Monday, 25 September 2023

Planning consultation.


Launch of public consultation for the East Riding Design Code

East Riding Design Code line map of Town Centre

A public consultation will be held between 11 September and 22 October on the new design code for the East Riding. Details on how to take part in this consultation can be found below.

Recent amendments to the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) have required the preparation of design guides or codes by all local planning authorities, with the aim of providing a local framework for creating well-designed places reflecting local priorities and character.

In March 2022, East Riding of Yorkshire Council was selected as 1 of 25 national pathfinders for the preparation of a new Design Code. This Design Code is expected to be an exemplar of an authority-wide code, and one that aids other authorities in developing their codes.

The draft East Riding Design Code has been prepared over the last year and a half with a wide-ranging stakeholder engagement programme. Work on the code started publicly in March 2022 with a public survey asking residents what was important to them about where they live, and design as a whole. This survey received over 1600 responses.

We have now reached the stage where a draft version of the code is going to be made available for public consultation, and would like to invite you to submit any comments or feedback you may have.

We are holding a series of in-person events across the authority where paper copies of the draft Design Code will be available to view. These events will also give members of the public the opportunity to ask Planning Officers any questions they may have.

These events will be held at the following locations during 12.30pm to 6:30pm:

  • Pocklington Pocela Centre: 19 September
  • Bridlington North Library: 21 September
  • Goole Library: 25 September
  • Hornsea Library: 26 September
  • Market Weighton: 27 September
  • Haltemprice Library: 2 October
  • Hedon Library: 3 October
  • Driffield Library: 9 October
  • Beverley Library: 12 October

Additional information about the draft East Riding Design Code can be found at (which will be made live on Monday 11 September).

How to respond

The consultation survey can be completed online at (which will also be made live on Monday 11 September).

Alternatively, if you wish to complete a paper survey, copies at our libraries and Customer Service Centres or email

Responses must be received by 22 October.

Next Steps

After the consultation period feedback will be collated, reviewed, and sent to the consultants who will with us on implementing recommended changes to the current draft document prior to adoption which is anticipated for early 2024.

Following its adoption, the code will require constant management and review to determine how it is working and where future changes can be made to ensure the code continues to be both usable, deliver the best outcomes in terms of ensuring high-quality design, and in-turn achieving its aims and objectives.

Thank you,

The Planning Design Team

If you have any questions, please email

Saturday, 23 September 2023

Harvest Festival Sunday 1st October at 6.30pm

Harvest Festival Sunday 1st October

Bielby's Harvest Festival service will take place in St Giles's at 6.30 pm on Sunday 1st October.

There will be light refreshments afterwards.

We shall again decorate the church with tins and packets of food which will be passed on to The People's Pantry, our local food bank. If you would like to donate to the food bank, please leave your offerings on the table at the back of the church. It will be open 10.00 am to 6.00 pm on Friday and Saturday 29th/30th September.

We had an excellent response last year, thank you, and it would be good to repeat it for The People's Pantry which will certainly be grateful for the help once again.

Everyone is welcome to the service.

Sunday, 17 September 2023

Bus Timetable

 John Peel has asked for a meeting agenda item regarding the Bus service we get in Bielby.

Basically there is a service (X36) on Mondays to Fridays that picks up at 06.45 and goes to York, then returns at 17.40 from York Station arriving at Bielby probably around 18.35, its a request stop, so you have to tell the driver you want to get off at Bielby.

There is another service (195) on Tuesdays from Bielby to Pocklington at 10.33, returning from Pocklington at 14.07.

I will put a copy of the current timetables on the noticeboard and you can see them HERE too.

Planting The Jubilee Tree

Hi all,

We are planting the 2022 jubilee tree on Sunday 24th September at 10.30am, down Mill Lane, near Tony and Deb's field.

We have got a bird cherry tree sapling to plant and a small plaque to commemorate the occasion.

Everyone is welcome to join us to watch the planting of the tree.

Look forward to seeing you all.

Here are some of the villagers at the 2012 jubilee tree planting, down Gale Carr Lane.

Wednesday, 13 September 2023

Parish Meeting Date: Monday 23rd October 2023

 This is a preliminary notice with request for Agenda Items.

The next Parish meeting is due to be held on Monday 23rd OCtober 7.30 pm at Coffee and Coe courtesy of Richard and Christine Coe.

Preliminary agenda Items as follows;

  1. Apologies for absence.

  2. Minutes of last meeting held on 15th May 2023

  3. Matters arising from the minutes.

  4. Planning applications and outcomes since last meeting.

  5. Parish Precept.

  6. Bielby in Bloom.

  7. Bielby Beck update.

  8. Speed limit in village.

  9. Information board for the public bench area,

  10. Duck Race

  11. Carol Singing.

  12. Christmas meal.

  13. Memorial service and wreaths.

  14. Tree planting.

Remember, there is no "any other business". Which would otherwise allow people to raise issues that other parishioners would not be aware of and have no say in. So, if you have something to discuss or propose, please let me know by Friday 13th October and I can then give formal notice of the full Agenda.

Thank you, see you then,

Graham Tew
Secretary to the Bielby Parish Meeting
01759 318 851

Saturday, 9 September 2023

Bielby Music Festival

Bielby Music Festival!

Thank you to all of you who helped and took part in the most successful music festival we have had! 

We would like to thank all the team at Stoneleigh Care Home, with huge thanks to Roz for offering to host this years Bielby Festival and a big thank you to Dale and family for the input and energy they put into making it such a success.

Thank you to the musicians who entertained us on the day!

This week the festival committee have paid £3044.19 to Marie Curie, which will go directly towards funding nursing care for terminally ill patients in this area. 

The Marie Curie team also took £110.17 for teas and cakes (thanks to cake makers) and also collected £677.28 in donation buckets (also full of rainwater!). This makes a grand total of £3831.47!

Thank you all for supporting this village event.
The festival committee.

Thanks also to Beattie and Jon for their generous donations and thanks to Ian, Jon and Beattie for organising the festival, your hard work is much appreciated. Thanks for another brilliant Bielby event. 

Tuesday, 5 September 2023

Bielby Christmas Meal

 Bielby Christmas Meal.

The Oaks. Bubwith.
Sunday 17th December. 12.30 for 1.00pm.
 Deposits due!!

Dear Friends, it is time to pay a deposit for the Christmas Meal.
A 50% non-refundable deposit is required by the 23rd September. (Remaining balance, menus and pre-orders to complete in October. Information to follow).

Please can you forward your deposit ( £12.50 for 2 courses, £15 for 3 courses)  to;
 Ian and Judith Simpson at The Stores, Main Street , Bielby.

To Mr. I.W.Simpson. 
Sort code : 089103
A/c number: 02083630
State surname in reference.

OR in person with card or cash at the Stores this Friday 8th September between 5 pm and 7pm.

Further details if required from Ian 01759 318328

Thank you!!

Sunday, 3 September 2023

Listening Books

We got an email from the UK charity Listening Books, if you know anyone who may benefit or needs assistance getting in touch with them, please see the information below;

We provide an audiobook lending service for people of all ages who find it difficult to read or hold a book due to an illness, mental health condition, disability or learning difficulty (such as cerebral palsy, dyslexia, dementia, depression or anxiety, for example).
I'm getting in touch because we currently have funding which allows us to offer completely free Listening Books Memberships for anyone in Hull and East Riding who is eligible for our service but would find our usual membership fees (£20 - £45 a year) a barrier to joining.

We have over 10,000 professionally-recorded audiobooks in our collection for all ages and interests, which listeners can stream and download online, and order through our postal MP3 CD service

More information and application form   Here