Wednesday, 22 February 2023

Village News Feb 2023

In this Newsletter;

Household fund for Oil users
Domestic violent abuse help
East Riding events

Sunday, 12 February 2023

Bielby Church Concert 11th March 7.30pm

 Bielby Church Concert Saturday 11th March - 7.30 pm

Pocklington Circuit Choir will sing a programme of heartening, uplifting music in Bielby Church on Saturday 11th March at 7.30 pm. Items like Leonard Cohen's Hallelujah, Howard Goodall's The Lord's my Shepherd and show songs like You'll never walk alone will help say farewell to Winter and hello to Spring.

Tickets are £6.00 each and that includes refreshments after the concert.

Since seating is limited booking is advisable. To order yours, just email

All proceeds will go to support our village church

Friday, 3 February 2023

Coronation Celebrations, Show and Music Event, Heating Oil help.

Kings Coronation celebration?

Time is passing and I thought it would be a good idea to see if anyone would be interested in helping/Organising a village event on or close to 6th May.

There is some grant funding avaulable via ERYC, The Fund will be available to help with the costs of appropriate related activities (for example, community events, street decorations, themed artwork, commemorative benches and plaques etc). Applicants can apply for a maximum of £500 and a minimum of £100 per project. Successful projects must be directly related to The King's Coronation and demonstrate appropriate community benefit and/or community input. It is anticipated that the fund will only support one application in each parish and town council area, subject to the availability of unallocated grant funds.

I can submit the application if required, but we need a plan. Some ideas are a street party, Picnic, Family sports event, commemorative mugs for children. We have some ideas for venue, but they are currently outdoors, so if the weather was a little damp it could be delayed to the following weekend, so some flexibility would be required, unless a covered venue became available?

If anyone wants to help and/or organise, let me know (01759 318851 or 07805 496 748)

Resources sent by ERYC on the following pages including.

Coronation Community fund

National Lottery funding

Royal website page with suggestions for Big Lunch Sunday 7th, Big Help out Monday 8th

Show and Music Event

Just to let you know, we do plan to hold a Village show and a Music event this year, so you budding flower and vegetable growers can start planning and any musicians can tune your instruments. From initial conversations with people, it is likely that the show will be held within a week of the Music festival to minimise the number of times the tents need erecting, staging and dismantling. The music festival is most likely to be August Bank holiday weekend

Help with Fuel Bills

The government's Household Support Fund will help vulnerable households with the rising cost of heating oil. As a result, HWRA have been awarded funding from East Riding Council to offer grants to eligible residents in East Yorkshire.


On application if eligible, households will receive an oil delivery of approx. 500 litres and free membership to the YORSwitch Bulk Oil Buying Scheme for the year. (normally £20 per year).


The criteria can be viewed on our website below, along with the application forms.


Graham Tew