Tuesday, 28 May 2024

Cricket Match 30th May

Our first cricket match is on this Thursday the 30th May at Pocklington, 6.30pm start v Bubwith.

Tuesday, 21 May 2024

Some interesting Info ?;

Greener Grid Park Newsletter

See a copy of the forthcoming news bulletin from the developers of the Solar Farm at Allerthorpe


Asian hornet sightings

 Asian Hornet

Asian hornet sightings have begun to be recorded in southern England for 2024. After two nests were destroyed in Hull in 2023 we are asking that residents, gardeners and bee keepers remain vigilant. Asian hornets are an emerging invasive non native species which have become established in mainland Europe causing significant economic and ecological harm to domestic bees and wild pollinators.

Control of the species in the UK is based upon early identification and destruction of nests. Visit the link below for information sheets and identification guides and to report any sightings. There is also an "Asian Hornet Watch" app available on android and iOS to report sightings.

Link to Website

Proposed Melton Parkway Interchange consultation

Melton interchange proposal

Working with partners including Network Rail, National Highways, and Wykeland Group, we have developed plans for a new transport interchange at Melton, situated between Brough and Ferriby stations.

Early project assessments indicate high value for money, which along with potential funding opportunities arising from the cancelled HS2 northern leg, has prompted us to advance the project to an 'investment ready' stage.

The initiative aligns with the HEY Devolution Deal and aims to address capacity issues at Ferriby and Brough stations. The proposed 'Melton Interchange' will feature new platforms, a sizable carpark with EV charging, a bus interchange, cycle parking, and active travel links.

Take part in our consultation exercise to help establish if a new transport interchange is supported at this location.

Link to page  here

Minutes of the AGM and Ordinary Parish Meeting

Minutes of AGM and Ordinary meeting 13/5/24 

Please find link below to the minutes of the recent Parish Meeting AGM and ordinary meeting that followed.

Link Here


Graham Tew

Secretary to the Bileby Parish Meeting

Tuesday, 7 May 2024

AGM and Ordinary meeting Agenda

 Notice of Bielby Parish Meeting AGM

To Be held on Monday 13th May 2024

at 7.30 pm at Coffee and Coe courtesy of Richard and Christine Coe.


1. Apologies for absence.

2. Minutes from the last AGM held on Monday 15th May 2023.

3. Matters arising from the minutes.

4. Reports:

a. Chairman’s Report.

b. Treasurer’s Report.

c. St Giles Church.

5. Election of Officers for 2024-2025: Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer.

Bielby Parish Meeting 

Monday 13th May 2024 Following AGM

To be held at Coffee and Coe

By kind permission of Richard and Christine Coe


  1. Apologies for absence.

  2. Minutes of last meeting held on 23rd October 2023.

  3. Matters arising from the minutes.

  4. Planning applications and outcomes since the last meeting.

  5. Bielby in Bloom and Budget for planting

  6. ERNLLCA Membership 25/26 renewal

  7. Budget and Precept yr 2024/25

  8. Village Show

  9. Tree planting to approach roads

  10. Statkraft community fund

  11. St Helens Farm Community fund

  12. Speed limit in village.

  13. Pavement on Mill Lane

  14. Path along canal from bridge

  15. Litter bin on Hayton Lane

  16. Collapsed culvert Marketbridge Lane

  17. Information board for the public bench area,

  18. Storage of Village crockery

  19. D-Day 80 event and grant

Graham Tew

Secretary to Bielby Parish Meeting