Friday, 28 February 2025

VE Day Celebrations of 80th Anniversary Bielby

Save the Date - Thursday 8th May 2025

VE Day Celebrations of 80th Anniversary Bielby

National events will be taking place throughout the UK. Bielby Parish is taking part in the shared moment of celebration and has registered participation as part of this historic occasion.

09.00 Together We Stand: Raising the flag & VE Day Proclamation.

12.00 High Above, Loud and Proud: Bagpipe Tribute in Bielby and all 4 peaks in the UK.

18.30 VE Day Celebration Picnic: Common Farm Barn, Gale Carr Lane, Bielby for residents and families.

21.30 FINALE, Lighting the Flames with Beacons of Peace. A Global Tribute.

All residents are encouraged to participate in decorating with banners, flags and wearing fancy dress. Sharing wartime stories and photographs.

More details to follow … this space!

Organisers: Dawn Hanson, Helen Walton, Jane Dacre & Dot Zottola.

Monday, 24 February 2025

Hearing Dogs For Deaf People Volunteer Recruitment Event

If any residents are interested in exploring the rewarding opportunity of volunteering for Hearing Dogs for Deaf People, they are invited to drop into an event to be held at Bielby Hearing Dogs For Deaf People training centre between 1pm and 3pm on 5 March. The free event will offer a first-hand look at how volunteers play a vital role in training life-changing hearing dogs.

The event will feature demonstrations by hearing dogs and their handlers, showing how they alert to life-saving sounds. 

Additionally, there will be the chance to chat to current volunteers about the role, and speak to the charity’s local deaf partners about their life-changing hearing dogs.

Hearing Dogs for Deaf People trains clever dogs to alert deaf people to important and life-saving sounds, including smoke alarms, intruder alarms, oven timers, alarm clocks and even baby monitors. Its dogs also provide constant emotional support and companionship – helping deaf people to leave loneliness behind. 

The charity is actively seeking volunteers to take on the role of Dog Trainer, caring for a puppy in their own home for the duration of their training, which is usually between 18 months and two years. The charity currently needs to fill 44 vacancies in the York West, York East, Bielby and Selby areas; 24 permanent trainers and 20 short-term roles, providing holiday cover for other trainers. 

The charity will cover all costs involved, from the moment the volunteer takes the puppy home, to when they are matched with one of its deaf partners after their training is complete. The role is perfect for local dog lovers living in a home with a secure garden, and plenty of time to spare each day.

Karen Hardcastle from Selby was inspired to become a volunteer dog trainer for the charity 10 years ago after years of watching her mum struggle with hearing loss. 

“My mum has been deaf since childhood and I’ve witnessed her being called ignorant and rude, and seen her pushed out of the way when she hasn’t heard someone asking her to move”, explained Karen.

“Becoming a Volunteer Dog Trainer with Hearing Dogs is the best thing I’ve ever done – I get to have a dog, learn a skill, meet new people, get out in the fresh air, and at the same time, make a difference to someone else’s life. 

“What I’ve achieved in training these dogs has really boosted my own confidence, too. I never thought in a million years I could an assistance dog and the feeling is off the scale. I’ve found my niche and I love it.

“The support I’ve received from the charity and other volunteers has been incredible”, added Karen. “There’s always someone to offer advice, and the monthly drop-in sessions help me stay connected with the other volunteers. Through the buddy scheme, I’ve also been able to offer support to new volunteers, which has been incredibly rewarding.”

Victoria Leedham, Head of Volunteering at Hearing Dogs for Deaf People, said: “Our dogs do so much to help deaf people – from alerting them to life-saving sounds, to providing emotional support and making sure they never feel alone - and the hard work put in by our wonderful volunteers is absolutely integral to that. 

“Anyone who volunteers for us can expect to feel like part of our family. No previous experience is necessary, and volunteers will receive lots of support and training to ensure they feel fully equipped to care for one of our dogs.”

Anyone who can’t go along on the day, but would be interested in finding out more about volunteering for the charity can contact the Volunteering Team on / 07483 005197 (or 01844 348100 if that reads better) or find out more on the website

Saturday, 15 February 2025

Thanks From Yorkshire Air Ambulance

Dear Mr Readman                              

Yorkshire Air Ambulance would like to say a heartfelt thank you for another very kind donation of £210.00 raised at the recent village quiz night. Thank you so much to all those involved and for your continued support.         

Your donation really is a life saver. It helps us provide a rapid response emergency service to 5 million people. On average, our crews respond to around 1,700 incidents each year-that’s nearly five missions a day across Yorkshire. We help people like Maura Jones, and her two daughters who were in a road traffic collision near Settle: 

“Having the air ambulance where we live, as remotely as we do out here, is an amazing facility and an absolute godsend. It got me to hospital in approximately 20 minutes, when the journey by road would have been double. I know we’ve been lucky when I think what the other outcome could have been, we’re all still here, and we’re all together and still strong as a family. I feel very grateful”. 

The Yorkshire Air Ambulance is an independent Charity and receives no direct government funding. As such, we rely on the generosity of people like you to help save lives 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Thanks to generous donations like yours we now have plans to improve our service by expanding our fleet to include a 3rd helicopter to act as a cover for when one of our two helicopters are down for maintenance. We are now also employing our own Technical Crew Members. All this means we will have greater operational availability and is another reason why your donation is so important to us, our patients, and the people of Yorkshire.

Kind regards

Sarah Marsh

Saturday, 1 February 2025

Updates, Avian Flu, East Riding Local Plan and The Circular Economy

Avian Flu.

Message from ERYC.
Since November 2024, we've had seven outbreaks of Avian Influenza in East Riding. The image below shows the current active case in our area. You can find more details on these cases here
Currently, all of East Riding is in a regional Avian Influenza Prevention Zone (AIPZ). This means all bird keepers must enhance biosecurity measures and house their birds to protect them from bird flu. This applies to pet birds, commercial flocks, and backyard birds. These measures are crucial to prevent further outbreaks. Additional measures are required within the disease control zones around the outbreaks. You can use the DEFRA Avian Influenza Interactive Map to check if a location is within a control zone.
Since October 1, 2024, everyone in Great Britain who keeps:
  • Any number of poultry (whether as pets or a hobby)
  • Captive birds not kept fully housed in a dwelling (or another indoor structure) with no access to open air must register their details with the Animal and Plant Health Agency. You can register here. If you have access to noticeboards, please display the attached poster.
  • This measure has allowed a revised approach to foot patrols. Instead of visiting or contacting every premises within the declared zone, the Council will use a media campaign to raise awareness of the restrictions and the need to register if any bird keepers have not already done so. If you have a social media account, please promote the Facebook message on the outbreak.
The Council will support the national plan by placing highway signs at the 10km zone boundary to inform people they are entering an area with animal disease restrictions. Posters will be put up within the 3km zone to inform bird keepers of the requirements, and Council Animal Health Officers will have a presence in the area to monitor compliance. 
  • For your information, Avian Influenza primarily affects birds. The UK Health Security Agency states that the risk to public health is very low. The Food Standards Agency assures that avian influenza poses a very low food safety risk. Properly cooked poultry and eggs are safe to eat. More information is available on the Government's website.
The national contingency plan involves APHA humanely culling affected poultry on infected premises. No healthy birds are culled, but restrictions are placed on poultry and captive bird keepers in the control zones.
Attached is the declaration with all requirements for this zone. In brief, for those in the 3km protection zone:
  • Keep poultry and other captive birds housed.
  • Do not move poultry, other captive birds, or mammals to or from premises where birds are kept, except under licence.
  • Record individuals visiting premises where birds are kept.
  • Ensure appropriate biosecurity measures are in place.
There is a lot of further information on the Government's website: Bird Flu: Avian Influenza Latest Situation in England.
The restrictions around outbreaks are likely to remain for at least the next 6 weeks, but the Regional Prevention Zone is likely to remain in place until the risk of new cases has reduced, which may be several months.
Due to the current frequency of new cases, we will post updates on social media and the ERYC corporate website instead of sending frequent emails.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Sent on behalf of,
Richard Hawksworth
Senior Emergency Planning Officer

Tuesday, 21 January 2025

Village Quiz Thanks

Another great quiz night thanks to the Whitwell's who did the questions and provided two spot prizes and best of all a new trophy  to be played for annually.

This year's winners were the Redheads &the Lairds who now have the honour of setting the 2026 brainteaser.

Finally thanks Richard &Christine for hosting the event.

We raised £400 which will be split equally between St Giles church & the Yorkshire Air Ambulance.

Thursday, 9 January 2025

Village Quiz

Happy New Year to you all.

The first village event is our annual quiz which is going to be held on Monday the 20th at Coffee &Coe 7pm.

This year the quiz is being set by the Whitwells last year's winners so let's have a full house to raise as much money as possible for the village church and the Yorkshire Air Ambulance.

Cheers Neil.