Wednesday, 25 January 2023

Quiz Thanks

Neil would like to thank everyone who attended Monday night's quiz where £380 was raised which is being split between Bielby Church and The Yorkshire Air Ambulance. An excellent result. Also thanks to those who were unable to attend but kindly donated raffle prizes and of course thanks to Richard and Christine Coe for hosting the quiz at their lovely new cafe, Coffee and Coe. Thanks everyone. Neil.

Thanks Neil for organising the quiz and a fun evening.

Tuesday, 24 January 2023

Village Update

Household Support Fund for Oil Customers - YORSwitch Bulk Oil Scheme

From Humber and Wolds Rural Action, thegovernment's Household Support Fund will help vulnerable households with the rising cost of heating oil. As a result, HWRA have been awarded funding from East Riding Council to offer grants to eligible residents in East Yorkshire.

On application if eligible, households will receive an oil delivery of approx. 500 litres and free membership to the YORSwitch Bulk Oil Buying Scheme for the year. (normally £20 per year).

The criteria can be viewed on our website below, along with the application forms.


Could you please share with your networks and relevant contacts. Many thanks




Fiona Chapman

Humber and Wolds Rural Action

Planning Applications

22/04091/VAR  Firgrove House Main Street Bielby East Riding Of Yorkshire YO42 4JW;

Removal of Condition 4 (over night sleeping accommodation) and variation of Condition 8 (approved plans) of planning permission 22/01755/PLF -Erection of outbuilding to include domestic garaging and residential annex incidental to the enjoyment of the main dwelling following demolition of existing outbuilding, with erection of new boundary wall to front to allow for over night sleeping arrangements

Police Newsletters

Links for Pocklington

Sunday, 8 January 2023

Constance Coe (Connie)

Constance Coe (Connie)

Sadly Connie passed away peacefully on 20th December in William Wilberforce Lodge aged 89 years. Her funeral will be held on Monday 16th January at St Giles Church, Bielby at 11.00 am. Family flowers only please, donations will be divided between St Giles Church and Dementia UK.
Geoff, Richard & Christine