Friday, 25 August 2023

Bielby Church Services & Duck Race

 Bielby Church: Services and Duck Race

In addition to our usual Holy Communion services at 9.15 am on the first and third Sundays of the month, here are the forthcoming 'specials':

Friday 1st September 7.30 pm - St Giles's Day Festival Communion, followed by light refreshments

Sunday 1st October 6.30 pm - Harvest Festival, followed by light refreshments. Any donations of food items (in tins or packets) to decorate the church will be gratefully received and given to the The People's Pantry, our local food bank. It is currently very much in demand.

Sunday 12th November 10.50 am - Remembrance Day Service at the churchyard war memorial, followed by wreath-laying at the canalside RAF memorial

Wednesday 20th December (time to be arranged) - Bielby Carol Service

Everyone is welcome to any service.

The Duck Race

The Race was always a brilliant event for the village community and a very helpful fund-raiser to maintain our village church. It was a great family occasion on the last Sunday in October, at the end of half term, when everyone had just had an extra hour in bed!

Well, we still have the plastic ducks, the beck and the bridge, but the church members who staged the Race are now in their 60s and 70s and rather past clambering up and down the beck.

If any younger, nimbler, villagers would be ready to stage the Duck Race, the church 'old hands' would be very thankful and ready to explain and advise how to go about it.

If anyone is interested in getting the ducks afloat again, and in so doing supporting our village church, please have a word with anyone you know on the Church Council, or contact churchwarden

Thank you for reading this rather long notice!

Tuesday, 22 August 2023

Festival Tent

 Anyone available to help at 6.30pm this Thursday to help put up the last tent at the back of Stoneleigh. 6 to 8 people need for an hour only.

Ian Simpson

Sunday, 20 August 2023

Produce Show Thanks & Winners

The produce show committee would like to thank Dale, Roz and the team at Stoneleigh for letting us have the show in the gardens, what a wonderful setting.

Thanks to all the volunteers who help to make the show a great event, help with putting up the marquees, on the day, tidying up at the end.

Thanks to the judges and Leo Hammond for giving out the trophies.

Thanks to all the villagers for your entries and to all the friends and families who attended in the afternoon.

It was great to be back for the 31st Produce Show after a 3 year absence. It was a super day.

Section Winners Bielby Produce Show 2023

Vegetables - Dave Thomas

Flowers - Sara Ridsdale

Flower Arranging - Sara Ridsdale

Cookery - Caitlin Marshall

Produce - Judith Simpson

Photography - Chris Emptage

Children's 5 and Under - Cole Hepworth

Children's 6 to 12 - Thomas Ridsdale

Millennium Cup - Judith Simpson

Children's Cup - Thomas Ridsdale

Thanks again everyone, see you next year. 

Sunday, 13 August 2023

Amendment To Produce Show Leaflet

Amendment to Produce Show leaflet - please note entry number 34 is a harvest arrangement as shown on the entry form as the entry differs on the show leaflet. Sorry about that.

Link to entry form here

Link to Swiss Roll recipe here

Link to show leaflet here

Saturday, 12 August 2023

Produce Show Raffle Prize Request

With only a week to go, preparations are getting underway for the 31st Bielby Produce Show. 

We will have a raffle at the show, so if any one has any raffle prizes they will be gratefully received, thank you.

If you can help with setting up in anyway then please get in touch with one of the committee members. 

Please note entry number 34 is a harvest arrangement as shown on the entry form as the entry differs on the show leaflet. Sorry about that. 

Entries to be in by 11am on Saturday 19th at Stoneleigh (or to Janet Readman between 6pm and 8pm Friday 18th) and doors open at 2.30pm for scones, a cuppa and a browse around all the entries and prize winning entries.

We look forward to seeing you all and of course we are looking forward to seeing your entries!

Friday, 11 August 2023

Village Show imminent

 I Hope you're all practising your baking, pickling and brewing skills. My runner beans are something else this year, but not in a good way!

Just a reminder that if you can, pop your entry forms in to Janet Readman at Ambleside (next door to the old Pub) between 6 and 8pm on Friday (18th) that helps a lot with the admin.

If you're not able to get them done for Friday, entries will be accepted with your forms on Saturday at Stoneleigh showground (!) up to 11.00 but NO LATER 😟.

Time to Cast off!

Good luck, see you next Saturday

Link to entry form here

Link to Swiss Roll recipe here

Link to show leaflet here