Wednesday, 15 November 2023

Carol Singing 2023

Carol singing. 2023.

This year, the carol singers are doing something a bit different, and welcome anyone from the village to join in, either to sing along or just listen to the sweet harmonics (the name of our group). You can join in at anytime and leave at anytime. You can give donations if you want, this year going to
 "York Against Cancer."

Tuesday 12th December.

5.45pm. Meet at Stoneleigh where we will entertain and delight the residents.

6.20pm. Meet at the Church gate. Where we will sing a few carols and take donations. Please join us to listen, sing or give a donation.

7pm. Meet at Coffee and Coe for an informal meet up, to sing a few carols, listen to a bagpipe tune or two, and some Christmas favourites, or just sit and chat!

Please save this date in your diary. More details and reminders to follow.
More details from:

Ian Simpson.

Hope to see you there!!

Sunday, 5 November 2023

Remembrance Sunday

Remembrance Sunday

Bielby's Service of Remembrance is on Sunday 12th November, beginning at 10.50 am in church. The bells will ring at 10.45, followed by a lament on the bagpipes at the door. Rector Stephen will begin the service at 10.50 and, weather permitting, we shall go to the churchyard war memorial for the 11 o'clock silence.

After the blessing, those who wish to can attend the wreath-laying at the RAF canalside memorial straight afterwards.

Please feel free to come to church in your wellies. If you need it, there is an ancient boot scraper outside the door.

Everyone is welcome to attend either or both ceremonies.

Saturday, 4 November 2023

Friday, 3 November 2023

Road Drainage Issues

As some of you may know, Chris Emptage is arranging a meeting with Environment Agency Engineers and Councillor Leo Hammond to discuss the continuing problem with road drainage in the village and reinforcing the banks of the beck as it passes through the village.

The Road Gullies are the responsibility of ERYC Highways who only clean out the gulleys on an irregular basis.

The sewers from there generally take combined surface water and foul water to the pumping station in the middle of the village.  Gale Carr Lane at the village end is an exception, as this goes via culverts into the ditch at the back of the village.

It's Yorkshire Water’s responsibility to ensure the combined sewer is running freely and it appears they don’t do so reliably as they haven't been jetted or cleaned for many years.  This causes back up and the large puddles along the road we see at times of heavy rainfall.

Yorkshire water (YW) is not aware of the problem, they have no record of complaints from anyone in Bielby, so will not do anything until complaints are received.

YW do not make it easy to make complaints;

See link to their complaints page

they recommend calling them on 0345 124 24 24 have your YW account number ready and they will take your complaint from there.


Post a letter to Yorkshire Water, PO Box 52, Bradford BD3 7YD Head Your letter "COMPLAINT" or they won't treat it as such.

Suggested Wording;