiday before posting about it!
"If you see individuals acting suspiciously, or see suspicious vehicles on your street, give the police a call on 0845 60 60 222 or 999 if there is a crime in progress. We'd rather have that call than run the risk of a crime being committed. If you can safely get a description of the person or a registration number of the vehicle, this can also be very helpful. Your information could be the last piece in the jigsaw." Source: Wolds & Weighton Streetbeat newsletter

Click on this link to read the rest of the article from the Wolds & Weighton Streetbeat newsletter we posted earlier in the year about keeping your house safe in the Summer.

There has been talk about setting up a Neighbourhood Watch Scheme so if you haven't already shown your interest in joining the scheme then please let us know, so the village can organise a meeting and get the scheme set up. Just fill out the contact form if you are interested in joining Neighbourhood Watch Scheme or if you would like to help set up the scheme in the village.

Monday, 17 October 2011

Fitness & Leisure Items For Sale

Due to needing more space we have for sale the following fitness/leisure items.

Ex pub refurbished top of the range Superleague Imperial Pool Table 6ft x 3ft. The pool table has a blue cloth and slate bed. Hardly used and in excelllent condition the pool table has a mechanism on free play and comes with 3 large cues, 2 small cues, a set of balls and a triangle. £400 ovno

Fitness First xtrainer in very good condition (hardly used). £60

York Compact 401 Home Multigym, free-standing home gym. £40
24 exercise routines.
120lb resistance Press/Pec.
Online cable system, no cable exchange.
Durable coated steel frame.
Bench Press dual hand position.
Pec Dec with upholstered pads.
Lat pull-down with storage clip.
Leg extension with foam rollers.
Floor area 117cm x 41cm

There are pictures available or call Debbie and Tony Britton on 01759 318611 and arrange to come round to Sunnyside to view.

Saturday, 15 October 2011

Remembrance Day Service Sunday 13th November 2011

Remembrance Day Service Sunday 13th November 2011

This year a special service has been arranged for those who lost their lives and especially two young men who were killed in a plane crash at Bielby. For those who dont know about this the crash happened on the canal bank on 7th November 1942.
A Bristol Beaufighter MK1F Reg. X7698 from 25 Squadron RAF crashed killing the pilot Sgt. Michail H Griffith aged 20. The navigator, Sgt Gerald H Wheatland suffered severe burns and never recovered and died on 8th April 1943 aged 21. A plaque is to be erected in their memory.

The service will begin at 10.00a.m. at the Church with hymns and prayers led by Rev. Nigel Strafford, who will then lead us down to the canal to where the crash took place and there will a prayer of dedication for the new plaque. There will be a lament on the pipes by John Peel a song written and played by Ian Simpson. A two minute silence will be held and a fly past by aircraft from Breighton Airfield (weather permitting).

For further details contact Richard Coe.

Friday, 14 October 2011

More Details About Duck Race Sunday 30th October 2011

Duck Race Sunday 30th October

To take place at 11.00 a.m. at the bridge, Mill Lane. Ducks can be purchased in advance from Richard & Christine Coe Tel: 01759 318314 or call at Hollycroft Court,
or see us at the Parish Meeting on Monday 17th October. Ducks are £2.00 each.

Prizes include Homemade Christmas Cake, Christmas Hamper, Vegetable Hamper, Hairdressers voucher, Swimming vouchers, Chylds Play voucher.
Maximum of one prize per person.

There will be homemade soup for sale.

Weather permitting we hope to see everyone there.

All proceeds towards the running costs of Bielby Church.

Thursday, 13 October 2011

Quiz Night 1st December 2011

Just wanted to let you all know that there will be a quiz in the pub on the Village Social Night on Thursday 1st December 2011 which Neil & Janet will do for the Cricket Club and Produce Show @ College Arms.

You have plenty of time to get your team organised, so put the date in your diary!

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Duck Race Sunday 30th October 2011

Just wanted to let you know that the Duck Race will take place on Sunday 30th October 2011.

I will let you know more details when I get them, but just wanted to let you all know so you could put the date in your diary!

Sunday, 9 October 2011

Friendly Cricket Match With Everingham

Back on Sunday 24th July on a sunny day at Bubwith we had a friendly game of cricket with Everingham.
Bielby batted first and got 133 runs for 7 wickets. Tony Britton, Richard Readman & Neil Readman all retired having made the maximum score of 30 runs.

Everingham got 130 runs for 4. Louis & Zak Los both scoring the maximum 30 runs.

Bielby won by 4 runs.

It was an excellent afternoon, the cricket was nail biting, the weather was warm and the crowds were friendly.
The match was well supported by villagers from both villages and there was a great atmosphere. It was made all the more amusing by the running commentary by our lovely pink lady!

The cricket team and supporters would like to thank Jon & Beatrice for hosting the after match drinks and BBQ.

We hope this fixture will become an annual event.

Friday, 7 October 2011

Millie's Charity Coffee Morning Sunday 16th October

Just wanted to let you know that Millie is having a charity coffee morning on Sunday 16th October from 10.30am til 12.30pm at her house.

Millie is hosting the coffee morning in order to raise money for charity work that she is going to be doing with Lattitude Global Volunteering in Ecuador, teaching & caring for underprivileged children.

The coffee morning costs £2 entry which includes a cup of coffee or tea and a slice of cake. Children are free.

There will also be a raffle with some great prizes such as vouchers, bubbly, spirits, hamper and lots more.

If you can't make the event but would like to buy some raffle tickets then please contact Millie on 318851. Raffle tickets £1 a strip.

Hope you can make the coffee morning.

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Village Night Dates For The Diary

Just wanted to remind you all that it's the village social night at the pub this Thursday (6th October).

So why not wander down to the College Arms and have a drink and a chat.

Mike and Jean are always so friendly and welcoming and you're bound to see some familiar faces and maybe even make new friends too!

Here are the next few village night dates for your diary:

Thursday 3rd November 2011
Thursday 1st December 2011 - Neil & Janet will do a quiz for the Cricket Club and Produce Show.

Hope to see you all there!

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Art Exhibition A Success

I hope that you have all enjoyed seeing the wonderful artwork in the church this weekend.

The villagers who exhibited artwork included:

Trevor M
Bronwen M
Katie N
Bev A
Jonathan A
Daisy P
Beatrice A
Sara R
Elizabeth J
Katherine J
Gareth J
John P
Susan S
Isabel C
Matthew C
Rebecca S
Val N
Peter N

Thank you all for your contributions, it was great to see the mix of art, pottery, tapestries, textiles, sugarcraft, scupltures and woodwork on display, what a talented village.

Thanks to the children who entered the Children's Competition: "Harvest in Bielby"

The children included:
Matthew Q - Prize winner
Lilia S - Runner up
Hettie S - Runner up
Alicia R - Prize winner
Rebecca S - Prize winner

Rachael displayed a wonderful display of dahlias, so thank you Rachael.
The villagers would like to thank the church for organising this event.

Monday, 3 October 2011

Parish Meeting 17th October 2011


Just wanted to let you know that the next parish meeting is Monday 17th October @ 7.30pm in the College Arms.

All resident electors of Bielby Parish are invited to attend Bielby Parish Meeting to be held on Monday 17 October 2011 at 7.30 p.m. at the College Arms.
(By kind permission of Jean and Mike McDougall).


1. Apologies for absence.
2. Minutes of the last meeting held on Monday 18 April 2011.
3. Matters arising from the minutes.
4. Planning applications and outcomes since the last meeting.
5. Bonfire/Fireworks.
6. Carol Singing.
7. Parish Plan update.
8. Waste Management Lorries.
9. A.O.B

Look forward to seeing you all there.

Sunday, 2 October 2011

A Meeting Regarding The Pullman Replacing 195 Bus Service

There will be a meeting in relation to changes to the bus service in the village. The meeting will discuss the withdrawal of the early morning and evening 195 bus service and it's replacement by the Pullman X36.

The meeting is on the Tuesday 18th October at Melbourne and unfortunately Paul cannot attend it so would like to know if anyone can represent Bielby at this meeting.

If they can they can contact Paul on 01759 318077 and he will inform them about it.

Friday, 30 September 2011

Heating Kerosene For Sale

Peter has had his oil tank removed and has 2 x 25 ltr plastic containers of heating kerosene for sale at £22.
Tel Peter 01759 319200

Thursday, 29 September 2011

Apples From The Orchard Down Mill Lane

Here is a message from Beatrice
Hello Village,

As you probably know, Jon and I bought the Orchard over the road from The Mill earlier this year. One of the reasons being that we wanted to share the fruit with the Village.

Well, its harvest time and I have gathered loads of 'old variety' unsprayed cookers and eaters to fill everyone's fruit bowls and freezers.

Please bring your boxes, bags and car boots down over the next week and help yourselves, especially this weekend (no dogs please...hen territory.)

Jon, on the other hand, wants to dig the whole Orchard up as he is convinced that there is a stash of loot buried in there somewhere!

As you have probably heard, we are dealing with the Paparazzi down here. When you come you may like to come incognito...false beards and wigs strongly recommended!

Beatrice x

Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Bring Your Art Work Along To The Church

Villagers are invited to display all manner of art and craft work, be it painting, sketches, models, sculpture.

Please bring along your art work to the church between 6.30pm and 8.00pm on Friday evening (30 September).

The church helpers will take the necessary details, set up the displays and get the items catalogued/programmed ready for Saturday morning.

We would like to keep the art work on show until after the Harvest Festival (c. 7.30pm Sun) to show just what Bielby can do.

Everyone is welcome to come along to view the Bielby Arts and Crafts Exhibition on Saturday and Sunday 1st and 2nd October 10am-4pm, admission by programme £1 per adult. All proceeds to the church's up keep.

The Harvest Festival will take place on Sunday 2nd October 6.30pm.

Monday, 19 September 2011

Another Successful Music Festival

The organisers of the Bielby Music Festival just wanted to thank everyone who performed and attended this year's music festival.

In only it's second year, the festival was again well attended by villagers and their friends & families!

The weather was kind in that the rain held off although the winds did make it abit chilly but the cosy set up of the marquees gave the festival a warm, cosy & friendly feel and once everyone was up dancing we all soon warmed up.

Jenny & Matt enjoying dancing to Pink Cadillac!

Sorry Graham I didn't manage to get a pic of you in your brightly coloured hawaiian shirt and hat!

The face painting was a hit with the children and adults alike, as you can see from Steve below!

Here's one adult "raver" enjoying himself!

Some of the line up included folk singer Edwina Hayes whose voice was just amazing,

Snake Davis who is the Eurythmics' saxophonist, was a real treat to have up on stage,

Snake Davis with Pink Cadillac!

Colin who is a member of Pink Cadillac said that it was a highlight for him to play alongside Snake Davis,

Colin from Pink Cadillac on the guitar!

Other singrs in the line up included Stan Graham from York who entertained us with his self-penned songs, Jonathan Taylor from Pocklington who is a very talented musician, Soundsphere who sang songs from around the world were mesmerising and Caitlyn who is just 5 years old enjoyed humming and swaying along to their music and her mum said was even humming the songs a few days later. Margaret also said that she enjoyed their performance. Pink Cadillac also played and who as always got everyone dancing in the street, well in this case Margaret's field!

(Sorry if I haven't mentioned all the bands, I just can remember all the names but they were all great!)

Pink Cadillac performed twice and were just brilliant as always. They got everyone on their feet dancing.
Pink Cadillac!

It was a lovely touch by Beatrice to dedicate certain songs to family, friends & villagers!

Pink Cadillac also welcomed Richard onto the stage to sing along with them and we all thought Richard was brilliant.

Richard singing with Pink Cadillac and proud mum Janet smiling away in the crowds who were enjoying the performance.

A big thank you goes to Margaret for letting us use her field, we hope that it was left as tidy as we found it!

Margaret receiving a lovely bunch of flowers as a thank you.

Thanks to all the volunteers and helpers who helped to put up the stage and marquees before the event and those who made it back to the field the following day to help pick up litter and take the stage and marquees down. Your help was much appreciated. (There was a certain spring in Vince's step as he rounded the corner and offered his help, which was timed to perfection!!)

In turn the villagers would also like to thank Ian & Richard and all those involved in organising this event, without their time and effort Bielby wouldn't enjoy such wonderful events, so thank you for all your hard work.

Again the event raised over £2000 for Macmillan Nurses, so thanks to everyone who supported the event.

We look forward to this event next year.

(If anyone has any photos of the event they would like to share with us on the blog or if anyone has any photos of Pink Cadillac that they can add to the Pink Cadillac facebook page then please let us know and I'll send you an email address to send them in.)

Monday, 5 September 2011

Bielby Arts & Crafts Exhibition, Children's Competition & Harvest Festival

Bielby Arts and Crafts Exhibition
Saturday and Sunday 1st and 2nd October 10am-4pm
Harvest Festival 2nd October 6.30pm

Once again Bielby Church will act as a gallery for villagers to display their art and craft work. You're invited to bring exhibits of your own work to the church 6.30-8.00pm Fri 30 Sept where they will be put on display. We would like to keep them on show until after the Harvest Festival (c. 7.30pm Sun) to show just what Bielby can do.
(Any help with the stewarding rota would be much appreciated!)

Children's Competition

Children are invited to submit a picture (painting, drawing, collage, computer etc - any format) on the theme ''Harvest in Bielby''. There are three sections:
Primary and
Secondary (to 16 incl).

The winner in each section will receive a £10 WHS voucher. Please bring your entry on Friday evening (6.30-8.00pm) for display in the Exhibition.

The Exhibition

10am-4pm on Saturday and Sunday 1st/2nd October in the village church
Light refreshments
Live background music on the lute at 1.00, 2.00 and 3.00pm
Admission by programme £1 per adult
All proceeds to the church's upkeep

Harvest Festival Service 6.30pm Sunday 2nd October
Everyone welcome

Thursday, 1 September 2011

Blue Scarf Lost At Music Festival

Lost Scarf - A blue striped scarf was lost at the Bielby Music Festival on Sunday 28th August.

If anyone found one please contact Christine on 318314

Thursday, 25 August 2011

Nearly New Football Boots - Free To Good Home

Nearly new football boots - free to a good home.

Size 9.5 Nike 90 silver/ black moulded stud boots. (Only worn twice, too small!)

Call Lisa 01759 319386

Friday, 19 August 2011

Plastic 1250 Litre Oil Storage Tank Free

Free to a good home a 1250 litre plastic oil storage tank in excellent condition.
Call Peter Wright on 319200.

Wednesday, 17 August 2011

Epsom Photo Printer Free

Free. I have an Epsom Stylus Photo RX640 ink jet Printer - which I no longer use - as it is not fully compatable with Windows 7, but is suitable for XP etc and does have a card reader. It is in full working order and will scan, photocopy, fax and print. The prints are very good quality as it uses 6 ink cartridges. The down side is the ink is expensive(as with most printers) and it has run out of yellow.
If it is of use to anyone please contact me on 01759 318588.

Friday, 12 August 2011

A Great Afternoon At Inter Village Olympics

A big thanks to all those who attended the inter-village olympics despite the poor weather, it was an enjoyable afternoon.

Thanks to all those who took part, thankfully no injuries despite Richard and Sara going head over heals, well Sara going over Richard's head in the piggy back race!!

The roll the bale relay was a great success although next year we will be watching where we sit as the bales do tend to roll off course and this year saw the Bielby spectators scrambling to their feet at one point to get out of the way of the bale. Would have been funny if I hadn't been one of the spectators!!!

The Bielby under fives were very well attended and all the children enjoyed the races, Matthew loved being in the sack race and we liked watching Austin and Jamie's original three legged racing! Lilia, Hettie & Ruby enjoyed the toddlers running race and Lilia said she couldn't believe she was a winner and she loved her medal. It was good to see the Preston family joining in their first village event. Mae & Lily flew the flag for the under 18's, so well done girls. Thanks to all the other children who attended and took part.

Jenny W and Jenny S had a good technique for the adult three legged race, well done Marcus on winning the egg & spoon after the "practise run!"

It was an enjoyable afternoon and great for all the family. Bielby had a good turn out, so thanks Bielby for helping to make this another great event. The Bielby team didn't want to go home so continued with their own races after the other villages had left.

Thanks must go to Burnby for organising & hosting the event this year.

We look forward to seeing you all at next year's inter-village olympics.

Sunday, 31 July 2011

Village Olympics Sunday 7th August 2011

This year's inter-village olympics are being held at Burnby on Sunday, 7th August 2011. The event starts from 12pm and the races will kick off at 1pm.

It's a great day for all the family, why not bring a picnic, blanket and chairs to enjoy the races.

Some of the races will include:

3 legged race
running race
egg and spoon race
running relay

There may even be bale rolling this year so something new to look forward to. Ridsdale's have been practising this already!

Children can dress in fancy dress on the day, so dig out those fancy dress costumes!

The Bielby colour is blue so please come dressed in blue!

To find the intervillage olympics, head to Burnby and at the T-junction from the Hayton direction there is a field on the right hand side. There should be bunting up.

Please contact Jenny Smith, Paul Ward or Neil Readman for more information.

Monday, 25 July 2011

Bielby Music Festival Sunday 28th August 2011

Bielby Music Festival "The Picnic" - "Probably the smallest festival in the world!"

The Bielby Music Festival will take place on Sunday 28th August 2011 from 4pm to 10.30pm.

Top bands will be playing - Pink Cadillac, Soundsphere, Stan Graham and guest appearance by Snake Davis.
Bring a picnic and blanket, this is a great event for all the family. Bar and posh toilets on site!

The event is in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support.

Tickets from 01759 318328 or 01759 318314. Adults £10, Children £5

We look forward to seeing you there!

Thursday, 21 July 2011

Produce Show Events & Stalls

We hope that you are busy getting your entries ready for the 22nd Bielby Produce Show on Saturday 23rd July.

The committee just wanted to let you know that there will be a few other activities going on during the afternoon.
  • Guess The Weight Of The Cake - £1 a go for your chance to win the cake!
  • Name the TV Programme Quiz - 50p a go.
  • Name The Sweets - 50p a go.
  • Raffle
  • Cake Stall in Aid of the Church
  • Book Stall in Aid of the Church
If you have any books or have time to bake a cake then all donations welcome.

We look forward to seeing your produce show entries and you at the show on Saturday.

Monday, 18 July 2011

Inter Village Olympics Sunday 7th August 2011

This year's inter-village olympics are being held at Burnby on Sunday, 7th August 2011.
If you are keen to take part, please contact Jenny Smith, Paul Ward or Neil Readman.
Races for children and adults so something for everyone.

Thursday, 14 July 2011

Looking For Work To Help Fund Voluntary Work Trip To South Africa

Hello my name's Shauna and I'm saving up for a trip to South Africa next year to do voluntary work, so I am offering services such as babysitting, dog walking and pet sitting to raise money. I am currently half way through the Extended Diploma In Animal Management, so I am knowledgeable in the animal area and have experience with a wide range of pets including horses. If you have any jobs I could do for a donation, please get in contact on 01759318762. I will be on holiday 23rd July - 3rd August so will be unable to work then, but any other time should be fine.
Thanks for your time & help.

Stoneleigh Charity Open Afternoon A Success

Stoneleigh staff and residents would just like to thank everyone who supported the open afternoon last Saturday.

They raised £396.00 for their chosen charities from admission, tombola, cake and plant stall, and guess how many sweets in the jar which was won by Karen Kirby.

Stoneleigh also raffled a lovely fruit basket which was kindly donated by Browns Greengrocers in Pocklington and a cushion which had a pattern embroidered to the front of it by our oldest resident Joe Thompson. It took Joe over a year (on and off), to complete the cushion, and at 98 years and 186 days old, this was no mean feat!

The cake stall was expertly run by one of our resident's, Peggy Williams, who did a mean selling job on anyone who came within a two metre radius!

It was a lovely afternoon and the weather was kind. Some of the residents even played cricket!

Thanks again to all who supported the event.

Just to say that there are still some plants for sale so if anyone is interested then call round to Stoneleigh and have a look at the plants for sale.

Tuesday, 12 July 2011

Produce Show Entries For Saturday 23rd July 2011

Just wanted to let you all know that the entry forms for the 2011 produce show will soon be hitting your doormats! So we hope that you are getting your entries ready.

If you want a quick reminder of what the entries are then here is a list!

(Trophy donated by Mr & Mrs P Thomas)

1) 5 Radish
2) 1 Cabbage
3) 1 Cauliflower
4) 3 Tomatoes
5) 1 Cucumber
6) 4 Carrots with Tops
7) 8 Raspberries on a Small Plate
8) 1 Longest Stick of Rhubarb with Leaf
9) 5 Pods of Peas
10) 5 Pods of Broad Beans
11) 3 Red Beet With Tops
12) 3 Potatoes
13) 1 Lettuce
14) 5 Runner Beans
15) 3 Onions Grown from Seed
16) 3 Onions Grown from Sets
17) 5 French/Dwarf Beans
18) Any Vegetable or Fruit not listed

(Trophy donated by Mr & Mrs H Ridsdale)

19) 1 Cactus Plant
20) 4 Cornflowers
21) 1 Rose
22) 1 Sunflower in Vase
23) 6 Sweet Peas
24) 4 Pansies
25) Best Scented Rose
26) Vase of Mixed Garden Flowers
27) 1 House Plant (Flower)
28) 3 Dahlias
29) 1 Tallest Thistle

(Trophy donated by John & Barbara Peel)

30) Arrangement using a Recycled Container
31) Ladies Buttonhole
32) Arrangement using Foliage
33) Flowers in an Unusual Container
34) Wedding Decoration for end of a Pew
35) A Small Table Arrangement using a Candle
36) A ‘Hot & Spicy’ Floral Arrangement

(Trophy donated by MR J. R. Hall)

37) 3 Jam Tarts
38) A Chocolate Dessert in a Glass
39) 3 Biscuits
40) 3 Cheese Scones
41) Saucer Apple Pie
42) 3 Pieces of Flapjack
43) 3 Butterfly Buns
44) Fruit Loaf
45) 3 Fruit Scones
46) Victoria Sandwich (Filled)

(Trophy donated by Mr & Mrs J Layton)

47) Jar of Raspberry Jam
48) Jar of Strawberry Jam
49) Jar of any other Jam
50) Jar of Lemon Curd
51) Jar of Chutney
52) Jar of Pickles—Any Variety
53) 6 Eggs

(Trophy donated by Mr & Mrs N Jaques)

54) Embroidery/Tapestry Article
55) Home Made Garment
56) Oil/Pastel/Watercolour Painting
57) Limerick /Poem about Yorkshire Life
58) Object Made from Wood
59) Photography-Landscape*
60) Photography-Farming Life*
61) Photography-Flowers or Nature*
62) Photography-Family Fun*
63) Photography-Weather/Winter Scene*
64) Photography-Bielby Scene*

*Photographs to be taken by Exhibitor. Photographs to be
displayed on cardboard mounts by the Exhibitor.

Trophy donated by Helen Todd for the Best Entry)

5 and Under Age Group
65) Decorated Egg
66) A Painting
67) A Face On A Plate

6—11 Age Group
68) Decorated Egg
69) A Painting
70) Garden in a Tray
71) Animal made from a Vegetable
72) Handicraft or Model
73) 3 Decorated Biscuits
74) Photograph

12—16 Age Group
75) Decorated Egg
76) A Painting
77) Garden in a Tray
78) Animal made from a Vegetable
79) Handicraft or Model
80) 3 Decorated Biscuits
81) Photograph

Entries will be accepted at St Giles’ Church, Bielby on Saturday 23rd July between 9.30am—11.00am PROMPT. Entries can be made in advance to Richard and Christine Coe at Hollycroft Court on Friday 22nd July between 6 O’Clock and 8 O’Clock in the evening.

All you have to do is bring your exhibits and entry monies on the Saturday Morning.
The Stewards will be ready with your exhibit labels.

Each Exhibitor needs his/her own entry form. More forms are available from the Committee members.

If you misplace your form, or cannot enter in advance, you can still enter on the day.

Just bring your entries to St Giles’ Church, Bielby on Saturday 23rd July from 9.30—11.00am (Prompt).

No more than 2 entries per exhibitor per class.
No items to be removed before 4.00pm.
No entry to be handled other than by the
Exhibitor or Steward.
All entries to be removed by 4.15pm.

The organisers will do the rest.


We look forward to seeing you and your exhibits at the 22nd Annual Bielby Produce Show.

Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Bed & Breakfast Dog Socialising

Bed & Breakfast Dog Socialising

"B&B is the next best thing to having our own dog. Its amazing to see them change throughout training as they turn into assistance dogs"

After a hard day's advanced training many dogs like to go to a cosy local home overnight with a friendly person rather than stay in kennels.

You would collect the dog around 5pm on a weekday night, look after him overnight and drop him off before 9am the following morning for another days training. The dogs have the weekend off to relax so would stay at home with you from Friday night through to Monday morning. We would provide all training, equipment and support for this role.

For more information please contact Lucy Dacre on 01759 322299 or email

Monday, 4 July 2011

Third Cricket Match Report

Bielby lost to Elvington in the semi final of the Canon Hedley Cup last Friday by 30 runs.

Despite being the underdogs, we put up a good fight, Richard Readman making 45 runs, Paul Audin taking 2 wickets and Neil Spinks 1 wicket.

Well done to all players who have taken part in the competition this season and thanks to all who came to support us.

Sent in by Neil.

Saturday, 2 July 2011

Air Source Heat Pump

This article has been written by Peter Wright.

Last winter was a very worrying time for those of us who live in villages and are dependent on oil for our heating requirements. We are very grateful for the hard work and support we get from Lisa Hoggarth in securing timely deliveries at the best prices. However we remain dependent upon heavy demands and severe inflation of prices which leave us all very vulnerable.

An additional worry is the age and dependency of our oil boiler (having already spent a great deal of money in repairs and replacement parts). We have been looking at alternative sources of heating before the winter arrives. As a replacement boiler is likely to cost about £3000 we could offset the cost of any other type of installation by this amount.

We have decided to install an air source heat pump which can either replace the oil boiler or supplement it. We will be replacing ours. Incidentally it can also be used in conjunction with thermal solar panels for additional saving. To keep it simple an air source heat pump works in the same way as a refrigerator only in reverse. Whereas a fridge takes warm air from the room and passes it through a heat exchanger and converts it to cold the heat pump has the opposite effect. The kit comprises a box located outside the house (which can replace the unsightly oil storage tank and is much smaller and less conspicuous) and a hot water cylinder (incorporating an immersion heater) located inside the house.

For every 1kw of electricity it uses a return of 4kws is achieved . Good insulation of the house is of course very important.The pumps come in various sizes but are capable of supplying heating and hot water to cover all requirements and are capable of operating at temperatures as low as -20C. The manufacturer claims annual savings of £530 on electric heating, £370 on solid fuel & £160 on oil (probably more on current winter prices) for a normal size house.In addition the system qualifies for the Government's Renewable Heat Incentive Scheme (RHI) (sometimes referred to as Clean Energy Cashback).For further details on RHI visit

Needless to say this system is very environmentally friendly with reduced energy costs and CO2 emissions reduced by 50% compared to traditional systems and no maintenance is required for the pump.

As our home is a converted barn with restricted development rights we have needed to apply for planning permission but we are optimistic of success as this is a Government driven campaign striving for a greener environment.The overall cost in our case is just less than £7000 including installation by a local firm.

If anybody is interested in any further details we would be pleased to help - 319200.

I could report back with details of the results after a year's operation of the system if anybody is interested.

Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Planning Application For The Granary

Rachael Reed has received a planning application for a single storey extension to the rear of The Granary, Main Street, Bielby for Mr Matthew Rotherham.

If anyone has any comments to make they can do this through Rachael or direct to the council no later than 14 July 2011 (Rachael would need the comments by 10 July if they wanted her to make them on their behalf). Rachael has detailed copies of the plans should anyone wish to see them - people can call Rachael on 07786 242515 to arrange a convenient time or they can be viewed on East Riding Council's website -

Monday, 27 June 2011

Cricket Semi Finals

Canon Headley semi-final to be played at Bubwith on Friday, 1st July. 6.30pm start.

Bielby v Elvington

Hope you will all come and support your village cricket team.

Practise for players on Tuesday, 28th June. Meet 6.30 at Readman's or 6.45 at Bubwith Cricket Pitch.

Monday, 20 June 2011

Cleaner Wanted

Hello Bielby,

I am looking for a cleaner/cleaners to help me out at the Mill. 3-6 hours per week at £9 per hour. Does anyone do this or employ one who they could recommend please?

My number is 319432.


Sunday, 19 June 2011

St Giles' Bielby 100 Club

A big thankyou to everyone for supporting the 100 club, all 100 2010 tickets were sold. Through your generosity the church received £800 towards running costs.

The following is a list of the lucky winners:

July 2010 Stephanie Stannage (ticket 84)
August 2010 Julia Dettmar (ticket 5)
September 2010 Trevor Milner (ticket 21)
October 2010 Stoneleigh Nursing Home (ticket 82)
November 2010 Glyniss Walsh (ticket 42)
December 2010 Jo Smithies (ticket 27)
January 2011 John Loss (ticket 72)
February 2011 Jane Copley (ticket 100)
March 2011 Nigel Strafford (ticket 99)
April 2011 Elizabeth Jones (ticket 44)
May 2011 Judith Simpson (ticket 59)
June 2011 Richard Marshall (ticket 4)

Anyone wishing to purchase a ticket for 2011/2012 please contact Bronwen at Sandybank, 319411.

Saturday, 18 June 2011

Charity Afternoon at Stoneleigh Saturday 9th July 2011

Just wanted to let you know that Stoneleigh are having their annual charity afternoon on Saturday 9th July 2011.

Doors will open from 2pm til 4.30pm and everyone is welcome. Admission is £2

Come along for cream tea, tombola, plant stall, cake stall, guess the resident from their photos from then and now, guess the number of sweets in a jar and lots more!

(If you would like to donate a tombola prize or a cake then they would be gratefully received.)

As you can see there will be lots going on and the money raised will go to Bielby Church and Hearing Dogs For the Deaf.

The staff and residents of Stoneleigh hope to see you there!

Monday, 13 June 2011

Second Cricket Match Report

Bielby beat Escrick by 60 runs last night in the next round of the Canon Headley Cup.

Richard Readman batted very well to make 80, assisted by Edward Simpson on 23.
Neil Spinks cleaned up the wickets to take 5 for 15.

This puts us in the semi-final, match to be arranged.

Practice for players on Tuesday 21st June.

Rocking Chair, Desk & Pushchair

Here are some items that Gareth would like to sell /wants:

For sale:- Wooden rocking chair, good condition. £15 or offers.

For sale:- Small pedestal desk, 53 inches long x 18.5 inches wide x 28 inches high Three drawers on right hand side, could probably be adapted to fit the drawers on the LHS if required. Beech finish. £30 or offers.

Wanted:- Baby pushchair or buggy, preferably folding type with pneumatic or cushioned tyres. Condition not too important, we are long past the baby stage, we want one to convert to a model boat/yacht trolley.

Gareth Jones, Walbut Dene, 01759 318578

Monday, 6 June 2011

Second Cricket Match 10th June 2011

Just to let you all know that the next cricket match is on Friday 10th June against Escrick, played away at Escrick Park 6.30pm start.

Players please meet at Readmans at 5.45pm.

Come along to Escrick to support the team!

Tuesday, 31 May 2011

First Cricket Match Report

Cricket Report

Bielby v Riccall Played Friday 27th May
Bielby won by 34 runs

Well batted Neil (38) Edward (28) Richard (19). Wicket takers Paul Audin 15 for 3, Edward Simpson 17 for 1, Neil Readman 15 for 3 and Neil Spinks 31 for 1.

Good all round performance, well attended by our vocal supporters!

Next match to be arranged, we play the winners of Cliffe v Escrick

Friday, 27 May 2011

Rogation Tide Walk Cancelled

Just wanted to let you all know that unfortunately the Rogation Tide Walk, that was due to take place on Sunday 29th May at 3pm, has had to be cancelled.

Hopefully we will be able to organise something for next year.

Have a good bank holiday weekend everyone.

Monday, 23 May 2011

Friends Of St Giles' 100 Club 2011-2012

Well I saw Bronwen the other day and bought my 100 club ticket. Have you got yours?

The Friends of St Giles' Bielby 100 Club costs £13 for one ticket and the draw takes place on the first Thursday of each month at the pub. The ticket runs from July 2011 to June 2012 inclusive!

For eleven months there are two prizes one of £20 and one of £10 and in December there are two prizes of £50 each!

If you haven't yet bought your ticket for this year then you can contact Bronwen.

Good luck ticket holders!

Saturday, 14 May 2011

Money Found In Mill Lane

Rachael emailed to say that her son Thomas found some money on the ground when he was walking down Mill Lane on Friday morning. So if anyone has lost any money on Friday in Mill Lane then Rachael's number is 07966673037 or call at Blackburn House.

Thanks Rachael and Thomas for letting us all know.

Keep Your House Secure This Summer

Rachael has sent me the Wolds & Weighton Streetbeat newsletter from the Police and I thought this article was worth posting:

Keep Your House Secure This Summer

With the summer months now approaching, we're asking all householders to think "home security", particularly when out in the garden and when away from home.

People often have their windows open and we're asking everyone to remember that these can be an open opportunity to a thief if left unattended.

Two things to remember:

1. If you're out in the back garden, make sure your house is secure as sneak-in burglars have been known to take advantage when people are working outside in their gardens out of view of their home.

2. Remember to check that your doors and windows are secure before you leave your home to go out. We do get calls to incidents where houses are left insecure and suspicious people are seen near to them. Don’t let this happen to you!

And finally, we're asking everyone to keep an eye out for suspicious people or vehicles in their neighbourhoods over the summer period. If you see individuals acting suspiciously, or see suspicious vehicles on your street, give the police a call on 0845 60 60 222 or 999 if there is a crime in progress. We'd rather have that call than run the risk of a crime being committed.

If you can safely get a description of the person or a registration number of the vehicle, this can also be very helpful. Your information could be the last piece in the jigsaw.

Help us to help you!

Source: Wolds & Weighton Streetbeat newsletter

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

First Cricket Match & Practise

Just wanted to let you know that the first Cricket match will be held verses Riccall at Bubwith on Friday 27th May with a 6.15pm start. Spectators welcomed on the night to spur on the team!

There will also be a cricket practise on Monday 23rd May - meet at Neil's house (Ambleside) at 6.30pm.
Everyone welcome to come along and practise.

Good luck Bielby Cricketers!

Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Sponsored Walk For Breast Cancer Research

Julie has emailed to let us know that she is doing a sponsored 26 mile walk, thats right, 26, in aid of breast cancer research and support on the 14th May. Any support or donations gratefully received for this fantastic charity.
donate on line at that would be good and I will update everyone via the blog when I have (hopefully) finished. If anyone wants to donate in person, call in at Corner Farm House and drop it off or ring me on 01759 318851.

Thanks very much

Good Luck Julie, we all wish you well on your walk.

Monday, 25 April 2011

Decorating Barn For Royal Wedding Celebrations

Lots of villagers have asked about helping to decorate the barn for the royal wedding celebrations, so we just wanted to let you know that we will be decorating the barn on Tuesday 26th April at 7pm, so if you wish to join us that would be great.

(Sorry to those of you who are not attending the event and keep getting these emails - hopefully this will be the last email regarding the event, although we may post some photos of the scarecrow competition, the decorated barn and the revelries - with villagers permission!)

The right royal Kate has been spotted eyeing up the wedding venue!

If anyone has any bunting or other decorations then please bring them down to the farm, even if you can't stay to help!

Refreshments will be available for the helpers, as I am sure a bottle of beer, a glass of wine or juice and a slice of homemade chocolate fudge cake will help the decorating go well!

Hope to see you at the farm on Tuesday evening!

Saturday, 23 April 2011

What's The Dress Code? - Royal Wedding Celebration

Well there isn't one really.

The invite did say 'wedding attire encouraged'. So if anyone wanted to dress up as though attending a real wedding then that would be great.

However, it's been pointed out that Bielby's reception venue isn't exactly Buckingham Palace (truth is it's more of a grain store with a bit of bunting hanging from the walls!), so there are concerns that lounge suits and summer dresses may get a little dirty.

Hence the upshot is - wear what you like. If you wish to dress up then great, but if you fancy shorts and a t-shirt then that's also cool.

Wednesday, 20 April 2011

Royal Wedding Tickets

Ticket Sales Open To Family And Friends

We've nearly sold out of tickets for the Royal Wedding celebration, but there's still a few tickets available.

If anyone would like to come from outside the village, then just give us a ring or use the contact form on the website.

Tickets will be available on a first come first served basis.

  • Big screen in the church
  • Picnic in the barn at Common Farm
  • Royal family picture quiz
  • Red, white and blue pass the parcel for the children
  • Pin the ears on Prince Charles competition
  • Dancing (Ceroc for those who can!)
  • Wedding Speeches (if we get time to write them)
  • General merriment

Live Music

Beatrice is bringing the band; who will be playing in the afternoon after the picnic.

Should be good!

Monday, 18 April 2011

Morocco Fundraiser - Easter Egg Hunt

Morocco Fundraiser - Easter Egg Hunt

Easter Sunday at Melbourne Village Hall 2pm - 4pm everybody welcome.

Easter Egg Hunt 50p per entry, tea, coffee and biscuits, raffle (£1 a strip), cake stalls

Dear Villagers,

Myself, (Sam Britton) and a friend Ben Corner have organised this event to help raise funds for an expedition to Morocco we are going on this summer.
We are having to raise £2225 each.
Whilst in Morocco we will be helping with a project in a local village in the Atlas mountains. This could be building a bridge or painting a local school.
We are organising this family event on Easter Sunday and hope to see as many as you as possible there. So please pop down and enjoy a nice Sunday afternoon suitable for all the family.

If you would like to donate a raffle prize or a cake for the stall please feel free to contact Sam Britton on 318611 or 07708 772078

Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Village Cricket Team

The new cricket season is nearly upon us and we are always looking for new players to play in the unique Canon Hedley Cup, where the only rule is that you must live within the parish boundary to qualify.

If anyone is interested in representing the village can they please contact Neil Readman at Ambleside (next to the pub - where the best eggs in the village are for sale!). Tel 318801.

This year we have been drawn against Riccall for the first game. This must be played before the 28th May. Keep watching this website for the confirmed date, and support from the villagers is always welcome.

Monday, 11 April 2011

Royal Wedding Guest Scarecrow Competition

A few people have asked about the Royal Wedding Guest Scarecrow Competition for the Bielby Royal Wedding Celebrations.

It is just a bit of fun and we can't have a royal wedding celebration without Kate and William, now can we?!

Anyway, you are under no obligation to enter the scarecrow competition, but likewise there isn't a restriction on the number of wedding guest scarecrows you can enter. Also if you can't make the day but would still like to enter a scarecrow, then that would be great too!

There will be a prize for the best entry!

Here are some of the guests attending the Royal Wedding:

Queen, Duke Of Edinburgh, Prince Charles, Camilla, Princess Anne, Prince Andrew, Prince Edward, Prince Harry, Princess Beatrice, Princess Eugenie, Zara Phillips, Peter Phillips and Kate's family - Michael & Carole Middleton and sister Pippa Middleton who is Maid of Honour.

Celebrities who are attending the Royal Wedding include:

Victoria & David Beckham, Ben Fogle, Sir Elton John, Joanna Lumley & David Cameron.

You can pop your scarecrow wedding guest down to the farm, a day or two before the wedding, they can decorate the barn if the weather isn't great or bring it down on the Friday morning, before the church viewing.

We look forward to seeing all your royal wedding guest scarecrows!

Sunday, 10 April 2011

Quiz Night 5th May 2011

Just wanted to let you know that Janet has organised a quiz night for Thursday 5th May 2011 at 8pm in the College Arms.

It is £10 for a team of 4 and all proceeds for the Village Produce Show.

The quiz nights are always great fun, so look forward to seeing you there!

Saturday, 9 April 2011

Neighbourhood Watch Scheme

In light of recent events, some of the villagers would like to set up a Neighbourhood Watch Scheme in the village.

I believe that there used to be a Neighbourhood Watch Scheme in the village. Enquiries have recently been made as to setting one up again and it looks like we need to see who in the village is interested in being part of the scheme. Once we know this, we can then set up a meeting and get the Police to come and talk to us. After this a person in the village or a couple of people in the village would agree to be the points of contact for the villagers, so that if you see anything suspicious or anti social then this can be reported to the nominated villager/s who will note it down and let the Police know.

If you are interested in joining the scheme then please let us know, so we can organise a village meeting with the appropriate speakers to attend. Just fill out the contact form if you are interested in joining Neighbourhood Watch or would like further information.

Friday, 8 April 2011

Plumber & Plumbing Services

Alastair lives in the local area and his parent's live in the village. He has contacted me about his plumbing business.

M Davis and A Ward are Gas Registered Plumbers and can offer the following services:
  • Plumbing and Heating
  • Gas Installations, Repairs and Servicing
  • Boilers, Fires and Cookers
  • LPG
  • Landlord Certificates
  • Central Heating Systems
  • Unvented Hot Water Systems
  • Bathrooms
  • Gas Safe Registered
  • All General Plumbing Work
Tel: 01759 388774
Mob: 07875 535202 / 07946 741756

Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Bielby Parish Meeting 18th April 2011

Just to let you know that the Bielby Parish AGM and Parish Meeting will take place on Monday 18th April at 7.30pm in the College Arms.


All resident electors of Bielby Parish are invited to attend the Bielby Parish Meeting AGM to be held on Monday 18 April 2011 at 7.30 p.m. at the College Arms.
(By kind permission of Jean and Mike McDougall).


1. Apologies for absence.
2. Minutes of the last AGM held on Monday 19 April 2010.
3. Matters arising from the minutes.
4. Reports: Chairman’s Report
Treasurer’s Report
St Giles Church
Parish Paths
Vale Watch
Police Liaison Meeting
Bielby Produce Show
5. Election of Officers for 2011: Chairman
6. Any other business

To be followed by the Parish Meeting Ordinary


1. Apologies for absence.
2. Minutes of the last meeting (18 October 2010)
3. Matters arising from the minutes.
4. Correspondence.
5. Planning applications and outcomes since the last meeting.
6. Parish Land & Rents.
7. Bielby Beck update.
8. Parish Plan update.
9. A.O.B.