Wednesday, 31 May 2023

Cricket Match 6th June

After winning our first match against Skipwith, we now play near neighbours Everingham & Seaton Ross next Tuesday 6th June at Pocklington Cricket Club on the pitch next to the Sports centre. 6.30pm start. Hope all the supporters who attended the game at Melbourne come again. Thanks.

Friday, 19 May 2023

Planning Notices

 We received the following planning notices this week;

Planning Consultation for 23/01271/PLF Hollycroft Farm Main Street Bielby

Change of use from disused paddock for siting of 4 camping pods and associated landscaping (Revised Scheme of 22/01794/PLF)

Notification of Decision on App Ref 23/00788/PLF, Common Farm Galecarr Lane

Erection of an agricultural building for the storage of straw

Status; Approved, see details;

Thursday, 18 May 2023

Cricket Match Results

Bielby and Hayton played their first match in the Canon Hedley Trophy on Tuesday evening at Melbourne and played very well to win and progress to the next round where we will play the winners of the Bubwith or Everingham/Seaton Ross.


B+H 145 for 3

John Chaplin 52 runs

Adam Thomas 25 runs

Lewis Chaplin 2 wickets for 4 runs

Josh Britton 2 wickets for 1 run

Skipwith 80 for 5

Thanks to all the supporters who came to watch and support.

Friday, 12 May 2023

Village Tents


After a reccy of the state of the tents owned by the village after the Coronation Party, it seems they are in not too bad a state of repair. We have 2 tents, one we aquired second-hand known as "Hodgsons Tent" that is a fairly straightforward assembly.

 But a recurring issue with the Gala tenthas been resolved by marking up the tent poles that cause the most confusion and I have been asked to upload the instructions onto the blog, so that in the future anyone using the tents can refer back to these.

See the link to the marked up PDF file HERE

Note that we have marked up the B1, B2 and B3 pole which cause the most problems.

I'll get technical now, the Ridge and Eaves are all B3 (3 red tapes). The Purlins at the end are B2's (2 red tapes) and the intermediate Purlins are B1 (1 red tape) see what I did there?

The Base poles are also maked up with 1 black tape, the legs are identifiable by having 4 holes at one end for attaching hooks on the legs of the cover sheet.

Wednesday, 10 May 2023

Come and Watch Bielby and Hayton Cricket

Bielby & Hayton versus Skipwith at Melbourne Playing fields/cricket ground, next Tuesday the 16th May for a 6.30pm start.

Please come along and support our reformed team after an 8 year gap.

It's called the Canon Hedley trophy for local villages where the only rule is that you must live in the parish.

Hope to see you there.

Monday, 8 May 2023

Bielby Coronation Thanks

 Hi All,

Well Bielby has gone and done it again and had another brilliant event and the weather couldn't have been better.

We can hardly put into words how amazing our coronation event was from start to finish it was just fabulous. Thanks to all for helping make it such a wonderful event and making memories for us all. It was great coming together as a community.

Thanks to Dale, Lee-anne, Ed, Dale's mum and all the team and residents at Stoneleigh for hosting a brilliant event and for all your hard work and generosity and making all the villagers, family and friends feel so welcome as always.

The fancy dress competition is always brilliant, so thanks to the residents for judging this as it's not an easy task with so many wonderful costumes. The commemorative medals given out for taking part in the fancy dress will be treasured for many years to come, I'm sorely tempted to dress up myself next time!😂

The sports day always goes down well and brings out the friendly competitive nature in us all! Both fabulous to watch and take part in, so thanks Lee-ann for organising this.

The tombola is great fun and the summerhouse tipples go down a treat. Thanks for all your donations, Stoneleigh appreciate your generosity.

The animals were a hit with children and adults alike, so thanks Rachel from the Purple Pig Company.

The children also enjoyed the bouncy castle and lots enjoyed the garden games, football, frisbee, footgolf, rugby and swingball.

Thanks to Dawn for generously organising and providing the DJ disco entertainment. It was great to see villagers dancing, bopping in their seats and enjoying the music. Thanks DJ Ollie for entertaining us.

Thanks to Chris for taking a brilliant group photo and lots of other photos of family/friend groups. I'll email them over to people and please let me know if we can pop them on the blog and Facebook page.

A big thanks to the committee team - Margaret, Val, Dawn, Jan and Fiona for organising such a great event and all your hard work behind the scenes. 

A massive thanks to all the volunteers who helped to put up the marquees, helped clear away, helped to decorate the marquee and the tables, loaned tables/chairs and generally helped with the smooth running of the day.

Thanks must also go Waterland Event Hire for the hire of the toilets.

Thanks to all the villagers, friends and family who attended the event for making the day so special, everyone really got into the spirit of it as always and the red, white and blue theme always looks impressive.

If anyone has any photos of the day then I would love to print them off to keep adding to our village photograph collection.

You can email or what's app me with any photos. I've already got some come through to me.

Thanks again everyone.

We are looking forward to the next village event already.

Best wishes
Sara and the Coronation Committee

Notice of Bielby Parish Meeting AGM and ordinary meeting.

The next meeting will take place on Monday 15th May 2023

at 7.30 pm at Coffee and Coe
courtesy of Richard and Christine Coe.



1. Apologies for absence.

2. Minutes from the last AGM held on Monday 11th April 2022.

3. Matters arising from the minutes.

4. Reports:

a. Chairman’s Report.

b. Treasurer’s Report.

c. St Giles Church.

5. Election of Officers for 2023-2024: Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer.

Notice of Ordinary meeting of Bielby Parish Meeting

Following the AGM


  1. Apologies for absence.

  2. Minutes of last meeting held on 31st October 2022.

  3. Matters arising from the minutes.

  4. Planning applications and outcomes since last meeting.

  5. Bielby in Bloom and Budget for planting

  6. Village Show

  7. Music festival

  8. ERNLLCA membership 2024

  9. Budget and Precept yr 2023/24

  10. Bielby Beck update.

  11. Speed limit in village.

  12. Litter Pickers

  13. Information board for the public bench area,

  14. Mill Lane – picnic bench.

  15. Village Land

  16. Do it for East Yorks Fund

  17. Storage of Village crockery

  18. Bus Shelter Rota

  19. Tree planting to approach roads

Graham Tew

Secretary to Bielby Parish Meeting

Tuesday, 2 May 2023

Changes to Venue for Bielby Coronation Sunday 7th May 2023

Please note the change of venue for the street party and a change to the start time/meeting place.

Due to the showery weather forecast for this Sunday the whole event will now take place at Stoneleigh. Thanks Dale and the team for this.

Timings are as follows...

Meet at Stoneleigh at 1.30pm. We will have the marquees up so we can sit undercover if it is raining.

We will have a group photo opportunity.

The children's fancy dress will be judged by the residents of Stoneleigh.

We will still have lots going on if the weather fairs up.

Bouncy castle.

Animals to see from Purple Pig company.

Sports day races.

Beer in the summer house (contributions welcome).

Tombola in aid of the residents fund.

Garden games for the children. 

Disco music/karaoke.

The street party bring your own picnic/drinks will be in the marquees at Stoneleigh from 4pm. Don't forget a blanket to keep warm if the weather is cooler. Picnic blankets could be used to seat children.

Finish time 8pm or may be a little earlier if weather not favourable.

Don't forget it's fancy dress for any children wanting to join the fancy dress competition and adults can wear red, white or blue or royal fancy dress.

The marquees are being put up at Stoneleigh at 6.30pm on Thursday.

If you are bringing tables and chairs to go in the marquee for the street party picnic please bring those to the marquees on Sunday morning between 10-12. Space in the marquees may be limited/cosy so please bare with us!

We have toilets booked.

Fingers crossed for good weather. Look forward to partying with everyone.

If you are unsure about anything please call Sara on 01759 318286.