Draft Meeting Agenda
I currently have the following topics to be discussed at the Ordinary meeting on 13th May after the normal announcements minutes etc;
- Bielby in Bloom and Budget for planting
- Village Show
- Budget and Precept yr 2024/25
- Statkraft community fund
- Speed limit in village.
- Path on Mill Lane
- Litter bin for Hayton Lane
- Collapsed culvert Marketbridge Lane
- Information board for the public bench area,
- ERNLLCA Membership 25/26 renewal
- Storage of Village crockery
- Tree planting to approach roads
- D-Day 80 event and grant
If there's anything else you want to discuss, just let me know: bielbypmsecretary@gmail.com
Whats on ERYC
Have a look at what ERYC events are being promoted on their website here